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Symmetrical Versus Asymmetrical PresbyLASIK: Results

After 18 Months and Patient Satisfaction
José R. Soler Tomás, MD, PhD, Graciana Fuentes-Páez, MD, and Sergio Burillo, DDO

Purpose: The aim of this study was to report visual, topographic,

and satisfaction comparative results between symmetrical and
C orneal multifocality for presbyopia correction has been
developing ever since McDonnell et al1 and Moreira et al2
reported improved near vision in radial keratotomy and post-
asymmetrical presbyLASIK after 18 months. laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) patients. Ruiz3 intro-
Methods: Longitudinal, comparative case series of hyperopic duced the term “presbyLASIK” in 1996 to describe the
presbyopes who underwent presbyLASIK, in a private clinical multifocal surface created with LASIK surgery that induced
setting. Monovision symmetrical (plano target both eyes) versus pseudoaccommodation. Corneal pseudoaccommodation has
asymmetrical [dominant eye (DE) = plano target; nondominant eye been reported with central presbyLASIK (central hyper-
(NDE) = 20.50 diopter (D) target]. Pre- and postoperative variables positive cornea for near vision) and peripheral presbyLASIK
included monocular and binocular, distance and near, uncorrected (flatter central cornea providing distance vision and curved
visual acuity (VA), best corrected visual acuity, spherical equivalent, midperiphery for near vision) techniques; and monovision,
addition (Add), topography SimK (Km), and topographic astigma- both conventional and crossed, has also been widely and
tism. Topographic central corneal power increase was measured 3 successfully used as an option for presbyopia.3–23 Monofocal
and 18 months postoperatively. Data were reported as mean, range, peripheral presbyLASIK has also been reported as
and standard deviation and analyzed with Student t-test (P , 0.05 another successful option for presbyopia.12 The Supracor
for statistical significance) and Pearson correlation coefficients. presbyLASIK algorithm (designed by Technolas/ZYOPTIX
Tissue Saving Algorithm), using a symmetrical (target 20.5
Results: The symmetrical group consisted of 16 patients and the diopters [D] of both eyes for patients demanding good near
asymmetrical group of 14 patients, with a mean age of 53.5 6 2.3 vision) or asymmetrical (plano target dominant eye [DE]
and 51.9 6 2.5 years. Postoperative results, after 18 months, for and 20.5-D target nondominant eye [NDE]) for patients
symmetrical versus asymmetrical presbyLASIK were as follows: demanding distance and near vision approach, creates
distance UCVA 0.8 60.20; 0.9 6 0.2 (P , 0.01); near UCVA 0.9 a biaspheric multifocal corneal profile by performing central
6 0.2; 0.8 6 0.2 (P , 0.01); SE 20.20 6 0.50; 20.3 6 0.3D (P , ablation for near vision (central 3-mm zone) and paracentral
0.01); Add 0.5 6 0.5; 0.9 6 0.9 (P , 0.01); mean Km 44.8 6 1 D; ablation for distance vision (multifocal corneal profile over
43.9 6 1.1 D (P , 0.01); mean central corneal power differential a 6-mm optical zone). Short-term uncorrected visual acuity
1.4 6 0.8 D; 1.7 6 1.1 D (P , 0.01), respectively. Stability: 20.16 (UCVA) improvement and high spectacle independence using
D, DE 20.13 D and NDE 20.16 D, and SE predictability 20.40; this presbyLASIK technique have been reported after 6
DE 20.28 D and NDE 20.53 D. Safety index 1.0; 1.0, efficacy months.22,23 We report clinical results in hyperopic presbyopes
distance VA 0.8; 0.9, and near VA 0.90; 0.8. More than 90% were who underwent bilateral symmetrical or asymmetrical
within 60.50 D of the intended target. Twenty eyes required presbyLASIK, followed up during 18 months.
enhancement, and results were not significantly different. Mean
satisfaction (0–10 points) for symmetrical patients was 7.0 6 2.6 and
7.3 6 2.8 points for asymmetrical patients.
Conclusions: Symmetrical and asymmetrical presbyLASIK sig- This study was performed as a prospective, longitudinal
nificantly improved distance UCVA, near UCVA, after 18 months. case series of hyperopic presbyopes undergoing this central
presbyLASIK technique. The protocol was approved by our
Key Words: cornea, hyperopia, presbyLASIK, presbyopia, supracor
center’s Ethics Committee, complying with the 1995 Decla-
(Cornea 2015;34:651–657) ration of Helsinki, and selection was based on the following
patient inclusion criteria:
Hyperopic presbyopes seeking independence from
Received for publication April 15, 2014; revision received November 5, reading glasses who understood and signed an informed
2014; accepted November 7, 2014. Published online ahead of print April
1, 2015. consent form, +1 to +2.5 D mean refractive spherical
From the Cornea and Anterior Segment Department, Clinica Oftalnova, Desp. equivalent (SE), up to 1-D astigmatism, maximum difference
198–199, Centro Medico Teknon, Calle Vilana, Barcelona, Spain. between subjective and cycloplegic refraction # +0.5, and
The authors have no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose. tolerance to the simulation test of decreased distance vision.
Reprints: Jose R. Soler, MD, PhD, Centro Medico Teknon, Calle Vilana 12
Clinica Oftalnova Des 198-199, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (e-mail: Eye dominance (motor) was determined using a DE “hole in the card test.” The patient held a card with a hole in the
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. middle, using both hands, and was asked to view a 6-m target

Cornea  Volume 34, Number 6, June 2015 | 651

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Soler Tomás et al Cornea  Volume 34, Number 6, June 2015

through the hole in the card. The optometrist then occluded VAs were then enhanced with the laser. Symmetrical and
each eye alternately to establish which eye was aligned with asymmetrical presbyLASIK results were analyzed after 3
the hole and the distance target. The selected eye was months and were followed up for at least 18 months, whether
considered the DE. In addition, the Worth test was performed or not enhancement had been performed.
to exclude patients with marked eye dominance. Safety (postoperative/preoperative BCVA ratio), effi-
The distance UCVA was registered. A trial frame with cacy (postoperative UCVA/preoperative BCVA ratio), pre-
the best distance correction on both eyes was then tested with dictability (final SE deviation from programed target), and SE
a +0.5 sphere addition, to simulate potential blur (DE stability were followed up.21 The satisfaction and difficulty
penalization) induced by multifocality. If the visual acuity questionnaire (cataract TyPE Spec questionnaire) was
(VA) was unchanged, or if the patient felt visually comfort- modified—General satisfaction (0–10 points), Reading satis-
able, he or she underwent central presbyLASIK. The faction (0–10 points), distance, near, and intermediate vision
presbyLASIK treatment profile induces pseudoaccommoda- difficulties (0–4 points, each), halos difficulty (0–4 points,
tion by performing a hyperpositive central 3-mm curvature activities that required additional spectacle use, and whether
(20.5 D or plano target), hence the inclusion of $3-mm or not they would repeat the procedure)—and was translated
photopic pupil diameters, followed by paracentral ablation for into Spanish for patient completion, both at the medical center
distance VA, thus providing corneal multifocality. Peripheral or online.24
6-mm optical zone ablation limits presbyLASIK to mesopic
pupil diameters of up to 6.5 mm, to achieve optimal distance
vision. Km between 42 D and 44 D, near addition #+2 D RESULTS
needed, both eyes with best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) Preoperative variables for symmetrical and asymmetri-
$0.8 (decimal scale and Snellen scales), kappa angle ,10 cal presbyLASIK, respectively, included: men 11, 8; women
degrees, no previous corneal surgery, and corneal topography 5, 4; mean pachymetry 556 6 26.4 mm, 565 6 0.3 mm; sphere
(compatible for LASIK procedure). Photopic pupils were to 1.5 6 0.7 D, 1.4 6 0.6 D; astigmatism 20.3 6 0.4 D, 20.2 6
measure at least 3.00 mm and mesopic pupils within the 4.00 0.2 D; pupil 5.3 6 0.6 mm, 5.6 6 0.6 mm; and right eye
to 6.5 mm range (Colvard) to benefit from pseudoaccommo- dominance was registered for 17 patients and left eye
dation induced after presbyLASIK ablation. After completing dominance for 12 patients.
a questionnaire regarding patients’ visual needs (profession, Mean preoperative results (P . 0.01) for symmetrical
use of computers, reading habits, driving, and whether or not and asymmetrical eyes, respectively, are: 53.5 6 2.3 years,
they were willing to sacrifice distance vision to read without 51.9 6 2.5 years; distance UCVA 0.5 6 0.3 (20/40), 0.5 6
glasses), patients were grouped based on visual needs. Those 0.2 (20/40); near UCVA 0.1 6 0.04 (20/200), 0.2 6 0.2 (20/
demanding independence from reading glasses and willing to 100); SE 1.3 6 0.7 D; 1.2 6 0.7 D; Addition 1.6 6 1, 2 6
sacrifice distance vision were included in the symmetrical 0.4; and Km 43.8 6 0.8 D, 43.9 6 1.2 D.
group (20.5-D target for both eyes), and those who were not Mean results comparison, between the symmetrical
willing to lose distance vision were included in the asym- versus asymmetrical presbyLASIK groups after 3 months,
metrical group (DE targeted to 0 and the NDE to 20.5 D). included mean monocular far UCVA 0.8 6 0.2 (20/25),
Symmetrical or asymmetrical presbyLASIK ablation 0.9 6 0.2 (20/20) (P , 0.01); mean monocular near UCVA
was performed, after standard flap creation with the 0.8 6 0.3 (20/25), 0.8 6 0.2 (20/23) (P , 0.01); mean
ZYOPTIX XP microkeratome (Technolas Perfect Vision binocular far VA 1 6 0.007 (20/20), 1 (20/20) (P , 0.01);
GmbH, Munich, Germany), and ablation was performed with mean binocular near VA 0.8 6 0.3 (20/25), 0.8 6 0.2 (20/
the Technolas 217P Excimer Workstation (standardized 23.5) (P , 0.01); mean SE 20.4 6 0.4, 20.3 6 0.3 (P ,
6-mm optical zone). Ocular alignment was aimed between 0.01); mean Km 44.8 6 1 D, 43.9 6 1.1 D (P , 0.01); and
the apex and pupil center, using the Advanced Control Eye topographical astigmatism 20.6 6 0.6 D, 20.8 6 0.3 D (P .
tracking System, throughout the entire treatment. Data were 0.01). Mean spherical results for the symmetrical versus the
reported as preoperative and postoperative means and 6SD asymmetrical groups were 20.2 6 0.3 D and 20.1 6 0.3 D,
for monocular and binocular far/near UCVA (SE), subjective respectively (P . 0.01). Mean postoperative cylinder results
refraction, addition (Add), topography Sim K (Km) and were 20.3 6 0.2 D for the symmetrical group and 20.3 6
central corneal power differential (Orbscan v 3.14, Bausch 0.3 D for the asymmetrical group (P . 0.01). The mean
& Lomb), higher-order aberrations (HOA) root mean square differential corneal power was 2 6 0.9, 1.4 6 0.9 (P , 0.05).
(RMS), Z400, and Z300 for a 6-mm pupil (Zywave 5.2 DE laser enhancement of residual refraction, which improved
Aberrometer; Technolas Perfect Vision GmbH, Munich, distance VA without losing near VA, was performed in 33%
Germany), whereas Student t (paired and unpaired) and of all eyes, 41% (13 eyes) from the symmetrical group and
coefficient correlations were calculated using the Microsoft 25% (7 eyes) from the asymmetrical group. These patients
Excel 2008 for Mac program (121.0 version; 2007 Microsoft were followed up for at least 18 months after enhancement.
Corporation); (P # 0.05 for statistical significance). All remaining eyes were also followed up for 18 months.
Enhancement was performed (symmetrical mean 7 6 Table 1 summarizes mean final postoperative results, after 18
2.3 months; asymmetrical 5.1 6 3.5 months) in patients who months, for symmetrical and asymmetrical presbyLASIK. No
manifested postsurgical unsatisfactory binocular visual re- eyes lost BCVA lines. Three- and 18-month comparison
sults. The resulting monocular and binocular distance and for presbyLASIK eyes included distance UCVA 0.8 6 24
near refractions that provided the best binocular far and near (20/25), 0.8 6 0.2 (20/25); near UCVA 0.8 6 0.3 (20/25),

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Cornea  Volume 34, Number 6, June 2015 Symmetrical Versus Asymmetrical

TABLE 1. Mean Results 18 Months After PresLASIK

PresbyLASIK Only Results Distance UCVA, Near UCVA, Addition, Topography Central Corneal
(18-Month Follow-up), Mean (SD) Decimal (Snellen) Decimal (Snellen) D Km, D SE, D Power, D
All (N = 40 eyes) 0.9 6 0.2, 20/22 0.8 6 0.2, 20/23.5 0.7 6 0.5 44.3 6 1 20.2 6 0.4 1.6 6 1
P* ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01
Symmetrical (N = 19 eyes) 0.8 6 0.2, 20/23.5 0.9 6 0.2, 20/22 0.5 6 0.5 44.9 6 0.9 20.2 6 0.5 1.4 6 0.8
P* ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01
Asymmetrical (N = 21 eyes) 0.9 6 0.2, 20/22 0.8 6 0.2, 20/25 0.9 6 0.9 44.0 6 0.9 20.3 6 0.3 1.7 6 1.1
P* ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01
Symmetrical versus asymmetrical, P† .0.01 .0.01 .0.01 #0.01 .0.01 ,0.01
Visual, SE, Km, and addition results were statistically significant for both groups. Between groups, Km and corneal power differences were significant.
*Paired P # 0.05 (Student t).
†Unpaired Student t (pre–post).

0.8 6 0.2 (20/25); SE 20.4 6 0.4 D, 20.2 6 0.4 D; Addition 0.04 6 0.1; and Z300 coma 0.1 6 0.1, 0.01 6 0.3. For the
0.5 6 0.7, 0.8 6 0.8 D; and corneal power 1.9 6 0.9, 1.6 6 asymmetrical group, total RMS was 0.7 6 0.1, 0.5 6 0.3;
0.9 D. Unpaired Student t test results were P . 0.01 for all HOA 0.2 6 0.2, 0.3 6 0.2; Z400 0.04 6 0.04, 0.01 6 0.02;
variables. and Z300 coma 0.1 6 0.1, 0.2 6 0.2 (P . 0.01). Pre- and
Mean results for asymmetrical presbyLASIK only (DE post-HOA for the NDE were 0.04 6 0.1, 0.4 6 0.2 (P ,
and NDE, respectively) were the following: distance UCVA 0.05). PresbyLASIK indexes and predictability results are
0.9 6 0.1 (20/22), 0.8 6 0.2 (20/23.5) (P , 0.01); near listed on Table 3, whereas stability results are listed on
UCVA 0.7 6 0.2 (23/23.5), 0.9 6 0.2 (20/22) (P , 0.01); Table 4. The following Pearson correlations (R) were
addition 0.9 6 0.4 D, 0.9 6 0.4 D (P , 0.01); topography recorded: R = 20.2 for near UCVA/SE (symmetrical R =
Km 44.1 6 1, 43.9 6 0.9 (P , 0.01); SE 20.2 6 0.4 20.4; asymmetrical R = 20.3), R = 0.2 for near UCVA/
D, 20.2 6 0.4 D (P , 0.01); and central corneal power 1.1 6 corneal power (symmetrical R = 0.2; asymmetrical R = 0.2),
0.6, 2.5 6 0.8 (P , 0.01). Paired Student t test results for DE R = 20.6 for SE/corneal power (symmetrical R = 20.7;
versus NDE were P , 0.01 for central corneal power and P . asymmetrical R = 20.4), and R = 20.3 for addition/corneal
0.01 for the remaining variables. power (symmetrical R = 20.3; asymmetrical R = 20.2).
Mean results for enhanced eyes are summarized in Table 5 summarizes patient satisfaction questionnaire results.
Table 2. Figure 1 summarizes visual results for symmetrical
and asymmetrical presbyLASIK patients. Figure 2 shows
results for topographic central corneal power differential DISCUSSION
between 3 and 18 months for all, presbyLASIK only, and Multifocal corneal LASIK ablation for presbyopia, or
enhanced eyes. Figure 3 shows postsurgical topographical “presbyLASIK,” is currently an alternative to multifocal
corneal profiles and power differentials in DE and NDE. pseudophakia in young hyperopic and myopic presbyopes.
PrepresbyLASIK and postpresbyLASIK aberrometry results, Multiple reports have validated it as a reasonable option for
respectively, for the symmetrical group were total RMS 0.9 6 VA improvement and spectacle independence.8–15,20,22,23 The
0.7, 0.7 6 0.3; HOA 0.2 6 0.2, 0.3 6 0.2; Z400 0.2 6 0.04, biaspheric ablation profile is a new central presbyLASIK

TABLE 2. Mean Results Comparison for Enhanced Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Groups
PresbyLASIK and Posterior
Enhancement Results (18-Month Distance UCVA, Near UCVA, Decimal Addition, Topography Central Corneal
Follow-up), Mean (SD) N = No. Eyes Decimal (Snellen) (Snellen) D Km, D SE, D Power, D
All eyes (N = 20) 0.9 6 0.1, 20/22 0.8 6 0.1, 20/23.5 0.9 6 0.6 44.1 6 1.2 20.2 6 0.3 1.5 6 0.8
P* ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01
Symmetrical (N = 13) 0.9 6 0.1, 20/23.5 0.8 6 0.2, 20/22 0.9 6 0.6 44.5 6 0.9 20.2 6 0.3 1.1 6 0.6
P* ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01
Asymmetrical (N = 7) 0.9 6 0.1, 20/22 0.8 6 0.2, 20/25 0.8 6 0.6 43.4 6 1.2 20.1 6 0.3 1.2 6 1.2
P* ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01 ,0.01
Symmetrical versus asymmetrical, P† .0.01 .0.01 .0.01 #0.01 .0.01 .0.01
Supracor versus enhanced, P† .0.01 .0.01 .0.01 .0.01 .0.01 .0.01
Eighteen months after enhancement, visual, SE, Km, and Addition results were statistically significant for both groups. Greater Km for the symmetrical groups was found to be
statistically significant. No differences were found between presbyLASIK and enhanced eyes.
*Paired P # 0.05 (Student t).
†Unpaired Student t (pre–post).

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Soler Tomás et al Cornea  Volume 34, Number 6, June 2015

FIGURE 1. Mean postoperative re-

sults for patients with UCVA $0.8.
Patients from the asymmetrical
group reported better monocular
distance UCVA, whereas those from
the symmetrical group reported
better monocular near UCVA. Bin-
ocular distance and near UCVA were
20/20 for both groups.

technique that offers short-term spectacle independence and PostpresbyLASIK near UCVA had a weak negative
UCVA improvement in presbyopic hyperopes.22,23 Our correlation to SE. PostpresbyLASIK mean SE stability,
results show that 84% (symmetrical) and 90% (asymmetrical) assessed by registering differences between months 3 and 18,
achieved $20/25 distance UCVA. One hundred percent had was 20.2 D SE (all eyes) and 20.2 D mean SE decrease for
20/20 binocular distance and, at least, 20/25 near UCVA. both symmetrical and asymmetrical eyes, respectively. Other
More than 85% of eyes, in presbyLASIK and enhanced authors have reported short-term final SE ranging from 0.3 to
groups, had $20/25 distance UCVA. Other authors have 20.5 D and greater SE instability for hyperopes.8,10–12,15,20 The
reported similar findings.8,10,11 final mean SE for all eyes was 20.2 D, 20.2 D for the
In the asymmetrical group, DE distance UCVA results symmetrical group and 20.3 D for the asymmetrical group
were better than for the nondominant (NDE) (P . 0.01), (P , 0.01). No significant differences were found when
whereas the near UCVA was better in the NDE than in the DE comparing symmetrical versus asymmetrical results.
(P , 0.05). The fact that the final mean NDE central corneal Regarding mean postoperative addition results, we
power was higher than the DE would explain this finding (P , report a statistically significant decrease in mean addition
0.01). Our final presbyLASIK mean monocular near vision for all groups. Our mean results (0.9 D for all eyes) are lower
results (0.9 vs. 0.8 for the symmetrical vs. asymmetrical, than those previously reported.10 No significant findings were
respectively) are similar to those reported by other au- registered after comparing both symmetrical and asymmetri-
thors.2,8,14,20 Seventy-two percent of eyes from the symmetrical cal groups’ addition needs.11
group had a final $20/25 monocular near UCVA compared In our presbyLASIK patients, the mean final central
with 64% in the asymmetrical group. These findings are similar corneal power (pseudoaccommodation) was higher for the
to other reports.8,10,11,14,20 All postoperative monocular and asymmetrical group, 2 versus 1.4 D than for the symmetrical
binocular results were statistically significant. group (P , 0.01). Significant corneal power differences were
Postsurgical enhancement has been reported in 22% of also found between DE and NDE (P , 0.01). No significant
cases; 6 months after similar presbyLASIK techniques.22 We differences were registered between the symmetrical and
reported a higher percentage of enhancements, perhaps because asymmetrical eyes from the enhancement group. Three- and
of a longer follow-up period. No statistically significant 18-month topography central corneal power differentials
differences were found after comparing postoperative results registered a significant decrease for both symmetrical and
between presbyLASIK only and enhanced eyes. asymmetrical presbyLASIK groups (P , 0.01). Central

FIGURE 2. Mean central power at 3

and 18 months after presbyLASIK,
for all groups.

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Cornea  Volume 34, Number 6, June 2015 Symmetrical Versus Asymmetrical

FIGURE 3. A and B, Topographies display postsurgical corneal profile, representing a central power increase in an asymmetrical
patient; left DE corneal profile (2.8-D power differential) and right NDE corneal profile (1.8-D power differential).

power also significantly decreased in time, both in the loss was registered for both symmetrical and asymmetrical
presbyLASIK only and in the presbyLASIK with enhance- groups (P . 0.01). Our results are lower than the 0.4-D loss
ment groups. Central corneal power had a positive correlation reported for standard hyperopic LASIK, after 12 months.25
to near UCVA and a weak negative correlation to SE, for both Posthyperopic LASIK regression has been attributed to post-
groups. This indicates that pseudoaccommodation, induced surgical epithelial asymmetry registered with very high-
by the presbyLASIK ablation, was partly responsible for the frequency ultrasound.26 Surprisingly, central epithelial thinning
reported near UCVA and SE changes. occurs after hyperopic LASIK, thus adding to the magnitude of
PresbyLASIK was reported as safe (1 safety index for corneal flattening and undercorrection.26 They also argued that
near and far VA), had .0.8 efficacy for monocular VA
improvement, and excellent binocular far and near VA efficacy
(1 efficacy index), after 18 months. Excellent short-term safety
indexes for both distance and far UCVAs have already been TABLE 4. PresbyLASIK Stability, After 18 Months
reported for central and peripheral presbyLASIK.8–10,12 PresbyLASIK +
Regarding stability, all eyes had a 0.2 D mean regression PresbyLASIK SE PresbyLASIK Only Enhancement (Mean SE;
(P . 0.01). Enhanced eyes lost 0.2 D (P , 0.05), and a 0.2-D Stability (Mean SE; SD in D) SD in D)
All eyes 3 mo: 20.4 6 0.5 3 mo: 20.4 6 0.4
18 mo: 20.2 6 0.4 18 mo: 20.2 6 0.4
TABLE 3. PresbyLASIK Procedure Safety/Efficacy Indexes and P* .0.01 ,0.05
Predictability: 18-Month Follow-up 0.2 D mean regression 0.2 D mean regression
Postoperative Symmetrical eyes 3 mo: 20.5 6 0.6 D 3 mo: 20.4 6 0.4 D
Indexes (18-Month Predictability, SE, D 18 mo: 20.2 6 0.5 D 18 mo: 20.2 6 0.3 D
Follow-up) Safety Efficacy (Target) P* .0.01 .0.01
Symmetrical 0.3 D mean regression 0.2 D mean regression
Supracor Far: 1 Far: 0.8 20.2 D (20.5) Asymmetrical eyes 3 mo: 20.4 6 0.5 D 3 mo: 20.4 6 0.6 D
(N = 19 eyes) Near: 1 Near: 0.9 18 mo: 20.2 6 0.3 D 18 mo: 20.2 6 0.4 D
Enhanced Far: 1 Far: 0.9 20.2 D (20.5 D) P* £0.05 .0.01
(N = 13 eyes) Near: 1 Near: 0.8 0.2 D mean regression 0.2 D mean regression
Asymmetrical Symmetrical versus .0.01 .0.01
Supracor Far: 1 Far: 0.9 Overall: 20.3 D; DE: asymmetrical, P†
(N = 21 eyes) Near: 1 Near: 0.8 20.2 D (plano); NDE: Mean results were within 60.50 of the intended target. SE regression was observed
20.2 D (20.5 D) for all groups; statistically significant results were found in enhanced eyes and the
Enhanced eyes Far: 1 Far: 0.9 Overall: 20.2 D; DE: asymmetrical presbyLASIK group.
(N = 7 eyes) Near: 1 Near: 0.8 20.1 (plano); NDE: *Paired Student t test (pre–post).
20.3 (20.5 D) †Unpaired Student t.

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Soler Tomás et al Cornea  Volume 34, Number 6, June 2015

TABLE 5. Satisfaction Questionnaire Results

General Reading Far Vision Near Vision Intermediate Vision Halos Would You
Questionnaire Satisfaction Satisfaction Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Repeat the
Results (0–10 Points) (0–10 Points) (0–4 Points) (0–4 Points) (0–4 Points) (0–4 Points) Procedure?
Symmetrical 7 6 2.6 7.3 6 2 0.7 6 1.1 161 0.1 6 0.4 1 6 1.4 60% yes
Asymmetrical 7.3 6 2.8 8.4 6 2.1 1.5 6 1.5 1.3 6 1.5 160 0.6 6 1.5 71% yes
P* .0.01 .0.01 .0.01 .0.01 .0.01 .0.01
Patients in the asymmetrical group reported higher satisfaction and less difficulties after presbyLASIK, although not significant, compared with patients in the symmetrical group.
Sixty percent of symmetrical and more than 70% of asymmetrical presbyLASIK patients would repeat the procedure.
*Unpaired Student t (,0.05 = statistical significance).

the central epithelial thinning and paracentral thickening, would likely explain why the asymmetrical group, more
induced after paracentral tissue ablation, could also be likely to resemble a monovision-like situation, reported better
responsible for astigmatism induction.26 overall visual results and higher satisfaction and would repeat
Predictability was similar for both symmetrical (SE 20.2 the procedure. After 18 months, the presbyLASIK technique
D; target 20.5) and asymmetrical groups (DE SE20.3 [plano was apparently safe, effective, significantly improved UCVA,
target] and NDE SE: 0.2 [20.5 D target]). Less than expected and reduced patients’ near vision spectacle dependence,
induced short-term pseudoaccommodation, after presbyLASIK, despite the recorded SE regression and corneal power loss.
has already been reported.8 More than 90% of our patients were
within 60.5 D of the intended target.
Total aberrations decreased, whereas HOA increased in
both groups (P . 0.01). A statistically significant HOA
increase was also registered for NDE in the asymmetrical The authors thank Fernando Archuby, PhD, (Faculty
group. This result could offer presbyopes better retinal Member Universidad Nacional Central de la Plata, Argentina)
contrast at low spatial frequencies for both distance and near for his assistance with statistical analysis.
As previously reported, spherical aberrations decreased REFERENCES
1. McDonnell PJ, Garbus J, Lopez PF. Topographic analysis and visual
in both groups (P . 0.01).8,9,12,20 Postoperative coma, due to acuity after radial keratotomy. Am J Ophthalmol. 1988;106:692–695.
the resulting peripheral corneal asphericity, increased in the 2. Moreira H, Garbus JJ, Fasano A, et al. Multifocal corneal topographic
asymmetrical group (P . 0.01).8 changes with excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy. Arch Ophthal-
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