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Based from the given examples and your group's discussion, answer the following questions:

1. In general, what is your assigned section all about?

2.What are the things/concepts to be found in your assigned section? (Answers may be in bullet
3. What part of those sections justifies your answers on no. 1? (Ex. literature foundation -
paragraph 1 of sample 2)
4. How was the section/part written? (How many paragraphs? Are there questions, etc.)

1. Chapter 1 is the assigned section in the group where the research paradigm has been discussed.
It indicates the flow of the execution of the study using the IPO model. This section contains the
IPO model of memes: an unorthodox source for raising social awareness to selected grade 12
students. It discussed the different types, advantages & disadvantages, and effectiveness of
memes used to raise social awareness.
2. In the section given, research paradigm, includes the input, process and output. Whereas, input
discusses the resources made available in the study. The process involves identifying, locating,
assessing and analyzing the information of the given study. Lastly, the output is the execution or
the application of the study.
3. IPO Model of Memes: An Unorthodox Source for Raising Social Awareness to Selected
Grade 12 Students – paragraph 1 of sample 1.
4. The section contains three paragraphs in total. In addition, no questions are included in this
part since the question mainly discuss the research process that the researchers will follow to
attain their objective. Also, this section is well-written as it includes diagrams that illustrates the
research process which gives the audience or the future researchers an overview of the study.

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