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COVID 19, A Blessing in Disguise

In the 21st the century we are besieged by the whirlpool of COVID-19. It is an infectious

disease caused by the SARS coronavirus. This disease affects the respiratory tract of infected
persons. It has dramatically altered the various phenomena in the world.

Some of us thinking it as a blessing while others are thinking about it as the hazardous
epidemic of history. Despite the dread news on media and rush in the world, if you see the
facts by WHO it has a lesser rate of deaths per day as compared to road accidents,
cardiovascular diseases and many others.

The world is jeopardized due to coronavirus fear. The trading, education and recreational
activities are shut. People are tired of this loony routine of being stuck in a home for 24/7.

Similarly, I was feeling mental fatigue for days. Boredom had become a fast friend of mine as
a present given by COVID 19. I decided to break my friendship with loneliness and boredom
and made a visit to nature, my old friend.

I was thinking that nature might miss me or would be sad and gloomy, as I am. But to my
wonder my friends there were happy and jolly. I was astonished. Then I stood there and tried
to find the reason behind the betrayal of nature with me.

Among all of them, my intimate friends were birds, flowers and fish. Now, let me tell you the
scene of each of them. I could not explain how broken I was to see the changed behaviour of
the ones who were said to be my bosom friends once.

The birds were chirping and singing songs of blessings. What was the blessing which ought
them to sing songs? That was COVID 19.

They were missing pure and fresh air from ages. Many of their companions were dying of
thirst because of fires and day-by-day increasing temperature.

At present, inhumane activities of humans are shut. Air has become clean; the temperature
has reduced. The atmosphere is cleaned.

We were pushing our friends, the birds, away from nature. We were murdering them. Hence,
they were enjoying nature and blessing.

The flowers were blooming in an alluring way. They were dancing vividly in a cool and
sweet breeze. Their colour and fragrance are remarkable. I never saw those fresh colours and
that enchanting fragrance before on them. Point to ponder, they also did not miss my

As far as, I went ahead my sorrow was increasing. As all my friends turned their back on me
in time of dire need. I was shedding tears.

I listened to flowers talking to each other. They were complaining of humans who had killed
their brothers by plucking them. They were saying, “Does anyone kill one for the love of
another one? Humans are insane. When they love one of them then they kill one of us.”
I was heartbroken. In dismay, I walked back. On my way, I saw a brook. It was crystal clear.
There were some companions of mine in that rivulet.

That was the last place where I could have friends. But they were also angry at me. They did
not even see me. They did not welcome me by jumping out of water. Instead, they were
terrified by my presence.

They were enraged because we destroyed their habitat. Industrialization and uncontrolled
fishing made them fierce for me. COVID 19 put a stop on all of it. 

I was sad but also angry at myself. Nature always gave me serenity and tranquillity. In return,
I always gave wrath. What type of friend I was!

We were deteriorating our nature from ages. Technology and modernism destroyed us as well
as nature. Nature was facing it and bearing it hardly. Now, the wheel of time rotated, and we
were being racked.

Yes! COVID 19 is a blessing in disguise. It is a natural purifier and stabilizer.

What do you think about it, a blessing or a hazard?

-Muhammad Abubakar Yousaf

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