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(The : Hero’s Journal Created by Nick Vitellaro, Kyle Cole, and Ryan McConnell Copyright © 2021 The hero's Journal™M All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. For information regarding permission to reproduce selections from this book, email Visit our website, pusLisher’s d1scLarmer While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy of completeness of the contents of this book. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suit- able for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, in- cluding but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. The company, product, and services names used in this book are for identification purposes only. All trademarks and registered trade marks are the property of their respective owners. ISBN: 978-1-63972-134-4 third edition This journal belongs to: Contact Info Welcome, hero! Congratulations, you've taken the first step toward becoming, the hero of your story! Stories are as old as humanity itself, and no stories are more important than the ones we tell about ourselves. You hold in your hands proof that you are ready to tell a new story about areal that you're willing to take risks and achieve your goals, whatever it takes. You may not realize it yet, but you are capable of great acts of courage, kindness, and strength ahead. As you embark on your quest, this journal will be your companion, keeping you focused on your goals, guiding you through obstacles, and helping you become the hero of your story. Don't feel like a hero yet? Fear not—neither did any other great hero at the beginning, of their story. You're not alone. The next few pages will help you prepare for your journey. Once you receive the call, you will consider the cost of inaction, find your North Star, define your quest, and finally accept your adventure. Welcome to the Land of Istoria! — Nick and Kyle ” ar a once upon a time... In the Land of Istoria, upon the humblest of hills, there lived Yew. Ne om ec Ue UU Rt oieae anemic eater Ct But tales of snowy mountain peaks, ancient pyramids, and fire-breathing dragons have Goi, cress Bees. whisper of a hero has been heard for a long tit ear cea OOM CAT iat Reet car U Ls ane cadre like Yew, who still yearn for aut murs Your Call to Adventure Every great adventure begins with a simple knock at the door from an unexpected visitor, an encouraging word from a friend, or a belief in something greater than the ordinary world. This is your invitation to do something outside of your comfort zone and make the most out of life. however you came into possession of this journal, you have chosen to open up to this page, to read this sentence, and to be called to your adventure. Just as the hero must leave their ordinary world, you must part ways with what you may know or what makes you comfortable. Many people leave their call to adventure unanswered, but this is your opportunity to answer—a moment when a secret Yew is revealed to have a greater purpose, an uncommon opportunity, or even a destiny long, hidden. Consider for a moment what called Yew to adventure: Refusal of the Call “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.” - Joseph Campbell Once the heart—thumping excitement of receiving your call to adventure wears off, the shadows of self-doubt, fear, and skepticism often follow. After all, how many journals end up being abandoned to collect dust on the shelf? What makes this one any different? Every hero has felt this shadow encroach anytime they are called out of their comfort zone. The shadows whisper things like ‘you are not talented enough,” ‘they will all laugh at you,” or “you will fail.” But there is something much, much worse than failing: to never attempt your quest at all. Ask yourself, What is the cost of not accepting your quest? Before you set out on your quest, consider these questions: What will your life look like in 3 months if you refuse the call? Tf you accepted this quest, what progress could be made in 3-months time? What is the worst possible thing that could happen if you accepted your call? StS 9 dA Take time to really think these through before you answer them— 7 Us yy either J \ XN % e it’s crucial you understand the risk you are undertaking b accepting or rejecting the call. ey AC j Ve A \Q Finding your North Star high above, in the Istoria night sky, countless stars glisten and oe But these stars are more than beautiful—they are also used for navigation. Your North Star is a wholly special star. It is a representation of something unique to Yew—the thing that fills your mind with wanderlust, pulls at your heartstrings, and guides you toward the most honest and freeing expression ol voursell This is your guiding light, pointing you in the right direction when you lose your way, feel burt out, or need inspiration on your journey. While your Quest at any given time is what you are trying to accomplish, your North Star is why you want to accomplish it. To begin secking your North Star you have but to examine the stories of your life. Some may recognize stories that point to the star immediately, while others may only find stories that point to the smallest glimmer in the distance. That’s ok, what's always true is that the North Star has been there to light your way and it always will be. If ever you're unsure of where your North Star shines, you can use this phrase to realign yourself: I want a better story about: Whether you could identify your North Star immediately or not, don't fear; there are no mistakes to be made here. Your North Star is yours and yours alone. Te may point to a wide range of quests, including health, career, finances, creativity, relationships, or anything else that ceads out for you. are some questions that can help you bring your North Star a bit more into focus: @ What's something I've wanted to do for a long time? © What's a part of myself Im ashamed of? @ What's something I'm afraid of trying? e What bothers me most about my current life? © What's a habit I've always wanted to build? Take some time to reflect on these or any question that speaks to you. Trust your inner voice to point you in the direction of your North Star. Oh, and one last critical note—remember that your North Star may shift or even disappear and reappear at times on your journey. This is ok, and you will be completely fine. The North Star is there to lead you when you go most astray, to guide you to what you want most, and that may change along the way. The most important part you will play is to keep moving forward, no matter what. Defining Your Quest Wich your call to adventure at your doorstep, an awareness of any fears that may cause inaction, and your North Star in sight, the quest is ready to begin. A Quest is a goal you are able to make meaningful progress on in the near future. This can be specific or vague, as long as it is important to you. Today your quest may feel large and unwieldy, too small or too simple, or anywhere in between. It is no matter what it looks like now, be~ cause this is something you will write daily, and it will likely change. The most important thing is to begin. Accepting the Quest L , am the only hero who can complete this quest. On this Day, _/ _/__, my quest has called me out of my comfort zone to pursue feats of legend worthy of the mightiest of heroes. I acknowledge my time, focus, and self are worthy of this quest. I now follow my North Star and take ownership of all outcomes. I commit to being a true hero. I will not make excuses or blame others no matter what may befall me. My destiny is my own. I will embrace progress over perfectionism, make failure a friend, and fall in love with the journey, not the destination. No matter how difficult my quest looks or feels, I will not succumb to the shadow’s pull. Given if I am exhausted or if I have a hard day, even if I wander off the path or fall off the horse , even if it takes me longer than expected — I will see this quest fulfilled. Lam the hero of this story. I chose this quest, just as much as this quest chose me. I will see it through. X Signature Date Daily Pages Align with Your Quest Walee your quest every day 7 Fer ae , : Knowing what you are trying to accomplish is the most important aspect of a successful Gach daily page has eight components scientifically designed to help you scize the quest. In this dedicated space, write down your original quest, break your quest down into day. Additionally, the art on the daily pages tells a story that progresses, helping irralle? geloacourandl cour geal Grleen Change yourleucsclas sues Wilde yale ane to inspire your story as you go. goal cach day keeps you connected with the reason you accepted your call in the first place. © Seize Your Day @ Today's Date Identify your most important tasks eats you one Bae While you might have more than three things to do, write the three most imporeane eas, hae will lp yu be proactive toward your quest. The frog fn the comer of the first line és inspired by Mark Twain's saying, “If you have to eat two frogs, don't eat the smaller one first.” Complete your most important task first, then eat SS © Your Daily Grarivudes ae your smaller tasks for second breakfast. Rem 7 le aia eure Canal foe Ask yourself these questions: What do Teed to do today to get closer to my quest? What tasks will give me the biggest feeling, of relief? What am 1 most tempted to procrastinate first? © Daily Inspiration A reminder to stay motivated Youlll find a hand~picked quote on every daily page to give you insight from hers who have come before you and inspired you. Many of the obstacles you will come across on your quest have been lived through by many others. Reading a quote cach day offers a starting point, a gentle nudge forward, or a reaffirmation of why you started. heroes are forged on the read, not at their destinations. Whether your quest takes three months, a year, or beyond, undated pages allow you to be patient with yourself and inspire you to keep moving on your quest. Remember: Progress, not perfection. Completing your quest won't be easy, so cultivating positive psychology is essential. Write down three things each day that inspire you, remind you that you are a hero, or just make you happy. Developing, this habit tunshackles you from toxic emotions and silences the internal voices threatening, your quest. Your Agenda Make a schedule or write a list This component was inspired by a time tracker but is designed as a free space for you to make any type of list. Make note of books you want to read, jot down ideas you don’t want to forget, record the events of the day, or create a schedule for your day. Tip: This is the perfect place to manage any Side Quests! (8) Additional Notes . Capture a quick thought, sketch ideas, and more Your Hllies & Threats 8 Recognize what helps or hinders you Juggling, too many thoughts at the same time can hinder us from making progress. Notes offer a blank The people, places, and things you surround yourself with can determine the outcome of space for you to release your thoughts, track your our quest. Hllies are positive forces that bring you closer to your goals, like coffee or tasks, or catalog the new critters and creatures you Friends. ‘Threacs are obseacles chat distrace you from what you wane to accomplish, like encounter on your journey. Ultimately, this space is \ junk food or social media. Allies one day can be threats another time. Write down your designed as a free area to use as needed. (AY allies and threats every day to play a more active role in becoming the hero of your story. KV Eves =¥Kvn Su: WU MAW. Chapters On your quest, chapters come after every seven Daily Pages and ask you to reflect on the most recent events of your quest. Every week is a new chapter - an opportunity to kick-start a goal, reevaluate your priorities, or even take a break. On these Chapter Pages, answer the two reflection questions and complete the Level Up exercise. The reflection questions help you stay aligned with your North Star. Chapter complete G@uperience: Circle any you experienced during che last chapter. strength dexterity constitution © wisdom charisma Prone Que i On the Level Up exercise, circle the Experience Points that you achieved this week. This exercise helps you poe of your character development and take inventory of the helpful tools and allies that have come to your aid. It’s not about rating how you performed that week; it’s about the benefits you feel as you reflect on the progress you made. Acts By accepting your call to adventure, you chose to become the hero of’ your story. Like many great tales, yours will be divided into three acts: the beginning, middle, and end. You will give a name to all three acts at the end of the journal, as well as name the overall adventure. There is a new act after every few chapters @s outlined below). When you reach these milestones, focus on the overall progress and theme of your journey. Your story will unfold over the course of these three acts and serve as a reminder of the heroism within you and the story you are living. ACT I G Scenes, 28 Dailies) Chapter 1 humble hills) Chapter 2 Wildwood Ruins) Chapter 3 (Murkmire Swamp) Chapter 4 Gword & Circle Tavern) ACT If G Scenes, 35 Dailies) Chapter 5 Dauntless Dunes) Chapter 6 Cortoi Temple) Chapter 7 Werilous Penglins) Chapter 8 Goll Camp) Chapter 9 (Cave of Contemplation) ACT Ti & Scenes, 28 Dailies) Chapter 10 (Volgrimm’s Vault) Chapter n Gteppeburg) Chapter 12 Castle Anima) Chapter 13 @hadow Showdown) Co "HARDY Gale a & HD - eno Sona se =| A Bio crawler Le Jrook OUR Fefenps. pyense — ose ee: | i ca ° —— Starts 2 Grumsday a wf Write your quest every Day to remind you of what you are trying to accomplish. WWW oirite todays Date ond circle Pre Dey of a eywomniemes CL dsurwtes pee r Cheonicle, visualize, and prioritize your Journey with a schedule or a lst: i List the top three tasks that define a To seize the day: successful day, with the most important one first: 1 Read these quotes to stay motivated ond gain insight from heroes to have come before you. ‘Im going on an adventure!” - Bilbo Baggins v \\ DIG Gf 7 é a Yq nges every Day} eee S Write any obstacles Phat distract you from whet you want to accomplish, SS ae i Write fhe positive forces frat bring you closer to your goals like coffee or friends. |—T—] P/, Es) % ay's Allies: oday’s Threats: Today's All Ll y Today's Thi : QDS -3 an ° ( y < aw on he social media and juni food. EE i \ “Our deepest fears are like dragons SF guarding our greatest treasures.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke ry = hasnt \ yp A\\ “To live will be an awfully big adventure.” - Deter Pan —————___~, \ yp A\ To seize the day: Today I am grateful for: “Qvery adventure requires a first step.” - Cheshire Cat 40 \ a Today's Threats: Today's Allies: “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.” - Sirius Black — $$$. : Z Za “We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” — Joseph Campbell — $$$ <—$—__— “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it.” - Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist —_————— @nswer fhe two reflection questions to help you stay aligned wifh your forth Star. You've done ft! Youve seepped ‘out your door and onto the road, where heroes are made! You should be proud! Flip back through the previous pages and take inventory—what did you realize or find out about your quest that you didn’t expect? As you leave the comfort and familiarity of the humble hills, the Wildwood lies ahead. how would you describe yourself at the start of this journey? how do you envision yourself if you accomplish everything you want? | Circle fhe Experi ‘you achieved to Keep track of your character development A api a Ha laa 4 chapter compLete @xperience: Circle any you experienced during the last chapter. o90G8 + “ + strength dexterity constitution —_ wisdom charisma Progressed Quest, Fele Lighter or Fele Lealchier or ele More Creative Improved Seized TheDays. More Gnexgized Tnproved Fieness or Learned New Relaionships or or Ae The Bogs Things Threasel Confidence “Fairy tales are more than true — not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten.” G.K. Chesterton —_———————— x pa Today's Allies: he felt he was going to be sick. towhat he had to do.” “Every flight begins with a fall.” - George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones pn a 4 ZA 2 _ Today I am grateful for: 1 2. “All we have to decide is what to do with the time i S jalf that is given us.” - Gand; . NUR. Today's Allies: o~ v “he was going to live forever, or die in the attempt.” = Joseph heller “Great heroes need great sorrows and burdens, or half their greatness goes unnoticed.” - Deter 8. Beagle ——_———$—$<—<—____~, x pa Today's Allies: “What day is it?” asked Pooh. “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet. mi f . Milne My favorite day,” said Pooh.” - ALA. —_<——$—<———$————— Today's Allies: The Wildwood welcomes you, as do the Climbers! The forest can be a dangerous place. It is good to have allies with you in these parts. What have been the most helpful allies thus far? (Remember, allies and threats can be people, places, or things.) To protect them from the Crawlers, the Climbers have bestowed upon Yew the Istoria Iswordia. What threats have you had to protect your quest from? how did you handle the most challenging, adversary you faced? Chapter complete @xperience: Circle any you experienced during the last chapter. oguUgN “ “ cal ra strength dexterity constitution = wisdom charisma Progressed Quest, Fele Lighter or ele Dealehier or Felt More Creative Improved Seized The Days. More Grergiced “Improved Beness or Leamed New Relationships or Ale The Frogs Things Threasel Confidence oat ence] <, Gsurwres 3 My Quest: Y. A i, Toscize the day: a 1. £3 oH we : oO + “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, Lag is not an act, but a habit.” - Will Durant =) NOTeS Wanye LY 1% oS ij NEF Ses eS ane & WH a a ore 's Threats: a % ef Ly Gsurwres 3 a ‘Y uest: To seize the day: : 0 : O co “eroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers © they are graced with.” - Brodi Ashton, @verneath Fie, NOTeS eA eee s Br |e OP é nite y © Today's Threats: ic “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” ~ C8, Lewis ——$_—___". “When one can see no future, all one can do is the next right thing.” — Dabbie, Frozen 2 —$ 40 “Tt's the job that’s never started as takes longest to finish.” -JRR. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings — Ly Gsurwres 2 My Quese ‘Y uest: To seize the day: 1 £8 2. 3 Uo “What we do in life echoes in eternity.” © - Maximus ——<$<$___~, Ly Gsurwres 2 My Quese ‘Y uest: To seize the day: 1 2. 3 a “Tr is our choices, harry, that show what we truly are, NOTeS: far more than our abilities.” - Dumbledore _—_—$<<$$<——— Uo As you set sail on the Wildwood River, a sense of adventure washes over you. What do you look forward to doing on the journey ahead? The Crawlers ambushed your party, taking you by surprise. With the help of the Climbers, you've fended them off and secured Crawler Silk Rope! What have you done on your joumey so far that surprised you? LD ~. = = Chapter complete @xperience: Circle any you experienced during the last chapter. e9009 a a 5 dexterity con: ion wisdom charisma e Tle Lighee or ‘ele Balhieror Inprved Proceed Now Ghegiced Tp en Sr Lend Nine Reta Joo My Quest: To seize the day: “IFT look back I am lost.” George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones ——— Today's Allies: ee Gsurwres 7 My Quest: To seize the day: 1. 7 : 2. 2. ; -B 3- | GC “Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.” Gdgar Allan Doe t0 Today's Allies: ; Today's Threats: ee Gsurwres —- My Quest: To seize the day: 1. : : a: 2. : a 3. 3 | 0 “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.” - Steve Prefontaine —— ms, Today's Allies: \ Today's Threats: ee Gsurwres 7 My Quest: To seize the day: 4 A 3 : ; “Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small heart, it could Lamy hola rather large amount of Gratitude.” - A.A. Milne, Winnie~the—Dooh = lai onal ee Sa NOTes; | KG Today's Allies: Today's Threats: ee Gsurwres ——— My Quest: To seize the day: 1 3 4 2. 2. : + “We don’t see things as aoe we see them as we are.” ~ Anais Nin ——___~, Z a Today I am grateful fo re Us NOTes; Today's Allies: My Quest: To seize the day: a Ay 23 we Today I am grateful for: “hard times don't create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.” - Bob Riley ——_§_ ————_~. Today's Allies: oy My Quest: cas To seize the day: FZ mf 1 ee aw 1. Ci Today I am grateful for: Bes “Trust the quality of what you know, not the quantity.” ” = Mr. Miyagi a = SS . aS Smoe aS Y << — _ Today's Allies: " a 4 © Today's Threats: 1 ‘Name your story. Give a title to the beginning of your quest. climeers Tree-clinbing critters! met in the yew wildwood eins. | Phin they vsed fo Justa ite person %e companions to the Ancient istorians? swith big Bream. esther way they seem to really care ‘the ume hills are sine, about the Wildwood. ‘but Tong for adventure! a 2 This 012 guy is the keeper of ‘ynowiledge for Phe land of itoria. es he's got a dig library full of stories SON za ~ about Istoria's heroes of legend. ‘Maybe my story will be part of it someday? aricient Istorians There's not much town about ‘hese folly ovtsde of myths and legends. heard they ll Aisopreared one Bay Tong age, Teaving Phe ruins behind Gut some people say Phey stil exist, somewhere. FROG tts frog eat the biggest these big spiders wrapped up the Climbers in webs! | Phought they only lived in fhe Murlgnice, but | qvess they 49°F Sek of eating F095. Le of the Tortoi Wan lo ae raid of mysteries. rok lost bencat the s0¥e On Be Oe ae ov nega 4 PERLIOUS PEARS PASSAGE CO. = Guided caravans through —— the mountains for hice S& Want ADVENTURE? ‘TREASURE? GLORY? — JoIN THE — Las [LS aD R’S 7 GUILD, ta FORSALE cng Y \Y rua @ 001 509 or bes: FOR es} \wuTLON )g or best offer ZURSED RING VOUGIA's fog} mist Fe att om — 00 None My Quest: To seize the day: 7 3 “We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of the dreams.” — Arthur OBhaughnessy —$<$_——_____~. Today's Allies: Today's Threats: My Quest: To seize the day: 1 fel 2. Li? > a “What seem to us bitter trials are often te blessings in disguise.” ~ Oscar in disguise.” - Oscar Wilde A Today's Allies: Today's Threats: My Quest: To seize the day: “Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.” ~ George RR. Martin, A Game of Thrones UB a /” Today's Threats: My Quest: To seize the day: 1. “Every day of our lives we are on the verge of making those Z| changes that would make all the difference.” - Mignon McLaughlin ——$<$$—$—$—__~, My Quest: To seize the day: 1. “Why do we fall, sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.” — Alfred Dennyworth — $$$". My Quest: To seize the day: 1 3 ‘Without change something sleeps inside us,and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.” — Duke Leto Atreides a | The infamous dust storms in the Dauntless Dunes make it hard to see. Te takes a skilled traveler, such as yourself, to find the way. What has kept you moving forward toward your North Star, even when the path wasn't clear? Sitting on a rock for a rest only to find it was a Tortoi all along is quite an unexpected thing! What are some unexpected lessons learned or pearls of wisdom that have impacted your quest so far? Chapter complete Experience: Circle any you experienced during the last chapter. T9088 strenoth dexterity constitution wisdom charisma Drogressed Quest, Pele Lighter o Fele bealehier or Pele More Creative Improved Scised The Days, More Gnengized “Improved Fieness or Learned New Relationships or or Hee The Frogs Things Increased Confidence Today I am grateful for: Today's Allies: To seize the day: 1. 2. co Because,’ she said, ‘when you're scared but you still do it anyway, that's brave.” = Neil Gaiman, Coraline — ______—____ Today's Threats: Today I am grateful for: 1 2. 3 Today's Allies: Gsurwres a To seize the day: 1. 2. co “Sure. Il got the will. Question is, do you have the way?” ~ @ddie Valiant ——_____ Today's Threats: To seize the day: 1. “To sce that your life is a story while you're in the middle of 109 \ living, it may be a help to living, it well.” - Ursula K. Le Guin Shy <<< bod = ___ Today's Allies: ee Today's Threats: Today's Allies: E/* | : iy Gsurwres — My Quest: To seize the day: “Today is a good day to try.” —- Quasimodo Uo (Bh I Ly Gsurwres -———— My Quest: To seize the day: 1. £3 ba 5 2. Cy co “The belonging you seek is not behind you, it is ahead.” £@@ eee SD NOTes; ————I My Quest: Gsurwres ee To seize the day: . “If you want to be a good archeologist, you gotta get out of the library! ~ Indiana Jones a0: NOTes; vw Today's Allies: sy Gsurwre sj_—_———— My Quest: To seize the day: a ie Ou (Bh Ie if "Goonies never say diel” - Mikey, The Goonies a0: NOTes; Chapter complete @xperience: Gircle any you experienced during. the last chapter. “1 n "1 ae +1 strength dexterity constitution wisdom charisma Progressed Quest, ele Lighter or Fele bealehier or Fele More Crearive Improved ‘Seised The Days, Moye Gnengcad —=—sImproved Fienes———or Leamed/ New| —_Relavianships or or Ate The Fg Things Tnereased Confidence Ancient Tortoi hieroglyphics decorate the walls with stories from the past for those in the future. In many ways, this journal holds a story about you. Write something kind and encouraging for your future self to stumble upon: With the Crawler Silk-Rope, Yew is able to rappel down into the Tortoi Temple. What are some crucial tools you are grateful for on your quest thus far? My Quest: To seize the day: “It matters not what someone is born, but what the grow to be.” - Albus Dumbledore —~ Today's Allies: \ \ Today's Threats: SS My Quest: To seize the day: “Tea dangerous busines Frodo, goingout your door. You step onto the read, ‘you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept 7 to.” - RR. Tolkien, Lord of the Rings JS, 5 Allies: Today's Threats: My Quest: To seize the day: “Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it.” - Rafiki ——$$__. As —% Today's Allies: \ \ Today's Threats: SS My Quest: To seize the day: “T's multe to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. hi ¢ hard... is what makes it great.” - Jimmy Dugan gee reaeeeeeariteamty —~“ Today's Allies: \ \ Today's Threats: “Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.” — Benjamin Button Vi Wx —~“ Today's Allies: \ \ My Quest: 7 = A To seize the day: i Y Today I am grateful for: FA él 1 a oy a) 2. er + “You said you worked hard? Well, maybe you need to work a little longer.” ~ Saitama ——— —~ Today's Allies: \ \ “You just can't beat the person who never gives up.” ~ Babe Ruth —_—_—______~. a/ x Today's Allies: \ \ Zo ay N SWS. Z . \ S \ Chapter complete @xperience: Circle any you experienced during the last chapter. “1 str The Perilous Peaks introduce new terrain to your journey, along with new obstacles. What are some obstacles that made their way into your quest? how did you overcome them? As the Penglins mect you for the first time, they look up to you as a hero. Who is a hero you look up to for inspiration on your own quest? ‘What do you appreciate about them? My Quest: To seize the day: 1. a “Whatever it is youre scared of doing, Do it. Make your mistakes, next year and forever.’ - Neil Gaiman ———<_—<—$___. “Sometimes the right path is not the ¢ —- Grandmother Willow Y Today's Allies: K j My Quest: To seize the day: 1. My Quest: To seize the day: ; Bo Y Ly est view comes after the hardest climb.”— Unknown — $$ 8 ‘We have nothing if not belief.” = Recpichecp, The Chronicles of Narnia cee ees ‘Sometimes you can't see the road ahead but as you keep going, it gets clearer. Seay the course as the fog, of life dissipates.” - Sanjo Jendayi a To seize the day: 1. \ 2. E\\3 “Il chat is gold docs not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost: The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. Y f Today's Allies: chapter complete @xperience: Circle any you experienced during the lase chapter. SV080 A A strength dexterity constitution wisdom charisma Progressed Quest, Fele Lighter or Fele bealehier or Fele More Creative Improved Seized The Days, Move Gnergized nmproved Fieness orLeamed New Relationships or or Ate The Bogs Things Increased Confidence As Yew stealthily guides the Penglins through the secret mountain passage, you are reminded that the world is a better place with more es in it. how has taking on your quest improved or eased the lives of those around you? What further impact do you see is possible? The ice and snow crunch under your fect as you move under the cover of nightfall. You are a long way from the humble hills. Take a moment to remember how you saw’ yourself in the first chapter of your story; would you describe yourself the same way? how is who you are now different from when Yew started? To seize the day: Today I am grateful for: “Forget all you know, or think you know. All that you require is your intuition.” — high Aldwin — $$$ —_, Today's Allies: Today's Threats: To seize the day: Today I am grateful for: “Maybe the sword does have some magic. Personally, I think it’s the warrior who wields it.” - Brian Jacques, Redwall ———____, Today's Allies: Today's Threats: To seize the day: ‘ 1 Today I am grateful for: 2. + “There are a whole lot of things in this world of ours you haven't started wondering about yet.” - Roald Dahl, James and the Giant Peach —___—___. Today's Allies: Today's Threats: Today I am grateful for: 1. Today's Allies: Today's Threats: To seize the day: Today I am grateful for: “You have to take risks in life to have an adventure.” — The Manticore, Onward —_____—_____—. a0: Today's Allies: To seize the day: “Nobody who says, ‘I told you so’ has ever been, or will cver be, a hero.” - Ursula K, Le Guin —— ee , Today's Allies: ds MTWwTFs j_?————— My Quest: To seize the day: 1. Today I am grateful for: A 2. 2. > 3 “Me, give up? No way!” ~ Ash Ketchum a: Today's Allies: Today's Threats: Name your story. Give a title to the 2 pr bg tortor This wise fellow helped me traverse the Gavntless Gunes anid speluni, his people's ancient pyramid. Phought all fhe Tortot migcated east across the sea after Prec jungle turned to desert, ‘but was hagey te be wrong! — These great hairy Deasts are fiercely territorial about heir mountain comes ot caring and loyal fo their tribe-mates. ‘me not sure what's anima~folk These are fhe majority population of storia. Gack in Fhe humble hills have many animafolk a5 neighbors. Thepe | can meet a lot more of them when | finally get to Eortio! ‘has it he slumbers in is vault: middle of your quest. —— penalins lignes birds who tre camarg the Perlons Peas individvally they're shy and Hid bot 05 o group they're extremely brave ‘and gung-ho! = voLorimm the Red The legendary dragon! Volgrinan hesn't Been seen in over 100 years. but legend protecting the reasores of the dacient torans. sorely Prats just a stor. ‘ene? —— (7_ shadow hep spotting Fi out of fhe corer of my oe (Pa tt may be following me: ‘ve heard stories bout Shadows Phat Feed off feor ond Boubr, possess minds all KOS of Scary stuf Gut maybe Pris one ts just lonely? J! wee ) ied Ib 7 the ANIMA ROYAL Gsurwres eat : . My Quest: To seize the day: 1 3 2. + LL 7 ge “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing,” ~ hellen Keller 2 AY, i Te i / Gsurwres eat : . My Quest: “Wy To seize the day: =: I J Lf @U co fae “Tf you want to see the true measure of a man, watch how lag he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” = Sirius Black wes pee ela SED TW ‘| | NOTeS: SY Mex rN Pe ow Gsurwres eat : . My Quest: = To seize the day: a). Lf fa + as LL | ‘Something that worked for me was imagining that where I wanted te | eas a mouneain, And Tlnew that as fing a5 I kepe walking towards the mountain, I would be all right.” — Nal G; —— ee, rat aD TW Za NOTeS; sles seme Today's Threats: Gsurwres — = 3 My Quest: ty au seize the day: Ald fe co as LL “If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally | transform one million realities.”- Maya Angelou eer a TW SD NOTeS: - . > \ a 3 Threats: > \2 > “oOo . : . b 2 > I Me Ale LI dee ree ; i au seize the day: Ad Ai 3 pie SE= y LI LI “If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give Lamy | him a question and hell look for his own answers.” ~ Patrick Rothfuss Zs) 6 ee NoTes Gsurwres eat . bp My Quest: i To seize the day: 1 7S DOU 2. co ge away? Bo that you can ser the place you came ors. Coming: bakk to where = | Wy & } from’ with new eyes and extra color started is nog, the same as never ; leaving = Terry retire NOTesS TW ta LEAN Sein ~ a Today's Threats: o a J o>- am ae a. i Gsurwres eat . My Quest: ty To seize the day: a). F re 2. + a LL nV, “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.” | = Paul Atreides =i —_—___—___—__~. i A NOTeS; AP Today's Threats: LQ 3 5 SS Chapter compLete @xperience: Circle any you experienced during che last chapter. UGU09 + strength dexterity constitution wisdom charisma Progressed Quest, fle Lighter or fele healthier or Felt More Creative Improved Seized The Days Nore Grergized JInmproved Fences reamed New ‘Relationships or or Ate The Frogs Things Inercased Confidence Volgrimm’s Vault is filled to the brim with treasures, trinkets, and totems of peoples across Istoria. What have you come to treasure now that you never would have at the start of your quest? The Shadow has overtaken Volgrimm. The Istoria Plate Armor saved Yew from being incinerated. What systems or habits have you adopted during your quest to defend you from threats? — pee - eae L_—z—S > EAM 2. gl | + al “Courage does not always roar. Valor does not always shine.” Lamy n ~ Tomi Adeyemi Zs) To seize the day: 1. NOTes; iy Gsurwres —————— =e : = = ze L_—z—S > 0 2. Ly cy 1 e “Dreams are glimpses into life's truths.” Lamy sem ary Tee, ED) To seize the day: 1. L_—z—S > iy Gsurwres —————— =e : = = ze To seize the day: . 40 * oO 3 1 ee ‘| “Behind her gentle character, ee st rengch 0 of armor was found.” Lamy ee SE) NOTes; i te. a [=o =a i Today's Threats: \ \\ ae Today I am grateful for: Nu ae i Gsurwres —————— ——— ” - ‘\ * 3 LS e, Q To seize the day: 1 fi oO 2. oO + [ie “Try laughing! Then whatever scares you will go away!” Lag n ~ Tatsuo Kasukabe =) NOTeS: Today's Threats: Qsurwres -——S Se My Quest: ee g Tod sday Tam gra ateful for: To seize the day: 1 Ao 2. 5 . co “Roads? Where we're going, we don’t N&G@D roads!” Lamy - Doc Brown =) NoTes BBN : TT We oe =A? : | -« 4 Today's Threats: Gsurwres ee — My Quest: To seize the day: 1 Ad 2. co “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” ~ Perris Bueller een NOTes; Gsurwres = a My Quest: To seize the day: 1 AO 2 + ‘| Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.” ' ~ Mr. Keating tees a0 NOTeS: There comes a point in every quest where the hero faces their biggest challenge—and often defeat. The road to redemption starts now. What has been your biggest defeat so far? how have/will you overcome this challenge? Sometimes, shadows use our past experiences to stifle the present. What old beliefs or thoughts about yourself do you no longer have? Chapter complete @xperience: Circle any you experienced during the last chapter. “1 "1 "1 “ "1 strenoth dexterity constitution wisdom charisma SEIRRe sett) tpmetmes —a \\TaLty-Ho!)} LS a iy Gsurwres —— = My Quest: a "Today Tam grateful for: A To seize the day: met a 2. _ co “They say the best blaze bums brightest when the circumstances J(@#) are at their worst.” ~ Sophie, howl’s Moving Castle RSA — $$ $$$. Ds Ln el NOTes; Today's Allies: iy Gsurwres —— My Quest: is To seize the day: Today I am grateful for: “Life doesn’t give us purpose. We give life purpose.” = The Flash Today's Threats: Today's Allies: iy Gsurwres —— — My Quest: is a To seize the day: Today I am grateful for: | “Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to sec it.” - Merida —$<—____ Today's Allies: iy Gsurwres —— My Quest: i_—+—S To seize the day: : 3 Ve Today I am grateful for: Uo a “Please don’t take your brain for granted. It’s the best friend youl ever have.” ~ Lisa Simpson. —_$$<$—$—$_———_——, (sl x Za} Today's Allies: iy Gsurwres —— My Quest: i_—+—S a is To seize the day: Today I am grateful for: Uo “It’s not the beard on the outside that counts, it’s the J@@ beard on the INSID@.” - Action hank = pc ee, ell x a NOTes; Today's Allies: i ee Gsurwres My Quest: ie OL To seize the day: aN - xf A D1. Today I am grateful for: PN 1. FJ Sp 2 ~l * r | 3 3. “Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.” Today's Allies: ~ John Lennon i Gsurwres _— : My Quest: a a J . JR L_—z—S Ay, | (AS YL To seize the day: mae ox ieee = Sib Today I am grateful for: zt Pat) aes I 1 > 2. O : ls 3. “I don’t know where I'm going, but Im on my way.” Lag : Carl Sandburg ey NOTeS: KK wy a © 20; iG vy cf Ape eR (tt AAT MED PRIN PIN PR PY Today's Allies: Today's Threats: Chapter complete Qxperience: Circle any you experienced during the last chapter. 9089 41 strength dexterity constitution wisdom charisma Brogressed Quest, ile Lighter o file healthier or ‘Fale More Creative Improved Seized The Days, Move @negized Inproved Biencss or Learned New Relationships o or Ate The Bogs Things Inacased Canidense Many would have given up when knocked down, but not a hero like you. A hero does not always accomplish everything they set out to achieve, but they always grow. how have you grown as a result of taking on your quest? hope fills the air as Yew and allies come to the aid of Castle Anima. Nothing can stop their determination. Throughout this whole journey, you've chosen to take a stand. Today, surrounded by allies and invigorated by all your wins up until now, what do you stand for above alll else? FOR ISTORIA! My Quest: To seize the day: ‘Bome people live more in 20 years than others do in Bo. I's not time that matters, it’s the person.” ~ The D ——__—______. Today's Allies: “If you want the rainbow, you porta put up with the rain.” Lamy ~ Dolly Parton m —$<$<$_$___~, SD My Quest: To seize the day: “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.” ~ Maya Angelou nr Today's Allies: My Quest: To seize the day: “Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people.” ~ Fred Rogers eae NOTes; \ Today's Allies: — To seize the day: 1 2. eo “Do I know what I'm doing today? No. But I'm here and I'm going to give it my best shot.” — hansel — $a, \\ — Today's Allies: Today's Threats: — ee Gsurwres My Quest: To seize the day: 1. Today I am grateful for: 2. 3 “Dope is like the sun. If you only believe it when you sec it you'll never make it through the night.” - General Leia Organa ——_— ee 48 NOTes; Today's Threats: My Quest: To seize the day: Today I am grateful for: “The Road goes ever on and on, Out from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, Let others follow it who can!” = Bilbo Baggins —$— <_<, NOTes; ~~ Today's Threats: § ie b = & maesone® = HT” Gon annuat HumBle Hus ih > HeCounty Fair ¢ ~S Greetings, hero! You’ve done it! 1 never doubted for a moment that you'd fulfill your Quest! 1 knew that your story would be one for the ages. It’s been an incredible journey, full of unexpected twists, challenges, and allies. 1 would say you've earned a celebrated induction into the hall of heroes! Whether your quest remained consistent throughout, changed along the way, or feels like it’s only just begun, take this moment to be proud of yourself. This is a great story. Hind the thing about great stories is they often call for a sequel. I hope I get to be a part of your next adventure. May the road rise up to meet you! Let it be known that on this day has given unto Istoria, and all its lands and inhabitants, a mighty service. hath traversed unexplored paths and faced all dangers with immense courage and fortitude. This is a true hero. The Mentor

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