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4 Survey results:

Pre-Survey results:

The results of survey indicated that the hotel management system would be popular among

the customers. It pointed out to have good features implemented on it. The survey also pointed

out to the obvious fact the people in Nepal lacked attention towards technological change.

However the survey indicated that due to small projects like this things will change.

Detail survey of each result can be gathered from the Appendix.

Post-Survey results:

The result of the survey shows the hotel management system has a huge impact with the

people and the staff using the services. It also confirmed the pre survey was correct and the

features implemented in the project has a huge impact on them with good response.

Details about the survey can be seen on the Appendix.

Requirement Analysis:

These are the list of requirements:

Type of computer:

It's exceptionally exhorted that the most advantageous PCs to be utilized ought to be

minicomputers from approved sellers most consciously DELL. This will guarantee most extreme

similarity, ease of use, and unwavering quality

Operating System:

The framework investigator exhortation's that the inn ought to introduce WINDOWS 7 with an

OFFICE 2007 bundle to understand the greatest capability of the framework. The working

framework's high usefulness esteem and the serious deal of valuable devices incited the
framework examiner to suggest it as the most invaluable working framework.

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