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Group 6

GEC – Purposive Communication

a. What is the impact of communication on the global society?

Communication helps the global society through the sharing or trading
information with swift and ease. Without communication, the global society would not
be able to advance and develop relevant things that could help one another.

b. How does globalization impact the way people communicate?

Globalization is the expansion and integration of many things including
technologies that helps us communicate to anyone, anywhere. Globalization,
however, impact the way people live, by means of texting, e-mailing, social medias
and more. With these, people tend to make their lives short by facing screens most of
their time of their lives. Globalization, it helps the industries, the companies, the
manufacturers to trade, deal, sell and buy many important things on a country. It helps
tie borders of many countries. It could unite countries if used to good intentions. But
sadly, as said. People’s way of communicating now tend to have more conversation
on screens that in person. Globalization, helps on communication, some people just
don’t understand the word communication means.

c. How do cultural and global issues affect communication?

Culture is handed down from one generation to another. It gives people their
way of seeing the world and interpreting life. Communication is challenging due to
cultural diversity since different cultures have distinct mindsets and use different
languages, signs, and symbols. Any issue that has a negative impact on the global
community and environment, possibly in a catastrophic way, is referred to informally
as a global issue. Global issues for one is the evolution of many technologies, and are
used promptly to good and bad. As time passes, new technologies emerge that have
a wide range of applications and effects on human life. Technologies alter how people
Group 6 Members:
Raboy, Jean
Sadagnot, Erica
Sotomayor, Marjorie
Sotomayor, Thairyl Ann
Uy, Dominique
Villamor, Stephanie

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