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They say that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. My first step of the thousand
mile journey to SIBM, Pune was the SNAP preparation process. While I had conquered quants, made
my peace with logical reasoning and shook hands with verbal, I was yet to bring in my favour the
most important ally of any SNAP aspirant- Time. In the next dozen mocks, I battled Time tooth and
nail. By D-Day, I knew how to use time to my advantage.

On D-day, sixty minutes went by in a few seconds. SNAP is an apt name for a test that is over just as
quickly as the word ‘SNAP’ escapes the lips. I eagerly awaited the results. I wished the waiting time
would fly by just as quickly as it had during the test. I was thrilled to see a dream percentile next to
my name in the scorecard. Half the battle was won and the other waited just aside.

Conquering GD-PI-WAT was the next task, it seemed easy until the questions were asked. I gave in
my all to receive the acceptance mail which has changed my life now in unsaid words.

SIBM has shown me my true worth.

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