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Fusha: Gjuhë Lënda: Shkalla: Klasa:

dhe Anglisht e katert VIII

komunikim Tetor 2022 M.Qosja
Tema mësimore: Veprimtaria e të nxënit:
Unit: Module 1 Speaking and Role Play
Situata e te nxenit
My preferences

Rezultatet e të nxënit sipas kompetencave kyçe

Rezultatet e të nxënit të kompetencave të fushës sipas temës Fjalët kyçe:

Dancing, acting, singer, film,
- Talking about preferences
director, take photos
- Talking about what people like and dislike about school.
- Practicing speaking skills.

Burimet: Lidhja me fushat e tjera ose me temat

Text book, Workbook, board, flashcards, etc. This topic can be linked with other
subjects taught at school.
Metodologjia dhe veprimtaritë e nxënësve
Lidhja e temës me njohuritë e mëparshme të nxënësve:
Warm up
Start your class asking students to complete the sentences on Ex. 4 Key Expressions with the
verbs in the brackets. After finishing ask students if they are true for them.
Then ask students to work in groups and write what do they like and dislike about school (Ex. 5
page 15). After finishing as groups they report to the whole class.

Ndërtimi i njohurive të reja

New knowledge use
After discussing about likes and dislikes look at the Sentence Builder and decide which sentences
are about: general likes/ dislikes? Something they want to do now or in the future? After doing
this exercise ask students to work in pairs again and say true sentences about the ideas on Ex. 8
using I like and I’d like.
Prezantimi dhe demostrimi i rezultateve të arritura
Presentation and application
In order to reflect on the learning of this class ask students to listen to “Everyday Listening”
section Ex. 1 about Mrs. Tyler-Smith and complete the information about summer courses at
Petergate. Complete as well Ex 2 and 3 at the same section.

I will evaluate based on observations, assessing answers, assessing group work and assessing
home work.

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