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NIM 22470483




TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023



A. Background

Samosir Island is a volcanic island in the middle of Lake Toba in the province of North Sumatra.

An island within an island with an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level makes this island an
island that attracts the attention of tourists.
Tuktuk is the center of tourist concentration on Samosir Island. From Parapat, Tuktuk can be
connected by ferry crossing. In addition to water transportation, Samosir Island can also be
reached by road via Pangururan which is the place where Samosir Island and Sumatra Island are
Samosir Island itself is located within the Samosir Regency which was only divided in 2003
from the former Toba-Samosir Regency.
On this island there are also two small lakes as tourist areas, namely Lake Sidihoni and Lake Aek
Natonang which earned the nickname "lake above the lake".

B. Author’s Goal

The aims and objectives of this paper are:

1. Know the origin and history of Samosir Island
2. Get to know the village located on the island of Samosir
3. Knowing the typical cuisine of the island of Samosir



A. The Origin and History of the Island of Samosir

Samosir Island is believed to be the origin of the Batak people. The reason is, on this island,
precisely in Pusuk Buhit, Sianjur Mulamula District, the origin of the Batak people. Pusuk Buhit
is a hill with an altitude of more than 1,800 meters above the surface of Lake Toba. These hills
are believed to be the universe or "Mulajadi Nabolon" (God Almighty) self-presentation. In this
sub-district there is Sianjur Mulamula Village which is the first village of the Batak community.

This village is located at the foot of the Pusuk Buhit hill. In this village there is a cultural
heritage in the form of a miniature of the Batak King's House. In the village of Sianjurmulamula,
there is a semi-traditional Batak house building, which is a house on stilts made of wood, without
nails, equipped with stairs, and a tin roof. The original Batak house has a roof of palm fiber.
Above the village there is a Batu Hobon tour. This stone is a chest made of stone made by the
descendants of the Batak King, Saribu Raja who was a blacksmith hundreds of years ago.

On top of Batu Hobon there is Sopo Guru Tatea Bulan which was built in 1995 by the Central
Executive Board of Punguan Pomparan Guru Tatea Bulan. This building is located on Sulatti
Hill, and inside the building are a number of statues of the descendants of the Batak King along
with statues of the Batak King's vehicle and his guards. The vehicles include dragons, elephants,
lions, tigers and horses. Traces of history in the Batak Land are often forgotten by the

B. Villages and Tourist Attractions on Samosir Island

1. Tomok Village

Tomok Village is one of the villages located in the Samosir Island area, Samosir Regency, North
Sumatra Province. Tomok is the gateway to enter the island of Samosir through the Port of
Ajibata, Parapat. Besides Tuktuk, Tomok is a favorite destination in the Samosir area. In
November 2013, I had the opportunity to visit Tomok Village. In Tomok Village, there are
several tourist attractions that are most visited by tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists.
The tourist attractions in Tomok village are:


The Samosir Batak Museum itself is in the form of the Bolon House. Bolon house is a special
traditional house for the king and his family. This traditional house is a model of a traditional
house that has no room and if you want to make a room, it used to be sealed by using ulos. Inside
the Samosir Batak Museum, you will find two statues of a man and a woman with a bowl on
their head. The purpose of this statue is that when a couple wants to get married, the couple is
required to dance with a bowl on their head, and if the bowl falls, they are void of marriage. The
meaning of the bowl not falling while dancing indicates that the Batak person has matured.


Once upon a time, sigale gale was the son of a king. The only son of the king of Rahat who has a
handsome face and the only successor of the descendants. The king's son, Manggale, died on the
battlefield. Sigale Gale's death caused Raja Rahat to have a mental breakdown. The royal advisor
then searched for healers throughout the land. A healer said that the king was sick and longing.
And to treat it the healer proposed to the royal advisor to make a ceremony in the kingdom and
carve a wood to resemble the face of his son Sigale-gale. During the ceremony, the healer
summons the spirit of Si Gale-Gale and puts his spirit into a wood carved to resemble his face,
then the Si Gale-Gale doll is manortor to the accompaniment of typical Toba Batak music,
namely gondang Mula-mula, gondang Somba and gondang Mangaliat.

In the Batak language, sigale-gale means graceful. Currently, sigale-gale has become one of the
identities in North Sumatra Province tourism in general, and Samosir in particular.


Before you enter the Tomb of King Sidabutar, you are required to wear ulos (traditional Batak
cloth). Once you enter the Tomb complex of King Sidabutar, you will see several stone chests
carved with human heads and various tombs. The stone coffin and the tomb were not embedded
in the ground, but were above the ground.

When you see a stone tomb that has long hair. This is because the hair is the power of the King
and is not allowed to be cut. There are 3 Kings and some of their relatives who are buried in this
complex. The first and second kings still did not embrace religion but adhered to the animist and
dynamistic belief system known as Parmalin. The first king's tomb made of stone where the
king's head is drawn carrying a child. This shows that the Batak people really value their children
and want their children to have a higher degree than their parents.

2. Tuk Tuk Village

Located on the peninsula of Samosir Island, Tuk Tuk is a truly exotic village on the shores of
Lake Toba. Located 4 kilometers from Tomok, the location of Tuk Tuk is quite close to the gate
of Samosir Island. Tuk Tuk is an area full of exotic natural scenery. From this place too, you can
enjoy the magical beauty of Lake Toba. The place which is the center of tourist activities who
want to spend the night in Samosir is also equipped with complete and adequate facilities. Classy
hotels and villas as well as inns line the lakeside, beautifying the scenery with beautiful
architecture and arrangements. There are also several coffee shops that provide internet facilities
that can complete the atmosphere of your memorable holiday in Tuk Tuk.

As a tourist destination, besides its natural scenery, Tuk Tuk is also known to be rich in Batak
culture. For that, when you take the time to visit Tuk Tuk, you don't need to worry because there
are many attractions that can make your vacation more memorable.

In Tuk Tuk, you can also find various kinds of Batak culture, including handicrafts in the form of
enchanting Batak wood carvings, various beautiful ulos, you can also enjoy traditional Batak
music and dance performances played by Gondang and performed through the tor dance tor.

C. Typical Food of Samosir Island
1. Ikan Arsik

This typical Batak Arsik Fish dish is not far from the Batak world where this dish is loved by all
Batak people, where this dish is in typical Batak restaurants, in lapo and even at weddings.

2. Naniura

This dish is a typical food of the Batak tribe. In contrast to Arsik, other Batak specialties that are
boiled or steamed, the menu which also uses goldfish as the main menu is not cooked. The
meaning in the Batak language, naniura is fish that is not cooked. However, the tamarind
marinade that chemically changes the raw fish to not taste fishy and is ready to be served.


This particular Batak curry goldfish dish is not far from the Batak world where this dish is loved
by all Batak people, where this dish is available in typical Batak restaurants, in lapo and even at


A. Conclusion

Samosir Island is a volcanic island in the middle of Lake Toba in the province of North Sumatra.
An island within an island with an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level makes this island an
island that attracts the attention of tourists.

B. Suggestion

Maybe this is what is discussed in the writing of this group, although this writing is far from
perfect, at least we implement this paper. There are still many mistakes from our group's writing,
because we are human beings who are the place of mistakes and sins and we also need
suggestions/criticisms so that they can be motivation for a better future than the past. We also
thank the supervising teachers who have given us group assignments for the good of ourselves
and for the country and nation.

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