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Task 2 Progression- Job Roles &

Job Roles
The sector that most interests me Is ‘Film and TV drama’ I
don’t particularly have much of an interest for the rest of the
sectors because I don’t think I would enjoy them quite as

My most desired job role is to become a director, but I think I

would also much enjoy similar jobs like assistant director, or
director of photography. The reason I would love to have
these roles is not just to be in control but also to use my
creativity more freely.

Achieving the director roles:

Realistically it’s not as easy as just getting the education and
then getting the role, you must work yourself up the ladder.
It’s most recommended to start with an entry level role like
working as a runner or in a production office to eventually
work your way up. You don’t necessarily need a degree to
become a director, but you may want one.

This choice had been the same since year 1, I’ve wanted to
have the director role since the start and I think I’ve been
able to learn a lot more skills, especially socially, to be able to
feel a lot more comfortable with the role.

There are a lot of key issues with freelancing. From the

beginning of the video, the first freelancer speaks about how
after finishing university he didn’t get a single call or email for
over a month. Despite him getting multiple calls per week
while studying at university, after finishing, it was silent for
him. Another issue that was said, was that it’s difficult to plan
throughout the week and that you might just have to be on
call so when someone asks you to be somewhere you’ll have
to be prepared to leave within the hour.

I improved so much during the first year of college in every

aspect: IT skills, technical skills, Interpersonal skills and
communication skills. I have already been comfortable with
IT skills since I used them a lot in my previous school as well,
but I still think I’ve been able to improve and now I find it all
so much easier. I hadn’t used many technical previously so
using different software and cameras as such so I’ve very
much improved very well in that department. I think
impersonal skills and communication skills could combine
with one another, I didn’t really have too much experience in
this department because I wasn’t confident or social at all in
school but in college forcing us into group projects has really
helped me with my communication and in turn made me a
lot more confident. Now more than ever, I’ve been problem
solving, using my initiative and maintaining focus.
To me passion is all about how much you really love the topic
or subject and whether or not you could pour your heart and
soul into a project for the specific subject. I think I do have
the passion for this and if I was given a project to take on, I
would make sure to really put my best work into it to prove
to my employers that I’m good for it.

Financial drive:
The financial drive is that the money really drives you to get
those jobs because you know that you’ll be rewarded for the
work you put in and the more work you put in the more
money you’ll be making. I have a really good financial drive
and I think that if I know that someone is going to reward me
for the work that they want me to do I’ll have much more
effort put into it.

Motivation and discipline:

I think that discipline always comes before motivation, you
aren’t going to be motivated all of the time, but that
shouldn’t stop you from putting the work in. Discipline comes
first and you will have to have that discipline all of the time if
you want to be a good worker. I think that I have great
discipline and I’m able to keep to what I’m doing because I
know that things have to get done and I can’t just
procrastinate or come up with excuses. Just get the work
Reputation is making good impressions most of all. Making
clients happy so that they’ll have you again or even
recommend you to other employers. I think that reputation is
huge in this department since if you get one job and that one
client thinks you did amazing and gives you great feedback,
they could aid you in getting more jobs after that.

Flexibility is pretty much availability. Are you going to be
available to help a client out when they call you and tell you
that they’ve got a proposal for you. I think that flexibility is
one of the most important things in freelancing and if you
haven’t got good flexibility employers are going to go to
other freelancers instead of you.

Sector knowledge:
This is where specific knowledge for your department comes
in. Even if you’re only just starting, they will still expect you
to have great knowledge about your work environment
rather than having to teach you. It’s a lot better to have
previous knowledge otherwise they won’t consider you
because they’ll want someone who can actually help them
out rather than them having to help you out.

For freelancing I would either want to be a grip, director of

photography or an assistant director. I could start doing entry
level jobs and then get into freelancing after I’ve had that
previous experience. If I became a freelancer, I would be on
some of the social medias since then I’d have more of a
chance of getting more opportunities and recognition. I
would be on Instagram as a business profile to say who I am
and how you can contact me and YouTube to show off my

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