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Cheers to another year that we found you.

The most trustworthy friends are those who become like family to you; those who you can
confide in without fear of being judged; and those who make the worst comments but turn out to
be the funniest. A happy birthday to our VP Internal, a member of our family.

Hence, to another member of our family, Raymond Mendoza, your PICE TSU SC greets you
with the warmest yet loudest Happy Birthday. On this day, we are hoping that you’ll find peace
and happiness with you. We wish that whatever things you wish for will be delivered at the right
time. This goes without saying, but the organization always has your back.

In times like this, we might face adversities, but as a family we should stick together and fight
our way through. Just like our mantra, we should always stand as one.

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