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Topic A: The Politics of the vote of no-confidence and its consequences on the socio-

political happenings of the country

Committee: P.N.A
Personality: Maulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali
Institution: Lahore Grammer School Gulberg 15-C
On 8th March 2022 P.D.M and other opposition parties demanded for a vote of no confidence
however, on the 10th March the Police raided parliament lodges and dragged the workers of
opposition party on the excuse that they were gathering mobs. Then on 3rd April the day the no
confidence vote was to be held Imran khan didn’t appear at the assembly and under article 5 the
motion was declared illegal due to involvement of foreign powers, however Supreme court
taking the matter to its own hands and passed a verdict saying that it was unconstitional and the
vote of no-confidence should be held which finally removed Imran khan as P.M on 9th April.
Many protests happened after this and the economy of the country did not get better as both
played a blame game, Imran Khan was not accepting the fact that he has been removed as P.M
and the new P.M Shehbaz sharif was putting blame on the previous government thus because of
both of their attitude it affected the social and political state of the country.
The solution to this is very simple which is the general elections that are an year away and until
then both parties should agree to not blame each other and till the time of the elections preach to
their people and after one of them wins the other should accept that by grace.

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