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Luke 11:1 – 13 

                       Praying Properly


1.      Priority of Prayer

a.       Luke 11:1 – 2a

b.      Jesus knew to pray – it was HIS PRIORITY

c.       Jesus wanted to talk to His Daddy

d.      Jesus NEEDED to talk to His Daddy

e.       SO DO YOU _ EVEN MORE

2.      Pattern of Prayer

a.       Luke 11:2a – 4

                                                  i.      Recognize Gods presence and Position

                                                ii.      Worship

                                              iii.      Seek His Will above yours

                                              iv.      Seek His provision

1.      Our wants

2.      Our desires

3.      Yielded to His Holy Will

                                                v.      Seek His forgiveness

1.      Acknowledge your need for His forgiveness

2.      Acknowledge that you need to forgive others as you have

received forgiveness

                                              vi.      Seek to walk God’s Path

1.      Direction

2.      Protection

3.      FaithFULL obedience

3.      Persistence in Prayer

a.       Luke 11:5 – 9

b.      Never give up

c.       Keep knocking

d.      Keep seeking

e.       Keep asking

                                                  i.      SHOUT

                                                ii.      Go ahead - NAG GOD!

1.      He can handle it

f.        As long as there is FAITH there is HOPE

                                                  i.      I have prayed for many things

1.      Some answered quickly

2.      Some I am still looking to God for answers

a.       I never quit praying for these situations

g.      Hebrews 11:1-2 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the
conviction of things not seen.”   ESV

                                                  i.      Just because you have not seen the answer does not

1.      The answer has not been provided

2.      The answer is not coming

3.      You will like the answer

ii.      We are told that we DON’T HAVE because WE

DON’T Ask or WE Ask with the wrong motives!

1.      Do all things to the glory of God


i.        BE BOLD! 

4.      Provision of Prayer

a.       Luke 11:10 – 13

b.      Proper Provision

                                                  i.      What we need

                                                ii.      What is good for us

c.       Plentiful Provision

i.      “How much more will the Heavenly Father give the
Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.”

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