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JURY DE LA FEDERATION WALLONIE-BRUXELLES. 1° section Cortificat du 2° dogré 1° session 2013-2014 Langue moderne 4: ANGLAIS COMPREHENSION A IA LECTURE Répondez en francais, de facon claire et précise aux questions 1. Qutest-ce qui fait 1a particularité des pubs anglais? 2. Tous les media s‘accordent pour annoncer 1a disparition des pubs. Sont-ils toutefois d'accord en tous points? Si non, en quoi leur opinion se différencie-t-elle? 3. Pourquol 1a disperition des pubs ne semble-t-elle pas Logique? 4, Comment peut-on expliquer 1a 'mort* du pub anglais? (4) Donnez des réponses complates (avec chiffres} a 5. Comment Richard Horrison remet-i1 en question une des avancées? Précisez de quelle cause il s'agit 6. Personne n'échappe-t-il 4 cette disparition probable? 7. "The Royal Oak" est un nom de pub populaire. Expliquez son origine. 8. De quelle époque datent les pubs dont le nom a un lien avec la religion? Expliquez le phéroméne. DEATH OF THE BRITT: un? With dozens of pubs closing each week, what is the future for the British institucion? Teday takes 4 closer look "A pub is one of the few places in England where it is socially acceptable to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger," anthropologist Kate Fox remarks in her book Watching the English. But according vo recent newspapers reports, these much-loved British snstitutions are dying fast. The Tiwes, for example, says that a dozen pubs are closing each wook: while The Weok claims the figure is nearer 27, or four a day. "Of all the perverse phenomena in this strange country of ours, the death of the pub is one of the oddest, The Tines' Richard Morrison writes, referring to the fact that alcohol consumption and teenage drinking are higher than ever. Pubs are too expensive ‘The problem, most commentators believe, is that a pint of beer that costs £3 in the pub costs around 60 pence in the supermarket. ‘Thirty years ago, 95 per cent of beer was bought in pubs, but now the supermarkets have more than half the market. The smoking ban has also played a part, pub owners blaming it for a further drop of 11 per cent. Richard Morrison disagrees with the analysis, however. After all, he says, supernarkets also sell coffee, but that hasn't Stopped the explosion of Starbucks and other coffee shops. The problen, he believes, is the pubs themselves who replaced "the dartboard and dominoes with karaoke and a disco" to attract young people. The result is that "the middle classes and the middle-aged abandoned then" Pub culture is changing Meanwhile for some people, things have never beon better. According ta Roger Pratz, editor of the Good Beer Guide, the British pub is "alive and well". Writing in The Independent, he says that there has been a "quiet brewing revolution in recent years," explaining that pubs that offer speciality beers from small, artisan breweries are doing good business. ‘That may be true, but the national culture has changed, says The Tines:"It's rare to walk into a pub now and find a true mix of people. These days, it seene, we increasingly prefer to Eraternize only with people ‘Like us' in our on narrow Little enclaves, The death of the pub is a metaphor for sonething mich bigger and sadder in society at large, POPULAR PUB NAMES The nane of a pub is a little piece of social history, many of them dating back to medieval tines, or carlier. “Any nanos with "Bush" in them date frou the Roman tradition of hanging vine leaves outside to advertise their trade, — Later, only monks had pubs, which explains why many have religious ‘symbolism such a "The Mitre", or "the Cross Keys" - a papal symbor “Naninal nanes often denoted entertainments that were once on offer. For pxampia, you wnntd have found bear-beiting at "the Bear” and cockFight ing ‘at "Phe Cock Inn". = The vast number of pubs called "The Kings Arms" and "The Royal ak" were haned to celebrate the restoration of the monarchy in the 17th century, King Charles having escaped capture by hiding in an oak Bruxelles 2 éme degré général 2013 ~ 2014 : | ére session Langue moderne I anglais ~ néerlandais - allemand Expression éerite ms (Choisissez un des sujts suivants et respecte les consignes Suit a ‘Samedi demier, Suzanne es allée fire du shopping & Londtes/ Anvers Cologne. (London ‘Antwerpen, Kéin) Aprés ses achats, elle décida enter dans un pub (Londres) ea, Imaginez ce qui est passé Commeat sa journée se serit-lle erminge si elle n't pas entrée dans ce pub / café? CONSIGNES. -Bevivez au moins 150 mots Vous devez utiliser un tenps du passé tle conditionnel, “Veillez ass utiliser des mote-lens, ‘Siete, Une journée 0 tou va ma. ‘Vente, Jack a erversé son verte deli sur son pantalon au petit deer. Ce fut le début d'une bien mauvaise journée: il ne enconira que des problémes | Raconte. ‘Que se serait pasé sila journée n’avait pas aussi mal commence? cONSIGNES. -Berivez au moins 150 mots Vous devez utiliser un temps du passé le conditionnel, Veillez aussi utiliser des mot-liens.

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