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Bill Gates famously said, “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job.

Because a
lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”.  I agree with this statement in
some aspects because some people are so intelligent and lazy they’ve helped
humanity come up with some amazing techniques and inventions to further
enable laziness.
Lazy intelligent people are funnily enough, pretty quick mentally. They think
in short-cuts. Rather than trying to power through the most obvious path, they
sit back for a bit to think if there is a better path to be taken to achieve the
results. Thus, the same result can be achieved with less energy and time.
Moreover, most of the time they use to be in a world of imagination, which
may make them creative. And due to their laziness in some work, they find
great ideas to make their task easy. For example, If man was not lazy, he
wouldn't have invented the car, he would have tamed a horse or walked. Their
laziness is a source of ideas and an option for innovation. Their laziness needs
However, Not all lazy people are smart. Not all smart people are lazy. It
depends on what you’re calling lazy. Finding ways to avoid unnecessary
effort is smart. Failing to make any effort to do something that needs doing is
not smart.
In conclusion, Bill’s not the only guy, who believes that laziness doesn’t
necessarily have to be a bad thing. Smart people will often find solutions to
problems that cost little effort and can then afford to be lazy for a while.

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