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Name: Satura, Shinji L Date:

Activity #9 CAE 104A: Economic Development 1st Semester AY 2020-2021

Direction: Answer the questions below briefly and concisely.

1. What are the things you have learned from the topic? Give at least five.
 I learned that the heavy emphasis in the past on rapid industrialization may have
been misplaced.
 I learned that Agricultural development is now seen as an important part of any
development strategy for the development.
 I learned that governments do not prioritize agriculture and emphasize
 I learned that agriculture is the most criticize and unfair job on some countries.
 I learned that Impact of colonial rule in strengthening land tenure systems of private
property rights and the consequent rise of moneylenders.

2. What are your realizations from the topic? Give at least five.
 I realized that Agricultural production is rising but unevenly.
 I realized that government NGO should focus in initiatives in poverty alleviation and
agricultural reform.
 I realized that agriculture is underappreciated by many.
 I realized that there is Rapid population growth resulted in more fragmentation and
peasant impoverishment.
 I realized that women should not underestimated because of the gender.

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