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A: Ms. Dao. Can I have a word with you in my office?

B: Yes, Sir.

A: Have a seat. Can you tell me exactly what happened with our mountainous bike
supplier last weekend?

B: Well sir, last weekend while you were on your vacation and unreachable, our
supplier informed us that they couldn’t deliver the order for our campaign the
following week.

A: So, What did you do?

B: Because I couldn’t contact you so I decided to do it on my own. I spent my

weekend finding alternative suppliers and delivering bikes to our store. Fortunately,
I found one that is even better than the previous supplier. After negotiating, I even
got better terms for our company.

A: Oh good job. This is a good point for you. I appreciate your dedication to our
company and the support you have shown me personally in dealing with the
problem yourself.

B: Thank you, sir.

A: I know you normally gather with your family on weekends, so I am very pleased
to see that you came to work last weekend and timely responded to this difficult
situation. However, just one other thing, you did not try to inform me to ask for my
consultation. So be careful next time, this kind of action can lead to unpredictable

B: Yes, ma’am, I know this happened suddenly and I can’t timely inform you. I’m
willing to take any responsibility for my actions.

A: Alright, Just remember do not let this happen again.

B: Yes, thank you.

A: Well done. Thank you, everything went smoothly and we even got a better
supplier. Because of that, our company didn’t miss the campaign. All right, that’s all.
Now you can return to your office.

B: Yes, Sir.


B: Sophie Diem.

A: Yes, Sir?

B: Are you free? Could we have a word in my office?

A: OK. I’m taking a short break.

B: Have a seat, Sophie. OK. Can you tell me more clearly about the training session
you conducted last month?

A: Yes. I ran a one-day training session for sales assistants costing 550 USD. The
training was being delivered through a range of mechanisms, including workbooks,
computer terminals, videos, coaching, and mentoring.

B: Well. I am a bit unsatisfied with your expense because our department has no
precedent for spending a great sum of money like that. And our budget is not as
much as we think. Could you give me the reasons why you did so?

A: I’m sorry for not carefully discussing my intention with you before undertaking.
But I found that some previous sessions were not effective because they were so
long and people could be easily distracted from training. In addition, we didn’t invest
much in facilities; therefore, people felt bored and unmindful of the session. So I
wanted to change something and I am sure the training session was very beneficial.

B: So can you show me people’s feedback after the training course? I need to ensure
what you say is the truth.

A: OK. You see. The feedback was excellent and the whole store has felt the benefits
of the staff’s new motivation. Some comments showed that they were excited and
happy with the new changes to the session.
B: Oh. I am impressed with your results. It’s very positive. I think you did well. So
embarrassed because of not believing your decisions.

A: Thank you, sir. I know my idea this time was quite daring and I am also surprised
by its success.

B: So I hope you will organize some training courses like this to boost employees’
work performance. Could you do this?

A: Yes. I also intend to carry out another one next 2 months. What do you think?

B: Alright. I think it’s OK. Now you can leave the room and continue your work.

A: Yes, sir.


A: Good morning, Ms. Dao. Are you here?

B: Good morning, Sir. I’m taking a short break.

A: Can I have a word with you in my office now?

B: Yes, Sir.

A: OK, have a seat. Let's get straight to the point. Lately, I have been informed that
you are having some problems. You are constantly late for work, sometimes you
spend several hours in the cafeteria, and rarely complete any paperwork. Could you
explain your action the previous days?

B: Oh. I think it’s just my working style. I just want to get the highest productivity.

A: I saw that you are a great staff, but your behavior is unprofessional, which shows
that you are a maverick. And I’m not satisfied with this.

B: Oh my God. I’m sorry. But you know, I was very tired to adapt to the timetable of
our company.

A: Let me tell you this. Our company has regulations and disciplines, and you are
expected to follow all of them. Well, you’re very good and have many qualities, but I
think there are a few areas where we need to improve your behavior, don’t you?
B: Yes.

A: Now do you have any ideas on how to better off this situation?

B: Well, If there is any chance you can let me freely choose to work when most
customers are in the store, I would be very much thankful. Moreover, I think I could
achieve even more spectacular results than up to now.

A: I understand what you mean, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. You know rules are
rules. Do you realize that this can have serious consequences? How can I manage
other staff if I let you do this?

B: Yes, Sir. I’m sorry for my unprofessional behavior. I know, although I’m the best
staff in our store, it doesn’t mean that I can do anything in the way that I want. I am
willing to take any kind of punishment.

A: Alright, So what do you think we can do to make sure this situation doesn't
happen again?

B: I think it might be useful for me to rearrange my schedule, and be more

responsible and disciplined with our regulations. Perhaps, you could appoint other
staff to keep an eye on me to make sure I follow all this.

A: Right, I think that’s a good plan. So before you go, can I just summarize what we
have agreed? You’ll take your time to consider and rearrange your timetable, and I’ll
appoint Ms. Huyen to watch and remind you, OK. Then we’ll meet again in one
month to see how you’re getting on. Is this alright with you?

B: Yes. I understand. Thanks very much, Sir.

A: Alright, that’s all. Now you can return to work.

B: Yes, Sir.


B: Sophie Diem. Are you here?

A: Yes, sir. I’m here. I’m taking a short break.

B: OK. Can we have a word in my office?

A: Yes, sir. I’m ready now.

B: Have a seat, Sophie. OK. Could you explain your action the previous days? I mean
you are giving credit to your student friends and they don’t have a regular income.
So I’m unsatisfied with what you do.

A: Why? I think it’s good. By encouraging a large circle of students from the
university to sign up for the credit card, our department achieved excellent results.
You saw it in our data reports last week, right?

B: Sophie. Listen. Everything is not easy as you imagine.

A: Or because I’m a new young administrative assistant and you think I don’t have
many experiences to deal with problems, you don’t believe me. Sir?

B: Oh. No. I never think so. I always appreciate you because you are doing an
excellent job. However, your action, so far there hasn’t been a problem, but the risk
has become too high. Do you know?

A: Hmm. Maybe I’m careless about who I give credit to.

B: Yes. If a student lacks discipline, isn’t responsible, and doesn’t have a job, they
should not have their credit card. People don’t have a regular income, which likely
means they don’t have a budget, and therefore, nothing guarantees that they can
manage money well. They may easily go bankrupt and maybe this will affect us.

A: OK. I understand. I’m sorry for not paying attention to its implicit risks. I promise
you to keep track of work and don’t let any problems happen.

B: I hope that cases will not happen anymore. OK, Sophie?

A: I’m sure.

B: Yes. I believe you. I just remind you should be careful. Now you can back to your
current work.

A: Thank you, sir.

B: Not at all.

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