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Haryana Staff Selection Commission

Bays No. 67-70, Sector- 2, Panchkula-134154

Final Result for the post of TGT English (ROH), advt. no. 9/2015, Cat. No. 01

In compliance of the directions issued by Hon'ble High Court in CWP No. 8483 of 2021 on dated
11.05.2022 and in view of Memo No. 2/2-2021TGT R&A (1) of Directior, Elementary Education dated
03.06.2022, on the basis of Written Examination, Scrutiny of Documents and Interview Viva- Voce for the post of
TGT English (ROH) of Elementry Education , Haryana against Advt. No.09/2015 , Category No.01, the
Commission has finalised and declared the result. The result has been shown Roll No. wise and category wise
and the marks secured by the Iast selected candidate in each category have been shown in the bracket.

Advt. No. 09/2015, Cat. No.01, TGT ENGLISH (ROH), (Total 694 Posts)

General (175 Posts + 69 SBC -06 OH GEN - 03 HH GEN - 01 VH Gen = 234 POSTS)

72120036 72120051 72120121 72120135 72120167 72120238

72120422 72120430 72120510 72120518 72120534 72120574

72120603 72120684 72120739 72120788 72120940 72120958

72120962 72121082 72121098 72121165 72121170 72121200

72121241 72121268 72121462 72121627 72121663 72121677

72121730 72121764 72121806 72121813 72122114 72122235

72122291 72122433 72122456 72122468 72122485 72122565

72122574 72122788 72122863 72122891 72122893 72122975

72123155 72123161 72123250 72123268 72123293 72123369

72123376 72123414 72123825 72123838 72123939 72124076

72124112 72124299 72124343 72124352 72124376 72124475

72124489 72124521 72124543 72124544 72124569 72124580

72124614 72124623 72124632 72124717 72124779 72124796

72124898 72124904 72125100 72125101 72125135 72125185

72125334 72125373 72125375 72125492 72125527 72125528

72125534 72125619 72125642 72125643 72125678 72125689

72125879 72125892 72125910 72125921 72126011 72126089

72126190 72126209 72126228 72126249 72126401 72126501

72126535 72126601 72126613 72126702 72126775 72126786

72126863 72220034 72220078 72220124 72220167 72220190

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72220193 72220234 72220261 72220303 72220532 72220562

72220671 72220683 72220733 72220748 72220752 72220836

72220845 72220870 72220937 72220995 72220999 72221013

72221023 72221192 72221204 72221254 72221267 72221272

72221397 72221584 72221638 72221649 72221668 72221730

72222022 72222175 72222208 72222212 72222237 72222412

72222448 72222477 72222554 72222589 72222659 72222963

72223152 72223190 72223224 72223276 72223285 72223392

72223411 72223501 72223648 72223990 72224127 72224147

72224248 72224249 72224365 72224423 72224443 72224457

72224495 72224528 72224532 72224577 72224578 72224626

72224639 72224727 72224877 72224926 72224947 72225009

72225014 72225082 72225122 72225220 72225261 72225466

72225490 72225491 72225512 72225536 72225695 72225697

72225717 72225757 72225954 72225961 72226036 72226129

72226190 72226263 72226274 72226361 72226395 72226466

72226528 72226577 72226611 72226740 72226780 72226830

72226865 72227082 72227268 72227416 72227500 72227528

72227585 72227649 72227835 72227855 72227867 72227897

General Waiting

72120710 72121072 72121302 72122130 72122649 72123188

72124525 72124854 72125057 72125389 72126907 72126984

72220639 72220695 72221070 72221250 72221336 72222535

72222961 72224335 72224376 72226435 72227083 72227809

SC (117 Posts)

72120263 72120495 72120507 72120521 72120596 72120658

72120744 72120802 72120961 72121177 72121196 72121219

72121320 72121367 72121389 72121482 72121487 72121759

72122104 72122554 72122564 72122733 72122747 72122838

72122967 72122972 72123289 72123297 72123362 72123502

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72123617 72123687 72123713 72123953 72124241 72124260

72124284 72124336 72124362 72124445 72124608 72124678

72124693 72124721 72125073 72125183 72125289 72125486

72125776 72125862 72126113 72126129 72126168 72126236

72126239 72126428 72126605 72220024 72220125 72220413

72220460 72220510 72220834 72220893 72221040 72221127

72221198 72221217 72221242 72221277 72221288 72221324

72221865 72222087 72222162 72222337 72222430 72222538

72222593 72222816 72222876 72222999 72223128 72223367

72223387 72223414 72223600 72223605 72223641 72223832

72224195 72224289 72224310 72224342 72224407 72224410

72224548 72224840 72225051 72225069 72225457 72225531

72225535 72225663 72225669 72225742 72225821 72226169

72226265 72226646 72226688 72226721 72227010 72227105

72227229 72227331 72227489

SC Waiting

72120375 72120440 72121022 72121274 72123603 72124423

72124875 72220133 72220481 72221709 72225380

BCA (93 Posts)

72120078 72120161 72120184 72120624 72120734 72120799

72120834 72120936 72121053 72121164 72121263 72121409

72121422 72121521 72121618 72121712 72121743 72121808

72121915 72122142 72122348 72122989 72123042 72123067

72123266 72123368 72123370 72123389 72123413 72123513

72123856 72124381 72124786 72124968 72125427 72125714

72125796 72125932 72126296 72126324 72126403 72126664

72126883 72126958 72126972 72220293 72220300 72220492

72220734 72220816 72221028 72221101 72221213 72221270

72221306 72221308 72221578 72221836 72221912 72221966

72222479 72222686 72222761 72222858 72223048 72223189

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72223272 72223319 72223389 72223491 72223628 72223630

72223707 72224430 72224558 72224607 72224670 72224692

72224846 72224977 72225092 72225282 72225590 72225835

72225920 72226078 72226277 72226324 72226457 72226844

72226986 72227115 72227144

BCA Waiting

72120523 72124728 72126408 72220044 72223077 72223397

72223626 72225230 72225306

BCB (52 Post - 01 OH BCB = 51 Posts)

72120595 72120991 72121439 72121572 72121684 72121978

72122073 72122306 72123109 72123278 72123585 72123592

72123718 72123839 72123926 72123973 72124413 72124646

72124677 72124935 72125793 72125853 72126043 72126440

72220003 72220542 72220824 72221298 72221808 72221987

72222928 72223903 72223977 72224393 72224932 72225172

72225372 72225461 72225496 72225567 72226188 72226288

72226856 72226903 72226955 72227374 72227381 72227705

72227706 72227773 72227841

BCB Waiting

72124081 72125769 72220230 72222730 72223943

EBPGC (69 Posts)

72120222 72120272 72120473 72120795 72120977 72121085

72121291 72121646 72122116 72122265 72122405 72122920

72123421 72123667 72123864 72123880 72123888 72123957

72125117 72125224 72125539 72125545 72125571 72125819

72125895 72126467 72126545 72126586 72126698 72126959

72220320 72220322 72220407 72220489 72220773 72221071

72221378 72221553 72221586 72221687 72221894 72221936

72221952 72222648 72222705 72222802 72222950 72223117

72223138 72223405 72223837 72224051 72224262 72224265

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72224466 72224699 72224805 72224915 72224980 72225041

72225870 72225914 72226037 72226711 72226760 72227123

72227132 72227651

EBPGC Waiting

72121952 72123132 72125123 72223761 72225728

ESM GEN(49 Post)

72120471 72120487 72120601 72120704 72120801 72121025

72121615 72122031 72122205 72122437 72122546 72122597

72122813 72123380 72123467 72123550 72123799 72123812

72124483 72125157 72126248 72126265 72126306 72126932

72126979 72220069 72220604 72220896 72221166 72221177

72222038 72222310 72222432 72222453 72222614 72222894

72224104 72224317 72224540 72224919 72225214 72225252

72225585 72226400 72226660 72226891 72227207 72227634


ESM SC(14 Post)

72121929 72123142 72123558 72126674 72220029 72221556

72222305 72223679 72223794 72226864 72227016 72227357


ESM BCA(14 Posts)

72121776 72122333 72122349 72122594 72122767 72122927

72123174 72123929 72124156 72125637 72220817 72221660


ESM BCB(21 Post)

72121239 72121441 72121622 72122834 72123026 72123817

72124327 72124649 72125536 72126524 72126680 72220674

72221183 72221504 72222215 72222400 72222445 72222728

72223286 72224290 72227814

OSP GEN(07 Posts)

72121236 72123241 72126660 72225994 72226614 72227129

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OSP SC(07 Post)

72121419 72123587 72124089 72224449 72224912 72226385


OSP BCA(04 Posts)

72220319 72220340 72224474 72226325

OSP BCB(03 Post)

72122738 72123487 72220274

OH(07 Post)

72121176 72121312 72123538 72124463 72221582 72224604


OH Waiting

72220635 72227521

HH(07 Post)

72122293 72226073 72226408

VH(07 Post)



1.) WRITTEN EXAMINATION.....................................................................................................160-MARKS

2.) EXP. MARKS ..................................................................................................................................16-MARKS

3.) INTERVIEW/VIVA-VOCE .......................................................................................................24-MARKS


NOTE:1.The result of CWP Nos. 10442/2019,10685/2019,15793/2019,10612/2019 and 10442/2019 etc. have been kept
in sealed cover in compliance of Hon'ble High Court and the above result is subject to the final outcome of these writ
petitions and any other writ petitions pending in the Hon'ble High Court.
2. In View of above mentioned CWP No. 01 Post ESM BCA, 01 Post OSP General, 01 Post ESM SC and 01 EBPG category
Post have been kept vacant.
3. As per Govt. Instruction no 22/15/1992-3GS III Dated: 07.10.2008, if suitable candidates of ESP are not available in a
particular category, then the vacancies will be filled up from amongst the same category candidates
4. As per Govt. Instruction no 22/10/2010-1GS III Dated: 23.05.2014,if suitable candidates of Ex-Servicemen are not
available in a particular category, then the vacancies will be filled up from amongst the same category candidates.
5.While every care has been taken in preparing and uploading the result, possibility of inadvertent/technical errors cannot
be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.
6. The result is also available on the website of HSSC i.e. Sd/-
Haryana Staff Selection Commission

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