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DATE: 5/01/2021

I. Short answer type questions:

1. Mention any three features of Arid soils.

2. “Some people think that democracy produce les efficient government’. Give
3. ‘For development people look at mix goals”. Support the statement with three
suitable examples.
4. “Money cannot buy all the goods and services that a person may need to live
well”. Explain the statement with suitable examples.
5. What are the differences in the employment conditions between organized and
unorganized sectors of the economy?
6. What is Pipeline transportation? Write two merits and demerits of the same.
7. How is the Ethnic composition of Belgium very complex? Explain
8. Why is tertiary sector becoming more important in India? Explain any three
9. How does public sector contribute to the economic development of the nation?
10.Suggest any three ways to maintain Body Mass Index (BMI).

Note: Write the questions in your homework book, answers to the questions will be
discussed in tomorrow’s class. Be prepared to answer the questions.

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