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 PHOTOSYNTHESIS – the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into
chemical energy.
 Stomata – site of reaction A tiny opening in plant tissue that allow for gas exchange.
 Chlorophyll – a pigment that gives plants their green color, and it helps plants create their own food through
 Chloroplast – An organelle in the plant cell. It absorbs sunlight and use it in conjunction with water and carbon
dioxide gas to produce food for the plant.

 Light Dependent Phase – Occurs in the granum and requires the presence of light energy.
 Light Independent Phase – Occurs in the stroma with or without light.
Chemical Equation: 6 CO2 (Carbon dioxide) + 6 H2O (water) – light -> C6H1206(Glucose) + 6 02(oxygen)

Light-dependent Phase or Light Reaction

1. Chlorophyll Photoactivation – It is the stage where the chlorophyll absorbs the energy from the sun (photons) that
results in the release of energized electrons.
2. Photolysis – Splitting of water molecules into hydrogen ions, electrons and oxygen gas in the presence of light
activated chlorophyll. H2O -> H+ + O2

3. Photophosphorylation – The process of adding phosphate group to ADP to form ATP– the energy currency of the

*ADP –adenosine diphosphate

*ATP – adenosine triphosphate

Summary of Light Dependent Reaction

 It occurs on the granum (thylakoid membrane)
 It has 2 light absorbing molecules: 1. Photosystem 1 2. Photosystem 2
 Expected products: O2, NADPH, and ATP

Light-independent Phase or Dark Reaction

 Also known as Calvin Cycle
 Named after Melvin Calvin
Light-independent reaction – Consists of cyclical series of reactions that uses enzymes to assemble sugar molecules from
carbon dioxide and the products of light reaction.

1. Carbon Fixation – Production of 6 carbon

molecules through the combination of RuBP and
– RuBP (ribulose biphosphate) - a 5-carbon sugar
2 Reduction – Interaction of ATP and NADPH to the 6 carbon molecules.
Formation of PGAL in two ways:
1. One PGA molecule combines with a phosphate group from ATP
2. A PGA molecule joins with hydrogen from NADPH

3 Regeneration of RuBP
– Formation of glucose from the bonding of 3- carbon molecules.
– Most of the PGAL molecules are used to produce more RuDP which will be used in another Calvin Cycle.

Summary of Light-independent Reaction

 It occurs on the stroma
 Expected products: Glucose (C6H12O6 )
Importance of Photosynthesis
1. It releases oxygen into the atmosphere.
2. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air, which in turn can help reduce global warming.
3. Photosynthesis produces glucose, which is the major source of food for all heterotrophic organisms.

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