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Class 28/07/2022

Microsoft could buy tiktok next month is the breaking news. Microsoft is being interested in buy tiktok
for few months. US President banned tiktok of USA, President of USA (Donald Trump) have received a
call of CEO of Microsoft. Tiktok is a social media platform where found a different topic, dancing, history,
cooking recipes, etc.

1. The article said up-down talks between Microsoft and Tiktok are off.

 It is false, since the conversations between microsoft and tiktok are back in progress in recent

2. Microsoft has wanted to buy tiktok for many years

 It's false. Negotiations had started in recent months and had intensified. Microsoft CEO Satya
Nadella tried to find a good deal with the owners of Tiktok, but the president at the time,
Donald Trump, thought that people's data would be in the wrong hands, causing them not to
reach good port.

3. The US president is worried about the data of 100 million Americans.

 It is true. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, believed that the data of the
American people would be in the hands of the wrong people.

4. Tiktok allows users to lip-sync to songs and upload the video.

 It is true. At the beginning of the pandemic season, people found this social network to de-
stress, but now we can find everything from cooking recipes, amateur movie critics, streamers,
etc. It is great the wide range of topics that can be seen in it.

5. Microsoft has offered $50 million for Tiktok.

 It is false. Microsoft has offered $50 billion for Tiktok.

6. The website Bloomerang said Tiktok is worth what Microsoft is offering.

 It is false. Bloomerang website said that Tiktok is not worth what Microsoft offers. Making it
clear that the bet was very risky for what the social network offered.

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