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V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational


Contents the absorbed substances or store them until

1-2 Intro to Physiology they are needed.
3-4 Membrane Physiology • The musculoskeletal system consists of skeletal
5-7 Muscle Physiology muscles, bones, tendons, joints, cartilage, and
Cardiac Physiology ligaments. Without this system, the body could
Circulation not move to the appropriate place to obtain the
Blood Physiology foods required for nutrition. This system also
Pulmonary Physiology protects internal organs and supports the body.

INTRODUCTION TO PHYSIOLOGY Removal of Metabolic End Products

Physiology – science that seeks to explain the physical • The respiratory system not only provides
and chemical mechanisms that are responsible for the oxygen to the extracellular fluid but also
origin, development, and progression in life removes carbon dioxide, which is produced by
the cells, released from the blood into the
Human Physiology – attempts to explain the specific alveoli, and then released to the external
characteristics and mechanisms of the human body that environment.
make it a living thing • The kidneys excrete most of the waste products
Cells as the Living Units of the Body other than carbon dioxide. The kidneys play a
- General mechanism for changing nutrients into major role in regulating extracellular fluid
energy composition by controlling excretion of salts,
- Deliver products of their chemical reactions water, and waste products of the chemical
into the surrounding fluids reactions of the cells. By controlling body fluid
- Have the ability to reproduce volumes and compositions, the kidneys also
Homeostatic Mechanisms of the Major Functional regulate blood volume and blood pressure.
Systems • The liver eliminates certain waste products
Homeostasis produced in the body, as well as toxic
- A condition wherein all organs and tissues of the substances that are ingested.
body that perform functions to help maintain • The gastrointestinal tract eliminates undigested
the constituent of the extracellular fluid materials and some waste products of
relatively constant metabolism in the feces.

Extracellular Fluid Transport and Mixing System: The Regulation of Body Functions
Blood Circulatory System • The nervous system directs the activity of the
About 50% to 70% of the adult human body is fluid, with muscular system, thereby providing locomotion.
approximately two-thirds inside the cells and one-third It also controls the function of many internal
in the extracellular fluid surrounding the cells and organs through the autonomic nervous system,
circulating in the blood. Extracellular fluid is transported and it allows us to sense our external and
throughout the body in two stages. internal environment and to be intelligent
• The first stage is movement of blood throughout beings so we can obtain the most advantageous
the circulatory system, and conditions for survival.
• the second stage is movement of fluid between • The hormone systems control many metabolic
the blood capillaries and cells. functions of the cells, such as growth, rate of
• The circulatory system keeps the fluids of the metabolism, and special activities associated
internal environment continuously mixed by with reproduction. Hormones are secreted into
pumping blood through the vascular system. the bloodstream and are carried to tissues
As blood passes through the capillaries, a large portion throughout the body to help regulate cell
of its fluid diffuses back and forth into the interstitial function
fluid that lies between the cells, allowing continuous
exchange of substances between the cells and the Protection of the Body
interstitial fluid and between the interstitial fluid and the • The immune system provides the body with a
blood. defense mechanism that protects against
foreign invaders, such as bacteria and viruses, to
Origin of Nutrients in the Extracellular Fluid which the body is exposed daily.
• The respiratory system provides oxygen for the • The integumentary system, which is composed
body and removes carbon dioxide. mainly of skin, provides protection against injury
• The gastrointestinal system digests food and and defense against foreign invaders, as well as
facilitates absorption of various nutrients, protection of underlying tissues against
including carbohydrates, fatty acids, and amino dehydration. The skin also serves to regulate
acids, into the extracellular fluid. body temperature.
• The liver changes the chemical composition of
many of the absorbed substances to more Reproduction
usable forms, and other tissues of the body (e.g., • The reproductive system provides for formation
fat cells, kidneys, endocrine glands) help modify of new beings like us. Even this function can be
considered a homeostatic function because it
V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

generates new bodies in which trillions of • HDL – good cholesterol bc it takes away fat; >
additional cells can exist in a well-regulated 60mg/dL
internal environment • LDL – bad cholesterol bc it provides fat in cell;
The Cell and Its Function • Triglycerides – lipid ver of glycogen; <165mg/dL
Cell • Total cholesterol – <200mg/dL
- Basic living unit Proteins
- Tries to achieve homeostasis (constant and • 10 to 20% of cell
balanced conditions) • Structural protein – long and thin filaments that
come in bundles and serves as the cytoskeleton
• Functional protein – globular forms that are
mainly the enzymes in the cells
• Provides inorganic chemicals for cellular
reactions and are necessary for operation for
some of cellular control mechanisms
• K+, Mg, P, S, HCO3, Na+, Cl-, Ca
• Na – most abundant cation in extracellular
• Cl – most abundant anion in extracellular
• K – most abundant cation in intracellular
• Organic Anions – most abundant anion

Protoplasm Physical Structure of the Cells

- The different substances that make up the cell Cell Membrane/Plasma membrane – lipid bilayer
Water • Phospholipids – most abundant with
• Comprises 60% of entire body hydrophilic(water soluble; phosphate end) and
• 2/3 intracellular (inside of cells); 1/3 hydrophobic(fat soluble; fatty acid end)
extracellular (outside of cells) • Sphingolipids -
• Cholesterol – controls fluidity of membrane
Nuclear membrane/nuclear envelope – surrounds the
Nucleus – contains genes that determines the
characteristics of the cell’s proteins, and promote
reproduction of cell
Cytoplasm – region inside the cell membrane filled with
Carbohydrates organelles in the cytosol
• 1% of the cell; 3% of muscle; 6% for liver Mitochondria – transports ATP throughout the cell
• Provide little structural function but plays Centrioles
major role in nutrition Endoplasmic Reticulum – network of tubular and flat
vesicular structures that transports molecules to other
• First energy choice consumed bc easiest to
parts of the cell
breakdown and used
• Granular ER – contains ribosomes (site for
• Disaccharides = 2 monosaccharides
protein synthesizes)
• Sucrose = 1mol glucose + fructose
• Lactose = 1mol glucose + galactose • Agranular ER – lipid synthesis
Golgi Apparatus – contains vesicles that transports
• Maltose = 1 mol glucose + glucose
substances to the Golgi Apparatus
• Glycogen – carbs in the form of dissolved
Lysosomes – provides an intracellular digestive system
glucose readily available for cell; freely floats in
Microfilaments – made of a protein called actin that
assists with cell movement, cell division, and
Lipids (fats)
cytoplasmic streaming
• 2% of the cell
Microtubules – provides shape and structure to cell;
• 2nd choice of energy consumed
helps in cell division; forms an internal transport
• Insoluble in water thus used to form the cell network for vesicles
membrane and intracellular membrane barriers

V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

- Goes against the flow

MEMBRANE PHYSIOLOGY AND NERVE - Uses a transport protein to move a substance
Transport of substances through Cell against its conc gradient
- Extracellular Fluid – high Na and Cl conc; low K Sodium Potassium pump
conc. • Uses ATP to bind with 3Na and changes the
- Intracellular Fluid – low Na and Cl conc.; high K shape of the protein and exits while 2K enters
conc and binds to the protein causing the phosphate
- Conc. Of phosphates and proteins in to release and return back to the original shape
intracellular fluid are greater than those in Endocytosis
extracellular fluid • uses vesicles to transport fluids out of the cell
- selective permeability allows certain substances • Filtration – from high pressure to low by using
with certain criteria to pass through it; has the the energy of mechanical pressure
ability to regulate the conc of substances(ions) • Pinocytosis – when a stationary cell engulds
- Only relatively small nonpolar materials can something (ex. Cells of kidney tubules);
move through the lipid bilayer ingestion of small globules of extracellular fluid,
- Water soluble materials (glucose, amino acids, forming minute vesicles in the cell cytoplasm
electrolytes) need assistance to cross the • Phagocytosis – when a moving cell engulfs
membrane bc they are repelled by the something (ex. WBC takes in bacteria)
hydrophobic tails of the phospholipid bilayer Resting Membrane Potential (RMP)
- Nutrients (sugars, fatty acids, amino acids, - Voltage difference between the
waste products, CO2,) must leave the cell inside(negative) and outside(positive) of cells
- Concentration gradient/difference – moles - Active Na/k pump; closed Na chanel; open K
diffuse until there is no more conc gradient chanel
- Ions arrange themselves along the outer and.
Passive Transport Inner surfaces of cell membrane
- Does not use ATP(cellular energy) because it - RMP is different in various tissues
moves the moles downhill - Nerve cell/neurons: -70mV
- Goes with the flow - Skeltal muscles: -90mV
Simple diffusion - Cardiac muscles: -90 mV
• movement of particles from high conc to lower - Important role in deciding the degree and
conc (ex. Exchange of gases in lungs) duration of action potential
• When there is conc gradient on each side - Level of the face of depolarization starts
• The structure of lipid bilayer allows only small - Not stable in some tissues (visceral smooth
nonpolar substances (O2 and CO2) pass muscle)
through the cell membrane down their conc Action Potential (AP)
gradient - How neurons relay messages
Facilitated Diffusion - Neural impulse is a series of action potentials
• for substances that cannot cross the lipid between the inside and outside of neuron
bilayer due to their size and polarity (ex. - when the neuron is stimulated, membrane
Glucose to ATP) potential changes and inside of the cell becomes
• Requires a specialized carrier protein to assist positive due to depolarization
the movement of particles down its conc - Rapid changes in the membrane potential
gradient - Nerve signals are transmitted by AP
• Channel proteins are less selective than carrier - Begins with a sudden change from the RMP
proteins. (depolarization) and ends with an almost equally
Osmosis rapid change back to the RMP (repolarization)
• diffusion of water through a semipermeable Polarization
membrane - Neuron not carrying an impulse
• Used when replacement fluids are needed for a - Na+ is more outside and K- are more inside
dehydrated patient - Na/K pumps maintain the ion concentrations
• Tonicity - Conc of solutes creates the osmotic Depolarization
pressure with determines the movement of - A stimulus such as neurotransmitters makes the
water membrane very permeable to Na which brings
• Isotonic – water moves equally out of cell (ex. about the depolarization (A reversal of charges
RBC in plasma); equal conc on both side on the membrane)
• Hypotonic – water moves in from the outside - (Propagation of impulse from point of impulse)
(ex. RBC in distilled water); increase in volume; Membrane suddenly permeable to Na, allowing
from low conc to high more positively charged Na ions to flow to the
• Hypertonic – water moves out of cell (ex. RBC in interior of the axon and membrane potential
seawater); decrease in volume; from low conc rises rapidly in the positive direction
to high - Continues along the membrane to the end of
Active Transport Repolarization
- Uses ATP to move moles against the gradients
V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

- As soon as depolirization takes place, the neuron - neuron is ready to repond to another stimulus
membrane becomes very permeable to K ions and transmit another impulse
which rushes out to the cell and repolarization

V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

Breakdown of glycogen
Composition - Glycogen breaks into pyruvic acid and lactic
- 40% skeletal muscle acid where energy is releases by releasing
- 10% smooth and cardiac muscles phosphate ions to bind to ADP so that it
Physiological Anatomy of skeletal, cardiac, and becomes ATP again
smooth muscles - Release of energy can occur even when Oxygen
Epimysium – tissue covering of muscle belly is absent
Muscle belly – bundle of fasicles - Might be oxygen deficient but still have energy
Perimysium – tissue covering of fasicles to hold a contraction
Fasicle – group of muscle cells - Longer use of energy but short in duration
Perimysium – covering of m - Example: swimming
Endomysium – tissue covering of the muscle fibers Oxidative metabolism
Sarcolemma – thin membrane of endomysium - Breakdown of food
Muscle fibers – individual muscle cell - Oxygen binds to various cellular food (carbs,
Myofibril – contains sarcomeres fats, proteins) to release ATP
Sarcomere – basic functional unit of a muscle fiber - Longer to process energy but more power
Myofilaments – smallest unit of skeletal muscle
• Actin – thin filaments Characteristics of Whole Muscle Contractions
• Myosin – thick filaments Isometric Contractions
Z line – boundary between 2 sarcomeres - Same length
I band – purely actin (only the red parts) - Muscle are contracting but does neither
A band – cotains the myosin and the zone of overlap lengthening or shortening
H zone – purely myosin - Example: planking
M line – midline of entire sarcomere Isotonic contractions
- Holding same tension but changes in length
- Concentric - shortening
- Eccentric - lengthening; extending in a
controlled manner

Types of muscle fibers

Slow twitch (Type 1)
- Aerobic (a lot of oxygen)
- Red
- Small muscle bulks
- High blood supply
- Fatigue slowly; high endurance; use energy
Contraction of skeletal muscle slowly
Sliding Filament Theory - High number of capillaries and mitochondria
Nerve impule > action potential along muscle > cause - Example: marathoners
the release of acetylcholine > causes depolirazation > Fast twitch (Type 2)
causes release of calcium ions in sarcoplasmic reticulum - Anaerobic (uses less oxygen)
> binds to troponin and change its shape to - Bigger muscle bulks
tropomyosin > moves to active site of actin where - Pale
myosin can attach and form a cross bridge - Low blood supply
- Fatigue rapidly; use bursts of energy
ATP breaks down into energy > enables myosin to pull - Low number of capillaries and mitochondria
the actin inwards > ATP binds to myosin head > myosin - Type 2A - oxidative (oxidative metabolism)
dettaches from actin > crossbridge is broken > repeat - Type 2B - glycolytic (glycogen breakdown)
(ratchet mechanism) as long as there is adequate ATP - Example: sprinters, weight lifters
and Ca > causing muscle to contract
Mechanism of skeletal Muscle Contraction (1 twitch=1
Nerve impulse stops > Ca is pumped back to spike)
sarcoplasmic reticulm > actin returns to resting position Multiple motor unit summation
> mucle lengthen and relax - Adding together a series of twitch contractions
to increase intensity of overall multiple
ADP can only hold muscle contraction for 1-2 secs contractions
- Strength of signal increases = larger units begin
3 Main Sources of Energy for muscle contraction to be excited
Phosphocreatine Frequency summation and tetanization
- 5 to 8 seconds - Frequency of contraction increases that they
- Carries high energy bonds similar to ATP but are so close together that they don’t have a
has more free energy chance to go down before a new one starts =
- Causes the release of phosphate ions to bind to
ADP so that it becomes ATP again
V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

reaches a critical level where successive - Resting muscle is in a partial contraction state
contractions already fuse (muscle tonus)
- Ends when fatigue sets in
Nueromuscular junction – connection between motor
neuron and muscle fiber; chemical synapse between
the nerve terminal and endplate

Nerve impulse > action potential reaches the nerve

terminal > causes the release of acetylcholine
(neurotransmitter) > binds to nicotinic receptors
(ligated ion channels) on the endplate > channel opens
to allow Na to enter the cells > depolarizes the cell
membrane > produces endplate potential > activates
the Na channels outside the endlate in the neighboring
Treppe (staircase effect) membrane > allows faster influx of Na > furthur
- Sustaining a position for long hours = initial depolarizing and reverse the polarity of cell membrane
strength is lower > K channels release K > return the membrane voltage
- Warming up causes more Ca in sarcoplasmic to resting potential > action potential spreads like a
reticulum wave throughout the muscle fiber via T tubules to
reach the sarcoplasmic reticulum > activates Ca
channels > releases Ca to sarcoplasmic reticulum into
the cytosol of muscle cells > sets of muscle contraction
by the sliding filament mechanism

Acetylcholinesterase (enzyme) > removes ACh that do

not immediately bind to the receptor and those done
activating the receptor > terminates synaptic activation
> muscle relaxes and prevent muscle contraction that
Remodeling of Muscle through time to Match result to muscle spasm
Hypertrophy Neuromuscular Toxins (prevent activation of muscle
- Increase in total mass cells and cause flacid paralysis except presticides)
- Results from increase in the number of actin Botulinum toxin (botox) prevents ACh to release from
and myosin in each muscle fiber the presynaptic side of the junction
- hyperplasia is the increase of muscle fibers Curare (plant toxin) and bungarotoxin (snake venom)
- Example: muscle builders; muscle bulks blocks ACh from binding but do not open the ion
Atrophy channel
- Decrease in total mass Certain Drugs lodge into the channel of nicotinic
- Results when a muscle remains unused for a receptor to block the passage of Na
long period. The rate of decay of the contractile Pesticides inhibit AChE that prevents degradation of
proteins occurs more rapidly than the rate of ACh, causing continuous activation of muscles; induce
replacement muscle spasms and cause spastic paralysis
- Muscle denervation causes rapid atrophy Excitation and Contraction of Smooth Muscles
Types of Smooth Muscle
Excitation of Skeletal Muscle
Muscle Action Potential
- RMP: -80 to -90 mV
- Duration: 1 to 5 ms (5x as long as large
myelinated nerves)
- Velocity: 3 to 5 m/s (1/18 the velocity of
large myelinated fibers)
Neuromuscular Transmission
Without innervation, muscles become paralized and
atrophy happens Multi-unit
- Each muscle fiber can contract
Axon of motor neuron supply mucle fibers that contract
in unison when activated
- Minute muscle contractions
Motor unit is a group of muscle fibers controlled by 1 - Example: papillary muscles, pillow erector
motor neuron muscles, iris
- Smaller motor units = small muscles Single-unit
- Large motor units = large muscles (strength) - Unitary that contracts as a whole
- Strength of muscle contraction is determined - Joined by gap junctions that make sure
by the number of motor units activated impulses are received together; Deliver the
V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

motor impulses from one fiber to the next - RMP: -50to -60 mV
and make sure that they contract in unison - Quantitative voltage adjust/depends on the
- Example: viscera, walls of gastrointestinal momentary condition of muscles
tract, blood vessels
Action Potential of Visceral Smooth Muscles
Contraction and Relaxation
Ca entering the cell from the extracellular fluid
(sarcoplasmic reticulum in skeletal) > signals the
sarcoplasmic reticulum to also release Ca > Intracellular
Ca binds to calmodulin (protein) > activates myosin
light chain kinase (MLCK) > activates the myosin heads
> binds to actin and slides along that increases the
muscle tension and contracts muscle > after, cell is
signaled to release Ca > Calmodulin unbinds from the
Ca > myosin phosphatase removes a phosphate from
the MLCK > ADP becomes ATP > myosin is inactivated >
myosin head unbinds from actin > muscle relaxes Spike potentials (A) – elicited by electrical stimulation,
stretch, or action of hormones and transmitter
Neuromuscular Junction of Smooth Muscles (NMJ) Action potential with plateaus (B) – similar to spike but
Diffuse junctions (multi-unit) repolarization is delayed for several hundred
- Junctions are branching out in between every milliseconds; causes prolonged contraction
fiber that allows only one fiber to contract Slow rythmical waves (B) – occur spontaneously on
where impulse can be found intestinal wall
- Site of transmitter release
- Autonomic nerve fibers secrete their Depolirization of Multi Unit Smooth Muscles
transmitter substance into the matrix, coating - No action potentials
the smooth muscle and then diffuses throught - Contract mainly in response to nerve stimuli
the cell - Nerve secrete ACh and Noripinephrine because
Varicosities on the axons fibers are too small to generate an action
- Most of the terminal axons of multiple potential
varicosities are distrubuted along their axis
- Contains vesicles loaded with transmitter Effect of local tissue factors and hormones on smooth
substance muscles contraction without Action Potential
Contact junctions (multi-unit) Local tissue factors
- Varicosities lie directly on the fiber membrane - lack of O, excess CO2, increased H
- Functions the same with neuromuscular - causes relaxation of smooth muscles on the
juntions in skeletal muscles vessels
Circulating Hormones in blood
Neurotransmitters of smooth muscles of NMJ - affect smooth muscle contraction to some
Acetylcholine (ACh) – excitatory for some, inhibitory for degree
some; depends on the receptor of the fiber - Example: excess histamine as a result to allergic
Norepinephrine – counteracts ACh effects on fibers reaction makes smooth muscles contract

Membrane Potential

V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

CARDIAC PHYSIOLOGY Cardiac Muscle Anatomy And Physiology

Heart - Appear striated
Functions: - Myofibrils contain actin and myosin that act in
- Propels blood through an estimated 10,000 km the same manner as in skeletal muscle
of blood vessels - Differences with skeletal muscle
- 5L is pumped to the lungs and the same volume • The presence of the protein Titin
to the rest of the body • Definition = a protein that allows
- Heart pumps more than 1400 L of blood in a passive elastic elongation of the
day or 10 million L a year sarcomeres after contraction
Dimensions and Specific Characteristics • Importance = required as there is no
- Hollow, cone-shaped, about the size of a antagonist muscle contracting to help
person’s closed fist elongate the heart muscle
- Weighs about 300 g in an adult - Cardiac muscle as a syncytium
- Contains 4 chambers and rests on the • Intercalated discs = gap junctions that
diaphragm, in the mediastinum lie between the cardiac muscle fibers
- About 12cm long, 9cm wide and 6cm thick connected in series (such that cardiac
- Pointed inferior end is formed by the tip of the muscle fibers are much shorter than
left ventricle and tilts obliquely toward the left skeletal muscle fibers) and parallel
hip and is referred to as the Apex • Function = allow an action potential
- Wide superior and posterior margin of the transmitted through one muscle fiber
heart is called base and is formed by the atria, to be transmitted to an adjacent
mostly of the left atrium muscle fiber
• Atrial vs. ventricular syncytia
Chambers of the Heart o Separated from each other by
- 2 superior chambers: Right and Left Atrium fibrous tissue that surrounds
- Anterior wall is rough due to presence of the AV openings
internal muscular ridges called pectinate o Action potentials pass between
muscle the atria and ventricles only
- Each atrium has an appendage called an auricle through specialized conduction
which increases tissue called the AV bundle
- Both atria are separated by the intraatrial (Importance = allows the atria
septum to contract a short time ahead
- 2 inferior chambers: Right and Left Ventricles of the ventricles)
- Both ventricles are separated from the atria by The Cardiac Cycle
the coronary sulcus 1. Commences in the sinoatrial node which is in
- Anterior interventricular sulcus and posterior the Right atrial wall inferior to the opening of
interventricular sulcus separates both the superior vena cava
ventricles externally o Intraventricular septum 2. Cardiac action potentials extend from the SA
separates both ventricles internally node down to the Atrioventricular node (AV)
which is in the septum between the two atria
Right Ventricle Left Ventricle 3. From the AV nodes, the action potential pierces
Thinner muscular wall 2 to 4x thicker than the the AV Bundle of His, the only electrical
right connection between the atria and the
Pumps at a fairly low Pumps at a higher ventricles.
pressure only to the pressure to all other 4. Action potential then enters both the right and
lungs parts of the body left bundle branches that course through the
Pulmonary circulation Systemic Circulation interventricular septum toward the apex of the
Works at a minimal value Works harder to heart
maintain blood flow 5. Large diameter conduction myofibers (Purkinje
fibers) briskly conduct the Action potential first
Valves of the Heart to the apex and then upward to the remainder
Atrioventricular Valve of the ventricular myocardium
- Lies between the atria and the ventricles
- The Chordae Tendineae are tendon like cords Cardiac Action Potentials
that connect the pointed ends and Fast Response AP
undersurfaces to papillary muscles on the inner - Found both in the contracting cells of the atrial
surface of the ventricles (tricuspid valves and and ventricular myocardium and in the
the bicuspid or mitral valves) specialized conducting network of Purkinje
Semilunar Valves fibers
- Allows ejection of blood from the heart but - Characterized by rapid Na influx during phase 0
prevents backflow of blood into the heart depolarization
- Consists of semilunar cusps and each susp - Responsible for transmission of the action
attaches to the artery wall by its convex outer potential along the conduction network and for
V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

depolarization of the entire myocardium, resulting in P wave – atrial depolarization

contraction - Ventricular filling
Slow Response AP - Impulses from SA node propagates to atrium
- Found in the pacemaker cells of the sinoatrial - 0.10 secondas
and atrioventricular nodes QRS complex – ventricular depolarization
- Shows slow Ca influx during phase 0 - Ventricular contraction
depolarization - Ventricular systole
- Generates the pacemaker potential from within - Impulse towards AV bundle
SA node - <0.12 seconds
T wave – ventricular repolarization
Fast and Slow Response AP - Relative refractory state
Fast Slow - Proto diastole (0.04 seconds)
Phase Rapid Upstroke: Slow Upstroke: SA and - Resting State
0 Rapid flow of Na AV nodal cells PR interval – from atrial contraction up to ventricular
mediated by Ca contraction
channels - Impulse from the AV node
Phase Partial Absent - Conduction delay (0.11 seconds)
1 Repolarization: Na - Isovolumetric contraction
channels are QT interval – ventricular systole (0.35 seconds)
deactivated, and ST segment – ventricular repolarization
depolarization - Absolute refractory state
stops. Small efflux - Heart is unexcitable (isovolumetric relaxation)
of K occurs.
Absolute Phases of Cardiac Cycle
Refractory Period Period of - Quiescent period when the
Phase Plateau: Slow Plateau: The plateau is Relaxation ventricles start to relax and
2 efflux of K is less prominent than in all 4 chambers are in
counter acted by the conducting and diastole
voltage-gated contracting cells of the - Repolarization of the
inward Ca current myocardium ventricular muscle fibers set
Phase Rapid Same as first response off relaxation which drops
3 repolarization: the pressure within the
gradual increase in chambers. Allows blood flow
K efflux and from pulmonary trunk and
inactivation of the aorta back toward the
voltage gated Ca ventricle with blood getting
channels of Phase trapped in the semilunar
2. cusps (ventricular diastole)
Relative - Represented by T wave
Refractory Period - Isovolumetric relaxation
Phase Diastole: Fully Diastolic Ventricular - Immediately after opening
4 recovered cell depolarization: SA and Filling of valves
remains at the AV nodes, and to some - First 1/3 rapid ventricular
resting potential extent the Purkinje filling, Middle 1/3 much
until a fibers, are capable of small volume of blood and is
depolarization spontaneous referred to as diastasis, last
event occurs depolarization due to 1/3 is Atrial systole and
the interplay of at least accounts for the final 20-25
three ion flows ml of blood
(increased Ca and Na - Indicated by the P wave
influx and decreased K Period of - Ventricular contraction
efflux) Ventricular starts pushing blood against
Accounts for Systole or the AV valves forcing them
automaticity and is Contraction shut (ventricular systole)
referred to as - Isovolumetric contraction
pacemaker potential - When L ventricular pressure
exceeds aortic pressure and
THE ELECTROCARDIOGRAM R ventricular pressure
- A non-invasive trans-thoracic interpretation of - exceeds pulmonary trunk,
the electrical activity of the heart over a period both semilunar valves open
of time, as detected by electrodes attached to and ejection of blood from
the outer surface of the skin - the heart starts
- Assess heart rate, rhythm, conduction delay, - End systolic volume
coronary perfusion.
V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

- Represented by QRS Protection

complex - Clotting - Protects against blood loss when
tissues / vessels are damaged
Phases of Cardiac Cycle - Immunity - Leukocytes protect against disease
S1 - AV valve closure causing agents. (toxins, bacteria)
(lub) - Beginning of systole
- Vibration is low in pitch and Major Components of the Circulatory System
relatively long lasting Cardiovascular: Heart, blood vessels
S2 - Semilunar valve closure Lymphatic
(dub) - End of systole - lymphatic vessels and lymphoid tissues in
- Rapid snaps spleen, thymus, tonsils, and lymph nodes.
S3 - Ventricular Gallop • The fluid portion of the blood (plasma)
- After s2 and associated with passes through the capillary walls
congestive heart failure under hydrostatic pressure (interstitial
S4 - Atrial Gallop fluid). o Some interstitial fluid returns
- Occurs before S1 to the blood and some enters the
- Associated with myocardial lymphatic system
infarction or chronic hypertension • Lymphatic vessels carry interstitial fluid
now called lymph back to the venous
BLOOD PHYSIOLOGY • Lymph nodes along the way filter and
Heart cleanse the blood before it is returned.
- Cells within the human body are susceptible to - Components of the blood (Fluid components)
changes in temperature, pH, and to toxic • Plasma - straw colored liquid composed
chemicals. Since most cells in the body are fixed of water and dissolved solutes.
within tissues, they must have nutrients and • 90% water - solvent and suspending
oxygen brought to them and waste removed. medium for blood components
Blood serves this transportation function. • Over 100 different solutes - proteins,
- The blood is classified as a fluid matrix ions, nutrients, gases and waste
connective tissue consisting of cells and cell products
fragments surrounded by a liquid matrix which • 7%Proteins
circulates through the heart and blood vessels. o Albumins (58%) - buffer /
The cells and cell fragments are the formed maintains osmotic pressure /
elements and the matrix of the blood is fluid. viscosity
Therefore, blood can be divided like other o Globulins (38%) - transport
connective tissues into a cellular component lipids and hormones. (-Act as
and a matrix component. Formed elements antibodies)
make up about 45% and plasma 55% of the o Fibrinogen (4%) - Blood clotting
total blood volume. Blood volume: 4-5 L in • 2%Othersolutes
females, 5-6 L in males o Ions - Na+, K+, Ca++, etc.
o Nutrients - Glucose, amino
Functions of the Blood acids, cholesterol, triaclglyerol
Distribution and transport (estimate 60,000 miles of o Waste products - Urea, uric
vessels in body) acid, creatinine, ammonia salts.
- Respiration - RBC transport Oxygen, CO2, o Gases - Oxygen, CO2, Nitrigen
- Nutritive - Carries absorbed nutrients, o Regulatory substances-
electrolytes and water from intestines: enzymes, hormones.
- Excretory - Metabolic Waste -urea, excess
water, ions are carried to the kidney. Formed Elements (Cells)
- Negative - also transports bacteria, viruses, Erythrocytes (RBC)
toxins etc. - Hematocrit = % of blood composed of RBC
Regulation and maintenance - red blood cells (RBC’s) Characteristics:
- Hormonal regulation - Numbers: Female - 4.3 to5.2 million / mm3 and
• From glands to target organs Male 5.1 to 5.8 million / mm3.
• Transport of various enzymes - Shape “biconcave disks” - increases surface
- Thermoregulation area
• Diversion of blood from deeper to - 7 um in diameter and 2.2 um thick.
superficial cutaneous vessels to cool - Contains hemoglobin and iron.
body or vice versa to retain heat - No nucleus, very few organelles
- pH / acid-base balance - Carry oxygen to tissues and carbon dioxide
• Blood acts as a buffering system for the away from tissues.
body. - Function dependent on hemoglobin
• pH 7.35-7.45 - Hemoglobin Structure:
- Fluid volume
V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

• Composed of 4 protein chains, 2 alpha cannot produce new proteins - no

chains and 2 beta chains. nucleus)
• Each chain contains an iron containing • Typical life span 100 - 120 days.
heme group. • As RBC’s squeeze through the narrow
• iron in these heme groups is critical for capillaries of the spleen (or liver) the
oxygen to bind to the hemoglobin worn out cells become trapped and
• Each hemoglobin is capable of binding broken down by fixed macrophages.
4 oxygens. • Breakdown products are recycled as
- Considerations: Each blood cell contains 280 follows:
million hemoglobin molecules. Each RBC o Macrophages engulf and
therefore has the capability to bind over 1 destroy worn out RBCs in
billion oxygen molecules spleen and liver.
- The majority of CO2 (70%) is carried in the o Hemoglobin is split into heme
blood as bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) and globin
- Carbon monoxide binds to Hemoglobin forming o Globin is broken down into
a stable carboxyhemoglobin - result O2 can’t amino acids which can be used
bind to hemoglobin and death occurs. to synthesize other proteins.
- RBC Production: o Heme (iron + porphyrin)
• RBC’s are produced within the bone liberates its iron core which is
marrow. Through a process called recycled.
erythropoesis. o Fe3+ is picked up and
• Most blood cells derive from a common transported in blood by a
ancestor cell known as a plasma protein called
hemocytoblast. transferrin
• Under appropriate conditions the o Fe is carried to marrow for
hemocytoblast differentiates into a cell synthesis of Hb in new RBC or
known as a proerythroblast (early o Is stored in muscle or liver
erythrocyte forming cell) etc. where iron detaches from
• Stem cell > proerythroblast > early transferrin and binds to an iron
(basophilic) erythroblast > intermediate o storage protein called ferritin.
(polychromatic)erythroblast > o Upon release from storage,
(hemoglobin production begins) late iron can reattaches to
erythroblast (loss of nucleus) > transferrin
reticulocyte > erythrocyte o Iron is then transported to
• Changes that occur during RBC bone marrow where RBC
development-decrease in size, loose precursors take it up through
nucleus and many of its organelles receptor mediated endocytosis
including mitochondria for use in producing new
• Regulation of production hemoglobin molecules.
o production requires: folate and o Erythropoiesis in red bone
B12 for cell division and iron for marrow results in the
hemoglobin to be produced. production of RBC which enter
o Erythrocyte production is the circulation
stimulated by low blood • Porphyrin
oxygen o Non iron portion of heme
o (Causes: decreased or defective (prophyrin) is converted to
erythrocytes, diseases of the biliverdin (green pigment) o
lungs, high altitude, biliverdin is converted to
cardiovascular delivery bilirubin (orange pigment)
problems, increased demands o bilirubin enters the blood
for oxygen (endurance stream and is transported to
exercise). the liver.
• Decreased blood oxygen causes o Within the liver, bilirubin is
increased erythropoietin release from secreted by the liver cells into
the kidneys. bile which passes into the small
o erythropoietin stimulates bone intestine
marrow to produce more o o In the large intestine bacteria
erythrocytes and increase the convert bilirubin into
rate of maturation. urobilinogen
- Fate and destruction of RBC’s: o o Some of the Urobilinogen is
• As RBC circulate they eventually absorbed back into the blood
become ragged and worn out as they and converted to urobilin
squeeze through capillaries. (RBC o (yellow pigment) and is
excreted in the urine

V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

o o Most urobiligen is eliminated • contain peroxidases and other

in feces in the form of hydrolytic enzymes
stercobilin which gives feces its • Ccontain defensins which act to digest
o characteristic color. foreign substances and puncture holes
o Jaundice - yellowish staining of in bacteria
skin and sclera causes by • Numbers increase rapidly with
buildup of bilirubin. meningitis and appendicitis
- Disorders of Erythrocytes - Eosinophils
• anemias – deficiency of hemoglobin in • Appearance: bilobed nucleus,
blood. The result of either a decrease in cytoplasmic granules that stain red or
hemoglobin / RBC or in the number of bright red, 11-14 um
RBCs. • 1-3% of white blood cells
• Symptoms: pale, lethargic, shortness of • most effective in working against
breath, tired. parasitic worms such as tape worms,
• Aplastic anemia – inability of red bone flukes, pinworms, and hookworms
marrow to produce RBCs caused by • release chemical that reduce
damage to Red bone marrow by inflammation (c) secrete enzymes that
chemicals, drugs, radiation; Iron break down clots.
deficiency - RBCs are smaller than - Basophils
normal; folate deficiency - necessary • Appearance: two indistinct lobes,
for DNA replication - poor pregnant cytoplasmic granules stain blue-purple,
women and alcoholics 10-12 um
• Pernicious anemia – Vitamin B12 • Less than 1% of white cells
deficiency - Vitamin B12 is necessary • Contain and release histamine
for production of folate. • act as a chemoattractant to attract
• Hemorrhagic anemia – results from loss other WBC
of blood. (Ulcers, menstruation). • Release heparin - prevents clots
• Hemolytic anemia – erythrocytes - Agranulocytes
rupture or are destroyed at an • Lymphocytes
increased rate. caused by: genetic o Appearance: only slightly larger
membrane problems; snake venom; than RBC, round nucleus nearly
immune diseases; heart valve fills cells, 6-14um 􏳧 25-33% of
problems. white blood cells
• Thalasemia - defective hemoglobin o Generally found in lymphoid
production; insufficient globin tissues
production - genetic disorder o provides specific immune
• Sickle cell anemia - abnormal shaped response
hemoglobin; Cells are rigid, fragile and o T-lymphocytes act directly
sickle shaped; death by age 30. against virus infected cells and
Leukocytes (WBC) tumor cells
- Broad classification of white blood cells. 4,000- o B-Lymphocytes produce plasma
11,000 / mm3 (5-9,000 considered normal cells which give rise to
range antibodies.
- Characteristics: • Monocytes
• Diapedesis – can cross capilary o Appearance: Nucleus round,
bounderies to fight infection kidney of horseshoe
• Ameboid motion – cytoplasmic fluid shaped,contains more
movement cytoplasm than lymphocyte,
• Positive chemotaxis – ability to follow o 12-20um
chemical trail through the body o 3-9% of white cells
- Granulocytes (twice the size of RBC, o Once activated transform into
cytoplasmic granules present, survive 12h to 3 macrophages which attack and
days) digest everything in their way
• Neutrophils (dead cells, bacteria, etc.)
o Appearance: 2-5 lobes, Thrombocytes (platelets)
cytoplasmic granules that stain - Responsible for blood clot formation and are
slightly pink, 10-12um not cells at all but are fragments of cells.
o 54 to 62% of white cells - Characteristics: Cytoplasmic fragment
o most common WBC surrounded by a plasma membrane containing
o chemically attracted to sites of granules, 2-4um 130,000 to 400,000 / mm3
infection - Enables clotting
o Good at fighting bacterial and - Releases serotonin which causes
fungal infections vasoconstriction

V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

- Hemostasis (prevention of blood loss) by o Intrinsic pathway - begins with

clotting factors inside (intrinsic to ) the
- Can be divided into three stages. blood. Damage to blood vessels
• Vascular spasm: Once a blood vessel exposes collagen in connective
has been injured the first and most tissues. Factor XII is activated
immediate response is for the blood by collagen which then
vessel to start to spasm through activates Factor XI. IX joins with
smooth muscle contraction. Vascular factor VIII, platelet
spasm is caused by nervous system phospholipids and Ca+ to
reflexes and by chemicals activate factor X. Factor X
(thromboxanes, endothelin) complexes with Factor V
• Platelet plug formation: Seals up small platelet phospholipids and Ca+
breaks in blood vessels to activate prothrombinase.
o platelet adhesion: Von - Control of clot formation: Anticoagulants
willibrand’s factor from prevent blood from clotting outside of the
endothelial wall. Binds platelets injury area. Anticoagulants can counteract low
to collagen in vessel wall. levels of clotting factors. Anticoagulants
o Platelet activation : release include: antithrombin and heparin
ADP and thromboxanes; - Clot retraction
cascade of chemical release by • Fibrin meshwork adheres to the walls
other platelets of the vessel
o Activated platelets also bind • Clot condenses
fibrinogen which causes • Platelets contain actin and myosin
platelet aggregation and forms • bind to fibrin and pull it tight causing
a plug retraction Serum (=plasma - clotting
o Platelets also release platelet factors) is extruded
factor III and coagulation factor • Consolidation pulls the edges of the
V which are important in clot vessel together to stop blood flow,
formation o Aspirin inhibits reduce infection and enhance healing.
plug formation by blocking • Healing - fibroblasts multiply and
prostiglandin and thromboxane produce new C.T., epithelial cells
production. proliferate to fill in torn area
- Coagulation – blood clot formation - Clot and dissolution (Fibrinolysis)
• fibrin protein fibers trap blood cells, • Clot is dissolved by plasmin which
platelets and fluid. hydrolyzes fibrin.
• Formation depends of a number of • Plasmin is formed from inactive
factors plasminogen
• Coagulation factors are normally • plasminogen is activated by tissue
inactive plasminogen activator (t-PA) or
• Injury causes activation of clotting urokinase.
factors • t-PA and urokinase can be injected as
• Activation depends on surface proteins clot busters in case of blockage of
on activated platelets. major vessels due to inappropriate
• Process: (three main stages) clotting.
o formation of prothrombinase • streptokinase (produced by bacterial
by two pathways enzyme) can also be injected at the clot
o conversion of prothrombin to site as a clot dissolving drug
thrombin (by prothrombinase)
o conversion of fibrinogen to
fibrin by thrombin
• 2 pathways for the formation of
o Extrinsic pathway - begins with
factors released outside of
plasma in damaged tissue.
Thromboplastin (tissue factors)
released by damaged tissue.
Thromboplastin complexes
with Factor VII to activate
Factor X. Factor X complexes
with Factor V platelet
phospholipids and Ca+ to
activate prothrombinase.

V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

a. Involves the recruitment of actin

1. The following substances make up the protoplasm, b. Occurs spontaneously and
except: Vitamins nonselectively
2. A condition wherein all organs and tissues of the c. Endocytotic vesicles fuse with
body that perform functions to help maintain the ribosomes that release hydrolases into
constituent of the extracellular fluid relatively the vesicles
constant. Homeostasis d. Is only observed in macrophages and
3. A substance which is primarily used for energy neutrophils
consumption and plays a major role in the nutrition e. Does not require ATP
of the cell. Carbohydrates 9. Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion share
4. Which of the following cell organelles is responsible which of the following characteristics? Do not
for producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the require adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
energy currency of the cell? B) Mitochondria 10. Which cell organelle is composed of a series of
5. Which of the following is not a major function of channels throughout the cytoplasm that functions
the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)? Secretion of in the transport of molecules? Endoplasmic
proteins synthesized in the cell Reticulum
6. This is the most abundant anion extracellularly. 11. The Golgi Body’s function is to: Modifies, sorts, and
Chloride ships lipids for export or for insertion into the cell
7. This is the most abundant cation intracellularly. membrane.
Potassium 12. If the ribosomes of a cell were destroyed, what
8. This is the ingestion of small globules of effect would this most likely have on the cell? The
extracellular fluid, forming minute vesicles in the cell would be unable to synthesize proteins.
cell cytoplasm. Pinocytosis 13. Amino Acids are molecules that are strung together
9. The following are major cellular functions of the to make proteins. What organelle places amino
ATP, except: Locomotion acids in the correct order to make proteins?
10. This cell organelle functions as the site for protein Ribosomes
synthesis. Ribosomes 14. Times are tough, and your cell needs to get some
nutrients and proteins out of storage, but
LONG EXAM ON INTRO AND MEMBRANE PHYS unfortunately nothing has been stored. Which
1. This cell organelle act as a passageway for transport organelle failed? Ribosome
of materials within the cell. It is also responsible for 15. Your ribosomes are trying to make proteins, but
the synthesis of lipids. Endoplasmic reticulum they don't have a good place to attach to in order
2. This cell organelle contains enzymes to digest to make them. Which organelle is malfunctioning?
ingested material or damaged tissue. Lysosomes Endoplasmic reticulum
3. Compared with the intracellular fluid, the 16. Your cell has forgotten how to make a particular
extracellular fluid has higher sodium ion protein? Which organelle may be damaged?
concentration, lower potassium ion concentration, Nucleus
higher chloride ion concentration, and lower 17. Old, unwanted molecules aren't being broken down
phosphate ion concentration. and recycled! What organelle isn't working
4. Which statement is incorrect? properly? Lysosome
a. The term “homeostasis” describes the 18. 18.A typical neuron has a resting membrane
maintenance of nearly constant potential of about: −70 mV
conditions in the body. 19. The following ion(s) is/are involved in the neuronal
b. In most diseases, homeostatic action potential: Sodium (Na+) , Potassium (K+)
mechanisms are no longer operating in 20. When an inside of an axon is more positively
the body. charged than the outside, it is called the action
c. The body’s compensatory mechanisms potential.
often lead to deviations from the 21. Diffusion takes place: From an area of low
normal range in some of the body concentration to an area of high concentration.
functions. 22. The cell membrane contains channels and pumps
d. Disease is generally considered to be a that help move materials from one side to the
state of disrupted homeostasis. other. What are these channels and pumps made
5. Which of the following cell organelles is responsible of? Proteins
for producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the 23. Which of the following does not expend energy?
energy currency of the cell? Mitochondria Diffusion
6. Worn-out organelles are transferred to lysosomes 24. A scientist places a cell in a solution, and over time
by which of the following?Autophagosomes the cell gains mass and swells. What is the most
7. Which of the following is not a major function of likely explanation for the cell’s gain in mass? The
the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)? Secretion of solution is hypotonic to the cell
proteins synthesized in the cell 25. The diffusion of water across a selectively
8. Which statement is true for both pinocytosis and permeable membrane is called Facilitated diffusion

V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

26. As a result of diffusion, the concentration of many

types of substances: Eventually becomes balanced
on both sides of a membrane
27. Which of the following is not characteristic of
facilitated diffusion? It moves substances against a
concentration gradient
28. Molecules that are too large to be moved through
the membrane can be transported into the cell by?
29. The sodium-potassium pump usually pumps
Potassium into the cell
30. What would you expect to happen to a piece of
celery you put into a hypertonic solution? It would
shrivel up
1. Muscle makes up 50% of your entire body's
composition. False
2. Smallest unit of a muscle. Myofibiril
3. The A band is composed of. Both actin and myosin
4. Upon contraction of the muscle, the following
disappears on the sarcomere. H zone
5. The process by which muscles uses energy from
carbohydrates. Oxidative metabolism
6. When you push up, your Biceps brachii is
performing which type of contraction? Eccentric
7. The muscle fibers the help with extreme power and
speed - short bursts of energy. Type 2b fast twitch
8. Muscle innervations speeds up atrophy. False
9. Muscle action potential. -80 to -90 mv
10. Iris reaction towards light is the action of
contraction of. multi unit smooth muscle
1. The human heart is composed of 2 pumps the right
which pumps blood into the organs and the left
which receives blood to pump to the lungs. false
2. RMP of Cardiac Muscle -85 - -95
3. Cause of action potential plateau in cardiac muscle
a. Slow entry of calcium ions
b. Decreased permeability to Potassium Ions
c. Both
4. Presence of titin is one of the key differences
between cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle. True
5. Where does the action potential initiate to start a
cardiac cycle? SA Node
6. In a BP of 120 / 80, which one is the systole? 120
7. Caused by depolarization across the atria P wave
8. When does the outflow of blood from the
ventricles occur? Systole
9. Described as the Phase IV of the cardiac cycle.
Period of isovolumic relaxation
10. Regulates cardiac pumping, except:
a. Frank Starling Mechanism
b. Autonomic Nervous System

V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

• it is the movement of particles(solutes) from and area of higher concentration to an area of lower
concentration, which does not require cellular energy. It relies on the concentration gradient, size of the
particles, and temperature that affect the rate of diffusion.
o Simple Diffusion – happens when there is a concentration difference on each side of the lipid bilayer.
The particles move through the cell membrane down their concentration gradient. This type of diffusion
only allows small non-polar substances to pass such as Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide.
o Facilitated Diffusion – requires a specialized carrier protein to assist the movement of the larger
particles with a different polarity that cannot cross the lipid bilayer down its concentration gradient.

• water diffusion across a semipermeable membrane. The tonicity creates an osmotic pressure so that the water
will diffuse or move towards the side with the higher solute concentration.
o Isotonic – water moves equally out of the cell so that there is equal concentration on both sides of the
plasma membrane;
o Hypotonic – water moves into the cell from the outside causing an increase of volume, making the cell
flaccid/swell and then burst causing homolysis
o Hypertonic – water moves out from the cell causing a decrease in volume, making the cell turgid/shrink

Osmotic Hemolysis
Loss of hemoglobin in response to reduced osmotic pressure.. Generally, in the clinical setting, general dehydration
caused by lack in intake of fluids is common. It can be treated with oral rehydration mixed with a minimal amount of salt
and sugar. Maintaining proper hydration with clients is vital since dehydration can cause thickening of the blood, and in
turn, low blood pressure occurs in order for the body to compensate. This might also lead to fainting
• hypotonic dehydration occurs when sodium loss is greater than water loss. An intravenous line may be
attached, containing a hypertonic solution or using 5% dextrose in 0.9% NaCI
• In isotonic dehydration, intravenous fluid administration may be opted but oral rehydration with an isotonic
solution can also treat this type of dehydration.
• Hypertonic dehydration occurs when too much water is lost while it keeps a lot of salt in the fluids. This can be
treated by oral rehydration with a hypotonic solution like water. Also, it is recommended to mix a little bit of salt
to prevent swelling.
As Occupational Therapists, it is our job to encourage our clients have enough water intake, ensuring that the water
should undergo filtration system making it contaminant-free. Letting our clients stay hydrated helps to maintain the
balance of the body fluids. Digestion, absorption, circulation, saliva production, nutrient transfer, and body temperature
regulation are all activities of various physiological fluids.

Conduction of nerve action potential

1. Resting
• all gated Na+ and K+ channels are closed
• -70mV until it becomes -55mmV
2. Depolarization
• Na+ channels open
• +35 mV is the peak of the action potential
3. Repolarization
• Na+ channels are inactivating; K+ channels open
4. Hyperpolarization
• Na+ channels reset or pumped back; Some K+ channels remain open and continue to leave the celll

Sliding Filament Theory

1. The filaments are at a relaxed state until a nerve impulse arrives. The action potential travels along the muscle
fibers where it releases acetylcholine that enables Calcium ions to be released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
2. The Calcium ions surround the myofibrils and activate the forces between the actin and myosin. The myosin
head can now attach to the actin, forming a cross-bridge.
3. ATP breaks down into ADP + P + energy where the energy enables the myosin filaments to pull the actin inwards
so that their ends overlap resulting to a muscle contraction. Z disks are pulled and the actin begins to overlap
the myosin and the M line disappears. The ADP and P are now lost and another ATP is replaced which causes the
myosin to release from the actin filament.
4. Once the nerve impulse stops, the Calcium ions are pumped back to the sarcoplasmic reticulum resulting it to go
back to a relaxed state.

Isometric contraction
• Planking
• Wall sit
V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

• Farmers walk
• High plank
• Side bridge
Isotonic contraction
• Shoulder lateral raises
• Squats
• Deadlift
• Bicep curls
• Tricep overhead press

Excitation and contraction of skeletal vs. smooth muscles

Skeletal Smooth
Excitation of cross bridge Faster cycle Slower cycle
Energy requirement More energy Less energy (1 ATP)
Onset of contraction and relaxation Quick Slow
Maximum force of contraction Less (3 to 4 kg/cm2) High (4 to 6 kg/cm2)

Cardiac physiology
• Pulse rate = heart rate (60 to 100 bpm)
• Maximum HR = HR reserve for cardiovascular fitness of a person
• HR reserve = maximum safe HR
• Target HR = level of exertion necessary for cardiovascular fitness
• Perform activities for 3 minutes and take HR for 15 s without having a break
• Strenous activity = increased heart rate bc muscle need more oxygen to convert into energy to which the heart
compensates and pumps faster to get more blood flowing to our bodies.
• In OT, vital signs such as pulse rate is important to assess if client is physically healthy and capable enough to
perform actiities. It serves as a basis for us to compare, assess, and monitor the client’s condition as the sessions
progress. Also assess the client’s health condition whether there are heart issues or not to make interventions
that are suitable for client without compromising their health.

• Normal bp: 120/80 mm/Hg
• Sphygmomanometer
o Bulb to pump air to cuff
o Valve to control deflation
o Tube
o Monameter to measure the pressure in mmHg
o Cuff to hold the bladder around arm during measurement
o Bladder/inflatable bag to compress the arm and occlude the artery
• Stethoscope
o Chestpiece
o Diapgragm for buffer
o Stem connects chestpiece to tubing
o Headset is metal portion
o Ear tubes connects headset and ear piece
o Ear piece

Arterial blood pressure

• From supine to sitting to standing = BP increases bc pressure is needed so brain and heart arteries can continue
to receive blood, nutrients, oxygen
• Valvasa maneuver = lower cardiac output
o a breathing method that slows the heart and can be used to help diagnose a problem with the
autonomic nervous system

Venous valves
• Rubber torniquet above elbow can help us locate the swelling walves.
• First finger presses on the distal part of the vein and Second finger presses forward to empty the vein = vein
• When removed, vein protuded again like usual and went back to normal
• Venous valves prevent backflow of blood to promote easier flow of blood to heart against the force of gravity

Ischemic Pain

V E L E Z C O L L E G E OT 212 – Human Physiology in Occupational

• Vascular insuffering and burning pain after being relieved from an uncomfortable position
• Forearm flat on surface while lifting 1kg until fatigued
• Without cuff = longer duration, wrist hurt due to gravity, movements are constrained since only the wrist is free
• With cuff = shorter duration, constrained blood flow, can’t move since it hurts
• When removed = increasing dull-feeling pain, fatigued

Blood physiology
• Type A = clumps in anti-a seruym
• Type B = clumps in anti-b serum
• Type AB = clumps in both serums
• Type O = no reaction
• Anti serums provide passive immunnity against diseases where it binds to antibodies to the antigens and
stimulate the immune system to carry out a stronger immune response

Clot formation process

1. Damaged blood vessel lining triggers the release of clotting factors (pathrombin,thrombin, fibrinogen, fibrin)
2. Formation of activated sticky platelet plug for vasoconstriction to limit blood flow
3. Development of clot as fibrin strands adhere to the plug to form an insoluble clot

Pulmonary Physiology

Lung Volume
Tidal Volume (TV): 500 ml
Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV): 1.9 – 3.3 liters
Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV): 0.7 – 1.2 liters
Residual Volume (RV): 1.1 – 1.2 liters
Lung Capacities
Vital Capacity (VC): 3.0 – 4.0 liters
Inspiratory Capacity (IC): 3.5 liters
Functional Residual Capacity (FRC): 2.2 – 2.5 liters
Total Lung Capacity (TLC): 4.2 – 6 liters

• Purpose: diagnose and monitor lung conditions by measuring how much are you can forcibly breathe out using a
sprometer machine attached by a cable to a mouthpiece
• Preparations: no smoking, drinking, eating, tight clothes, exercise, medications
• Rationale: diagnose asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other conditions that affect
breathing. Spirometry may also be used periodically to monitor your lung condition and check whether a
treatment for a chronic lung condition is helping you breathe better
• Procedure: closed nose; take a deep breath and hold it in and then exhale into the breathing mask; repeated for
consistent results and use highest value as final result
• Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) = >80% when normal and <80% when abnormal
• Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV) = >80% when normal and <80% when abnormal

Regulation of Respiration
• Procedure: hold breath after inspiration/expiration
• After quiet inspiration > quiet expiration > quiet inspiration in paper bag > inspiration after exercise
• CO2 as a point of reference
• leads to acidosis bc holding breath keeps CO2 in and depends on balance of Co2 and O2
• There is still reserve O2 in lungs doing gas exchange so Co2 level is not dangerous yet to lead acidosis
• Paperbag = exhaled Co2, also inhaled Co2
• After exercise, might be both acidosis and alkalosis; faster expel of Co2 and build up of acidosis; fast HR and
respiration, fast expel of CO2 for alkalosis


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