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July 10th  

                              Luke 11:27 – 28

As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed
is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!”  But he said, “Blessed
rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!”   ESV

We live in a world where people feel entitled.


We feel we DESERVE something because of who we are or who we belong to in life.


I think that if anyone had the right to being entitled to God’s best based on who she was it
would be Mary, the biological Mother of Jesus.

Let’s take a look.


1.      A woman in the crowd raised her voice to bring attention and perhaps “glory” to the
fleshly mother of Jesus – Mary.

a.       Was she wanting to recognize Mary as equal with Jesus?

b.      Was she seeking to bring attention to human beings involved in God’s plan?

c.       Was she Mary’s friend just wanting to remind Him of His mommy?

i.      They were in a village between Samaria and

Jerusalem ….30 miles or less

d.      We may never know.

2.      A few points about Mary:

a.       Mary was a regular person

b.      Mary was chosen by God for a particular purpose

c.       Mary was faithful and obedient

                                                  i.      Regardless of the cost to her or her fiancé/family

d.      Because of Mary’s faithfulness and obedience to God she is called "Blessed
are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!”
e.       Mary was no better or worse that any of us here today are before Holy God.

                                                  i.      We are all sinners – including Mary

f.       Jesus also said:

i.      Mark 3:35 “For whoever does the will of God, he is

my brother and sister and mother.”

g.      Some think Mary gets a “Special Pass” or “Special treatment” when standing
before God because of our human accomplishments

i.      Mary does not get a special treatment for being the
human mother of Jesus

                                                ii.      She was faithful and obedient

1.      THAT is what matters

h.      Peter sais this in Acts 10:34-35

i.      ”So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I

understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who
fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.”

1.      Southern Baptist get no special favor

2.      Sitting in a church pew gains no special favor

3.      Speaking about faith gains no special favor

a.       Except when spoken in obedience

4.      Faith and Obedience gains God’s special favor

i.        Here is the Standard set by God:

i.      “Blessed rather are those who hear the Word of

God AND keep it!”

1.      Just like Mary

3.      We all have the same opportunity for receiving a blessing by God.

a.       Hear the Word of God

                                                  i.      Preaching

                                                ii.      Teaching

                                              iii.      Reading

                                              iv.      Listening

b.      Keep the Word of God

                                                  i.      Keep it close

                                                ii.      Keep it on obedience

                                              iii.      Keep it in love

                                              iv.      Keep it pure and holy

1.      Do not spin, twist or corrupt the Word

4.      Hear! Do!

5.      Go!

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