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If you were stranded on a deserted island with one famous character, who

would you choose? Why? What questions would you ask this person?

I want to tell you about an amazing adventure that happened to me. I found myself
in a desert island, where I met a famous woman Louis. She is a singer, but let's go
into more detail. I don't know what happened, but I woke up near the ocean, where
a crab was already near me to bite, not thinking twice that I checked myself to see
if it was a dream, it turned out not to be. Then I saw a red-haired woman running
towards me, saying something to herself, she was quite far away and I did not hear
what she was saying.
When she approached me the first thing she asked if I had seen her car, I was very
surprised as there is no car on the island! That's how we got acquainted.
When I asked her how she became so famous, she said that at first she was a
closed book, and no one paid attention to her, and when she walked past the
school, she noticed a bright red paint in the shop window and decided to get her
hair dyed, then everything in her life has changed, she has become much more
confident, but in my opinion, a person's confidence does not depend on whether
she is wearing make-up and not on whether her hair is dyed, but on the energy that
comes from the inside, on how she perceives herself. So, we decided to stick
together and think about how to survive here. Her story was really stimulating, she
started asking for me and I finally broke down and pour my heart out. I told that
I have kept the operation off the books. Which raised a lot of suspicion? Some
days later I asked her why she was no longer afraid to be on the island and she
answered: «No one really thought that I decided fishing in the troubled waters
cause it’s a really good chance to have such experience like this one” by this words
she proved that she is prone to be vulnerable.
While we were sitting by the ocean mulling over something and eating bananas
with coconuts, how we got them is a separate story, she said « Oh I can’t wait to
take it and burn up the road…». Frankly speaking, I maintained her, because I
wanted the same.

To proceed with this challenge, we met some strange and distinct people, Luisa
started asking too many questions about the place where we stranded in and about
their life, culture. She didn’t even realize that she curiosity killed the cat…
because they had thought we had bad intentions.

Some days by far, we guessed that it would rain, because it became cloudy and the
birds began to fly quite low, by the way there were still such fabulous parrots, I
adore them, what a beauty after all. We were afraid to be up for grabs by
predators or people from the tribe because we reckoned that they were stiff as a
So, we started building a hut, and a bed of banana leaves and bamboo, we didn't
know how it was done.
Fortunately, in 5 days we managed to build a place to live, and Louise voted with
her feet and I stopped be anxious.
In 10 days we straight up a gum tree and were finding it hard to make ends meet
because there was very little food, we were cold because the weather changed after
a heavy rain. I even became under the weather and started coughing. Of course,
then the weather was pretty much better. It was the only consolation in our
situation. We started looking for food, even trying to make homemade fishing
rods and our search was not a train wreck. It was so dazzling there, words can't
tell, those palm trees, parrots, fish, such clear water, this view knocked my socked
off. And I have never forgotten how we were happy despite of the troubles we
stack with and the evening near the ocean, chewing the fat with Luisa.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that the more experience you have, the stronger and
more confident you become in life and insignificant details are as if imprinted for
eternity. I thought about everything and asked myself a question "Did I wake up
every morning tickled pink and skipping off to studying or to the job»? It’s a kind
of snowball effect.

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