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What's your opinion about people who have lived in the streets?

I have always thought that people who live on the streets are people who have not had an
opportunity to get ahead, there are very few people who have been given support to
overcome their situation, in the reading we have been able to show how Mr. Ted is one of
those lucky ones and is taken as an example that the American dream is possible, when in
truth there are very few who manage to succeed.
The same society has closed the door to many people, who end up losing everything and
have only begged for someone to protect them, some have ended up living on the street
because of vices or others because they have not had sufficient resources to be able to
support themselves. economically.
I think we should give an opportunity to people who have lost everything, I have proposed
the dream of helping people in precarious conditions so that, like the protagonist of the
reading, they can have a boost to be recognized.

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