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Тема: Art. The golden age of British art.

Тип уроку: урок застосування знань, умінь та навичок.

Практичні задачі:

- активізувати вживания відомої лексики та ознайомити з новою;

- тренувати учнів в оглядовому читанні та читанні з повним розумінням


- організувати комунікативну практику в усному сшлкуванні.

Задачі розвитку:

- розвивати комунікативні здібності, навички комунікативного


- розвивати мовленневу реакцію;

- сприяти формуванню вміння працювати в парах, групах.

Виховні задачі:

- виховувати культуру спілкування, мовленнєву активність;

- сприяти розвитку полікультурної компетенції учнів.
Хід уроку

І. Організаційна частина уроку

1. Привітання

Т: Good morning, dear friends! I am glad to see you.

Let's start our lesson.

I hope it will be fine.

You'll get 12, 11, 10.

And none of you 9.

2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

На дошці написи:
Художники — очі людства. Вони відкривають у світі образи, на які всі дивилися, та ніхто не бачив
до них.
Максиміліан Волошин
"A picture is a poem without words ".(Horace, 65 -8 BC)

All art is but imitation of nature ". Seneca

T. I want to draw your attention to these quotations. I think these words can be the
motto of our lesson. Why do I begin our lesson from these quotations?

P. May be we`ll speak about art.

Т. Hippocrates said, "Ars longa, vita brevis" which means: life is short, art is
longer. Do you agree with Hippocrates? What is art?

P. One of the definitions of the word art is the study or creation of beautiful

T. What works of art can you name?

P. They are paintings, pieces of music, architecture, films, ballets, poems, etc.

T. Where can we see works of art?

P. In many places: in the streets, it the theatre or cinema, at home as well as in

museums exhibitions and art or picture galleries.

Today we are going to speak about museums and art galleries

3. Тема уроку. Очікувані результати.

T. My dear students! The theme of our English lesson is “Art. The golden age of
British art.”

The aims of the lesson are:

1. To summarize the knowledge which had been got at the previous lessons.

2. To point out the main features of the classical British painting.

3. To improve the English language.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

1. Phonetic Drill

T. In order to speak about art we need some specific vocabulary. Look at the
pictures and name the genres. Fill in the word-rose.
(слайди картини різних жанрів: пейзаж, морський пейзаж, натюрморт,
портрет, батальна сцена, жанрова картина)

seascape portrait battle piece

still life
landscaрe genre picture
flower piece

T. What technique can you name? Р. (oil, charcoal, felt pen, water colour, pastel)

2. Активізація вживання лексико-мовленнєвого матеріалу.


T. The 18th century is considered to be the golden age of British art. What do you
know about it?

P1. The eighteenth century was the great age of British painting. It was in this
period that British art attained a distinct national character.

P2: The 18 century was the century during which a truly national painting school
was created in England. Portrait art at that time was the main kind of painting.

P3: The Industrial Revolution in England greatly influenced art as a whole, tind
painting in particular4. Such trends in painting5 as the genre school, realistic
landscape and portraiture schools6 expressed the social contradictions of English
life. The new trends may be traced in the works of Wilkie, Lawrence and

3. Подання тексту для читання

а) етап підготовки

T. I think we need more information about this period. Who are the typical
representatives of this period? Let`s read a short information about them.

(слайд презентації)

P. They are William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, John
Constable, Joseph Turner.

b) етап читання

English painters
William Hogarth (1697-1764) was the first great English painter
who raised English pictorial art to a high level of importance. He
was a man of remarkably individual character and thought. W.
Hogarth had friends among famous English writers J. Swift, H.
Filding. He was the first English painter who brought painting
closer to literature and theatre.

He proclaimed himself a "Comic History Painter", and the result was one of the
most famous moral "Marriage a la Mode».

The Marriage Contract is the first of this serie. The subject of the picture is a
protest against marriage for money and vanity.

Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723—1792), the first President of the Royal

Academy of Arts, was not only a painter but the founder of the academic
principles of the "British school". Reynolds was the most outstanding
portraitist of the 18th century. In his pictures he did not only paint
portraits but produced characters.

Thomas Gainsborough (1727— 1788) was a brilliant portrait painter. A

good amateur violinist and a lover of the drama, he was an artistic person.
T. Gainsborough is the creator of the great English school of landscape
painting. His great love for the English country and his delicate
understanding of nature are felt in his pictures.

John Constable is one of the greatest landscape painters. He was the

first landscape painter who considered that every painter should make
his sketches direct from nature, which is working in the open air.
Constable was a realist. The most famous of his works are “Flatford
Mile”, “The white horse”, “The Hay wain”, “Waterloo Bridge”, “From
Whitehall stairs” and others. Constable may truly be considered the father of
modern landscape painting.

Another famous English painter was Joseph Turner (1775—1851), whose

business was to paint the light. He proved that with the help of light it is,
possible to show qualities of any subject.

We know practically nothing about Turner's life. Son of a London barber, he

started drawing and painting when he was a little boy. When Turner was thirteen,
he chose the artistic career. In 1802 Turner was elected academician of the Royal
Academy, where his oil paintings had been exhibited.

He died at the age of seventy-six.

Turner was a representative of Romanticism. The description of nature dominated
in his paintings. In his work with colour he anticipated, in some degree, the
practice of impressionists. In his late works he anticipated sometimes the practice
of expressionists of the 20th.

Turner's "The Shipwreck", "Burning of the Houses of Parliament" and "Snow

Storm" are masterpieces of the great artist.

c) етап перевірки розуміння змісту прочитаного тексту

T. Match the information with the painter`s names

(pupils work in pairs)

(правильні відповіді – на екран) самоперевірка

A the first President of the Royal Academy of Arts Sir Joshua Reynolds
the founder of the academic principles of the "British school"
outstanding portraitist of the 18th century
In his pictures he did not only paint portraits but produced
B His business was to paint the light. He proved that with the help of Joseph Turner
light it is, possible to show qualities of any subject
Son of a London barber, he started drawing and painting when he
was a little boy.
He was a representative of Romanticism.
In his late works he anticipated in some degree the practice of
expressionists of the 20th.
C raised English pictorial art to a high level of importance William Hogarth
He was the first English painter who brought painting closer to
literature and theatre.
He proclaimed himself a "Comic History Painter"
“The Marriage Contract” is a protest against marriage for money
and vanity.
D He was the first landscape painter who considered that every John Constable
painter should make his sketches direct from nature, which is
working in the open air.
He may truly be considered the father of modern landscape
E a brilliant portrait painter Thomas Gainsborough
he is the creator of the great English school of landscape painting.

Translate into English (3 учні працюють біля дошки, решта самостійно)

1.Ми практично нічого не знаємо про цю книжку. 2. Його життя було тісно
пов’язане з селом. 3. Він був не лише художником, а й поетом. 4. Син
лондонського перукаря він почав малювати ще в дитинстві. 5. За допомогою
олівця він створював справжні шедеври. 6. Опис природи домінував у його

4. Діалогічне мовлення

T. Read the dialogue and make up similar one.

Mr Anderson. How long are you going to stay in London?

Скільки часу ви плануєте перебувати в Лондоні!?

Іван Вулов. Близко трьох тижнів.

About three weeks.

Mr Anderson. Then you must see some of our galleries — the National Gallery
and the Tate Gallery. The national Gallery is one of our best collections.

Тоді ви неодмінно повинні відвідати наші галереї — Національну галерею і

галерею Тейта. Національна галерея містить найкращі зібрання картин.

Іван Вулов. А які картини можна побачити в галереї Тейта?

And what pictures can I see in the Tate Gallery?

Mr Anderson. The Tate prides itself on being our main contemporary art gallery.
It is also has a wonderful collection of Turner. Personally I prefer his early works,
to his later works which are more impressionistic.

Галерея Тейта відома тим,що є скарбницею сучасного образотворчого

мистецтва. Саме там можна побачити чудове зібрання картин Тернера.
Що до мене, я надаю перевагу його раннім творам.

Іван Вулов. Я обов'язково подивлюся картини Тернера, бо ніде в світі немає

такої багатої колекції його творів. Абстрактне мистецтво, здається,
також виставлено в галереї Тейта?

I'll certainly see the Turner collection.

5. Бесіда. Робота з інформацією з інтернету.

T. What collections are mentioned in the dialogue?

P. The National Gallery and Tate Gallery. (показати слайд)
T. Look at the on-line advertisement. What is about?
6. Робота в парах.

T. Read and discuss the information


Vincent Van Gogh was an outstanding painter of the I9th century. He was
horn in 1853 in Holland, but he lived much of his life in France. He was a very
emotional man, and there was much suffering in his life.
"Van Gogh did not start painting until he was twenty-seven, ten years before he
died. Before becoming a painter, he was a teacher, an art dealer and a church
However, Van Gogh was mentally ill. During one of his fits of madness he
attacked his friend, the artist Paul Gauguin. In another fit of madness, Van Gogh
cut off part of his own ear. Eventually he went into a mental hospital but he did not
get any better.
Finally, in 1890 Vincent Van Gogh shot himself. His last words were 'La
tristesse durera'. (The sadness will continue.)
His style of painting was very different from classical art. He painted
pictures of the sunny, hot regions of France. Nobody has ever painted cornfields or
sunflowers like Van Gogh. His paintings are full of color and sunlight. He looked
for interesting shapes and exciting colors. He liked to work freely and quickly.
Today his paintings are worth millions of pounds but in his lifetime he only sold
There is fast movement in many of his paintings. Sometimes the trees look
like fire. The sun, the moon, and stars move rapidly in the sky. He also painted
pictures of people. Like his life, his art was always unusual and very emotional.

Match the correct variant:

1. How old was Van Gogh when he b) a preacher, a teacher and a

started painting? doctor,

a) 27, c) a teacher, a dealer and a

b) 37,
d) a dealer, a farmer.
c) 17,
3. What was wrong with him?
d) 26.
a) He was mentally ill.
2. What was he before becoming a
painter? b) He was emotional.

a) a teacher and a sailor, c) He was disabled.

d) He was left-handed. 1. Van Gogh was an outstanding
actor of the 19th century.
4. How did he die?
2. Van Gogh was born in 1853 in
a) His heart was broken.
b) He was shot by his brother.
3. Van Gogh started painting when
c) He had a strong heart attack. he was 17.

d) He shot himself. 4. Before becoming a painter Van

Gogh was an accountant.
5. What was his style of painting?
5. His paintings are full of colour
a) classical, and sunlight.
b) modern, 6. He liked to work slowly.
c) different from classical art,
Make questions for the answers:
d) extraordinary. 1. In France.
6. How many pictures did he sell in 2. His friend.
his lifetime?
3. In 1890.
a) one,
4. Millions of pounds.
b) many,
5. Freely and quickly.
c) none,
6. Unusual and very emotional.
d) twenty-one

Mark if the following statements

are true or false:

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку

1. Домашнє завдання T. At home I want you to prepare short reports about

English painters.

2. Рефлексія
3. Підсумки уроку

Англійська для обдарованих дітей. – Х.: Вид. група «Основа», 2006.

Лисовець І.П. Усі уроки англійської мови. 10 клас. Рівень – стандарт. – Х.: Вид. група «Основа»,

Погарська Т.В. Англійська мова. 11 клас. Плани-конспекти уроків. – Харків: Веста: Видавництво
«Ранок», 2001.

Сапрыгина В. В., Слонская А. М. Искусство.

Британская школа живописи XVІI–XIX веков. Концептуальное искусство ІІ половины ХХ века.
Музеи, - Англійська мова та література - Х.: Вид. група «Основа», 2010. № 03 (265).

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