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To think deeper...

From my honest point of view, I personally think it is preferable to save up money and finally
buy something expensive that we have been dreaming of for a long, long time instead of
seeking to spend it on lots of small insignificant things, such as eletronic games, for example.
To defend my position, I would say that you mustn’t spend money beyond your own means.
Of course, it’s good to have some financial-freedom, especially if we’re working part-time and,
for instance, have earned a little spending money. However, you should keep yourself relatively
reigned in, as you don’t want to ro rack up a huge credit card debt for the reason that you get
in the drastic habit of making impulse buys. To solve this problem, consumer education, which
can help protect you and your finances later on life, is obliged to encourage you, and anyone
else, to have a budgeting app, which, in fact, can help you with money-related management
quickly on the go.
Nowadays, money will gives teens, the major consumers of our society, the tempting urge to
spend money on things that, to be frank, don’t really matter in the grand scheme of gadgets.
It’s obvious that you’d like to wear the latest Yves Saint Laurent dress or, for example, to
purchase the newest Prada shoes so that you could go to the hottest party at the moment, and
so on. Even so, no matter how you look at it, these items are just trends that will, eventually,
fade sooner or later. As a result, you must break the pattern to spend money you don’t have on
something or, inevitibly, the loop will begin tomorrow. Resist that urge! Hang out with your
dearest friends instead, finding as many free events as possible, while cooking your own meals
at home, instead of buying snacks at shopping centres. In the concrete, Making the most of
what you have will change your perspective on what really matters (newsflash: it is not material
In conclusion, through not only keeping records, but also establishing discipline, as well as
learning tips from your parents about money, you can save yourself a lot in the long run. It’s
now the time to start putting these measures into place so that your future will look bright
enough to achieve all your life goals!!

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