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Journ a l
We ek 3

Xandrie Gem M. Prado

STEM 11-2
General Biology
Glycolysis is an element of the
of almost all life forms. In
addition, Glycolysis contributes
to the deterioration of glucose
to withdraw energy needed by
the cell. According to Openstax
(2021), there is no need for
oxygen in the process of
Glycolysis, which lies under
anaerobic respiration and
occurs in cells' cytoplasm.

Glycolysis is, indeed, contributed to the living of

organisms. Furthermore, it identifies the primary
energy source that the cell will use to work
suitably per its function. Pursuing this further,
before delivery takes place, it is split into two
groups in which it is prepared before it can finally
provide energy: energy-requiring and releasing.
Specifically, Kumari (2018)
that Glycolysis takes ten steps
to occur. The first five are for
the energy-requiring and
another five for the release. It
seems that it takes a lot of
procedures to maintain good
circulation to make our
body balance. The first step,
given by its
name, requires energy to
start. It will not proceed if
there is no two ATP visible.
Then when it hit its higher
position, the releasing now
may occur. To rephrase it,
this stage of cellular
respiration helps the
living organisms in
their energy
Undoubtedly, there is a need for
two Kreb
cycles for each glucose
molecule since the Glycolysis
builds two pyruvates. Openstax
(2015) states that the Krebs cycle
includes the implementation of
acetyl CoA in the
mitochondria to form glucose
intermediates preparation.

Considering that
there are two
pyruvates produced
in the process of
Glycolysis then,
there is a need for
two cycles to make
it balance.
pyruvate turns into
acetyl CoA that
goes through the
Krebs cycle. It
prepares it for
energy production.
Thus, the method of transporting
happen from
the Krebs cycle to ADP then
produces ATP, which is being
processed in the mitochondria.

In the long run, mitochondria

are the
powerhouse of the cell where it
is being prepared to be the
energy that everyone consumes.

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