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Tarea 4 Speaking

Tania Geraldin Coca Moya

Grupo 900001_520

Karen Villalba

Universidad Nacional abierta y a distancia-UNAD

Escuela de ciencias básicas, tecnología e ingeniería ECBTI
Ingeniería de Alimentos
Ingles A1
abril 2021
Ejercicio escrito que le sirvió de guion.
I'm Tania Coca. I am Colombian. I'm from Chiquinquirá Boyacá. I am a food
engineering student. I am 19 years old. I like listening to music. I don't like to drink
These are my activities on a typical day: I wake up at 8 o´clock in the morning. I make
my bed. I drink coffee. I do the housekeeping. I'm taking a shower. I get ready for work.
I have Lunch at quarter past eleven. I go out on my motorcycle to work. I return home
at half past six . I drink coffee. I have dinner with my family. I do homework from 7:00
pm. to 12:00 am. and then I go to bed.
Enlace al audio (mp3)
Enlace de video (YouTube)

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