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Surih V. Regañon Grade 7- A

A. Quatrain
My eyes are closed.
No, they are open, but I can’t see.
The piercing light so bright,
I try to cover my eyes with the palms of my hands, but it’s no use.


I think that the North Star guided me towards you because I believe you are
destined for me.

G. Evaluation

1.) Filipinos are just like bamboo trees because of its flexibility, endurance, and
harmony with nature, the Filipino character is similar to bamboo. It flexes in the
wind yet can withstand a hurricane. The Filipino country, like the bamboo, adapts
to the forces of nature and politics.

2.) Because of its grace and capacity to conform to the odd and incomprehensible
vagaries of fate, the Filipino bears a striking resemblance to bamboo trees.

3.) Yes, those characteristics still apply now, and I hope that they will continue to
improve with each generation.

4.) Not only to ourselves, but also to other Filipinos and people around the world, we
Filipinos demonstrate this with love, respect, compassion, and assistance.

5.) Yes, because different races have their own distinct qualities, and we Filipinos
must be mindful of our own thinking and characteristics.

Bayan ko Song

1.) Bayan ko
2.) Patriotic
3.) It makes me prouder as a Filipino
4.) Bayan ko song (My country)
5.) It highlighted the country's beauty as well as its hardships.

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