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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Rizal

1 st Semester SY 2022-2023

Course Title : HUM 1 Name : Bristol, Marie Joy

Course Description : Art Appreciation Course/Year-Section : BSBA FM 1-2

Professor : Zipagan, James


What is an Art?
Art is a expression or application of human creative skills and imagination, it usually shows
in visual forms like drawing, painting or sculpture. According to Webster’s New Collegiate dictionary
defines art as “ The conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of
aesthetic objects. “
Defined Humanities as a field a discipline.
Humanities as a field of discipline is knowing your self as a person, or live a life of be a
human being. Discipline is a values of every person, that on how they live in this world. Humanities is
defined you as a human.

Discuss and co-relate the definition of the following field of discipline and it’s significance in studying
Humanities or Art Appreciation.
A. Political Science
Political Science is the social scientific study of political institutions and political
behavior. In political science they study on how and why people choose to participate in politics,
the determinants of vote choice, and the nature and origins of public opinion. This study basically
related to the humanities because it is study about a human being. The discipline under political
science is a behavior shows for example in choosing a vote for president. They have dignity or
rather integrity to what they vote because they have a good discipline.
B. Philosophy
Philosophy is studies being in their ultimate causes, reasons and principles through the aid
of human reason alone. It also related to the humanities from the meaning of philosophy is
“being” which means all thing that exist “material or immaterial.” Material is such as rocks, car,
human and so on. The immaterial is a the notions of god, soul and spirit.
C. Theology
Theology is study about god. It or related to religious, that can enhance the right discipline of a
person. By the use of theology humanities help them to identify on what kind of attitude of a
religious person. It also depend on what kind of religious she/he is in.
D. Psychology
Psychology is comes from the two Greek word “psyche” means “soul/ mind” and “ logos”
means “study”. It means the study of the nature and dynamic of the human person as a whole,
with the emphasis on the way person’s mind functions and how she/he behave. It is related to the
discipline of a person because this study about the human as being him/her. It gives the person an
Idea on how the humanities become to him/her self.
E. Economics
Economics come from two Greek word “oikos” means an extend family unit that consists of
the house, members of family, slaves, farmland and all property. And “nomos” means
management, law or principle. Technically speaking “oikonomos” it is management of home or a
management of family accounts. The study of economic has two disciplines namely
microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics focuses in how individual consumers
and firms make decisions. Macroeconomics tries to explain how they respond to changes in price
and demand. It is humanities on how they do the discipline in economics, like knowing the price
and demand and so on.
F. Anthropology
Anthropology is the systematic study of humanity, with the goal of understanding our
evolutionary origins, our distinctiveness as a species and the great diversity in our forms of social
existence across the world through time. The anthropology focus on understanding of both our
shared humanity and diversity, and engaging with diverse way of being in the world. The
Anthropology is decided in to four subfields: (1) sociocultural (2) biology (3) archeology (4)
linguistics anthropology. But the highlights is archeology which is the studies the material
remains present and past cultural systems. To understand it the technical, social and political
organization of those system. It is also related to art because of different culture they have owned
define of arts.
G. Sociology
Sociology is a study of human social relationships and institutions. In particular, sociology is
a social science that studies social life, social change and the social causes and consequences of
human behavior. The study of human behavior is having a disciplined and it’s humanities.
Sociology is related to the humanities because it’s study the human behavior at the same as

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