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Інформація про планети:

I група – пошук інформації та дослідження планети «Меркурій»
Mercury Statistics:

 Moons: None
 Distance from Sun: 35.98 million mi
 Radius: 1,516 mi
 Diameter: 4,879 km
 Orbital period: 88 days
 Mass: 3.285 × 10^23 kg (0.055 M⊕)
 Surface Temperature: -173 to 427°C
 Number of Moons: None
 First Record: 14th century BCE by Assyrian astronomers
Mercury was formed around 4.5 billion years ago and became the small planet that
is closest to our sun. It’s considered to be a “terrestrial planet” because Mercury
has a central core, a rock mantle, and a solid crust.

Could Life Exist on Mercury?

The solar radiation and temperatures on Mercury are not conducive to life as we
know it. The planet has too many extremes for organisms to be able to adapt to.
Facts about Mercury:

 Mercury may be the closest planet to the sun but it experiences temperature
changes that are the most extreme of any planet in the solar system, including
dropping to -275 F/-170 C.
 Mercury is only slightly larger than the Earth’s moon.
 Mercury travels around the sun more quickly than any of the other planets in the
solar system.
 One Mercury year is equal to only 88 Earth days.
 The core at Mercury’s center is mostly made up of iron and takes up about 75% of
the planet’s radius.
 Mercury does have a very thin atmosphere called an exosphere.
 Mercury seems to have a stream of particles that appear to expand out from the
surface giving it a look like it has “tails.”
II група – пошук інформації та дослідження планети «Венера»
Venus Statistics:

 Distance from Sun: 67.24 million mi

 Radius: 3,760 mi
 Diameter: 7,520.8 mi
 Orbital period: 225 days
 Mass: 4.867 × 10^24 kg 0.815 M⊕
 Surface Temperature: 462 °C
 Number of Moons: None
 First Recorded: 17th century BCE by Babylon astronomers
Could Life Exist on Venus?

There have been no humans that have visited Venus, but there have been a few
spacecraft that have been sent to the surface. Due to the extreme heat, the
spacecraft have not survived very long as they overheat all of the electronics on the
These high temperatures are the reason that we don’t believe that life could exist
on the surface, however there are some scientists that speculate that there may be a
possibility of life in the top cloud layers of the atmosphere of Venus. These upper
cloud layers have less extreme temperatures.
Facts about Venus:

 Venus has over 1,600 volcanoes, the most of any planet within the solar system.
 It takes Venus 243 Earth days to make one complete rotation.
 Compared to Earth’s 365 days, it takes Venus only 224.7 Earth days to make one
rotation around the sun.
 The surface of Venus is so hot that it would melt lead and scientists call it a
“runaway greenhouse effect.”
 If you could stand on the surface of Venus, the air pressure would be so extreme,
that it would be like being under Earth’s ocean half a mile down.
 The only planets that we can visibly see cross in front of the sun called “transits”
are Mercury and Venus.
 Venus has wind storms that can get up to 450 mph/724 kph, which is faster than
the largest Earth tornado.
III група – пошук інформації та дослідження планети «Земля»

Earth Statistics:

 Population: 7.53 billion (2017) Trending, World Bank

 Distance from Sun: 92.96 million mi
 Radius: 3,959 mi
 Polar Diameter: 12,714 km
 Orbital Period: 265.24 days
 Mass: 5.972 × 10^24 kg
 Number of Moons: 1
 Age: 4.543 billion years
Could Life Exist?

If you look around our Earth you can see that we have an incredible amount of life
that exists on both the land and within the waterways and seas. Scientists have
always based our definition of “life” as the carbon-based type that we have around
us, including ourselves. Earth isn’t too hot and isn’t too cold, and this is often
called the “Goldilocks distance.”
Facts about Earth:

 The shape of the Earth is actually closer to a squashed sphere. It’s fatter in the
middle near the equator where gravity pushes to create a bulge.
 Even though you might think you are standing still, the Earth is turning. The speed
at the equator is around 1,000 mph.
 The Earth is also moving through the solar system at around 67,000 mph/107,826
 Earth is constantly recycling its material through tectonic movement which drags
surface rocks back down below the surface to become magma and then is spewed
back out from volcanoes.
 Earthquakes are the result of tectonic plate movement on the planet. The largest
earthquake recorded in the U.S. was in 2016 in Alaska, registered at 9.2 on the
Richter Scale; with the largest global earthquake recorded in 1960 in Chile,
registering 9.5 on the Richter Scale.
 The hottest recorded temperature location on the Earth is in El Azizia, Libya with
temperatures hitting 136 degrees F/57.8 degrees C in 1922.
 The coldest temperature location is in Antarctica with temperatures reaching -100
degrees F/-73 degrees
IV група – пошук інформації та дослідження планети «Марс»
Mars Statistics:

 Distance from Sun: 141.6 million mi

 Radius: 2,106 mi
 Polar Diameter: 6,752 km
 Orbital Period: 6.42 x 10^23 kg (10.7% Earth)
 Mass: 6.39 × 10^23 kg 0.107 M⊕
 Surface pressure: -153 to 20 °C
 Moons: (2) Phobos, Deimos
 First Recorded: 2nd Millennium BCE by Egyptian astronomers
Could Life Exist on Mars?

Scientists don’t think that they will ever find living things on Mars as the
conditions aren’t good enough for life to thrive. However, they are seeking signs
that life might have existed on the planet a long time ago when Mars was warmer
and had liquid water covering its surface.
Facts about Mars:

 There have been 40 missions to Mars, but only 18 of the missions were successful.
 The dust storms on Mars are so large that they are considered to be the biggest in
the solar system.
 Meteorites that have been ejected from Mars have been found all over the Earth.
 Of all of the planets in the solar system, only Earth has confirmed life and Mars is
believed to possibly be hospital for life.
 Earth and Mars are the only to planets in the solar system with polar ice caps.
 Mars does have seasons but they are twice as long as the seasons on Earth due to
Mars’ axis tilt.
 If you were standing on Mars and looked at the sun it would appear half the size as
compared to looking at the sun from Earth.
V група – пошук інформації та дослідження планети «Юпітер»
Jupiter Statistics:

 Distance from Sun: 483.8 million mi

 Rings: 4
 Radius: 43,441 mi
 Polar Diameter: 133,709 km
 Orbital period: 12 years
 Mass: 1.90 × 10^27 kg (318 Earths)
 Length of day: 0d 9h 56m
 Surface area: 23.71 billion mi²
 Effective Temperature: -148 °C
 Moons: (79, including (Io, Europa, Ganymede & Callisto)
 First Recorded: 7th-8th Century BCE by Babylonian astronomers
Could Life Exist on Jupiter?

The environment within Jupiter is not conducive to life as we know it. The
pressures and temperatures, along with materials of Jupiter are too volatile and
extreme for life to adapt to.
While Jupiter itself can’t be a location for life, some of its moons could be. Europa
is thought to be one of the likeliest places that life may be found anywhere in our
solar system so far.
Evidence is showing that there is a huge ocean beneath Europa’s crust with liquid
water that could possible support life.
Facts about Jupiter:

 If Jupiter had been 80 times more massive it would have become our second sun in
the solar system.
 Jupiter holds the title of being the solar system’s fourth brightest object.
 Jupiter’s clouds are made up of mostly ammonia crystals, sulfur and mixtures of
both of these.
 As asteroids and comets have impacted Jupiter they kick up dust particles that have
created a very faint ring around Jupiter.
 The discovery of Jupiter’s 4 moons by Galileo was the first proof that the Earth
was not the center of the universe and evidence that planets orbited the sun.
 We can only see five planets with the naked eye and Jupiter is one of them.
VI група – пошук інформації та дослідження планети «Сатурн»
Saturn Statistics:

 Distance from Sun: 890.8 million mi

 Rings: (30 or more – in 7 groups)
 Radius: 36,184 mi
 Polar Diameter: 108,728 km
 Orbital period: 29 years
 Mass: 5.68 × 10^26 kg (95 Earths)
 Length of day: 0d 10h 42m
 Surface area: 16.49 billion mi²
 Moons: (62 including Titan, Enceladus, Iapetus & Rhea)
 First Recorded: 8th Century BCE by the Assyrians
Could Life Exist on Saturn?

Temperatures and pressures, combined with the lack of actual surface on Saturn
make this planet a condition not conducive to life as we know it. Like Jupiter,
everything is too extreme for organisms to adapt to and thrive.
However, scientists are looking at some of Saturn’s moons and satellites for
potential life. Of great interest in Enceladus and Titan that have liquid water
oceans inside.
Facts about Saturn for Kids:

 There are only five planets that can be seen from Earth with the naked eye, Saturn
is one of them.
 Most planets are somewhat spherical in shape, but Saturn is flatter; in fact it’s the
flattest of any planet in the solar system.
 When you look at Saturn is has a color that’s pale yellow. This is because its upper
atmosphere contains a high quantity of ammonia crystals.
 Saturn has storms that are oval in shape and similar to those on Jupiter.
 Saturn is the one planet that has the most extensive system of rings in the entire
solar system.
 A year is the amount of time a planet takes to complete its orbit around the sun. It
takes Saturn 29.4 Earth years to complete the orbit.
 Saturn is made up of mostly hydrogen and is the least dense of all of the planets in
the solar system.
 Earth’s magnetic field is just a little stronger than that of Saturn.
VII група – пошук інформації та дослідження планети «Уран»
Uranus Statistics:

 Distance from Sun: 1.784 billion mi

 Rings: 13
 Radius: 15,759 mi
 Polar Diameter: 49,946 km
 Orbital period: 84 years
 Mass: 8.68 × 10^25 kg (15 Earths)
 Effective Temperature: -216 °C
 Moons: (27, including Miranda, Titania, Ariel, Umbriel & Oberon)
 Date of Discovery: March 13, 1781 by William Herschel
Could Life Exist on Uranus?

Temperatures and pressures are too extreme on Uranus for us to consider that life
could exist there. There wouldn’t be any way for an organism to adapt or thrive.

Facts about Uranus:

 Uranus has the coldest temperatures of all of the planets, hitting as low as -224
degrees C.
 Uranus has a tilted axis and it’s thought that a collision with another large celestial
object was the cause of it.
 The color of Uranus is blue due to the fact that it has an atmosphere made up of
water, ammonia, and methane.
 Uranus may be one of the “gas giants” but it is also the lightest in mass.
 The year that Uranus was discovered they also discovered a new element and
named it Uranium after the planet.
 The moons of Uranus are named after characters created by William Shakespeare
and Alexander Pope.
 All of the moons around Uranus have dark surfaces and are frozen.
 The moon Miranda, around Uranus has terraces, ice canyons, and many odd
looking areas on its surface.
 Part of the atmosphere of Uranus contains ices.
 Uranus has a total of 27 moons.
 Uranus is so bright that at times it can be seen by the human eye, without the help
of a telescope.
VIII група – пошук інформації та дослідження планети «Нептун»;
Neptune Statistics:

 Distance from Sun: 2.793 billion mi

 Rings: 5
 Radius: 15,299 mi
 Polar Diameter: 48,682 km
 Orbital period: 165 years
 Mass: 1.024 × 10^26 kg (17.15 M⊕)
 Moons: (14, including Triton)
 Date of Discovery: September 23, 1846 by Urbain Le Verrier & Johann Galle
Could Life Exist on Neptune?

The extreme temperatures and pressures of Neptune are not conducive to allowing
life as we know it to exist, adapt, and thrive.
Facts about Neptune:

 Neptune’s rings are so faint that prior to the Voyager 2 spacecraft mission, the
rings weren’t thought to be complete. Neptune has the faintest rings of all of the
gas giants.
 Even though Neptune is a gas giant it has the second largest gravity of all of the
solar system planets.
 Neptune has a Great Dark Spot that is the size of our Earth and a Small Dark Spot
that is almost the size of our moon.
 Our ancient ancestors didn’t know that Neptune existed because it can’t be seen
with the naked eye or the telescopes that they developed.
 The coldest known object in our solar system is Neptune’s moon Triton that has
temperatures on the surface that can dip down to -235 degrees C.
 Only 17 days after the discovery of Neptune, astronomers discovered its moon





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