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Emiliano Delgado

Manolo Ruiz

Fernando Guerrero

Alonso Ortega


In 2022, 26 of august the humans had to evacuate the earth because of global warming, we
were at the beginning 100 space ships, but only 50 managed to take o , after traveling 100
years with light speed only one ship survived, that was ours, our tripulation saw a space ship
when we stopped going light speed, the space ship that they saw was one of our spaceships,
the 100, the tripulation decided to go to investigate if they where any survivors or supplies,
because that would be so much helpful for us, 4 of our tribulation are going to this mission of
adventuring inside this ship, the purpose of these four people is to rescue the survivors of the
ship, but they will notice that there are no survivors and they must nd the way to survive and
get out of the ship, they will have to answer some questions to move to the next room until
they nd the capsule to escape, but there are some questions which will direct them to a trap
and if they get to that trap, the game is over. The main idea is that the four people survive, if
someone don’t get to the capsule, the full team will lose.

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