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Word Meaning
1. Opponent Someone who competes with others
2. Competitor Someone who takes part in contest and play against others
3. Athlete Someone who does sports and competes in sports events
4. Champion Someone who beats his/her opponents
5. Hermit Someone who lives far from the people especially for religious reasons
6. Pessimist Someone who thinks the negative sides of everything
7. Optimist Someone who thinks the positive sides of everything
8. Amateur Someone who does something for fun/Beginner in something
9. Junior Someone who has a low level within an organization
10. Youth A young person
11. Cripple Someone who cannot move their limbs in a normal way
12. Widow(Fm)/Widower(M) Someone whose wife or husband has died
13. Bachelor A man who has never married
14. Maiden A lady who has never married
15. Mute Someone who cannot talk
16. Braggart Someone who says too proudly of his achievements or his possessions
17. Addict Someone who cannot stop doing something
18. Fiancée(Fm)/Fiancé’(M) Someone who is engaged to be married to
19. Miser Someone who hates to spend money
20. Spendthrift Someone who spends lots of money (especially wasting money)
21. Saboteurs Someone who intentionally destroys or damage something
22. Linguist Someone who studies languages and can use them very well
23. Accomplice Someone who helps in committing a crime
24. Vagabond Someone who has no home and no job, travelling from place to place
25. Dictators Someone who has the power, but people did not choose him

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