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Introduction to Glomerular Disease: Clinical Presentations

Jürgen Floege, John Feehally

DEFINITION non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (membranoproliferative glomerulo-

nephritis [MPGN]); and renal carcinoma (amyloid; see Chapter
Glomerular disease has clinical presentations that vary from the 26). Patients will occasionally present with the renal disease as
asymptomatic individual who is found to have hypertension, the first manifestation of a tumor.
edema, hematuria, or proteinuria at a routine medical assessment
to a patient with a fulminant illness with acute kidney injury
(AKI) possibly associated with life-threatening extrarenal disease Physical Examination
(Fig. 15.1). The most dramatic symptomatic presentations are The presence of dependent pitting edema suggests the nephrotic
uncommon. Asymptomatic urine abnormalities are much more syndrome, heart failure, or cirrhosis. In the nephrotic subject,
common but less specific; they may also indicate a wide range of edema is often periorbital in the morning (Fig. 15.2), whereas the
nonglomerular urinary tract disease. face is not affected overnight in edema associated with heart
failure (because of orthopnea resulting from pulmonary conges-
tion) or cirrhosis (because the patient cannot lie flat owing to
CLINICAL EVALUATION OF pressure on the diaphragm from ascites). As it progresses, edema
GLOMERULAR DISEASE of genitals and abdominal wall becomes apparent, and accumula-
tion of fluid in body spaces leads to ascites and pleural effusions.
The history, physical examination, and investigations are aimed Edema is unpleasant; it leads to feelings of tightness in the limbs
at excluding nonglomerular disease, finding evidence of associ- and a bloated abdomen. There are practical problems of clothes
ated multisystem disease, and establishing renal function. and shoes no longer fitting. Yet surprisingly, edema may become
massive in nephrotic syndrome before patients seek medical help;
fluid gains of 20% of normal body weight are by no means
History unusual (Fig. 15.3). The edema becomes firm and stops pitting
The majority of glomerular diseases do not lead to symptoms only when it is long-standing. In children, fluid retention may
that patients will report. However, specific questioning may also be striking with nephritic syndrome. A useful clinical sign to
reveal edema, hypertension, foamy urine, or urinary abnormali- help distinguish nephrotic from nephritic syndrome is Heyman’s
ties during prior routine testing (e.g., during routine medical sign, the paper-thin, floppy ears typical of nephrotic syndrome.
examinations). Multisystem diseases associated with glomerular Chronic hypoalbuminemia is also associated with loss of normal
disease include diabetes, hypertension, amyloid, lupus, and vas- pink color under the nails, resulting in white nails or white bands
culitis. Apart from the individual history suggestive of these if the nephrotic syndrome is transient (Muehrcke’s bands, Fig.
diseases, a positive family history may also be obtained in some 15.4). Xanthelasmas may also be present as a result of the hyper-
cases. Other causes of familial renal disease may include Alport’s lipidemia associated with the nephrotic syndrome (Fig. 15.5).
syndrome (especially if it is associated with hearing loss; see The presence of pulmonary signs should suggest one of the
Chapter 46), uncommon familial forms of IgA nephropathy pulmonary-renal syndromes (see Figs. 23.9 and 23.10). Palpable
(see Chapter 22), focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS; see purpura may be seen in vasculitis, systemic lupus, cryoglobuline-
Chapters 18 and 19), hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS; see mia, or endocarditis.
Chapter 28), and other rare conditions (see Chapter 27). Morbid
obesity can be associated with FSGS. Certain drugs and toxins
may cause glomerular disease; these include minimal change Laboratory Studies
disease (MCD; nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents [NSAIDs] Assessment of renal function and careful examination of the
and interferon), membranous nephropathy (penicillamine; urine (see Chapters 3 and 4) are critical. The quantity of urine
NSAIDs; mercury, for example, in skin-lightening creams), protein and the presence or absence of dysmorphic red cells and
FSGS (pamidronate, heroin), and HUS (cyclosporine, tacroli- casts will help classify the clinical presentation (see Fig. 15.1).
mus, mitomycin C, oral contraceptives). Recent or persistent Certain serologic tests are also helpful. These include anti-
infection (especially streptococcal infection, infective endocardi- nuclear and anti-DNA antibodies (lupus), cryoglobulins and
tis, and certain viral infections; see Chapters 21, 55, and 56) may rheumatoid factor (both suggestive of cryoglobulinemia),
also be associated with a variety of glomerular diseases. anti–glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) antibodies
Various malignant neoplasms are associated with glomerular (Goodpasture’s disease), antineutrophil cytoplasmic (ANCA)
disease. These include lung, breast, and gastrointestinal carci- antibodies; vasculitis, and antistreptolysin O titer or streptozyme
noma (membranous nephropathy); Hodgkin’s disease (MCD); test (poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis [GN]). Serum and
194 SECTION IV  Glomerular Disease

Clinical Presentations of
Glomerular Disease

Proteinuria 150 mg to 3 g per day
Hematuria >2 red blood cells
per high-power field in spun urine
or >10 × 106 cells/liter
(red blood cells usually dysmorphic)

Macroscopic hematuria Nephrotic syndrome

Brown/red painless hematuria Proteinuria: adult >3.5 g/day;
(no clots); typically coincides with child >40 mg/h per m2
intercurrent infection Hypoalbuminemia <3.5 g/dl
Asymptomatic hematuria ± proteinuria Edema
between attacks
Hypercholesterolemia Figure 15.3  Nephrotic edema. Severe peripheral edema in nephrotic
Lipiduria syndrome; note the blisters caused by intradermal fluid.

Nephritic syndrome Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis

Oliguria Renal failure over days/weeks
Hematuria: red cell casts Proteinuria: usually < 3 g/day
Proteinuria: usually <3 g/day Hematuria: red cell casts
Edema Blood pressure often normal
Hypertension May have other features of vasculitis
Abrupt onset, usually

Chronic glomerulonephritis
Renal insufficiency
Proteinuria often > 3 g/day
Shrunken smooth kidneys

Figure 15.4  Muehrcke’s bands in nephrotic syndrome. The white

Figure 15.1  Clinical presentations of glomerular disease. band grew during a transient period of hypoalbuminemia caused by the
nephrotic syndrome.

Figure 15.5  Xanthelasmas in nephrotic syndrome. These promi-

nent xanthelasmas developed within a period of 2 months in a patient
with recent onset of severe nephrotic syndrome and serum cholesterol
level of 550 mg/dl (14.2 mmol/l).

urine electrophoresis will detect monoclonal light chains or

heavy chains (myeloma-associated amyloid or light-chain deposi-
tion disease).
Testing for the presence of ongoing bacterial or viral infec-
tions is also useful. This includes blood cultures and testing for
hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) infection.
Measurement of systemic complement pathway activation by
Figure 15.2  Nephrotic edema. Periorbital edema in the early morning testing for serum C3, C4, and CH50 (50% hemolyzing dose of
in a nephrotic child. The edema resolves during the day under the influ- complement) is particularly helpful in limiting the differential
ence of gravity. diagnosis (Fig. 15.6).
CHAPTER 15  Introduction to Glomerular Disease: Clinical Presentations 195

Hypocomplementemia in Glomerular Disease

Pathway Affected Complement Changes Glomerular Diseases Nonglomerular Diseases

Classical pathway activation C3 ↓, C4 ↓, CH50 ↓ Lupus nephritis (especially class IV),

mixed essential cryoglobulinemia
+ C4 nephritic factor Membranoproliferative GN type 1
Alternative pathway activation C3 ↓, C4 normal, CH50 ↓ Poststreptococcal GN Atheroembolic renal disease
GN associated with other infection*
Endocarditis, shunt nephritis, hepatitis B
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
+ C3 nephritic factor Membranoproliferative GN type II (Dense
Deposit Disease)
Reduced complement synthesis Acquired Hepatic disease
Hereditary Lupus nephritis
C2 deficiency Familial hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Factor H deficiency Membranoproliferative GN type II

Figure 15.6  Hypocomplementemia in glomerular disease. *Glomerulonephritis (GN) with visceral abscesses is generally associated with normal
or increased complement (elevations occur because complement components are acute-phase reactants). CH50, 50% hemolyzing dose of

The emerging role for genetic evaluation in patients with 29). Biopsy may also not be indicated in many patients with mild
FSGS is discussed in Chapter 19. glomerular disease presenting with asymptomatic urine abnor-
malities as the prognosis is excellent and histologic findings will
not alter management.
Ultrasound scanning is recommended in the workup to ensure ASYMPTOMATIC URINE ABNORMALITIES
the presence of two kidneys, to rule out obstruction or anatomic
abnormalities, and to assess kidney size. Renal size is often Urine testing that detects proteinuria or microscopic hematuria
normal in GN, although large kidneys (>14 cm) are sometimes is often the first evidence of glomerular disease. The random
seen in nephrotic syndrome as sociated with diabetes, amyloid, nature of urine testing in most communities inevitably means
or HIV infection. Large kidneys can also occasionally be that much mild glomerular disease remains undetected. In some
seen with any acute severe GN. The occurrence of small countries, symptomless individuals may have a urine test only if
kidneys (<9 cm) suggests chronic renal disease and should limit they require medical approval for some key life event: to obtain
enthusiasm for renal biopsy or aggressive immunosuppressive life insurance, to join the armed forces, or sometimes for employ-
therapies. ment purposes. In other countries, for example, Japan, urinalysis
is performed routinely in school or for employment. These dif-
ferent practices may partly account for the apparently variable
Renal Biopsy incidence of certain diseases, such as IgA nephropathy. Asymp-
Renal biopsy is generally required to establish the type of glo- tomatic proteinuria and hematuria, and the combination of the
merular disease and to guide treatment decisions. The principles two, increase in prevalence with age (Fig. 15.7).1 Nevertheless,
and practice of renal biopsy are discussed in Chapter 6. There there is no evidence to justify routine population-wide screening
are some situations, however, in which renal biopsy is not per- for asymptomatic urine abnormalities as renal biopsy and thera-
formed. If there are no unusual clinical features in nephrotic peutic intervention are rarely required when renal function is
children, the probability of MCD is so high that corticosteroids preserved. Screening, in particular for microalbuminuria, may be
can be initiated without biopsy (see Chapter 17). In acute indicated for high-risk populations, for example, patients with
nephritic syndrome, if all features point to poststreptococcal diabetes, hypertension, or cardiovascular disease, and those with
GN, especially in an epidemic, biopsy can be reserved for the a family history of renal disease.
minority who do not show early spontaneous improvement (see
Chapter 55). In anti-GBM disease (see Chapter 23), the presence
of lung hemorrhage and rapidly progressive renal failure with Asymptomatic Microscopic Hematuria
urinary red cell casts and high titers of circulating anti-GBM Microscopic hematuria is defined as the presence of more
antibody establishes the diagnosis without the need for a biopsy, than two red blood cells per high-power field in a spun urine
although a biopsy may still provide prognostic information. In sediment (3000 rpm for 5 minutes) or more than 10 × 106 red
patients with systemic features of vasculitis, a positive ANCA blood cells/liter.
titer, negative blood cultures, and a tissue biopsy specimen from Microscopic hematuria is common in many glomerular dis-
another site showing vasculitis are sufficient to secure a diagnosis eases, especially IgA nephropathy and thin basement membrane
of renal vasculitis. Again, however, renal biopsy may provide nephropathy, although there are many other causes of hematuria
important clues to disease activity and chronicity. Biopsy is also (discussed further in Chapter 46). A glomerular origin should
not generally performed in long-standing diabetes with charac- especially be considered if more than 5% of the red cells are
teristic findings suggestive of diabetic nephropathy and other acanthocytes (see Chapter 4) or if the hematuria is accompanied
evidence of microvascular complications of diabetes (see Chapter by red cell casts or proteinuria (Fig. 15.8).
196 SECTION IV  Glomerular Disease

Urinary Abnormalities in
Men of Different Ages
Incidence of abnormal urinalysis (%)

14 Hematuria
12 Both
18–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70–79 80+
A Age (years)
Figure 15.8  Red cell cast. A red cell cast typical of glomerular
Urinary Abnormalities in
Women of Different Ages
In those older than 40 years who have persistent isolated
Incidence of abnormal urinalysis (%)

microscopic hematuria without evidence of a glomerular origin

14 Hematuria (see previous discussion), cystoscopy is mandatory to exclude
Proteinuria uroepithelial malignant disease. In people younger than 40 years,
12 Both
such malignant disease is so rare that cystoscopy is not recom-
mended. If all the prior study results are normal, a glomerular
8 etiology is likely.2 The glomerular etiology can be determined
6 only by renal biopsy, but this is rarely done because the prognosis
is excellent in the setting of normal renal function, normal blood
pressure, and low-grade proteinuria (<0.5 g/day). However,
2 repeated evaluation is mandatory.
18–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70–79 80+
Asymptomatic Non-nephrotic Proteinuria
B Age (years)
The hallmark of glomerular disease is the excretion of protein
Figure 15.7  Prevalence of asymptomatic proteinuria and hematu- in the urine. Normal urine protein excretion is less than
ria with age. Mass screening of a population of 107,192 adult men A, 150  mg/24  h (consisting of 20 to 30  mg of albumin, 10 to
and women B, in Okinawa, Japan. Hematuria is more common in women. 20  mg of low-molecular-weight proteins that undergo glomeru-
(Modified from reference 1.)
lar filtration, and 40 to 60  mg of secreted proteins such as
Tamm-Horsfall protein and IgA). Proteinuria is identified and
quantified by dipstick testing or by assay in timed urine collec-
tions. The interpretation of these methods is discussed in
Pathogenesis Chapter 4.
Glomerular hematuria is thought to result from small breaks in Microalbuminuria is defined as the excretion of 30 to 300 mg
the GBM that allow extravasation of red blood cells into the of albumin per day, equivalent to a urine albumin to creatinine
urinary space. This may occur in the peripheral capillary wall but (g/g) ratio of 0.03 to 0.3, and is detected by quantitative immu-
more commonly occurs in the paramesangial basement mem- noassay or by special urine dipsticks as this is below the sensitiv-
brane, particularly in diseases in which there is injury to the ity of the normal dipstick. This measurement is primarily used
mesangium (mesangiolysis). to identify diabetic subjects at risk for development of nephropa-
thy and to assess cardiovascular risk, for example, in patients with
Evaluation hypertension.
The evaluation of microscopic hematuria, which is discussed Non-nephrotic proteinuria is usually defined as a urine
further in Chapter 46, begins with a thorough history. Urine protein excretion of less than 3.5 g/24 h or a urine protein to
culture should exclude urinary or prostatic infection. Phase con- creatinine (g/g) ratio of less than 3. Although nephrotic-range
trast microscopy should follow in cases of persistent microscopic proteinuria is absolutely characteristic of glomerular disease,
hematuria to search for dysmorphic red cells and red cell casts. asymptomatic proteinuria (<3.5 g/24 h) is much less specific and
Any detectable proteinuria in the setting of asymptomatic micro- may occur with a wide range of nonglomerular parenchymal
scopic hematuria virtually excludes “urologic” bleeding and diseases as well as with nonparenchymal renal and urinary tract
strongly suggests a glomerular origin. If this evaluation is non- conditions that must be excluded by clinical evaluation and
diagnostic, renal imaging is performed to exclude anatomic investigation.
lesions such as polycystic kidneys, stones, tumors, and arteriove- Increased urine protein excretion may result from alterations
nous malformations. in glomerular permeability or tubulointerstitial disease, although
CHAPTER 15  Introduction to Glomerular Disease: Clinical Presentations 197

only in glomerular disease will it be in the nephrotic range. It

can also occur from increased filtration through normal glom-
Evaluation of Isolated
eruli (overflow proteinuria). Asymptomatic Proteinuria

Overflow Proteinuria
Overflow proteinuria is typical of urinary light-chain excretion. proteinuria
It is seen in myeloma but can occur in other settings (such as the
release of lysozyme by leukemic cells) and should be suspected
when the urine dipstick is negative for albumin despite detection
of large amounts of proteinuria by other tests. Quantitate protein excretion
Measure glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
Tubular Proteinuria
Tubulointerstitial disease can also be associated with low-grade
(usually <2  g/day) proteinuria. In addition to the loss of tubular Normal GFR
Reduced GFR
proteins (such as α1- or β2-microglobulin), there will also be Non-nephrotic proteinuria
some albuminuria due to impaired tubular reabsorption of fil- Dipstick
tered albumin. Tubular proteinuria accompanying glomerular Recumbent negative Serologic
proteinuria is an adverse prognostic sign in various glomerular overnight Orthostatic tests
diseases as it usually indicates advanced tubulointerstitial proteinuria Ultrasound
No further
damage. action
Persistent fixed Consider renal
Glomerular Proteinuria proteinuria biopsy
Glomerular proteinuria is further classified into that which is
transient or hemodynamic (functional), that which is present If GFR or blood
pressure (BP)
only during the day (orthostatic), and that which is persistent abnormal,
or fixed. Reassess at if proteinuria
6–12 months increases
Urine protein
Functional Proteinuria  Functional proteinuria refers to the GFR
transient non-nephrotic proteinuria that can occur with fever, Blood pressure
exercise, heart failure, and hyperadrenergic or hyperreninemic
states. Functional proteinuria is benign; it is usually assumed to
be hemodynamic in origin and to be the consequence of increases
If normal GFR and BP
in single-nephron flow or pressure. persist: reassess annually

Orthostatic Proteinuria  In children and young adults,

low-grade glomerular proteinuria may be orthostatic, meaning
that proteinuria is absent when urine is generated in the recum- Figure 15.9  Evaluation of patients with isolated asymptomatic
bent position. If there is no proteinuria in early morning
urine, the diagnosis of orthostatic proteinuria can be made.
The mechanism of orthostasis is not understood. Total urine
protein in orthostatic proteinuria is usually less than 1 g/24 h;
hematuria and hypertension are absent. Renal biopsy usually Asymptomatic Proteinuria with Hematuria
shows normal morphology or occasionally mild glomerular When asymptomatic hematuria and proteinuria coincide, there
change. The prognosis is uniformly good, and renal biopsy is not is a much greater risk of significant glomerular injury, hyperten-
indicated.3 sion, and progressive renal dysfunction. Minor histologic changes
are less common. Renal biopsy is indicated even if urine protein
Fixed Non-nephrotic Proteinuria  Fixed non-nephrotic pro- is only 0.5 to 1 g/24 h if there is also persistent microscopic
teinuria is usually caused by glomerular disease. If glomerular hematuria with casts.
filtration rate (GFR) is preserved and proteinuria is less than 1 g/
day, biopsy is not indicated but prolonged follow-up is necessary MACROSCOPIC HEMATURIA
so long as significant proteinuria persists to rule out the possibil-
ity of disease progression. Previous studies indicate that the Episodic painless macroscopic hematuria associated with glo-
biopsy findings in these patients will be similar to those seen in merular disease is often brown or “smoky” rather than red, and
nephrotic syndrome, although milder lesions are more common, clots are unusual. It must be distinguished from other causes of
particularly mesangial proliferative GN without immune depos- red or brown urine, including hemoglobinuria, myoglobinuria,
its. In general, no treatment is necessary. porphyrias, consumption of food dyes (particularly beetroot),
Although it is controversial, many nephrologists will perform and intake of drugs (in particular rifampin).
a renal biopsy in patients with normal GFR if non-nephrotic Macroscopic hematuria caused by glomerular disease is
proteinuria exceeds 1 g/day, in particular if it persists after initia- observed primarily in children and young adults and is rare past
tion of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or the age of 40 years. Most cases are caused by IgA nephropathy,
angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) therapy. but hematuria may occur with other glomerular and nonglo-
The evaluation of isolated asymptomatic proteinuria is sum- merular renal diseases, including acute interstitial nephritis.
marized in Figure 15.9. Although macroscopic hematuria is typically painless, there may
198 SECTION IV  Glomerular Disease

Common Glomerular Diseases Presenting as Nephrotic Syndrome in Adults

Disease Associations Serologic Tests Helpful in Diagnosis

Minimal change disease (MCD) Allergy, atopy, NSAIDs, Hodgkin’s disease None
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis African Americans —
(FSGS) HIV infection HIV antibody
Heroin, pamidronate —
Membranous nephropathy (MN) Drugs: gold, penicillamine, NSAIDs —
Infections: hepatitis B, C; malaria Hepatitis B surface antigen, anti–hepatitis C
virus antibody
Lupus nephritis Anti-DNA antibody
Malignancy: breast, lung, gastrointestinal tract —
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis C4 nephritic factor C3 ↓, C4 ↓
(MPGN) (type I)
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis C3 nephritic factor C3 ↓, C4 normal
(MPGN) (type II) (Dense deposit disease)
Cryoglobulinemic membranoproliferative Hepatitis C Anti-hepatitis C virus antibody, rheumatoid
glomerulonephritis factor, C3 ↓, C4 ↓, CH50 ↓
Amyloid Myeloma Serum protein electrophoresis, urine
Rheumatoid arthritis, bronchiectasis, Crohn’s disease —
(and other chronic inflammatory conditions), familial
Mediterranean fever
Diabetic nephropathy Other diabetic microangiopathy None

Figure 15.10  Common glomerular diseases presenting as nephrotic syndrome in adults. HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; NSAIDs, non-
steroidal antiinflammatory drugs.

be an accompanying dull loin ache that may suggest other diag-

noses, such as stone disease or loin-pain hematuria syndrome. In Etiology
IgA nephropathy, the frank hematuria is usually episodic, occur- The major causes of nephrotic syndrome are shown in Figure
ring within a day of an upper respiratory infection. There is a 15.10. Proteinuria in the nephrotic range in the absence of
clear distinction between this history and the 2- to 3-week edema and hypoalbuminemia has similar etiologies. The relative
latency between an upper respiratory tract infection and hema- frequency of the different glomerular diseases varies with age
turia that is highly suggestive of postinfectious (usually post- (Fig. 15.11). Although it is predominant in childhood, MCD
streptococcal) GN; furthermore, in poststreptococcal disease, remains common at all ages.5 There is an increased prevalence
there will usually be other features of nephritic syndrome. of FSGS in African Americans, and historical comparisons indi-
Macroscopic hematuria requires urologic evaluation including cate that FSGS is becoming more common and MPGN less
cystoscopy at any age unless the history (as shown previously) is common in all adults.6
characteristic of glomerular hematuria.
NEPHROTIC SYNDROME Hypoalbuminemia is mostly a consequence of urinary losses.
The liver responds by increasing albumin synthesis, but this
Definition compensatory mechanism appears to be blunted in nephrotic
Nephrotic syndrome is pathognomonic of glomerular disease. It syndrome.7 The end result is that serum albumin falls further.
is a clinical syndrome with a characteristic pentad (see Fig. 15.1).4 White bands in the nails (Muehrcke’s bands) are a characteristic
Patients may be nephrotic with preserved renal function, but in clinical sign of hypoalbuminemia (see Fig. 15.4). The increase in
many circumstances, progressive renal failure will become super- protein synthesis in response to proteinuria is not discriminating;
imposed when nephrotic syndrome is prolonged. as a result, proteins that are not being lost in the urine may actu-
Independent of the risk of progressive renal failure, the ally increase in concentration in plasma. This is chiefly deter-
nephrotic syndrome has far-reaching metabolic effects that can mined by molecular weight; large molecules will not spill into
influence the general health of the patient. Fortunately, some the urine and will increase in the plasma; smaller proteins,
episodes of nephrotic syndrome are self-limited, and a few although synthesized to excess, will enter the urine and be dimin-
respond completely to specific treatment (e.g., corticosteroids in ished in the plasma. These variations in plasma proteins are
MCD). However, for most patients, it is a chronic condition. clinically important in two areas: hypercoagulability and hyper-
Not all patients with proteinuria above 3.5 g/24 h will have a full lipidemia (see later discussion).
nephrotic syndrome; some have a normal serum albumin con-
centration and no edema. This difference presumably reflects the
varied response of protein metabolism; some patients sustain an Edema
increase in albumin synthesis in response to heavy proteinuria At least two major mechanisms are involved in the formation
that may even normalize serum albumin. of nephrotic edema (Fig. 15.12; see Chapter 7).8 In the first
CHAPTER 15  Introduction to Glomerular Disease: Clinical Presentations 199

Age-related Variations in Nephrotic Syndrome

Prevalence (%)
Child Young Adult Middle and Old Age
(<15 years) Whites Blacks Whites Blacks

Minimal change disease (MCD) 78 23 15 21 16

Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) 8 19 55 13 35
Membranous nephropathy (MN) 2 24 26 37 24
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) 6 13 0 4 2
Other glomerulonephritis 6 14 2 12 12
Amyloid 0 5 2 13 11

Figure 15.11  Age-related variations in nephrotic syndrome. (Data modified from references 5 and 6.)

Mechanisms of Nephrotic Edema

Underfill Overfill
Primary tubular
Proteinuria defect causing
sodium retention


Plasma colloid
oncotic pressure ↓

Starling forces

Reduced Normal/raised
plasma volume plasma volume

Atrial natriuretic Renin–angiotensin

system activated Vasopressin
Vasopressin ↑ peptide (ANP) ANP ↑ Aldosterone ↓
normal/low Aldosterone ↑

Water retention Sodium



Figure 15.12  Mechanisms of nephrotic edema. *The kidney is relatively resistant to ANP in this setting, so ANP has little effect in countering
sodium retention.

mechanism, which is more common in children with MCD, the In many nephrotic patients, however, there appears to be a
edema appears to be the consequence of the low serum albumin primary defect in the ability of the distal nephron to excrete
producing a decrease in plasma oncotic pressure, which allows sodium, possibly related to activation of the epithelial sodium
increased transudation of fluid from capillary beds into the extra- channel (ENaC) by proteolytic enzymes that enter the tubular
cellular space according to the laws of Starling. The consequent lumen in heavy proteinuria.9 As a result, there is an increased
decrease in circulating blood volume (underfill) produces a sec- blood volume, the suppression of renin-angiotensin and vaso-
ondary stimulation of the renin-angiotensin system, resulting in pressin, and a tendency to hypertension rather than to hypoten-
aldosterone-induced sodium retention in the distal tubule. This sion; the kidney is also relatively resistant to the actions of atrial
attempt to compensate for hypovolemia merely aggravates edema natriuretic peptide. An elevated blood volume results (overfill),
because the low oncotic pressure alters the balance of forces which, in association with the low plasma oncotic pressure, pro-
across the capillary wall in favor of hydrostatic pressure, forcing vokes transudation of fluid into the extracellular space and
more fluid into the interstitial space rather than retaining it edema. The mechanism for the defect in sodium excretion
within the vascular compartment. remains unknown, although it has been hypothesized that
200 SECTION IV  Glomerular Disease

inflammatory leukocytes in the interstitium, which are found in complication. Up to 10% of nephrotic adults and 2% of children
many glomerular diseases, may impair sodium excretion by pro- will have a clinical episode of thromboembolism. Individual
ducing angiotensin II and oxidants (the latter inactivate local levels of coagulation proteins are not helpful in assessing the risk
nitric oxide, which is natriuretic).10 of thromboembolism, and serum albumin is mostly used as a
surrogate marker. Thromboembolic events increase markedly if
the serum albumin concentration decreases to less than 2 g/dl.
Metabolic Consequences of Nephrotic Syndrome The hypoproteinemia and dysproteinemia produce an increase
Negative Nitrogen Balance in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Values up to 100 mm/h
The heavy proteinuria leads to marked negative nitrogen balance, are not unusual, so ESR loses its clinical value as a marker of an
usually measured in clinical practice by serum albumin. Nephrotic acute-phase response in nephrotic patients.
syndrome is a wasting illness, but the degree of muscle loss is Renal vein thrombosis (see Chapter 64) is an important com-
masked by edema and not fully apparent until the patient is plication of nephrotic syndrome. At one time, it was thought that
rendered edema free. Loss of 10% to 20% of lean body mass renal vein thrombosis could cause nephrotic syndrome; this is no
is not uncommon. Albumin turnover is increased in response to longer considered true. Renal vein thrombosis is reported clini-
the tubular catabolism of filtered protein rather than merely to cally in up to 8% of nephrotic patients; but when it is sought
urinary protein loss. Increasing protein intake does not improve systematically (by ultrasound or contrast venography), the fre-
albumin metabolism because the hemodynamic response to an quency increases to 10% to 50%. It may be more common in
increased intake is a rise in glomerular pressure, producing membranous nephropathy than other disease patterns, although
enhanced urine protein losses. A low-protein diet in turn will there is no explanation for this observation. Symptoms when the
reduce proteinuria but also reduces the albumin synthesis rate thrombosis is acute may include flank pain and hematuria; rarely,
and, in the longer term, may increase the risk of a worsening AKI can occur if the thrombosis is bilateral. However, the
negative nitrogen balance. thrombosis often develops insidiously with minimal symptoms
or signs because of the development of collateral blood supply.
Hypercoagulability Pulmonary embolism is an important complication. Screening
Multiple proteins of the coagulation cascade have altered levels for renal vein thrombosis should not be routine in nephrotic
in nephrotic syndrome; in addition, platelet aggregation is patients.
enhanced.11 The net effect is a hypercoagulable state that is
enhanced further by immobility, coincidental infection, and Hyperlipidemia and Lipiduria
hemoconcentration if the patient has a contracted plasma volume Hyperlipidemia is such a frequent finding in patients with heavy
(Fig. 15.13). Not only is venous thromboembolism common at proteinuria that it is regarded as an integral feature of nephrotic
any site, but spontaneous arterial thrombosis may occur. Arterial syndrome.12 Clinical stigmata of hyperlipidemia, such as xanthe-
thrombosis may occur in adults in the context of atheroma, lasmas, may have a rapid onset (see Fig. 15.5). It is not uncom-
promoting coronary and cerebrovascular events in particular; mon for serum cholesterol concentration to be above 500 mg/dl
but it also occurs in nephrotic children, in whom spontaneous (13 mmol/l), although serum triglyceride levels are highly vari-
thrombosis of major limb arteries is an uncommon but feared able. The lipid profile in nephrotic syndrome (Fig. 15.14) is
known to be highly atherogenic in other populations. The pre-
sumption that coronary heart disease is increased in nephrotic
syndrome, owing to the combination of hypercoagulation and
Coagulation Abnormalities hyperlipidemia, has been difficult to prove. Many patients who
are nephrotic for more than 5 to 10 years will develop additional
in Nephrotic Syndrome cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertension and uremia,
so it is difficult to separate these influences. However, it is now
Coagulation proteins generally accepted that nephrotic patients do carry about a
Raised: fivefold increased risk of coronary death, with the exception of
fibrinogen; factors V, VII,
von Willebrand factor; those with MCD. Presumably, this is because the transience
Hepatic protein C; Urine of the nephrotic state before remission with corticosteroid
synthesis ↑ α1-macroglobulin clearance ↑
treatment does not subject the patient with MCD to prolonged
prothrombin; hyperlipidemia.
factors IX, X, XI, XII; There is experimental evidence that hyperlipidemia contrib-
antithrombin III
Hyperlipidemia utes to progressive renal disease by various mechanisms, with
protection afforded by lipid-lowering agents. However, clinical
Platelet aggregability ↑
evidence to support a role of statins in retarding chronic kidney
disease progression is inconclusive13 as there are not yet adequate
Volume contraction prospective clinical studies on this issue, and lipid-lowering
drugs are chiefly indicated in nephrotic syndrome for cardiovas-
cular reasons.
Immobility Several mechanisms account for the lipid abnormalities in
nephrotic syndrome. These include increased hepatic synthesis
of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low density lipoprotein
Arterial thrombosis Venous thromboembolism
(VLDL), and lipoprotein(a) secondary to the hypoalbuminemia;
defective peripheral lipoprotein lipase activity resulting in
increased VLDL; and urinary losses of high-density lipoprotein
Figure 15.13  Coagulation abnormalities in nephrotic syndrome. (HDL; see Fig. 15.14).
CHAPTER 15  Introduction to Glomerular Disease: Clinical Presentations 201

Lipid Abnormalities in Nephrotic Syndrome

Circulating lipids

VLDL deposition in
VLDL ↑ vascular tissues ↑

Catabolism ↓
synthesis ↑ IDL ↑ Endothelial
lipoprotein lipase ↓

Figure 15.15  Fat in the urine. A hyaline cast containing oval fat
LDL ↑ Oxidized LDL ↑
bodies that are tubular epithelial cells full of fat. Oval fat bodies often
appear brown.
secretion HDL ↑
Atherogenicity ↑
remains a major problem in the developing world. Primary peri-
cholesterol Urine clearance
tonitis, especially that caused by pneumococci, is particularly
acyltransferase HDL3↓ of smaller HDL3 characteristic of nephrotic children. It is less common with
(LCAT) activity ↓ increasing age; by the age of 20 years, most adults have antibod-
Cholesterol removal ies against pneumococcal capsular antigens. Peritonitis caused by
HDL2↓ from tissue to both β-hemolytic streptococci and gram-negative organisms
liver impaired
occurs, but staphylococcal peritonitis is not reported. Cellulitis,
Lipoprotein (a) especially in areas of severe edema, is also common, most fre-
↑ Atherogenicity ↑
quently caused by β-hemolytic streptococci.
There are several explanations for the increased risk of infec-
tion. Large fluid collections are sites for bacteria to grow easily;
Figure 15.14  Lipid abnormalities in nephrotic syndrome. Changes
in HDLs are more controversial than those in VLDLs. HDL, high-density
nephrotic skin is fragile, creating sites of entry; and edema may
lipoprotein; IDL, intermediate-density lipoprotein; VLDL, very low density dilute local humoral immune factors. Loss of IgG and comple-
lipoprotein. ment factor B (of the alternative pathway) in the urine impairs
host ability to eliminate encapsulated organisms such as pneu-
mococci. Zinc and transferrin are lost in the urine, and both are
Lipiduria, the fifth component of the nephrotic syndrome, is required for normal lymphocyte function. Neutrophil phago-
manifested by the presence of refractile accumulations of lipid in cytic function is impaired in nephrotic syndrome, and a number
cellular debris and casts (oval fat bodies and fatty casts; Fig. of in vitro T-cell dysfunctions are described, although their clini-
15.15). However, the lipiduria appears to be a consequence of cal significance is uncertain.
the proteinuria and not of the plasma lipid abnormalities.
Acute and Chronic Changes in Renal Function
Other Metabolic Effects of Nephrotic Syndrome
Vitamin D–binding protein is lost in the urine, resulting in low
in Nephrotic Syndrome
plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, but plasma-free vitamin D Acute Kidney Injury
is usually normal, and overt osteomalacia or uncontrolled hyper- Patients with nephrotic syndrome are also at risk for the develop-
parathyroidism is very unusual in nephrotic syndrome in the ment of AKI,14 which can occur by a variety of mechanisms that
absence of renal insufficiency. Thyroid-binding globulin is lost are summarized in Figure 15.16. These include volume depletion
in the urine and total circulating thyroxine is reduced, but free or sepsis, resulting in either prerenal AKI or acute tubular necro-
thyroxine and thyroid-stimulating hormone are normal, and sis15; transformation of the underlying disease (such as the devel-
there are no clinical alterations in thyroid status. Occasional opment of crescentic nephritis in a patient with membranous
cases of copper, iron, or zinc deficiency have been described as nephropathy); development of bilateral renal vein thrombosis;
a consequence of the loss of binding proteins in the urine. increased disposition to azotemia from NSAIDs and ACE inhibi-
Drug binding may be altered by the decrease in serum tors or ARBs; and increased risk of allergic interstitial nephritis
albumin. Although most drugs do not require dose modifica- secondary to drugs, including diuretics. It has also been postu-
tions, one important exception is clofibrate, which at normal lated that some patients develop AKI from intrarenal edema with
doses in nephrotic patients produces a severe myopathy. Reduced compression of tubules; these patients, like nephrotic subjects
protein binding may also reduce the dose of warfarin (Couma- with prerenal azotemia, may respond with diuresis to albumin
din) required to achieve adequate anticoagulation or the dose of infusions coupled with a loop diuretic.
furosemide required to achieve adequate fluid loss (see later
discussion). Chronic Kidney Disease
With the exception of MCD, most causes of nephrotic syndrome
are associated with some risk for the development of progressive
Infection renal failure. In this regard, one of the greatest risk factors for
Nephrotic patients are prone to bacterial infection. Before cor- progression is the degree of proteinuria (see Chapter 76). Pro-
ticosteroids were shown to be effective in childhood nephrotic gression is uncommon if there is sustained proteinuria of less
syndrome, sepsis was the most common cause of death and than 2 g/day. The risk increases in proportion to the severity of
202 SECTION IV  Glomerular Disease

Acute Kidney Injury in Nephrotic Syndrome Differentiation Between Nephrotic

Syndrome and Nephritic Syndrome
Prerenal failure due to volume depletion

Acute tubular necrosis due to volume depletion and/or sepsis Typical Features Nephrotic Nephritic

Intrarenal edema Onset Insidious Abrupt

Renal vein thrombosis Edema ++++ ++

Transformation of underlying glomerular disease (e.g., crescentic Blood pressure Normal Raised
nephritis superimposed on membranous nephropathy)
Jugular venous pressure Normal/low Raised
Adverse effects of drug therapy
Proteinuria ++++ ++
Acute allergic interstitial nephritis secondary to various drugs,
Hematuria May/may not occur +++
including diuretics
Red cell casts Absent Present
Hemodynamic response to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or Serum albumin Low Normal/slightly
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) reduced
Figure 15.16  Acute Kidney Injury in nephrotic syndrome. Prob-
Figure 15.18  Differentiation between nephrotic syndrome and
lems to consider in the evaluation of acute deterioration in renal function
nephritic syndrome.
in nephrotic syndrome.

of glomerular inflammation resulting in a reduction in GFR,

Proteinuria and Prognosis non-nephrotic proteinuria, edema and hypertension (secondary
in Glomerular Disease to sodium retention), and hematuria with red cell casts.
The classic nephritic syndrome presentation is that seen with
100 acute poststreptococcal GN in children. These children usually
present with rapid onset of oliguria, weight gain, and general-
ized edema during a few days. The hematuria results in brown
Renal survival (%)

75 rather than red urine, and clots are not seen. The urine contains
protein, red cells, and red cell casts. Because proteinuria is rarely
in the nephrotic range, serum albumin concentration is usually
normal. Circulating volume increases with hypertension, and
pulmonary edema follows without evidence of primary cardiac
Proteinuria never exceeds 5 g/day (n = 33)
25 Nephrotic syndrome at onset (n = 200)
Proteinuria exceeds 5 g/day during illness,
The distinction between typical nephrotic syndrome and
never nephrotic (n = 20) nephritic syndrome is usually straightforward on clinical and
0 laboratory grounds (Fig. 15.18), and the use of these clinical
0 40 80 120 160 descriptions is particularly helpful in the approach to patients
Months with suspected GN at first presentation, helping to narrow the
differential diagnosis. However, the classification systems are
Figure 15.17  Proteinuria and prognosis in glomerular disease. imperfect, and patients with certain glomerular disease patterns,
The influence of heavy proteinuria on long-term renal function in 253 for example, MPGN, may present with either a nephrotic or a
patients with primary glomerular disease at Manchester Royal Infirmary, nephritic picture.
United Kingdom. Heavy proteinuria at any time during long-term follow-up
substantially worsens the prognosis even without frank nephrotic syn-
drome. (Courtesy Dr. C. D. Short.)
The primary glomerular diseases associated with the nephritic
syndrome and the serologic tests helpful in diagnosis are shown
the proteinuria (Fig. 15.17), with marked risk of progression in Figure 15.19. The classification is even more challenging than
when protein excretion is more than 5 g/day. This may be for nephrotic syndrome as some diseases are identified by histol-
because proteinuria identifies patients with severe glomerular ogy (IgA nephropathy), others by serology and histology (ANCA-
injury, but there is also experimental and clinical evidence that associated vasculitis and lupus nephritis), and others by etiology
proteinuria per se may be toxic, especially to the tubulointersti- (postinfectious GN).
tium.16 In several experimental models, measures that reduce
proteinuria, such as the use of ACE inhibitors, also prevent RAPIDLY PROGRESSIVE GLOMERULONEPHRITIS
tubulointerstitial disease and progressive renal failure.
Rapidly progressive GN (RPGN) describes the clinical situation
NEPHRITIC SYNDROME in which glomerular injury is so acute and severe that renal func-
tion deteriorates during days or weeks. The patient may present
In nephrotic syndrome, the glomerular injury is manifested pri- as a uremic emergency, with nephritic syndrome that is not self-
marily as an increase in permeability of the capillary wall to limited but moves on rapidly to renal failure, or with rapidly
protein. By contrast, in the nephritic syndrome, there is evidence deteriorating renal function when being investigated for
CHAPTER 15  Introduction to Glomerular Disease: Clinical Presentations 203

Common Glomerular Diseases Presenting as Nephritic Syndrome

Disease Associations Serologic Tests Helpful in Diagnosis

Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis Pharyngitis, impetigo ASO titer, streptozyme antibody

Other postinfectious disease
Endocarditis Cardiac murmur Blood cultures, C3 ↓
Abscess — Blood cultures, C3, C4 normal or increased
Shunt Treated hydrocephalus Blood cultures, C3 ↓
IgA nephropathy Upper respiratory or gastrointestinal infection Serum IgA ↑
Systemic lupus Other multisystem features of lupus Antinuclear antibody, anti-double-stranded DNA
antibody, C3 ↓, C4 ↓

Figure 15.19  Common glomerular diseases presenting as nephritic syndrome.

Common Glomerular Diseases Presenting as Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis

Disease Associations Serologic Tests Helpful in Diagnosis

Goodpasture’s syndrome Lung hemorrhage Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody

(occasionally antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
[ANCA] present)
Wegener’s granulomatosis Upper and lower respiratory involvement Cytoplasmic ANCA
Microscopic polyangiitis Multisystem involvement Perinuclear ANCA
Pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis Renal involvement only Perinuclear ANCA

Immune complex disease

Systemic lupus erythematosus Other multisystem features of lupus Antinuclear antibody, anti-double-stranded DNA
antibody, C3 ↓, C4 ↓
Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis Pharyngitis, impetigo ASO titer, streptozyme antibody, C3 ↓, C4 normal
IgA nephropathy/Henoch-Schönlein purpura Characteristic rash ± abdominal pain in HSP Serum IgA↑ (30%), C3 and C4 normal
Endocarditis Cardiac murmur; other systemic features of Blood cultures, ANCA (occasionally)
bacteremia C3 ↓, C4 normal

Figure 15.20  Common glomerular diseases presenting as rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. Note the overlap between these diseases
and those in Figure 15.19. A number of glomerular diseases may present with either nephritic syndrome or rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.

extrarenal disease (many of the patterns of GN associated with PROGRESSIVE CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE
RPGN occur as part of a systemic immune illness).
The histologic counterpart of RPGN is crescentic GN. The In most types of chronic GN, a proportion of patients (often
proliferative cellular response seen outside the glomerular tuft between 25% and 50%) will have slowly progressive renal impair-
but within Bowman’s space is known as a crescent because of its ment. If no clinical event early in the course of the disease brings
shape on histologic cross section (see Fig. 16.9). Typically, the them to medical attention, patients may present late with estab-
glomerular tuft also shows segmental necrosis, or focal segmental lished hypertension, proteinuria, and renal impairment. In very
necrotizing GN; this is particularly characteristic of the vasculitis long standing GN, the kidneys shrink (but remain smooth and
syndromes. symmetric). Renal biopsy at this stage is more hazardous and less
The term RPGN is therefore often used to describe acute likely to provide diagnostic material. Light microscopy often
deterioration in renal function in association with a crescentic shows nonspecific features of end-stage kidney disease, consisting
nephritis. Unfortunately, not all patients with a nephritic urine of focal or global glomerulosclerosis and dense tubulointerstitial
sediment and acute kidney injury (AKI) will fit this syndrome. fibrosis, and it may not be possible to define with confidence that
For example, AKI may also occur in milder forms of glomerular a glomerular disease was the initiating renal injury, let alone define
disease if it is complicated by accelerated hypertension, renal vein the pattern further. Immunofluorescence may be more helpful; in
thrombosis, or acute tubular necrosis. This emphasizes the need particular, mesangial IgA may be present in adequate amounts to
to obtain histologic confirmation of the clinical diagnosis. allow a diagnosis of IgA nephropathy to be made. However, when
renal imaging shows small kidneys, only rarely will biopsy be
appropriate. For this reason, chronic GN has often been a pre-
Etiology sumptive diagnosis in patients presenting late with shrunken
The primary glomerular diseases associated with RPGN and kidneys, proteinuria, and renal impairment. This is imprecise and
helpful serologic tests are shown in Figure 15.20. As with in the past has led to an overestimate of the frequency of GN as a
nephritic syndrome, different assessment methods are useful for cause of end-stage renal disease in registry data. GN should be
different diseases causing RPGN. diagnosed only if there is confirmatory histologic evidence.
204 SECTION IV  Glomerular Disease

Most of the agents used to reduce urinary protein excretion

TREATMENT OF GLOMERULAR DISEASE do so hemodynamically, either by blocking efferent arteriolar
constriction (ACE inhibitors or ARBs) or by reducing preglo-
General Principles merular pressure (most other classes of antihypertensives). Some
Before any therapeutic decisions, it should always be ascertained of the agents, such as ACE inhibitors and ARBs, may also have
that glomerular disease is primary and that no specific therapy is direct effects on reducing the increased glomerular capillary
available. For example, treatment of an underlying infection or wall permeability. A consequence of this type of therapy is a
tumor may result in remission of GN. In the remaining cases, reduction in GFR; however, in general, the decrease in GFR
both general supportive treatment17 (see Chapter 77) and disease- is of a lower magnitude than the decrease in protein excretion.
specific therapy should be considered. Supportive treatment The antiproteinuric agents of choice are ACE inhibitors and
includes measures to treat blood pressure, reduce proteinuria, ARBs, which reduce proteinuria by an average of 40% to 50%,
control edema, and address other metabolic consequences of particularly if the patient is on dietary salt restriction. There
nephrotic syndrome. If successful, these relatively nontoxic ther- is little clinical evidence to suggest that ACE inhibitors differ
apies can prevent the need for immunosuppressive drugs, which from ARBs in this respect. The combination of the two may
have multiple potential side effects. Supportive therapy is usually result in additive antiproteinuric activity but increases the risk
not necessary in corticosteroid-sensitive MCD with rapid remis- of AKI.23 In addition, whereas other classes of antihypertensive
sion or in patients with IgA nephropathy, Alport’s syndrome, or agents will reduce proteinuria coincident with a decrease in
thin basement membrane nephropathy as long as they exhibit systemic blood pressure (particularly the nondihydropyridine
neither proteinuria nor hypertension. calcium channel blockers such as diltiazem), both ACE inhibi-
tors and ARBs usually reduce proteinuria independent of blood
pressure. If doses are increased slowly to minimize symptomatic
Hypertension hypotension, treatment with ACE inhibitors and ARBs is usually
Hypertension is very common in GN; it is virtually universal as possible in the normotensive proteinuric patient. Increasing the
chronic GN progresses toward end-stage renal disease and is the dose of ACE inhibitors or ARBs may further reduce proteinuria
key modifiable factor in preserving renal function (see also without lowering blood pressure, which may indicate the inef-
Chapter 77). Sodium and water overload is an important part of ficacy of other antihypertensive drugs in blocking the stimulated
the pathogenetic process, and high-dose diuretics with moderate intrarenal renin-angiotensin system. Common side effects
dietary sodium restriction are usually an essential part of the include hyperkalemia in patients with advanced renal failure,
treatment. As in other chronic renal diseases, the aim of blood which may necessitate a loop diuretic but rarely should lead to
pressure control is not only to protect against the cardiovascular cessation of ACE inhibitors and ARBs, and cough in the case
risks of hypertension but also to delay progression of the renal of ACE inhibitors, in which case ARBs should be used instead.
disease. The ideal target blood pressure is not finally established, Because ACE inhibitors and ARBs lower GFR (see previous
but in the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) study, discussion), a 10% to 30% increase in serum creatinine con-
patients with proteinuria (>1 g/day) had a better outcome if their centration may be observed. Unless serum creatinine concentra-
blood pressure was reduced to 125/75 mm Hg rather than to the tion continues to increase, this moderate increase reflects the
previous standard of 140/90 mm Hg.18,19 There are strong theo- therapeutic effect of these medications and should not prompt
retical and experimental reasons for ACE inhibitors and ARBs their withdrawal.
to be first-choice therapy, and this is now well documented in NSAIDs lessen proteinuria by reducing intrarenal prostaglan-
clinical studies.20-22 Nondihydropyridine calcium channel block- din production and dipyridamole through adenosine-mediated
ers may also have a beneficial effect on proteinuria as well as on afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction. Given the safety of the thera-
blood pressure. As in primary hypertension, lifestyle modifica- pies discussed previously, as well as the risk with NSAIDs of
tion (salt restriction, weight normalization, regular exercise, and profound decreases in GFR, salt retention, and diuretic resis-
smoking cessation) should be an integral part of the therapy. If tance, they are rarely used.
target blood pressure cannot be achieved with these measures, A low-protein diet will lessen proteinuria but must be advised
antihypertensive therapy should be stepped up according to with great care because of the risk of malnutrition. Adequate
current guidelines (see Chapter 35). compensation must be made for urine protein losses,24 and the
patient must be carefully monitored for evidence of malnutrition
(see Chapter 83). Whether a low-protein diet is still antiprotein-
Treatment of Proteinuria uric in patients treated with a full-dose ACE inhibitor or ARB
Besides hypertension, proteinuria represents the second key is not established.
modifiable factor to preserve GFR (see also Chapter 77). Most
studies suggest that the progressive loss of renal function observed
in many glomerular diseases can largely be prevented if protein- Treatment of Hyperlipidemia
uria can be reduced to levels below 0.5 g/day. This may be Treatment of hyperlipidemia in patients with glomerular disease
because many of the measures to reduce protein excretion, such should usually follow the guidelines that apply to the general
as the use of ACE inhibitors or ARBs, also reduce glomerular population to prevent cardiovascular disease. It may also be that
hypertension, which contributes to progressive renal failure. statin therapy protects from a decrease in GFR, although this is
However, there is also increasing evidence that proteinuria or not firmly established. Dietary restriction alone has only modest
factors present in proteinuric urine per se may be toxic to the effects on hyperlipidemia in glomerular disease, in particular in
tubulointerstitium.16 Finally, in nephrotic patients, a reduction nephrotic syndrome. Side effects of some medications, for
of proteinuria to a non-nephrotic range can induce serum pro- example, rhabdomyolysis provoked by fibrates, occur more fre-
teins to rise, with alleviation of many of the metabolic complica- quently in patients with renal failure. The addition of bile acid
tions of nephrotic syndrome. sequestrants, such as cholestyramine, may lower LDL further
CHAPTER 15  Introduction to Glomerular Disease: Clinical Presentations 205

and increase HDL but is usually not tolerated because of gastro-

intestinal effects.

Avoidance of Nephrotoxic Substances

Apart from NSAIDs, which may induce AKI, particularly in
patients with preexisting renal impairment and dehydration,
other nephrotoxic substances, such as radiocontrast agents, some
cytotoxic drugs, and antibiotics (e.g., aminoglycoside antibiot-
ics), should also be used with caution in patients with glomerular
disease and renal impairment or nephrotic syndrome.

Special Therapeutic Issues in Patients

with Nephrotic Syndrome
Treatment of Nephrotic Edema
In contrast to the lack of therapies in the past (Fig. 15.21), the
mainstays of treatment nowadays are diuretics accompanied by Figure 15.21  Treatment of nephrotic edema before the availabil-
moderate dietary sodium restriction (60 to 80 mmol/24 h). ity of diuretics. Edema in nephrotic syndrome was very difficult to treat.
Nephrotic patients are diuretic resistant even if GFR is normal. This child with anasarca, pictured in 1953, stands in a bowl while edema
Loop diuretics must reach the renal tubule to be effective, and fluid drips out through small tubes placed through needles in the skin of
the feet. This was nevertheless effective treatment. The two pictures of
transport from the peritubular capillary requires protein binding, the same child were taken 4 days apart, during which time the child lost
which is reduced in hypoalbuminemia; once the drug reaches the 4.5 kg (10 lb), or 18% of body weight. (Courtesy Dr. Robert Vernier.)
renal tubule, it will become 70% bound to protein present in the
urine and therefore be less effective. Oral diuretics with twice- Management of Edema
daily administration are usually preferred, given the longer ther- in Nephrotic Syndrome
apeutic effect compared with intravenous diuretics. However, in
severe nephrosis, gastrointestinal absorption of the diuretic may
Oral loop diuretic
be uncertain because of intestinal wall edema, and intravenous (e.g., furosemide 40 mg bid
diuretic, by bolus injection or infusion, may be necessary to Bumetanide 1 mg bid)
provoke an effective diuresis. Alternatively, combining a loop
No response
diuretic with a thiazide diuretic or with metolazone may over-
come diuretic resistance. The characteristics of different diuret- Double dose until diuresis
ics are discussed in Chapter 7. Significant hypovolemia is not Response or
Monitor serum K+
Ceiling dose reached
often a clinical problem, provided fluid removal is controlled and Furosemide 250 mg bid If hypokalemic:
gradual. Daily weight is the best measurement of progress. Reduce stepwise
Bumetanide 5 mg bid Add K supplements
Nephrotic children are much more prone to hypovolemic shock to maintenance or Amiloride
dose as diuresis No response 5–20 mg daily
than adults are. A stepwise approach to diuretic use is required, continues or Spironolactone
aiming at fluid removal in adults of no more than 2 kg daily, Add: oral thiazide
50–200 mg daily*
moving on to the next drug level if this is not achieved (e.g., hydrochlorothiazide
(Fig. 15.22). 25–50 mg bid
metolazone 2.5–5 mg daily)

Correction of Hypoproteinemia No response

In view of the problems associated with either increased protein
administration or dietary protein restriction in nephrotic patients Change loop diuretic
to IV bolus bid
(see previous discussion), adequate dietary protein should be
ensured (0.8 to 1 mg/kg per day) with a high carbohydrate intake No response
to maximize use of that protein. When there is very heavy pro-
teinuria, the amount of urinary protein loss should be added to Add: 20% human albumin
50–100 ml IV followed by
dietary protein intake. IV bolus diuretic
In the rare setting in which proteinuria is so severe that the No response
patient is dying of the complications of nephrotic syndrome, one
may have to resort to nephrectomy to prevent continued protein Mechanical ultrafiltration
losses. This may be done as a medical nephrectomy: the deliber-
ate use of NSAIDs combined with ACE inhibitors and diuretic
Figure 15.22  Management of edema in nephrotic syndrome.
to lessen proteinuria by provoking AKI. If medical nephrectomy
Edema is often diuretic resistant, but the response is not predictable.
alone does not adequately reduce proteinuria, bilateral renal Therefore, stepwise escalation of therapy is appropriate until diuresis
artery embolization can be considered. It may be a painful pro- occurs. Even when there is anasarca, diuresis should not proceed faster
cedure and is not always as successful as might be expected than 2 kg/day in adults to minimize the risk of clinically significant hypo-
(perhaps because of collateral arterial supply to the kidneys, volemia. Mechanical ultrafiltration is rarely required for nephrotic edema
unless there is associated renal insufficiency. *Spironolactone is less
which is not blocked by the embolization). A final alternative is effective in nephrotic syndrome than in cirrhosis and is often poorly toler-
bilateral nephrectomy, which carries significant mortality in ated because of gastrointestinal side effects. Spironolactone should be
these severely ill hypoproteinemic patients and is rarely used used with great caution if the GFR is very low.
206 SECTION IV  Glomerular Disease

in adults, although it is a conventional part of management of the 1960s: corticosteroids, azathioprine, and cyclophosphamide.
infants with congenital nephrotic syndrome. Other newer immunosuppressive agents developed for use in
transplantation, including cyclosporine, tacrolimus, mycopheno-
Treatment of Hypercoagulability late mofetil, and rapamycin, or those developed in oncology,
The risk of thrombotic events becomes progressively more including rituximab, have emerging indications in glomerular
important as serum albumin values decrease to less than disease.
2.5 g/dl. Immobility as a consequence of edema or intercurrent The use of immunosuppressive therapies to treat GN has
illness further aggravates the risk. Prophylactic low-dose antico- certain drawbacks. In many diseases, treatment is based on small
agulation (e.g., heparin 5000 units subcutaneously twice daily) is series, and good prospective controlled trials are lacking. Because
indicated at times of high risk, such as relative immobilization in of both the rarity and the variable natural history of GN, proof
the hospital and albumin levels between 2 and 2.5 g/dl. Full-dose of efficacy for a particular therapy often requires a multicenter
anticoagulation with low-molecular-weight heparin or warfarin approach with prolonged follow-up, which is logistically diffi-
should be considered if serum albumin decreases to less than cult. If sufficient glomerular damage is present, proteinuria and
2 g/dl11,25 and is mandatory if a thrombosis or pulmonary embo- progressive deterioration of renal function may occur by nonim-
lism is documented. Heparin is used for initial anticoagulation, mune pathways that may not be responsive to immunosuppres-
but an increased dose may be needed because part of the action sive therapies. Unfortunately, good noninvasive markers to assess
of heparin depends on antithrombin III, which is often reduced disease activity are missing in most clinical circumstances. Given
in the plasma in nephrotic patients. Warfarin (target interna- the frequent uncertainty of the response to immunosuppressive
tional normalized ratio 2 to 3) is the long-term treatment of therapy, it becomes mandatory to weigh the potential benefits
choice but should be manipulated with special care because of against the risks of therapy.
altered protein binding, which may require dose reductions. Immunosuppression may be associated with reactivation of
tuberculosis and hepatitis B infection and can also lead to a
Management of Infection hyperinfection syndrome in patients with Strongyloides species
A high order of clinical suspicion for infection is vital in nephrotic infection. Therefore, high-risk patients should be screened for
patients. Especially in nephrotic children, ascitic fluid should be these diseases before embarking on therapy.
examined microscopically and cultured if there is any suspicion Alkylating agents, such as cyclophosphamide and chlorambu-
of systemic infection. Bacteremia is common even if clinical signs cil, have considerable toxicity. In the short term, leukopenia is
are localized. ESR is unhelpful, but an elevated C-reactive common, as is alopecia, although hair will regrow within a few
protein level may be more informative. Parenteral antibiotics months of discontinuation of therapy. These agents can cause
should be started once culture specimens are taken, and the infertility (observed in adults with cumulative doses of cyclo-
regimen should include benzylpenicillin (to cover pneumococci). phosphamide >200 mg/kg and chlorambucil 10 mg/kg). There
If repeated infections occur, serum immunoglobulins should be is also an increased incidence of leukemias (observed with total
measured. If serum IgG is less than 600 mg/dl, there is evidence doses of cyclophosphamide >80 g and chlorambucil 7 g). Cyclo-
in an uncontrolled study that infection risk is reduced by monthly phosphamide is also a bladder irritant, and treatment can result
administration of intravenous immune globulin (10 to 15 g) to in hemorrhagic cystitis and bladder carcinoma, particularly after
keep the IgG levels above 600 mg/dl.26 therapy lasting more than 6 months.27 Irritation of the bladder
is caused by a metabolite, acrolein. The effect can be minimized
in patients receiving intravenous cyclophosphamide by enforcing
Disease-Specific Therapies a good diuresis and administering mesna. The dose of mesna
Specific treatments for glomerular diseases are discussed in the (mg) should equal the dose of cyclophosphamide (mg); 20% is
subsequent chapters; the general principles are discussed here. given intravenously with the intravenous cyclophosphamide, and
As most glomerular disease is thought to have an immune patho- the remaining 80% should be given in two equal oral doses at 2
genesis, treatment has generally consisted of immunosuppressive and 6 hours by intravenous infusion at the same dose as the
therapy aimed at blocking of both the systemic and local effects. cyclophosphamide. Chlorambucil and cyclophosphamide also
In the setting in which glomerular disease results from an inef- require dose reduction in the setting of renal insufficiency. Given
fectual elimination of a foreign antigen, treatment involves all these concerns, oral treatment with these agents should ideally
measures to eliminate this antigen whenever possible (such as be limited to 12 weeks.
antibiotics in endocarditis-associated GN or interferon alfa for The modes of action and potential adverse effects of cortico-
cryoglobulinemia associated with hepatitis C infection). steroids, azathioprine, and other immunosuppressives occa­
In general, the more severe and acute the presentation of GN, sionally used in glomerular disease are discussed further in
the more successful is immune treatment; there has been little Chapter 97.
success for immunosuppression in chronic GN. When renal
function is declining rapidly, there is little to lose and the toxicity
of intensive regimens becomes acceptable for a short period but REFERENCES
would be unacceptable if prolonged. Furthermore, the nonspe-
1. Iseki K, Iseki C, Ikemiya Y, Fukiyama K. Risk of developing end-
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