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San Francisco de Quito University

Mauricio Piedra Páez


Writing and Rhetoric – 2286

Journal #1

The major that I choose is Finance, my reasons to encourage this career were the
numerical order and the organization, also I always likes the business lifestyle. To
finally choose Finance, I had to first go through a major that wasn’t my liking; in my
first two semester in the USFQ, I studied Mechanical Engineering, an area totally
different from my actual major. Fortunately, or unfortunately, this decision made me
realize that my vocation are the numbers but in a different way.

I chose Finance to focus, in an analytical sense, on my minor. I’m doing a minor in

Insurance, I like a lot the idea that in a future I can work on a company that grants
various benefits, insuring all types of risks. For this I must dominate my major, so can I
analyze all the policies, providing the best services for my clients. I’m very determined
to finish my major with all my partners, make a lot of contacts and friends related to my

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