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Writing tasks

Portfolio - Submission 1
Essay writing

Option 2
Cities have no future: the future is going back to the countryside.

Increasingly, the population of the countryside has been moving out and going
to the big cities. In the countryside there are less opportunities for everybody,
especially for the youth, whether in studies or working, going out or getting to
places among other things. And because of that people has been moving out
into cities.

Former, there are few job offers especially in the new jobs coming up now, and
this is a problem for the young people that wants to work and become
independent. Also there are few opportunities to study post-obligatory studies
like college, usually students have to move to the university campus or travel a
long distance every day. Latter, there is a lack of public transport that difficults
the mobility of the people that does not have car, either in the own town or
connecting the town with other cities.

Furthermore, there are less commercial offers either supermarkets or other

items such as clothing. As well as less options of leisure whether during the
day, as cinemas, theatres or restaurants, or during the night, as bars or
nightclubs. In addition, in many little towns the connection is not as good as it
is in the cities, fact that can difficult the increasing telecommuting. Also there
are less public services as hospitals, offices for bureaucratic procedures or
even libraries or pharmacies, servicies that are usually essential.

To sum up, cities are the future due to they are the most comfortable and
convenience places to live because the services they offer, especially for the
youth. For these reasons the countryside is being abandoned for the young
people who prefer going to the big cities to have more opportunities.

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