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Exercise 4:

A. Gift exchanges, one of the economic systems

B 3.
1. I choose the summaries 3 because it explains enough about gift exchange theory and
also give features and things readers need to know.
2. 169 above and 52 below
Best summary The information are not include

The information is not included

Writer just summary the definition of the ideas Gift exchange and some characteristic, so
make the readers feel easy to understand and ommited some not important information. In
some situation, this also make few people feel curious and read all the text.
4. No, because I just think summary is for people who want the text short and easy to
understand, also enough the information.
Exercise 7:

Definition New words

Postulated Designate
Dispute Parley
Restraints Confinement
Extend Widen
Indirectly Obliquely
Decrease Deduction
Exploration Elicitation

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