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Minutes of Springfield PCC meeting

18th July 2022 @ St Paul’s Church, Roundshaw

Present: Jon Lindsay-Scott, Gill Foulkes, Dave Foulkes, Peter Devitt, David Silcock, Tim
Samuel, Sarah Miller, David Atkinson, Mel Wynn, Mellissa Chukwukelu, Philip Darkin, Nigel

1. Welcome Jon welcomed everyone and prayed.

2. Apologies Roger Brodie, Mick Miller, Alan Brearley, Steve Watkins, Grace Davies

3. Worship was led by Nigel Elderkin revisiting ‘The Blessing’

4. Notice of AOB None

5. Testimonies
Council shared stories of the power of persistent prayer, the excitement of seeing
new people and new things taking place

6. Matters Arising not dealt with elsewhere

Minutes accepted by council vote on
i) Welcome to Mel Wynn for her first PCC meeting (as clergy licensed to
Springfield, she automatically becomes part of the PCC).
ii) Standing Committee had approved the set-up of Kintsugi Hope
iii) Steve Watkins was having to step down as warden; he sent this message:
“Following 2 years of ongoing health issues, I have made a difficult decision to stand
down as Church Warden. This has not been an easy decision, as its been a privilege
and an honour to serve Springfield, to the best of my abilities, as Warden for the past
5 years. I know God has exciting plans as Springfield enters a new season, and its
been a joy to be a part of the leadership team with you amazing people. Bilateral
Vestibular failure and PPPD (Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness).”
Jon continued, explaining the process we now had to follow: Steve’s resignation had
been accepted by the Bishop with Steve stepping down on 18th July 2022. Now was
the time to invite people to consider and step forward – there would be a two week
notice to the church before a ‘vestry meeting’ (with a vote if needed) for
appointment of a new warden. They would need to be sworn in by the archdeacon
within three months of the appointment.
In the interim, there was opportunity to appoint one or two deputy wardens from
the PCC to help out Tim in two areas- coordinating support of the clergy and looking
after 49, Stanley Park Road after it was vacant. Jon would contact PCC and move this
process forward.

7. Minister’s Notices
By sending out pre-reading documents to council, there was a lot less explanation
and more time for discussion and questions. One extra clarification was that there is
a diocesan document with extensive detail on the steps to be taken when entering a
vacancy (i.e. when we have no vicar, or are in an ‘interregnum’) which Jon will
forward to the PCC.

8. Treasurer’s Report
a) Thanks to the helpful notes on the finance reports from Peter, there were no
questions regarding the year-to-date finances.
Now that the Clay Jars Connect group had come to an end, the remaining
restricted funds would be used to continue to support the women’s refuge
b) Our Parish Support Fund pledge had not been increased for the past 3 years, but
it was time to re-examine what level of giving we felt called to meet. After
discussion it was agreed that we are called to be generous in all our actions and
should fully meet the indicative costs of our support from the diocese:
“This council pledges to pay the diocese £73,200 as our contribution to the Paris
Support Fund in 2023”
Proposed David Silcock, seconded Tim Samuel, passed nem con.

9. Safeguarding
Sarah reported that there were ongoing DBS renewals and there were also new
volunteers being safer recruited.

10. Mission Partners

As part of our regular review process, council then discussed our missions partners
at Sutton Schoolswork and the CAP Wallington Debt Centre (based at Holy Trinity
Church). It was proposed to “Support both Mission Partners for three years, starting
with the 2022 payment, with £1,500 per year each”
Proposed Philip Darkin, seconded Sarah Miller, nem con.
Jon shared with council the chance to support Sutton Community Works with some
of their ministries including Street Pastors, Food Bank and Food Shop (in the St
Nicholas Centre). It is possible to specify a particular area we would prefer to
support if we wanted to. Jon would send council an email with more detail for them
to consider.

11. Springfield BMO 2022 with Memorandum of Understanding

As our present Bishop’s Mission Order (BMO) for Roundshaw runs out in Nov 2022
and our Extra Parochial Place (EPP) scheme is well out of date, the diocese have
proposed a new BMO to cover ministry and mission to Wallington and Roundshaw.
Alongside this, a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the parish of
South Beddington & Roundshaw and Springfield has been put together to safeguard
the current good relationship and agreements, working together in the future, and
ensuring God’s mission can continue regardless of changes in leadership.
Some minor changes to the BMO were suggested which Jon will forward to the
diocese for consideration.
After some minor amendments to the Memorandum to capture the current
practises and understandings, “Does the council accept this Memorandum of
Understanding as written?”
Proposed David Atkinson, seconded Gill Foulkes, accepted nem con.

Jon would get three copies printed and signed by himself and two members of the
PCC, before the document is passed on to the parish of South Beddington and
Roundshaw and the diocese.

12. AOB
There being no further business, David A closed in prayer.

Dates of future meetings:

PCC Monday 19th September
PCC Monday 21st November
Party Saturday 10th December

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