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Virtual English - A1 Miss. Celia Huamán H.

Questionnaire: Oral exam 2

1. What do you do? Tell me about your career.

2. What’s your favorite Peruvian dish?
3. What’s your favorite restaurant? Where is it?
4. Are you studying accounting? If not, what are you studying?
5. What are you doing tomorrow?
6. What are you doing next Saturday?
7. What is your family doing right now?
8. Do you like going shopping? What is your favorite store?
9. What’s your favorite kind of transportation? Why?
10.What are the most common kinds of transportation in your city? Mention
11. Do you exercise? What’s your favorite sport?
12.Can you mention 4 exercises?
13.Where can you exercise? Mention 3 places
14. What do you do?
15. What does your family do?
16. What are the occupations well-paid in Peru? Mention them.
17.Do you work? Do you work part time or full time?

------------------------------------------- Always give your best ----------------------------------------

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