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Name: Satura, Shinji L Date: January 26, 2021

Activity #2 CAE 104A: Economic Development 1st Semester AY 2020-2021

Direction: Answer the questions below briefly and concisely.

1. What are the things you have learned from the topic? Give at least five.
 I have learned that among the countries that Europe colonized, are now poor
 I learned that there are indicators on how to measure development for Quantitative
comparison across countries.
 I have realized that World Bank Scheme is used to determine the rank on GNP or
 I have learned that there are many factors to consider in maintaining the
development of the country
 I have learned that there are many ways to help the improvement the development
of the country

2. What are your realizations from the topic? Give at least five.
 I realized that the annual income of the country isn’t stable.
 I have realized that there are many factors to consider in development
 The factors that is considered must be monitored for the benefit of all
 I realized that we should help each other to help develop the country
 I realized that one factor to consider is the place and people of a certain country.

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