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Group 5 Lâm Thị Ngọc Tốt

Lê Mai Phương
Đặng Nguyễn Vân Khánh
Huỳnh Thành Ngọc
Lê Chí Bảo
1. Plan
The COVID-19 pandemic has become one of the most devastating health disasters in human
history, spreading swiftly across the globe. The pandemic has caused HSU to make significant
changes in the operations by transforming from face-to-face to virtual form, even in internal
communication activities. Our group would like to examine how Hoa Sen University connected
with students during the Covid-19 to prevent crisis and assess the challenges that HSU
encountered throughout the pandemic.
This audit proposal attempts to clarify relevant information about the internal communication of
Hoa Sen University. Also, we will also mention the limitations of internal communication that
Hoa Sen University had encountered during the pandemic. Therefore, the findings can hopefully
resolve the difficulty and increase the effectiveness of internal communication.
2. Interview
During the covid-19 pandemic, the communication between humans has been affected in a
negative way by the lockdown of country governments. Therefore, the internal communication
was stuck in a limited situation when the order of curfew was deployed. During that hard time, all
departments agreed to engage social media such as Facebook, Google Meet, and Microsoft Team
to serve the teaching, studying, and internal communication purposes. As this is the first time
encountering these new media, there were many complaints because it was difficult for first-time
users. However, students got used to it after a month, and then it became a useful media for
schooling in the epidemic.
3. Survey
The survey may show descriptive statistics and qualitative technique in which broad questions are
posed to participants and data is gathered. The survey participants comprises Hoa Sen University
students from all courses, including first-year students, sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
We chose to use Google Forms as a survey instrument on the Internet and distribute it to Hoa Sen
University students. We surveyed participants with pertinent questions, including multiple-choice
and written responses to designed questions. These questions were related to the primary topic in
the following ways:
 Internal communication channels at HSU during Covid-19
 Internal communication problems at HSU during Covid-19
 Feedback from students on how HSU administration uses IC channels
4. Analysis
Hoa Sen University has been struggling with a variety of internal communication issues, which
have been escalating during Covid-19 and through social distancing. The information obtained
was divided into four major issues.

 The first issue is the inappropriate channels of communication. Hoa Sen University has no
channels designated for current students to assess all information regarding university
policies, activities, competitions, and significant events other than email, which is
overloaded with irrelevant data such as advertising mail and offer letters while information
directly related to learning development is missed.
 Second, respondents highlighted the issue of having no clear explanation of which channel
to clarify concerns; for instance, concerns about the syllabus, scholarship, course
registration or problem with the student’s account.
 The third issue is that Hoa Sen University staff gives vague or too complicated instruction.
The staff consumes too much time and delays solving student's problem.
 The final source of concern is Hoa Sen's lack of transparency, namely information about
raising tuition fees or resolving complaints.
5. Report
Internal communication is simply providing pupils with the relevant material and messages at the
appropriate time. T o avoid being confronted with communication hazards, it is vital to examine,
re-evaluate, and update theoretical communication models rather than just offering temporal and
empiricist answers. The internal communication of Hoa Sen University during the pandemic still
faces many difficulties, and the practical level of reaching students is not absolute. There are many
hidden problems with the school system and the staff's solutions. Nonetheless, it is hard to
overlook the school's communication efforts throughout the pandemic crisis. Although the staff
and the school are still unsure about potential threats in the future, they continue to endeavor to
fully and rapidly inform students and educational materials. At the same time, the school enhances
its information systems, such as the school website, the student information system, Mlearning. As
a result, the school must address the above concerns as soon as possible to achieve long-term
development. It must excel in external communication and adapt to student and community

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