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Sancon,Argie L.


Law #1 – Remember WHY You Want to Save Money

It's NEVER about the money when you're saving. It's more about your willingness to sacrifice
the commonplace in favor of the extraordinary.
Therefore, never ever feel bad about yourself or think that you're so kawawa when you're
trying to save money. Simply put, it just means you're saying no to the forgettable things in
life so you can experience the unforgettable ones instead!
So, you must ask yourself these questions before you even begin to save money:
"For what precisely am I saving? What is that enduring, extraordinary objective that I'll later
spend the money on? ”
In order to save money for a concert ticket for my favorite band, I recall only eating banana
sandwiches for lunch during the week when I was a college student.
So I had to forgo a regular and ordinary lunch and just choose the banana cue if I wanted to
see my favorite band in their concert. Simply put, I was skipping lunch in favor of an
extraordinary experience.

Law #2 – You Have to Segment or Separate Your Money

This implies that the location where you keep your money, whether it be a bank account or a
physical location, must be completely distinct from where you keep your spending money.
Therefore, having a separate account specifically for your savings is a MUST for anyone who
wants to save. Otherwise, it would be too challenging to accomplish mentally and halo halo
yung pera mo. Your savings account must be completely separate from your payroll and ATM
accounts. Once more, this is very elementary and straightforward, but it makes a big
difference when you're trying to save money.
So for anyone who wants to save, having a separate account just for your savings is a MUST.
Otherwise, it would be too difficult to do it mentally. Your payroll and ATM account must be
entirely different from your savings account. Again, this is very basic and very simple, but it
goes a long way when you’re trying to save money.

Finally, the last law of saving money is:

Law #3 – “Every Centavo Counts”

In describing the THIRD LAW, I will use PESO, the currency of my nation.
Simply put, if you want to save P1,000,000, you must do so P1,000,000 times! or 100,000,000
times, save P10!
The majority of the time, people become fixated on how much they have. They immediately
respond, "Oh no, P1,000,000.00 or P10,000,000.00 — I can't save that, it's too high! Then they
immediately give up and make no effort to save anything!
But if you can save P1, that's not the case. You are free to save any amount you like. The
steps are the same. The steps you must take in order to save P10 are the same steps you
must take in order to save P100, P1,000, and so forth.
Every cent is important. Every candy bar you eat, movie ticket you buy, restaurant meal you
eat, pair of shoes you buy, and "minsan lang" you use all contribute to your savings goal.
Every centavo counts, and as you hear Law #3, you might nod in agreement, saying, "Yeah,
that makes sense." However, the real question is: What are YOU doing about it?
Making every cent count is a lesson that, if you can apply it, will really surprise you with how
much money you can save and how quickly.
And those are the three most crucial, yet regrettably ignored, rules of saving money. Let's
quickly review:
The First Law addresses your motivation for saving money. It is NOT about the money; rather,
it is about giving up the commonplace in order to experience the extraordinary.
The Second Law is really a method of saving that requires you to keep your savings and
spending accounts separate.
The Third Law states that you should save every last cent because it will help you reach your
savings objectives.

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