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Hu1nani C eneris Unitas

T •l E C(J 1\1V t l:.'r l: 1 E X T


n a letter \vtitten to Father Francis X;:ivicr Talbot on 18 Sep-

I tc1nber 1938. joh.n Li:Far:gc i11dic3t('$ that he l1opcs to lea\1c
Paris for ll.0111e on 20 Sepcc111ber. "taki11g \vi.ri1 (hi111J the co111-
plcted '''Ork. Unf"ortt1nately, \\'t still l1avc to r<'t)tpe to nt:tkt it
presentable.·· Tltr docu111e11ts tltat io our possession or that
'''Chave been able tO co1i.~ult sho'v that l.'lfilr&~ left Paris carrying
several copies of che draft encyclica], \Vfltten i11 E11glish. Frencl1,
<ind Genm11. and covcr~d \vith deletions a11d an11om1ions.' In
Ron1e, Lafarge ntade the 'vhole "presc11tablc'' by p\ltting it in
tl1e fonn o(.1n "abridged" French vcrsio11, the first page Of\vhic:h
bears the follo\\'ing a11notation, iJ1 LaFargc's hand:


Pope Pius )(/- ·n,e luc,fi111111
(c( declaration in his •ddre1S quoted by
O.ssen1a1c1r~· Ro111n11e>, Augusl, 1938)

At1thencic a11d con1plcte (fri,:ncJ1} ttxt. 3

Hence \Ve have chosen to publish chi~ vcr.:ion.

To try 10 establish as precisely as possible tl1c roll.! pl.;i.yc.·d by
171 171

t.ach oi ch" thtte 11\rn ~ho collabor.arrd 1n producing rh1\ \\"Ork tion of the tr.tnsbnon ;ipp<'.J,N co be J"C\'('f'\<"d 1n chc bst r.vo fng-
f('t U\ n-v1ew the JOI. utncnt'I ~tour. d1..p4.>.,.1L menti: the}' sectn to h;i\·c..· b«n tim \V'nft<'n 111 Engluh. ar1d J~tcr
-J.n Englnh Vl'rto1011 CO\•crcd \\•ith nl;.u1u'i.c-r1pt annot:•ti<JU'I, u1to Frt-nch.

dcltt1011'i, int-ef)><>la11tJ11s, t•ro11i:-re(ercnccs, br.u:kc:tcd pa~s:t~t~­ To C'On1parc our O\Vn ob;.ervacior1s \\'irh the conclusiou.s al
.1Jd1uo1•s ctu.c .ill 3J'IX'·'r to lll lo be in L1f.argc's band: \vh1c:h Gd\v.1.rd $canton and Joha11ncs Sch\VJnc .amvc in their
.. .,honer Engl1U. \"~100, corr~rtd.inlt cx..1al)· to "·hlt ~- doctonl d1\"t'ruoons: Although Stanton dJd not h.a..-e tJ1c G~mu11
111.llll\ of the lo11gt:r one OIKt: chc cn1tn11.litloru bw<k""fling n ..are \'t"rc.1011 .it h;and. ;ifi:cr .i dcualni .i.rul}w of the rhrtt copies Jt hi~

chn1111<Ltcd-'"·e con~1dc:r this ve~1011 ;i (,;ur C<>py of the fint; dupoul · he couclt1d~ that \\·1t.h111 the tin.oil text then"' are t\vo
-a Frencll \'cr..u.>n c.:om::spond1ng c"actly to the "11111.>rt" cl!!arly ch\nnct paru: "The tint ? s p.-.gC\ of the: final English \'er·
fnp;lt<.h \'Cr'iion. one of the1n-bur which 0111:?-clearlv bcin~ ;i sion (tip to t.h1.' cre-atn1ent of race and 'raciali~111') :.:ire the \YOrk or
tnu,1.auoJl of tile utl1i.·r the ~pcc1.l.1111t F.ithcr Gundl.lch; the: re11ia111111g fifty pages, arc the
\\1h<"n comp.ired \\1th the orhcr- rv.·o. tht" k>n)CCI' En¢1\h \'C'r- worl. o( hther<; F>1hcr< corttcted , ...,,ous pasu~
..au11 ..Pl>\'.<lfi co ~ a \\ot,rkt11g cop~. It ob\.10wl)· con~bt"' of chr\:t.' an the \\Ork of the luthor of the first pln of the documcnc-t\
ti';i~nicnts. o( wtuch the- third '"·;as \\•nttC'n on a different typC'· con1pJn5on bel\VCCn tht< French version l11d the t\\'O E11ghsh ver·
\Yflt1,.•r: $ions \hO\VS that chc cn1cnc.L1tu:>ns proposed 111 tht< lirs.i; section
-The ficst fra~11<nr (fifry 6ve pa~os. numbered J-55) ruiu \\'t'te an f.lct ancorporatecl into the final frencl1 .u1d £ngtisJ1 ver,

fn)lll r;u-..tgr.iph, l It) 10. ()n cl1C' Ayle:.i.(, I\! w., "'·ritl(I) ll) SJons· ()fcourse. it do~ not ncccs.urily folJo\\• these chang~
!und ..Tr.msi.mon no1 \'Ct ofparJj?rJph.s -- zq 1J111n.:fu~11~ att due 10< >lone. or 10< ;and Cund.Llch. The durd
Nil 1) "fran\btc "':ttu:>n.ahtC: Tcnicnnc"' lly lnri.ton.1111Mfh'"-*"· member o( the t<>m pl•)·t.I •role"' weU lthoughf nothmg >llo'"
Jty-when ""'ord tirst .ippe.irs. add \VOrd pt,1ple LO parenthe11s. u~ to daS1.:en1 a. clear cor1tnbut1on on the part of Ot"$buquois. "~
l) t::\tt:n~ive U>tality c•r tq1uli1y oj. f),,'ff'll.>ion •~ l'f~fCrnble tf) c>.1c11• According to Johannes Scl1wartc. the Cen11.ln vc~1011, cnntlc<I
sivt" /l)tal1tariattt$1n, etc."' Sotit•t41ti$ t '"io. IS the fi112J vcrr.1011. lu his \•ie'''· th1~ text. co \\•h1ch
T11c: second tTJgTllC11t (rune pl~. 11un1llercd 1 co Q). v.·l11cll he did 11•..-c 11cccss.. ditTers fron1 the Engii~h .and French vemon~
~lb \\1th the subntlc ··R.)Ce :ind R.ac1..lbutt." ruru &om ~rJ­ onl)· \\1Ch tt'ptd to the plngnphs oo nc1sm .and
l""Ph t 11 <O par.11"'3ph 130. Wht"n(c the- hypothro\ hc propotes: It \\'J~ Cundl.u:h "·ho
·1 he- third fr;1g111c-nt, '"hi~h n1ns fron1 p~ngraph 131 to the rt:\\'Orkcd .i. fint d~fi '''nttc11 by Lafarge. repc.it1ng. ut the plt·
cuJ (v.1.r:.t.t;tJp)1 179), 1s 1nuc1l 1.norc t.·h:u>t1C-tl1e p.:11-.olnation agnphs on rac1s111 and anr1-~c1111t1sn1, die idea~ he l1.1d already '-t'l
chJIOP,t"l tit11cs, .lnd tl1cre are nu111crous delecioil.S, corrct.: forth in 1910 in the Lr.~ikflo ./iir 171t{l/~1r uuJ J\1rrl1t." Sch,varrt
fl<'"'· ittterpc>bti<ln<, rt'tf'n"nc~. md\h\Ttttrn or f)"J-"C'd .add~ ha~ tl\1\ l1,'J>Othes1s on <in cx~n11rucion of 1he docu1ncn" to
OOllS \\h1ch ht- hld U'C~\ ind the- tN1nt0n)· h" h.1d coU«tt-d , .. h1lc
r'<.1min.irion of the annoc:.irions in th1i copy scents to sho" \.\'Orl1ng on hJS ~r1on The testimony of I lc-1nn~h &cht. the ~int fr<1~11cru '' .1'>l<ltinn of .1n C"";~rlicr t('Xt, prob.1lil) for exa111ple: "As l rcn1en1ber it. :all the '''Ork of elabor..ation feU
\\•ntt<:n in Fre-nc]1 (or po1>sib1y 1n G!!nn1n) . I lo\vever, the d1rcc- Ort F.a1her {~undlach. 1r only bcc.1usc the good ra1Jter laFargc \VJ\
174 Ill Hlllbt /\ t "11 'fl I f .\ I 0 1 '" ' \ \I 17<

.1bsoluccl~ n OL.:in '1ntellcctuaJ' ,.1p.ihlt'" oi l 111J of \\'Ork That table of contents; 3) a fc\\' t)'Ped page~. ofCen u1clutl1ntt 111.1ny
\"·as aJ.;o \\' I\)', a her hc.~
h:td h~·c..•n W\'Cll thi .. v»holly unexprrt.t.-d comcuon.\. of a Frellch text, '"ho...c author 1$ not 1nd1ratt·d·•
mt\<;1011, 11~ \vent co fJLher (~e-ru:ra.i I C"dO,hO\\'~lo to cxpl.1111 the 4) 1hre<: iypcd pages of a manuscnp1 I?) by P>ther Cundlad1.
diliiculc s1rua1ion 111 v.·hu,_h he to111ld l11nt.,l;"ll f;ltl1cr Loal .i~ d1J ront.auti11g the draft of a preface to the rc:xt and 1 ft'\\ co1t1n1c·n·
of coun.c ~tt~nd our t"d1 ton.i) d1!><.,l\\IOU\ But 111\ 1110~1 1111pon.i111 ~n~ on '.i rc:quest. made by the pope that .:an cncyclu;.tl on nA-

conrr1buaon. if I ren1t111bt-r catr('ctly. '-"A" to 1J1;a111t.a1n ., ~ood rio11alis.1n aod race b~ drl\\'11 up.' •· '
'""orl chnute; .JnJ that '~ '"hv he 1o0111c:un1c1o 1n'>1tcd us out. Fin~'. ,-.·e should cxpb.10 t..lut tht Gt"murt v~rt1on ,,.c
Fatht"r Gwldl:ach ~1d nK'. v..·h('n the occ.1uo11 co do~ in:xc It 1o; authonzed tO penm- in M011chc11gbdNch , .....l\ ptt\t'nted J.\ ;ii
unJt"n1.ibk fro1n h1-\ <o.ex'UI \\tlrk :,ir1tt,n~ J"t:Opk- of 1..:olor ul con1p)ctc ltxt. ''ithout a11y corrttt1on, a11d "('e111M to U\ t<>
the lJrutcd Sutts ht> broughc us \'.dwbk objccu,·c uU:Onn.Jiuon. connpond faithfully to the •·long'' En¢1\h \len1on m~nt101\c."J
But Fatnl"r Gi10<.ilxh''\ uK't•~rh1lc.MoOrhK".d ,, ...turu. \\.ett no1 .ibove~

lus cup of tu.·- Fro1n all the preceding. it S«11l\ n1ost llkt"I}· co u' thJ.t tht
Anton R:tu\Chtt r<'ponC\1 (;\lntllach tuJ tttld h1r1\ t!ut he "'J.bndged'' French \'crs1on is 1n~p1red by Cundll...:h up to
had ~worktd a fir-1 Jnlt I" John Lah•;.'< tha1 "" ""too pt;ig graph 76. The mt problbl)· multed fro1n d1j("U'l•'-IOCl\ inJ con1 ..
m.tric, OC:lt ~••ffi•,cnrly pnnc-irlt"J ... pron~ among the thrtt \\Tltcn. :aJthough \ \ t can11()t C'Ubb'h

J\ccord.i11g c:o P.Jld Oroukn. "ho ~ ha.lo re-111.irks oo 'ht \\' contribution Desbuquois nude

m<.mori~ of thr llari~:.n J<',Ult" C'l'-[l\'C: J)c-<b\1qu<11~ .llid R.lrrl(', foUO\\"l is, chc.n, tht ··abn~""Cd" Fre11ft;h vcn1on of the
''(L.tfarge) h111t1.t1f up 111 ~.m.\ oit the offic.~ of tht i:.111Ja .wd draft cnotlt'd fh1mJ,,; (;a1trls l'1111as.<:' o'·C'r for long con\'cl'.1oon~ \\: ich O,.·~uquo1,, so c.hat .i
genuine fn<' r1J ,h1p ~C\\.' up bct\\ccn thC'IU, ;10J l)c:,hu4u<n~. TRANS.LATO R'S NOTE
\\'ho ad1t11rcd Lafarge. \;t1d that he \\14' ti1lhlhng •a i_!iJ1tt's to15k.'
Gundl;ach J01nccl h1n1 and rcdt>vclorc...I chc outline 111 ht.., O\Vn The pre1e11t E11glish rra1tslacion of the dr;aft encycJicJI 1~ b.l~cd on
111:.lnner. Over.vorl..:cd, Otshuq1101\ h:1d .a1ikt:J IJ.arde. "'ho "~ the French text, using che extant English version~ ;is :i guide. T1lc
interested in tn,C'mat1onal ;ind 1ntcm1ci,1l quc~c:10J1), (O \York. 111orc first of these version!i, \Yl1ich the at1thOI"\ :'l'i'iu111e t<> bec:n
closely ' ''1th tht!111. but fi .1rdc, \\..U> v.•,1\ r.ithcr re'\cn•e<:l. t'.1111e: only n1adc by Joh11 Lafarge. is Utconlplete: Thon1J'i 13rc41hn h:a'i 1n ..
0 11ce or l"\"1,.'I CC' to the ed1t~lt1 11 <.lt~'"""''tc>u,, h!i! 10 u11d Gundl.tch'i. fo rn1cd 111c th:at he hirtt~Jf prob:ibly n1ade the \CCOU<l one •.anti
phil1ls«>ph1ra1 ('tn1siclcr,1cion\ too ah\rr.\('C .1nd unsuited to the ,llso tra11.slaced t.l1e passages not 1r.;inslaled in L1f!lrµc·~ Engl 1 ~h ver-
L11~1 n e . ac<.l>r<lu1g- LQ 111111., ....... s1011. Since there :ire rnany n1i11or divergence" 1>ct,vccn the French
Herc '''C' offer rn.·o addlriond subJCC't'S fo r rctl..·ct1on. 1--Lrst. 111 and Engl1sl1 versions, a11d since the Fre11ch text i< lh<" only co111
hi, Lhc:l>r\,\\'.Jrd \ t,llllCln *''"'l'l1:\ 1h.11 ht· rt·< t•t\·._·,I ind1rl·(·tly h-0111 plctc 011c kno,vn co have been preparf.!tl l>y Llf.,rge and hi'i cc:i111,
Facher A11to11 R auscher tl1t l )l!O\\ 111g 111fi>r111.1llun rcitotrdntg I h;iivt elected ro folio\\' 1t here. 1 \\•ould like to exprt"~' 111y
··cundJ1cl1'~ r1ap('"rs." T l1c lar1cr \\L'rC' \lll'~t.'d (0 ol~ 1rudc to Tho1t1as Breslin for mlk1ng the rr:lcv<tnt 1111crofih11ed
· ·1)A h3ndv•nncn drift CO\'C'flll~ ~bout h~lf lhc proJe<tc:d CllC)'C- n1:itcri.ils .;iva.1lable to rne, a.nd for hi\ J1elp 3nd \upport at vanOu\
lirll; 2) a C)'pcd i.:opy t>f 1J1e "·1101( elf 1l1e t(xt. \\·1rh i rl1111rln:e «ages o( my 'vork.
Cltureh h-li .;a dut)' to ~cak to 111t" \\'Orld. She oticn did so 1n the
fOUr'\C' of dte past cencun·; no'' a\ chcn. her purpose is 10 rr1111nd
~.cJUed puK"ly hunun ,,·1\do111. "h1ch ha.s gone .lRn)'. or God''
\'(/1<iJ01n. the ''isdon1 111 \\rh1,h thC' Spine of Truth ~nd OrJcr
\pt"Jk\, and \vhich alon(' prO\'itlt'\ rl1c lcginnute foun<bcio11 tOr
Hu1nani Ge11eris U11itas the pr1nc1ple5 of our sot•1.:il life
J. h1 w do1ng. thl' Churcl1 1' 11ot cncroith1ng on forc1gi1 cer-
r;un: ~he does noc seek to cng.:1gc 111 "polirics," pt1nt1e~ no J>Cr-
~ual u1tcrcst: she is C.llT)'lng oul tltc p.istor-;il 11tissio11 of ceicl1111g
''·1tl1 \Vh1ch she \\ra$ tntn1..tcd b)· her d1,i111c Founder. Th1~ ceacl1-
1n1; 1JU((1011 conc('ms not onlr 1hc 111111\Cdiatc or n1cdia1c contC"n1
of Chnu1a.n rt'vebtion. but al\O C\"Cl)·th1ng rrqu1red 10 t11hghte11
1 r1tt \.i~ll\ OF- me HU.\1A..' RAtl-. tu~ b«n forgonen. so 10 Jnd direct consciences 1n C'\'C'f)d..Jy life. In &ct. to the full cxte11t
'lk.:ll.. l~t.JU\c of tt1~ duordcr 11r '-'•>· wc:lJ.i Lte, 1n n.-- co ''·h1ch human 1ctton~ ~nc.I 1ntcnt1on\ lu\'C mor.1:) ...-:aluc, and
liJ.tto11sh1ps .tn1ong mdi,,1dt1dls ;is '''ell as 1n rcL1r1ons .m1ong groups thus IO\'O]\•c the glol')' of our Creator .ind the ~Jvaoon of H1'
. int.I n.111()11\. Th1\ di ..or\lcr l" fi)Ullcl IU ra(·tu;1I rc.1l1ty, but it l'.\ \till t·reJttarc~. the)• .ire subject to no rulc4i other than cl1osc of the

n1ore ('\11dcnr u1 people's 1ui21ds. T hat ll1i.s is so is clear!}.. sho\v11 (;o,pel 1tsclf, of \\•l1icl1 th<-" Clturch 15 the guardia11 and intt.•rprett•r.
1,y thc.· v.1ric.·ry 1-,f remt."d ie\ pr<lptl'>t<tl for ft1ri11~ the illne o;\. rh.-1 I \ \\'l1y the Cl1urch cont1nu.1lly lllterve11es i11 n1attc~ th:;it
lu 01\t plal'.e 'IA'e futd ngid doctnll.,i1res procla.wu11g cbe sov· concern social life. Site is only c~rrying out a sacred ducy.
C'ttign \'.llUl' of rhc \>airy of the narion, 111 ~nothcr a lc~dcr rousing
people-•., wull ~· 211 1ntox1caung .lJ>rCll to the untty of the race-;
'\\.hem\\'m Europe\\'S OU( 10th\' \\.hole ,.,.odd dte pro!tl
t'C. tln(l:<'Cl ,,-1th terror md blood. of .t nc\\ hurrw.oJt)' in the unJr)'
of the prQlt.'t<1nat. ,._ But It lS appropn.itc to·t h("rc that tn rak-ing ~ ~1t1on
To the oltc11 111corupatiblc de11u.11d:J of these \'.tnous c0Uecc1v1 ''In th('\c questions. the Church ca11 •ppc.iJ to still anorhtr nght
t1t:'i- n :1nc>n. r-Jce, and c l:ts'i-\VC 1110\t .1tld chc: obli}t.1rion~ in1- .,he has acquired through history. r hc Church. as a 1upen1att1~I
p~cd. IH th~ Jl3Jl1C ~)f d ll? Ulllty or Lh\.' 'LllC, C.)11 the polttu.:al society of ~ouls, prO\'i<les 1he \Vclrlcl '''ith an ex.anlple of a uniqut
co111111l11')ity propc:r. co111111u111ty: the 1110>t unifie<I, llUl~t .1111plc, 111ost dur:ablc \OC1:1l
rc;iht)• on cinh. ln bet. for 111.1ny t"Cntunes the CJ1t1rch J1as J)n)
v1dC'd un1l")1 for \'ast and 1n11X>n~111 J>.ar« of hufll<lJlif)•. And 1f 11 1~
111( Clrurr/r 's ngl1t It> !ptok basrJ ,,,, hrr 1)(1sl1..1ral 1nis!k111 true tfut her beneficent l4,;tl01l I\ n1uc-h Jess cJcady f~lt 1n our
:. 1lk'ttrott . .;at " nine \\'h~n "'<) nun,- \:Onlr.adictol')~ thron~ 1nod("m. ~b.nted SOClt"t)'. \\:ho ,,·ouJd <Utt 10 d.C'n)' llut wh;at
n:11u111) of our -aspiraaon to chc union of pc-opf('S, :and of the
lrl." lt:.ad11'g to increased di~d~r u\ hu11u11 hf~ i.n SOCte[}'. tht'
IH Jfl tJ•' .. , \ '' ltlCI 17')

co11!>1..1u1.1)11c~:1 oftl1e1r duty to un1(i.·. il due to the Church'-. t;irl.Jer \UCh .tl.a,k of un1ry, tltch ;in .lb,l'ncc of ~\Ire ltlllcbncc, \\'hen i'
m<">thcrl)' f'dUc.lrion'' 1$ a qu~<1t1(Ul of re-t~tJblisllii1g orclrr 1n t11t• lilC of hu111:1111ty .u1d
5. \\•'ht'ther or llOl they art .t\\"Me of 11. c1,'lhz('d ~pl~ m of prople\?
the \\ r:"t \till fi,·c; h)· the 1e:a(~h1n1-t .and pnnc1rl1..".\ "'1th \\.}11<.l1 the

<....ltlttch, llll1ng like a trt1e 1t1od1cr. e11do\vcd thc111 in the past;

I. T/11• i\led1a11i.<1i<-Atc>111is1i< Co11cepti1m qf
... nd in l\1nl 1hcy h.1\'t' trm..mittciJ th;o; .mt.I tJ1c\l' rnn- H11111c111 Sorie11•
Cip!es 10 01h0t p«>pl.-, .ill ov<r 1hc wodd Thw rh~ Chun:h is
t111Jy ju~t1fn'(t no1 <)nly by hrr n tture :in(I rr<1per tUnc.:11t)n, hut If '''C' ft<> b.l'k to tht' bcgattJlUlb" of the prnoJ Ill "'·h1ch '"C' 110,,·
Jlso by her Jct1ons in h.istOr}'-111 co1uidcrin~ 11erself 'he rrue live, :ind !Olio''' 1t<1 gr.1du~I dcvclo1>n1c11t up tC> the prC'\Cnt d1y.
prin(irlC" 01 life fi>r hun1:an ~i<'l'\ ..ind '>h<" 1' fuJI)' ju'-lific-d in \\'hCI\ I( r(.',ichcs lb. ('tlhtUJtatiOJl, \\'('find that OMfpnall)' tht•rc \\>aS

cor1den\r11ng .l$ a vt0bt1on of dt\ 1ne order tht ~ro~ \«uhr- .a. i.p1nru.iJ .attitude cnuttly oppo<1te to the out' nO\\ prt",·.u.k.
llation of 'l<>cic:ty. Anti <'':ipi:cially l<><l.Jy, when 1hl·rc ~) ~ut·h g ri.."<lt Then, r<.'.l\OJ1 felt 'ltltt of 1b.elf, to the point of belic\'1n~ 1uelf
disorder and dis.cord Jn1ong J'J\en. \-,cfort' all tlu: ~·orld the (''liurch cxcn1pt fn>111 error: 1t <"l011111cd to h.1vc di.scov<.•rcd the 1n1L· 1>nn-
\tJgJ1i.ati11.'.', lhb scculJ07.JOon a,. a .. nnunal <1t1.~k. on dt~ unit\ and c1pJes of t\'t"' kind of lno,,·Jed~(. By using tlt('(C prinnplc-,, tt-2-
hlpptn~i o( the hum.:in r.i<:c. \00 pbnnf'd to ~ubhf,h ~n cndunng order of litC in soorn· t~t

6. Nc>Hclhcless. tht.• Church }lrefcrs (l) 'l'"-'.tk a> a lc-.>ving \\'Ould obey thr ll\\ ot u1untem1pted progrc\\ 111 order to .arrive
111other, 1nv1ring .;ill f'<'Qpl~ ~s her ch1klren to ""~tn c::ont.i('t \\'ltb .lt u11i,rcrul \\'ell-~in~ 111 pcm11nl'lldy as.sured pc.·.act. A~ 11\illl's
th\.'.11 a11.._"...tral "f'lTlllul lw1lh."L11J. fru111 ""hu.:ll th~ bhr.Juc.,.. of JO\'t11tlOn' UlC'tt'~ngJv put at h1, J1\:posal the ltJPfltlC po\\t·r of
thC"ir IC"aders. philosophers and h<'.1ds of stJI<' h..ts led thC"11\ a\V.J}'· ~tc-~n1 ;and <'lcctrictt)', \\ h1ch his rechnofogy '<>ught ro txplo1t in tlae1n 1111dcl"'\l..Jntl 1h.1l h)' .1h.1n<l~~11i11~ 1t 1hc.·y h.1vC" ltl'il ;111 htlpC' 111geni011\ \v,tys, he 1111.ll(lltc.'d tl1:it he ltad d1srovered Lt1t- u111vc~al
of genuul~ urury u1ldtr the ge11tle \·oke of Chr1s1-ge11tlt. ~·01 \CCl'el of 01.:1\tCI)'. order. and t-fficu:ncy 1n a.II donWns. A11d he
tho1igh. ,,,,both in<lt\14~11..lh ;ind rcorl~. it (':10 be btlrd("O<'d \\,di .lUtOm.lh(.illy appli~ thr natthod Jnd the rtl.JX1n~ of h1, ttth-

tlte Crl)5S, Ltt cl1e1\1 ~et', ou t'1t' \1lher hand, v,.·h.1t a d~l\}lt:r.11ely nolog) to problenu of fiOc1.U life. In confomucy ,,·1th 'hat 111t-thod,
h~.fl\)' yok(' '''cjgh~ on thc111, a yoke of ideal> <ind sociJ.l ws.tcnlS he thouµht once tl1cse qucstl()f1\ had been brokc1\ d(>\Vll utto
thu nc un(orturutlt'I~ ofi:en '"·holl)' ou~1dc- the true di'iTIC" ord{'r. their con~t1tucnt pan,, .&nd the rcl.l11ons a.111011~ these dive"" pans
lnd their 1nter.1roon, clcJrl}· dctcm1u1ed. he could thrn let the
'\Ocial OfW1111s111, \Vl11cli \v,as al~o gov.,·rncd by tlL'tcn11inis111, h1nc-
l'ART ONr ll l STOl<IC-A[ rxvos1no:- 0 1 rJ I C
t1on 111cchan1cally. Moreover, b)' fi1nher puf'ulng the \tudy of
ORIGINS OF THE lll\ORDFR fllOM WH ( H SOl 111 Y 1ht phy'\I("'\ of socim· llU.11 bel1c-\·~d It \\'OU)d be: poss1ble--c.ik111g
I> NOW \l.if rtRINC
into JCCO\lttt the 'l'fl')'lOlt nc-cds of chc place .;inJ t11't1e, and .tt:t1ng
7. Tim !king die c-.«. rht Chur('h will spr>k Firsr. to rb.rify .1t the nght 111ome11t-to rebuild tl1c 1nsnrt111ons and .1rr:111~c-

t.J~ prtt1\e of .i!T.1.Jf\. Jic 2."-'- It<.''"' d,>t"'I 1l h.ippcn our 111e11cs of cullccti,·c hfC fro1n the ~und up, the ,,.~}' he 'vould
contC'mpor;ir\· \\·orld i~ ~ufi'enng. ro the po111t of pa.ralv,1.~. fror11 like thcni to be.
, ... lllllf)ll'. j 'I I 't-f:JI( .... or I'll~ XJ

dctc:n1ti11c the docrrin;al point denied or J t 1 1..·:a~t

ig.1orrd by thcxc
J-.alJc ir/~·41 C?f '"~" nnrl of rrttlif)' \vho are t:lii:en i1t by tl1e crro1tc:o11~ tht\C~ of 111.1tt'.'riah'1 <>r p0\1-
8. T\VO co11d111011s liad fi1,c lO 1>C' tu!f1ll..-d, Ol n>orc prcc1c;cly U\1 i ~t philosophy; What c;J1aract<rizn and d1~nnftUi\h1..·~ 111;i11 1~ his

m.·o ohc;ucl~ had to he cl~are~J :t\4..IY hcfi,rc.- 111c:n could l>i:brtll ~p1ntual soul. F.-0111 rhis spinru.a.l natun- J>r<>cecd' 111;in'~"c to-

\V1L11 full co11fide11ct cJu.s ta~k of .ldJU~tJll{; a11d Jcconitn.icnag so~ ,,~rd Ulllt)' and order 111 hlS life. 111:at as \Vh)' hu111.t11 narurc 1s

cu1 lif~. F11't, ;a nev. ctlnc·t'pncln .,r

hum.:.n tl.uurr J11J of .ill 111"11rkcd by an indestruC"tible unity of 11111er life. including the or-
ts essenaal to nun ro be ckvrloptd. next. 1c v.:ould be cs- dered hierarchy of dlc clcrtlCltts that 11uk<' up IL'\ bc111g: thlt 1s
p«c13Jly imr<lrt.lnt rn <'l.ln~ th~ '--C)ntcnt Clt wh.1t v.e c:UJ the lt.l1. 'vhy hu~n acti\"Jty. \\·hether 1nvol\"lng u11der\t01nJ1niz or \\'Ill,
cht consarun,·t btw_g of rt'ahry· In &ct. no .1ttc1npt ,vas cwno1 and a1ust not: renu.m content \\ the surt~c<- :and ntul·
nude rtl \Ct": in hunun n.itu~ J lt\111tt- 1nti1ll-'t~. 1nJi,1,1bie unity. tiphC'lt)' of dungs, but delve into their inner tt:&l1ty. And at 1\ once
sp111ru1l rhrougb wd throuj!h, •nd wh~ \'>nOu> consarucnc cl .ig:un for the same reason that ntt'n do not b\'t tog<thcr hkt
cnlC'llt<. 1~ <·c>«•nl1n:at~J .inJ ;t..~"K11te"J Jlu11tAJl 11.iturc:- "1' n:- an1nu.k, in q>J.ce: and time. As mtn, together the")' n1u\f J<h1C'VC'
duc-t'd to a unglt' t'ltn1t'nt. or .11 1nQS( co a purcl)· cxuuu1c morC' than a Dltte' conglomC"r.ttC'; thq· n1usc. 1t.tbze .ii g<nu1ne
C'omhin:aac>n ot \.C''l.Cr.&I AnJ m111·, ~'4"tltl;&I tt-.ility \\J.\
d<tTICflt' commun1l)• of lifC". in ,,·hich 1he n:qu1m11cnt\ of their being art'

setu only 111 trs tXttnor shape or ourn·ud .upe-ct. ,,·tuch fulf'illt'd and tht ,-aJucs of their nature ~re put into rncn(t".
m10unt<"d to 1.,.1~1ng ttut '' l'I '•mrty th•~ nr th.a1. r10'\\' ont' ch1ng
and rhen .inother, but 21" .l)'S undit~1ng \uci;C'~~l\.-C ch..&.11~~- Effttrs 01t S«it-ty arrd 0•1 tltt d(~11ity of tltr l111t11a11 pmou
Ncithcr 'Vlri rhcrC" any ~ncmpt to JK'nctr.1cc huu1.Jn rc-.;abty'5
111\vard structure, tO J..'tf:&\p the C'\\cntul, 1n1muc.1blC", .lllJ thu~ in- 10. Hence the initial error of 11uking tit(\(' t\YO f.ll...c a.~~l1n1p..
tangible. rclatioori a11d conu-:1..c1011 .. ot Dc1ng. F111Jlir')'. auJ VJJuc. t1ons .ind f.a1l1ng to recognize the tn1e nJrurc of 111Jn \Voi~ 1><rn1-
Con...~quen(ly, 1t \Vil'i crroncou'lly J\'iU111cd chat the p.lrttcul.;ir rc- c1ous. e\•e:n though seducove. The grol1nd see111cd to b< c1circd
alil)• of hu111ao life l11 :-.ot:1~t)', prl..'~1,cl} ,1, it h.l., canergcd fnln1 for building ne'v political and ~oci:1l ~rrucrurt:\. t3k111g into :l<"·
histonciJ cvoluaon, \\'as 1nercly a collcct1ve. 'vhoUy extcrnill phc count only external needs and iw1oring ht'itoricaJ clc1l1cnt:i per·

llOll)Crlotl, \\1hust" .~J>pc.1r.lnLc vari<J \\11th Ll111c .111J f\l,1c.·e. The sisring from the depth$ of the p>St.
inner princip1c r1lac 111ai11eauls rhe h\'Ul8 u1uty of social 1.Jfe and 11. It foUo,\•ed fro111 these asst1n1ptions ch;it 111;i.n \vould be
J 1rcc·to; iL' 11u11it"t."'t:1ric_,n, Ill :ic·rnrcl \\'ich it\ n.1turc· :111d J.;tl.11 stnppt~d of \vhat comritutes hi.$ special d1gn1ry, oa111ely h1~ $J)1rit\1.1l

re111ained 1.11ld1scovered. nature. A11cl in fact no attention \V:IS paid the c.~scnli.11 tcnclcncy
of 111an to seek unity in hi~ life, t<> develop hi~ penonJlity ~nd
his resp<>rt~ible aucono111y.
All that \va5 left st.-inding a 1nid thest ruul( \Vol( 111:.n''i :ibil11y 10
9. To loc-;itc tht ron1111on 'iOUr<"t of tlH,"\C t'\Vll fitl'IC' ;1.v~un11)· pcrcc1vc the- pheno111enal O'llspcct of tl1111gs <ind tl1cir c l1:111gt". gov·
001\.~. \\'t" h1ve only to rely Qn the' C(lntlll\IC.'lll\ of \Ound p h.1)0!>- en1ed by so-called purely 111ech:1n1cal la\v~. an<I the «>It l>OS.(1b1hry
opby and the CC":lch1nb" o f Cl1r110r1.111 1\..1..·\\.IJUon u1 order lO of re:acung by choos111g c.·xtrinsic 111e.ans ind end~.
I~! 1111 HIOOI .... I ' ' Ye I IC Ill UI tit.I~ kl l~J

;adont tll.Jl \ltllrh: C•p•cit}' \\,£h

\VhJ.t .. 111\\lltiC.ltlOJl It \\'aS 10 111ti1\·uluJJ,? The f.K~ -.;ccn1<'d to 'uppurt this ,,.a~· of S<.-"("1ng chin~:
the OC>il)< IU.11\C Of ··111tcJJcrt"! 0£ the C"o'<llCC' .&JlJ <pant of tru.n. ct1c C'.l\(' 111 nto,,ng about. t'xt:hln~nit ~tt>O<k. gaining cr~11. ~nJ
of \fllnt r1u.c:k to IM 1nugc .a0d bkcOC'\\ of God. nothing cor11n1un1c.thng nc,,s h~ undc~nc prodigious dc'\·clop111cnt:
lllOO: \\'J..\ fCUJl1Ctl. 8~~ ()( th1~ b.1\14; error. ~1ology \\"'<b ..p;icc \\ill no longtt an l\.'liuc. \0 to "PC'Jl. an the funct1on1n~ of
he11,ctOn:h \Pi;hoU>· lnc.1p.1ble of bccorn1nl; .1 '-Ohd nonn:.atl\'C ~i­ hu1tlJt1 \CKICtlCS. In shon. \\'J\n't che (Onqucnng dnve lO\\J.rc.t
e11c;c fiJr 111.111. pro~n:'~ so 111d1sputable th:it attJc:l1111t'nt to the p;ast, to trJd1t1011,
'ccntc<I no ob\tacle in the rat·c to,v.1rd .1 fi1turc characterized by
111finitc f)O!sihilirl~s? Si1nilarly, didn't tc('k011ing 'virh the ~lo\v
&11kn111r<y c>/ rhr 111ed1n11isti<·ato111isrit ro11(c~111i,111
p.:arl' of u111c and the ovcrlapp1111-t <>f ~c.·ncr.ttio1JS seent \uperfluou...
1:. And \'Ct \\J\there ever a t1111c 1n j:rc.atcr n~d of reliable n<,,,. tl1;a1 evtf)'Ont, eve')l'\Vlt~rc, felt th1\ 11c.....- need ro live .it top,:c for \OC'l.ll dc.,·elop1nent? For l.\ ' ' c h"'vc already pointed .;peed?
out~ 111 our r<noc:f the~ is .an cxtnord1ml')· n1ob1ht\· .\1ld 1nc~nt ,.. Tocb.\-. ,,.e ~ that the n.OOem To"·er of Ba~I h.a" ,uf·
\".tn1b1l1C)' 111 the (Onchrions of lit~. The 1nJu,trnlwuon of old (M't'J the ~rne f.ite as the one 111 chc U1ble. We '\'-ill not: d1IJtc-
coun1nc... ,,·h1ch were prc,,ou"'I>· .1.hll<hl cr1t1rC"ly ~culrur:il, ht'rc on the bllxtousn~s o( il\SUm1ng chJt equilibrium 1n ~1.ll
a.Ion~ \v1th chc colonizataon of 1111n1ense nc\\' tcmtone~. h.lve com hfc 1" 'pont.aneousl)• and 1uto111Jtu:.1il)' prod11ced. At present. chi\
grc.1t nun1bel'\ of 111cn <l\WY front chc1r .111cc.·~frJ:I I.and or fron1 1r111ch hccon1e clear to U\: 11• plll"l" of "uch an cquihbnun\, ;i
their trn<ht1t)lllll cnvironn1cnt; these uprooted people have bee11 hu111Jn1ty has been con~t1tut<"d-prcc1st•I>• b)• giving the \vtll aucl
ihro\vn in10 the 111.lclstron1 of no11udir hfc.·, findi11~ '''ork \Vht.•rc po,ver of individ1ials free rcin-rhat iro111 decade co dt:cade. \v11h
they c~n. but nc>t .1hlC' to beco1ne genuine cr;i.ft\Jltcn. Artach1nent u1crcJ1.111g r.ip1diry. a11d 111 every do11101.111, l1as broke11 do\vn l1tto
to one·~ n1t1vc ~ll ~nd co fa11ul)• tnd111011' 111hcntcd fro111 earht>r cou11tlc...,, ~parare groups co1npc.-r1ng for 1.uprcnucy. And '"hJt
grncni•1c.1n\ \\ttt co11.s.1ckred fxton \\'lthou1 .i11y ~1J!.t11ficancc for th1\ hun1an1ty cl.a1nt«I \\'1~ 1t' 111a11t o~n1nng ~gent ha~ pro.
che 'W)C1J.I orJcr. duccd. lt \\"2S directed c;olcl}· frorn the ou™dc .ind tO\\'lrd
rhr out11de. only O\"ert conff1,t on one h.and. and on th<' other•
.tit un,t.lblc soci~ equilibnunt or .a ~y-,tC"rn o( ann«I pe;icc.
Dt·<t11111•c- I'N"rlJf's o...I· '''aterial u-el/.fNi1~~
1J. In tJc.·1. c.hdn't cvcrych1ng sccn1 io JU\t1f)' proceeding in chis
/Jm1krupuy ef equality
\Vay? Mc11 \Vere confronte-d by v3~t CCOU<>ll11c Jnd tccl111ologic3J
pro\pt."t't\ c.111.1bll· o( providing tit,.. s.1111c for1t1it of \VclJ-bcing (or 1~. Moreover. \VC have no\v <h't<)vtrc<I that rhc hypothc\i\ of
e\•cryonc, .111d 111 e11on11Qus qu.111t1ty. l)1dn'1 th11. "'"rJ;:~t th~t '"C the perfect equality and 1nt.:rchangcJh1l1ty of 111c11 i" eq11ally r.1l-
\hould lf..'1ltlrc chc (ha_racte:nsoc d1fTerc.-1111111c.>11\ of tht> human IJc1ou ... cv<'n 'vithin thi~ nt\\' ~111 "}'tc111. Wl1«eas 1n the art·
ptf\011 2\ ~ucl1• .and «"c n1en only a~ ;aco1t\\ '111ul~r to those con- tcrci.c of socW order n1en \\'Crt" OtlC(' d1tTercnti.atcd and cl.1~'1ficd
i:t1tut1nt: 1norg;a.n1l" 1t1.tttC'r. :and ,,·1th cle111cnut'\· 111..,t111CU-pJ.r- b)' their ~pJntuaJ 2nd qu1bt1C\, b)· th('1r professional k110\\·l-
ocubrt)· the .Jcqu111uvc msanct-th.Jt \\trc tht untc 1n .all cdt-.~ .tnd ovcnl) sooal \·aJue. thC')' .lrc 1ncreasingl}· cb\\1tic,I
t ... 11101>1 ~ ... , "c I IC .... 01 l'IU\ xi

solel)• 111 ternt.o; of tht• a11'1ou111 of <"ll>ltJI tht•y J>O\\l'\); J \vhoUy nt.1Jl n.1t\Jre. btit is rcall)• JlO 111orc chan a parr1cul:ir 111a1li(c,tat1ou
'it1pcrfic1a1 pn11c1plc of cla~'1fic:i.t1011. or raiht·r ;i \1111rle t:\c-t usu;i.Uy ofhun1ar111atlttt, o r r11orc prt:cisel)• of:i 11111t1lit\'d hu11\;in 11a1ure.
res.ulcing fron1 accidental c1rctu11~t.11iC'e\. If not intcgr.itcd into's sp1nn1al 11:a1urt and govt:-nh.:J t>y u.
16. Fui.1lly. We rc~""'rd J) c:qu.1.11)' t~ll;ic1ou' thC' h)•pothc1.1, of thJs 1ns1111ct, far fron1 bc."ing an agent of unity ;i111ong n1cn. c.·J11
aJl eco1101111c prospc-nl)' cont1nu:ill)' Jc:vclop1ni; through 1tl 0"·11 011 the conml')• only brutaU)• d1s~()(i:tte 1he111 and hurl tl1c111 into
1ncc;h.an1c;al opcr.ir1on J101le. In f;act, ''·h1lc: hu11\1111cy, to ;a11 011- .;a p1t1lrn struggle for c.x1s.tc11cc 111 '' h1ch ,,c:tol)· h:trdenc. tht ~ul

ptt'ct"denred t"Xtt"nt. hAd lCC~'i to U\\ 1ll1tC'nJI\., ,,·hale: 11u.nuf01c- ,)_Dd defeat dn,·es resenm1ent to 11ud11t"IO~.
turcd product-. ''ere .1ccu111ul;icu1g 111 C"non11ou" nun1~"· \\·hale 19. Labor cc~d to Ix: a genuine protC-Sc.1on.l.I bond. con\Oh~
n1e11 \\·ctt offett'd the ho~ ot .in C\"cr h1i.::hcr \t111Wrd of J1,,ng. dated b)' a co1nn1on proft-ss101ul "pint and .a fetol1ng of ,h;arcJ
i t the ~1ne t1111c thcf'C' \\",}_\ .l \· )U0\\1h 1n the nun1Mr of dagnit)-. \\-;th the umto good ''ill. Thie. con1n1untC)' of ~talc. \\.l\
men ,,no had no ~hire or 011ly .a r~l.lta\'cl\· nK>dnc \ tn 1h1s ttpla«d. as already not:t"d. ~·the 1uxupo-.1tJOn ofh.a\"n .111J h.i,c-
nutcn~ progrC"\.,, .lnd \\·ho 10 ~r11t of chnr full)· trwt1r1utc dc:-i.1m nots th01t resulted &on1 the unrcsua1ncd cxcmK" of the ,)C'qu1c.1t1\c
\\·ere not able to tinJ \\'Ork, .ind thlt) could noc S.lll\f)· th~ dt- 1nsonct.
rues. ~•nee lhey lud 110 nltl.11\ of .1..:qu1n11lt .in~ ch111g ,..,h.ite,·cr.
£1,.11 by pri1•ate property
L>ss ef 1111n1taf "'"'Y 20. The 1nstitunon of pn\";ttt' prOpert)· tt~l(. \\h1ch \\;l\ I>)·
t~. But aJJ th1\ l\ \\ell-k1'IO\\ll, .ind We h;ivc .alrcJd)· d1~w.scd n.irurt and origin intended to pro,ide .l ''"l)' of 111.01k1ng better u~
it on occJsion\ 10 rc..~C"n t )"C".an. Wh;ic We \\"1\h co \tm~ of '"orlclly goods and to incrt;i.\e unit)• \V1th1n hunt.-irt ~>c1tt)", hJ\
here is the t1ndcn1ablc fact ch:lt J\ .1 n:e;11lt of tl1c chJnEtC1 \ve h;ivc becon1t. to in uoprcctdcnced dc."gtt<.". ;a ~urcC' of d1~ortl, envy,
n1c11tionl'<I. hu1n:an roc1ct}' h:i\ gr.1dually loe;t oill 1nncr f..'olu:rcncc. 41nd obst.atlt.-s to the rise of the bcc.t n1cn, frac;cunn~ Jnd tc;innit
.;all 111tcm;al coh~io11. Whc:rc coulc.l 1t l1;avc tOuntl ch1e; co11\t1tut1vc .apJrt the social fabric .
u111cy ('Onnecc111g .all 1f\ eleutc11ti? It "l<>ug.l1t 011ly J 111.ttcnal. gcn- z 1. Fin<Jlly. sp;cc .ind nn1c. \vhosc po,,.\"r to sep.1ratc 111c11 tfun1
crahicd \vcU..bc111g. Tl11s goJI. co11s1dcrcd 111 1rsclf, 111 1t'\ 111Jtcn- e2cl1 other see111ed co be di11\1nish1ng as tecl1nology and cco11011'-
:tht)•, a11d 111volvi11ll only ;1 pur<ly cxtcnc.-,r ~1nJ ofhappinc\1, '''as ics progressed. have recovcr<.-d th~ir .1bilit)• t<> ~epar.11,·, anti hJVl'
.J.lready \Vholly incapablL• of un1t111g 111c11 1n the inner rccco;sco; of even igi11ted b:ltdes of t111parallclc:d violence for ti\~ ptls~e\;;1011 ()f
their so11I$. Bur 111 ;add111on, the nu>rc u111c p.1~cd, the 111orc thi\ territories or n1arkccs. \vhilc al!io arot1o;1ng a11 unantic1pJt\ <I nv:1lry

goal rcccclcd int<> ch1..· <li\t.u1ec. :and inco111preh~11sion bct\vce1' che prcwnt Hc11erat1ou and
t.l1e preceding one.

Djssoriatiou (?f '""" rl1m11~~/1 tire ''''/11isiti11" itrsti,,rl

Reco11rse to tlre $tare
18. U11qu;i.lified prai\t'" \\'.l\ ,hO\\·ercti on tl1c.· t.•ffic1e11t opt•r-.1t101t
of a purclr JCqUl\ltl\ c lllSlJnc.·t Ul ~C'i.ll hfe; JU 111\lllltl or ..
IO\\'Cr 22. After ,,· \Vt> ha,,e JUSf u1d, 1t 1.s l11rdly SUfJ>n~ang to
order and \vh1C'h, n1oreO\"Cf, doc.·\ 11<.>l C<">n1.t1t111t· tile- l">J\J\ of hu- find that ''TCtc::hed hununity. fcchng 1t~lf fr.t~11cntt-d ;ind tc.>rn
186 1K7

3.~undc'r b)' tht(;t' teildtltClt'~ thlltrull 1f ~IJlltllt.lllCOU~(y in C\'('I)' 1...1r1011 of tl1c hun13n (.'.0111nl11n1[)'. And rhis j\ ,,,h,1t cn,ut•tl: the
dircccion. h~' ~')11gh1 <11Jlpor1 in tht' '4.'I< 1.11 111..c11ut1()ll t>f l11C' \tilte. dtstnbuaon of l1uo1ati1ty 111to different st.JtC:'+ ('''htch, ~l\'rn 111.ln ·,.
The latter LS u1 f1ct th!" l1li;r1ruan11 bt~t s1l1ted tn rcson. to c-xccmal tendency to fonn sucl1 gr<>l111s 111 order to pl·ift"(t h1\ 'J">ir 1n the 1ntcr~t ol order. ;and n1orc:ttvc:r t.111\ J'rc"cn·c, 1t\ iruJ.1 a11d 111oral life. is io the d1v1nt" pl:a11 .1 \\,1y to <levflOt) tile
God-given i.ptrirull and 11101'11 ch1racccr 1-fO\\rvcr. b)• s.ccku1g Jifc of the: \\·hole by d_jf'f(rcllt:iJOJlg It) lt~lf bt-t\\lllC J Jlt"\\ and

help abo\•(' all tl-0111 the stat('. ;and '"hit '' n10rc. &o111 a 'ute d:ascounglng sourer of dJ\·1s1on a1110ni::, 111c:11.
concovcd l i l pu~ly nurenJJ JX" hu11lan1t~ n:cC1\Cd 11otlw1g zs lS n0< .all. The rrl1cion1; of1nd1,•1du.1li 111d wou1~ \\'1th
\'Cl)' bc-.11('fic12I <"llllC'r ro 1f'S('lf or 10 thC' )t.atc tlte <Ute deteriorated 1n tltt' sa1ne \\'J)'. A' ,,., hJ\'t' .lln.·id\ c\b-
scn·cd. the sure md the <U.tC' .ilonC' \\'b 4i-«11 J_"i the u1r111Ut<" R"\t">rt:
ll \\".IS th("f'C'forc 1n~1ngl} asL:fil (() fi1rthcr the 111(\"ft'\t.. or
L~•ifri1ig funaum <f thr ''''" uldt,-iduals md groups. The 1n th1, regard. ,, ..., 1.:c.>11'+1tlt'TcJ
>J. For th< sole :um of 1he «•«, by II> IU!llr< •nd proper l.Ud u~ u:. ~1n1plC" i0$lnl111cn1"\·1cC'\ bcnctiuni: 1nJ1,1Ju..ib.
function, i\ t<1 ~ire the comm<'" writ.Jn: ,,f
11> n1en~ VC"t
Thus the S.:<ltt. Mong ,,,dt its 1ns.:1rut1oru. b«an1c .\11 .ltcn.l 1n
''iw \ asl.N of the sc;a1t-. pr«1,tl)' ''htn the nws of c1wtns "·h1ch °SdflSh 1ndividu:al and collecnvc 111terCU'.\ blttlcd C'~ch ochc-r
,,·ere sut1cnng m~t from inu;abil1ry .lnlt 1ntC'nul J1'"""-unc.,n, \\.t\ for control of the state·s po,,·er. Weer 011. cht nJ.rurC" ot cit<" tt" ..
to provide .a fou1\<bt1011 for u111t', J.r1J order u1 1<corJ \\.1th ctrutn l.tt1ons ber\veen cit1zcns and the ~urc ""'" cnt1rcl) com.apccd. Thc-
principles-more or le« IJl'l<-of • «> c:>lkd «><1.1' mo.,Jicy Thi• sutr's' aim and its rt1onl goal L' to K'Ct1re cht> co111111011
r~qu~t u11plted a pr.11,;t1(.'.;;i.ll) unre;ihuble .u1J 11t(>ret>\ er .u1u- good. to sn"\'e tht' 1ntC"rd~ of e.lch and cvcl) one \\:lthout Ji,..
cmcc1011. and ut that vet\' \\'J}' to esi:;ibh<h u111on .1111on1t JU 111<.·n
narutal t:X"ttnsion of tht 1t3tt'i funcl1on1
HO\\"C\"cr, maue:n being 1-. \Ve h<lve jl''' dc\Cnbctl chc111. 111t:n'\
spo11a11eous. narural tendency ro co1tle together 111 a ~tJIC' thcreb)'
1~clf bcc;a1ne. contrary to its proper oncnt.111011, .1 pr111c1ple of

24. It ''-'.J'J thcref(lrc to be expected thit ~tace1, url(ed co eXCt"nd Jtep da \'lSion.
cheir func11oos :tbu~ivety. a111J prct.;1 ..cly l>i:tJu'e tl1cy \VCI\.' l•U-
CO\tntcring djtficulrit'1 and failu re1 of increas1np. 11141~11itudc, '''ould S11111r11dry <!f 1l1t .fdilure
..~l :1hn>;1tl divc~ic•n.I')' '"('('\!'"<'" <>f ,1n''' hc-r k'n<I 10 ~)r<lt"r ft>
preserve tlieir prestige :>.11d 111:ai11t:>.ul their O\vn ~XJ~ttnce. 26. Ir \VC 110\\1 SUtl\ tip these bleak Ob~Ct\',1[1011,, II JpJ>"i be
yond doubt cl1at in our lUllC the ~tory of tl1c rb\VCr of llabf.•I 1'>
The resole \V,1~ ro ~tr<'llh1thc·n rhr IC'll1J"ltilrio11 t<.•lt b)' .111yoac
\\'ht) ht1lcl\ )Xl\Yer to anc;rea~e IC exre,~ively, J IH.l d u' 111 turn Jed.
beutg repe.ltcd. W1ch cite assistance of t)tt" rc~outcc.'\ of otodetn
tcchnoJog>• J.Od CCOJlOllliCS. the p,lS\1011 (or <1C<!U14'1l100 ha' .,-,1J ..
ln a y.:ay erlcire1y charac1tri!>r1c of chc rcl.1c1ons Jn1011g 1t1oJen1
u:ally taken a l:arge part of hun\an1ry 111 11s gn1>: 11 ha" trcc.:lctl J
&tat1..~. to a violent and con~t~n1 t<"11,1c1n, to au u1lJCCl'ptablc but
forcefully expressed as-;ertion of the o;c:are·s ;absolute' SO\'Crtip.11()·. gag-a11ac P) out of every n1an 's y<:arn1ng for t'llJOYll\Cllt Jnd
01n l'VCr 1nr;:re.a.' .StJ.ncbrd of h\'lng; eVCl)"\Yht'rc. t1nl11l111cd by
radtcall)' rejecung any \Ubt)rd111Jlicl11 hl :1 l11>-tl1cr fi>nn of <>f);.l.n1-
1111 HIOOIN I N(,'f:llC Al Uf IPll..'\ )CJ

space or t1111e, by profc'-<.l(ln or n:it1<>nahty, ;i \Ingle la11guagc ex- above. Th~ sa111e factors that by tl1c1r very nature ou~ht to con
presses the \,l.llle apper1lei.. A d<."repnvc untry! r--or \\.'l" 111Ul,C :i.11 11ect, S-trucrurc. and rreare uniry u1 stlCial hfc. but '"'hu:h f(~f tl1c
finally ackno\vlcdgc that the proud ~d1ficc v.•1ll 11c\•cr rc.Jch its fuU ttaso11s andi~ted have h11d the opposite fl.'SUlt, cannot f.11110 h:ivc
heighf toda)·· an)• 1nore 1han It did 111 ll1bhc.ll runc41, and for the the C2taStrophic effet"t Oil pel"$0nality. rherc ~gllll, tllC)' .Jre
sar11e rea.'°n: the builden 11() undCl")tJnd 011c Jino1t1er, and actt11g: contr'.11)' to their true 111issjo11. '''lt1ch \Yas to \tt11re .i11d
thi.s 1s its c:hanctcn~1ir nurk. The 1n1~~1b1hty of n1ucual con1- cnnch the hunUJ1 person's \ .tlue and dignity. Th1\ 111ut1l.inon .tnd

prehc:n()on-\vh1ch in lhbcl muhed fro111 datTenng lmgu.agcs- cl11n1n~non of persona.lit)• ,,·ere 1oc,iubJt, to tht ''ety extent

~gil1fics for us. as 1t did tOr the ~pie of e.arf1cr n111e. bbor bc-can1c no mott the txpra,ion of the 111~11nct co Jc
the comn1un1t')' of nten ha' J()(t 11:\ true 'Plntwl WUt)". that the quire m.itcriaJ goods. a.nd chc mx>unt of ,,·ealth a 11un J'()'\.\ot'\~
acri\·e elenlenu of disord..-r d~nbrd .abo,·e lu\·e crttted cruel almost the on))• dec:crnunant of tht tt'Spcct .111J 1111poruncc ac·
l»men benvttn the nlCn1bcn of hunun soc1CC)·. Jug deep C'ordcd hun. Muri.boon and chnli.maon of penonal1()· \\'Ctt all
tttnchn-1n <dlon. ettated d~\'lilOn. Among U\ a.' \\-eU. the at- the n1ore tnC'\1ablt beau.qo mtn \Vctt" alo;0 beco1n111g 111orc C'\·
tempt lus b<cn nude, USIOS gn"Jil \UppbC"\ of llU.tcn;\). tO bwJd u-angcd ;and more opposed touch other 1n soc1JJ l1tr. ~tn\·1ng to
an ed1ficc of donl1turtng he1gh1~ .1nJ 011ce .ig;i1n, bccJU\C' \pmt. pm·ent or at I~ limit the OO·clopmcnt of others, \\.:hethcr in-
and The Holy Spm1 1ud(, ..,, been ouingcou,ly denied. •noiher. d1,1duah or c0Ueca\1aes. At the same came. the uprooting of \0
f2J' lttOrc" \"'.limbic uftficc: Ju\ be-en O\'Crthro\\'Jl, the l1\·1ng cd1flce 1iu.n~· men &om their trachaona1 Cn\'lronn1c11t, iu<h .i~ ''"e '\.CC' an

of a hu1tu..nlC)' united an 1u: con1nlon \OUI. f-or then- Ix J rruly the c; o( gr~t numbers of peas.incs.. \\';IS dcpn\1ng thc111 of the
UJl1ct'd hunun1ry. a trul)' ttJI hu11ian1l)'. onl)' 1n«>f;ar ;u 11 lS full natural condiaom of 1mpro,1ng thcm~lv~ .:and 1hc1r p<Xllto11 1n
of die sp1nt. or we should nthcr uy. the ..loly ~pant; and this societ)'· The stat~·s acri\-lty icccnrwccd this diu.'frrou~ breakdO\\n
hun1an1ry etn ren1J111 united (lnly 111~fJr ati 1t ukcs ats 1nsp1r:auon of ptT'SQn.a.liry h>· encroaching more :ind 111orc upon chc 1ndc-
fro111 the Holy Sp1nt, obey~ ttS J.i,,1,, .11td <lc1en111nc' its go;aJs ~nd pendcncc of 1ndl\'1duals. forcing then1 to enter into enon11011\,
the hierarchy of iu ,';\]uc:s 1n accord \Vath n. const.antly gro,..•ing organizations in order to ~ck the '<°C\.1nty
they lacked clsc\vherc. stifling the individ1tal Jnd rcttucing h1'S
11on11:J opponunities for pcr«';lnal dl!v~lop11lent.

27. In an)' event, no1 only the t1n1ty of rhc ~<Ki,11 ,11111 Qi,,11'n11tiou ef' perso11afity tlS <J result ef S()(iaf jorti'S
perished, but also 111an '~ pcr;on;ality it~clf. thl' SCO(C of 1l1l' right-:,
d1g111ry, and value or tile pe~n. Corrc:~1>011d111p. to !.OCl:ll dasso- z.9. Yet labor in ll;ir profession ~hould have 111.arked every
luaon there is a p:inllcl dcrhnc of cite 111d1v1dual 111c111bcrs of indi\1duars deepest being \Yirh a character peculiar to hi111: 1>roJl·
society. The 1-:ttttr, losing 1hc1r lofr,1 ~tJt\t~ ;ait pcl'\Oll\. Jrt no\v no cny should have provided cvcryo11c \V1tl1 solid ;a\\Ur.tncc of isc..

n1orc than sin1ple pans of a \vhalc, 11uu1l>cl'\ in cndlci\ filcs of cuncy. rootedness in ;a p:.rticular e11,iro11n1ent. dl"ten11111t"d by 111~
other -.unilar nt1111bcrs. attach111cnt to mdioon. love of counlT)' .ind sense of 11at101•:ahry.
28. Tl11s is h:irdly unc.xpcc-ted. ;ifi:er ;all th;i.t lt:a' bc:eu ~1d .t11d no11ri~hcd by hist01)'. should have onented ever)• 1nd1v1c.lual'\
IM HI bl" fl. l "'- u
•• 191

though•. \.\·1U <1nd fl.:'l'lu1 b"'; in ev\""l)'ouc. c:iti1e11 ..h1p should h;ivc 111onoconou!t un1fon111t)' of thi.) , of ;affi1f'\ , ...ould noc h.tvc:
1ncrea...o;;etf rt111-.a.ou!t.n<'' of l'e!>po1'"}b1ht1es, <>r bc1t..:r ye1, 111.:tdl· co111e :1.boul li:•d the 1>r("Cllt de\1elopn1enc no1 led to the deper-
iu111 happy lo feel rc.~po1l~1blc; cl~<"tncss iO orµ111ze ~«ocLlt1ons \Onaliz.a11011 of 11un thac \\'(" ha,·e dcrlor~. For .ill these: rrJ\.()ltS.
'huuld h.l\ t' been mere I>· tht: na.arut'-"'w.tion c.>f J tino rl...tll\ \'. to '' e •re CUnt'nrl)· confronted b\• .t fnghccn1ng phenomenon · thr
help e-ach otlt\.'r <111d not of poorly disguised 11t,1olc11cc- ~ind ftar. ordi11ary '''"'" of our 11111c i$ 1n co11\t.1nt da11gcr of being c,t\Jghc
I th1, l'C"tn '°· t°.lt·li 11\Jn \\iOulJ J1.a\·e 1ncn:01"4.'J L11e real '' i:"1th up .and earned a\vay hr blind 111.a.~ 111ove1nen1~. W1thou1 idea) of
of lus be1n1t ~''-'TI 1n ,.u~ar: lit could ba\.·e bc-<om(' .i pc-non m hu O\VD, "·1thout a ,,·1U of hti O\\ 11 • .1S soo11 .t\ the 1nc("\~tc.
the full ~t'li\e tif thl~ \VC>rtl. \\.C>rtliy J.t1d t:apJhlc <)( lci:;i1110.1tc- •n~utenc prop.ig:and.l proceeding fron1 the pre,~. r.tdio, n1<1v1~.
~utono111~'· public n1cc11ngs, or :1.ny\vhere el~c goe<1 co \\IOrk on hin1 in order
JO. Uni,>n.un.lkly. •h111~ tumcJ 1iul otl1..:"t'\\11o<. Wie. lu\t: \«fl to roust 111\ c:nthusia5111 for .t cau.\e or a nun, <>r 011 the contt':ll)' cht for,n .t'nntt \\•1cb.J.n soc1tn.·, tar front ~oordin.t11n~ au co 111H:i1nc fib oppos1c1ou to son1conc or son1cth1ng. he- 1111n1e..
t',)ll'>titlll:l\'!,'.' J•;lrl'i .n1J J>rC)\·1J.1ng .Ill 11UleT 3Tlll.11Urc1 fjr frl>lll (..'\lfl- d1a1el)• jo111\ che cro\vd, <hares tl\ 1>.l\\1011.S, Jnd p.1n1cip:a1c.."\ 1n its
Sl"fl1CWlg 111 thlS "'l\' .:a11 orgaiuc \\•holr of ftr.tdl1.i11}· incrtoi<1ng ,lCH. Thi\ ji;, let U$ ;ickllO\Vledgc it. a la111cntoahl<." sigi1 or the ab ..

'it-"C>r. h.l\c.- c•n 1hc roninr)· di~Ki~1c-J .1nd "-""J 1he ekt11c-nt" ~llCC of pcnonalil)· .111J indc(>(>ndencc, f"(pcc1.t1Jy "'hen one
of socitr,•. They bavt COl)WllttNI fhc s.unt- crlrl\C' \\1ch regarJ to thinks of .ill the t>nergy .i1ld maten1I ~urce'\ 1hJt .are spc-nc tod.a)•
1lic hu111an lll"r~on. And \vh~t rc111.1i 1u;J ,,f m:tn 141tt•r he hall lit•<"u on educating )'Oung people and a<lults 10 order to n1ake tl1r111
r.i.vaged u\ tlm \""aV \\o"ai: l .wlgularl,· du1UJUSht-d <"rt~rure \\·ho J:ud \\"()rthyor being called 111en.
.alxharcd h1, r<>"~er ot de.. '''on' Jnd 1rt11l~ for hirn\iC"lt: 32. Th1\ 'hould noc be rons.iderC'd (utpns1ng. The. m~c .id-
\1,.·ho \\'J$ 1n •.:1111ed co JlliJ\1,. huruelf co be pl15heJ .1nd a.101 1~ v.tnccd <tnd ingenious tc.:.ch1ng meth~ could not give m.lt1 ,,
by C\'Cllt\, .111 .aJn1'>'r p;i1,,i.1vc and inl·ft being. oin l'li:u1cnCJf\' n1ol the de\1elop111cnt of our c1n1es con!>t.uitly seeks to take a\vay fron1
ccuJe !<hr an tJ1c nlh' ol .1 body-i1\ V.ort. .i t'Ccd ,hJ.kt"n ·h\· thc- 111111: nan1<'I)'. chc sohd1ty and nchnci;s of a stl'()ng persorulit)',
\\.10.J. as th~ Scnp<urc.-... '-'> pcnonaJ JU~'11lt':nt. l. )(n~ of running his O"-n life-all bJi\JC
qu:Wcics ch:it .aUo\v not only to rcnuin open to idc.t\ ~nd
1nffuence11 lfo1n oucside, as J1e 11hould, but especially to dcvl"lop
\\llthio h1n1..elf the ,,;.u co judge thr111 indeprndcnlly and to act
JI. I\ ll<>t .an. ~·t.1n', rn1,t(lnune ,,.•1.. <<lmplctctl h)· .ln- mdqiendendy. r.uher th>n l<thng h11115elf be nu111pul>1cJ br
Othcr di.s1nrcsratit1g force. so-caUc-d uJ.ufoc111 h\'1ng co11d1tioni.. ochers.
('1tt('~ -;pre~~t chi:-ir ~t1hurb<. out <lvcr \\" h.1d r.1rli('T btXn J'Ur<."ly
£.anttb.nd~ 1nJu.'\tl} ~s .l\.\~lllbl'<'-l1r1e prtk.luct:-. h.1\ c ll'tt"n '"br1J..rd- nit 1n1t OinJt1m1
11l'<l, tOrcinJ.; o1 <pccitir fOr111 on 1l1t· 1.:on.sun1er. <'\·t'n IC'isur<." a1 1d
rec reaoo11 h.lvt" been i;t.llll-l1rdJleJ Iu 'h\1rt. p111t,1n1l \Va)'\ o~ lJIC- 33. Confronrin.g today's \vorld. the true Cl1r1.soa11 srand~ .t.5
h.a."·r cocbr rt'.k:hc-d lh<' counll)"1Je .n a '""h<)lc. pronlQtC'J b,· \tra1ght and \ITOng is ~ lO\Vc-r. Even 1f he h:ippc11\ to bck ;i. full
lOlltotcts anJ nlttlapl)1fl~ rc1.loonsh1P' \\1th c1c1..:' The brur.11 ot11J cducauon, ,,·h.ich IS cerwnly not .l 11egligible ~d\'a.n~oe. h~
I l)j
fHI !lllH>l>o! IN Y(l l fll, I ' 'I I 'll!\, ' I

nevc:rtl11.•Je.,s dcuniu:'lte' fr<nn ;tf'tl\'I: thl· d1,111,1l lrtl\'\'d llftucn \vho \Vhac js n1o~t i111portant here 1i. co dcten11u1c ii Jll fhl·~e i(1r11tula(
art pr<')' t-0 ('\'try' C'Xtc-n1a) force. l llS t'J1lh, h1" Ull10n \"'ith (;()d .ltt.' su1t:ablc ior avoiding the cata~trO}lhe tl1:ar 1~ chreolte1Ull~ U\, t()r
aJ1d t11.: Spint uf1 rutl1.!lld ()1Jc1, l;JV1o: g1vc.:11 h1' JIJltt:I lJfi.: u111ty. rc...cstab]ishu1g: the un1ry of the htunan race Jnd 1hl· \'~lu.: llt' th.:
solidity of char~ct<"r. a11d rh<' c~ lnl ;i~10uranct of ~u), th.le ~n pro- hu1nan pcrso11 in ;all their rruth :1nd .t~suranct. Unfonu1111cly. our

cceJ tlum Liie SJ.lint. If thc,c t"\t)lu11tlt1Jr)' f.u.tol'\, n.:pe.. tt..-dl) experience up to this point offe~ 110 gruu11d\ {or hoJle.
n1c-nnooro Jbo"·c-. '''C-rt' all ro <'On'I<' t(\j_t('th<'r t('I rtt~t<" an <"n\.-i•
n>Ju11~11t tl1•t t:i,or' 111.a11'" li.:J.lth) dc\.c;lot'llle;tll, t.11< ,.i.fu.._..,. '"C' a) Efftcts of tht totalitarian S)'St~m on hutnan unity
ad11Urt Ul ratt mm \Vho bear rhr rla1n q..in1r of the Chn ..tun-
n.unt.!ly pcN1n.U1t). ch,;tnc;:tcr-"'oulJ th1;n be C'\.t"I')' stun\, lot. j6. flm clear Chat under the dontUl.Jll(.lll of \011\l" c)f
Of a)) ll IS

for !he IUD r<iliz•rion 01 h11 h<-inl( and h1< p<nonaht\• thC"C formulas. people ha\•c bccon1t accu'1:01l"•t"d to de'n~·1n.i: ch;a1
conctttc hunu111t)• constttutei ;a genuine t101r\': or .lt lc.11'1 lll 1n1n -
tnllZlllg tiut UnJt)' b)· oppos.ang 1t to other co1tcrnc n-.altt1n. fur
II. Ej]'tc1s <!f' tl1e ,\fed111111sll<- Tt•t11li111ri1m C<•ll<tp11011 t'Xllltplc r.acc. n~uon~ or ells~; thc:n It '' cb1111cd thJl .1111) t)nc \\ho
Oil J-/1111r.111 s..riety snll refers to 1he- uru~· of the hunun r.JCt" •~ ;a ntert 1:1nJt1t"• .in
1ntt'lltttwl 11,,ng ;imong ~lx~cuon1'. Then: t~ no need to tl"lcn·
1'· No truly mfonn«I I'<'"°"· \\"c 1h1nl , '""'Id ch,Jkn~ th< non here v.·hat We ,,;.u
e-xpla.1n bttr on: th.Jt the 11111t\ of the
COtn"roi~u of Our ~xpl.l11l1to11 of the curn:-r1t t'oluuon of'°'-~­
cty. Thi'I C'\>·olurion l> a11.ark-.:d boc:h b\ the ,,,..l) th..: u1ut) .i.11d race u knO\\'n to us both through fC'.l.\Otl J11d through
Uln~r <'.'onntoer1on of hurn.1n 'l<x:ict\· .trc \l1pr1niit IO\\'JrJ an 1ntC'nOr d1\'1ne Revelanon. Our natural po\vcn of undt.!l'\ c;;i11 ;al-
rc~d}• discover that 1hcrc L-S l hun1an nJn1rc 1dcnnc.;il 1n .111 11tc11
ruprure, atld by 1 ~IJl\l)~r :ihppag:~ O( uu.b\, lO\\ .arJ tht: t ttol\:l
into '"'hJch the)' ;arc .1bsorbC'd An),' r('nli1n1n~ doubrs on th1s sub and an all rime$; th1! untf)' 1~ also founde<I on the: 'iUpcn1.1tural
J l:rl 111u\l be ;;ib:an<lonc<l ,1,-Jic11 c.:'>11irl•ntt•1.I ll) t:14.'Jr cv1dc11l.t: ~•f
truth of the Rcdcn1prion. JllSt :1s 11 1:; prc'UJlJX>'c.-ll bv th<· very
£'&ct of origin3l sin. and found 1n the 'upcn1.t1t1ral rclat1011 c>f .111
the dcsper-<itc, not ro s.iy tlC'ttc-. C'ffons btulft to rt e:;tJblish
111e11 to 1hc:ir Redeemer, Jesus Chrisr.
un1ry. any kirul ~1f unit)'. Thr«<" t'fl<•rt" '"l'rt· r.11·c1e·ul.trly n111c--
\Von11y after r11e Cre.ic WJr. che1l, .is Wt u1~1lt,oned .at tJ1t' out~et.
tht" lTIOSt dive~<' tom\ulo" (',1ll<·cl f(, r 11111f}': 1ht· unity ofth1.· nation. 111rra1s to l11t111a11 1111i1y 1wsc1J by tl1e .forr1;'!11 ,,.J,,,;,,,,s
th~ unu:y of tcrrtton;il n:1t1<>1tality. 1he 1.1111tv <1f tlie r.,1('e, th.; unity qf 1otalirarr'1111 states
of rhc proll"uriac-:1nd. cro\VnilltJ; thcu1 .1U, lhc unity of 1he state.
35. LC'c- Us leave aside fOr the 111011\cut ,1 C'Vll'k.'qu..:n<.c uot no· 31· While tl1csc dcvc1op111cilt~ arc already lll·c:ply di~.1111>0111t
tu.:ed at cunt.!, n;,n1c:ly rht' nunlhtr :ind 1nco1np.1t1bl11tv i11g, even tile 1110St $un1111ary considc:r.lt1011 of the effect\ thl')' h,tvc
of d1esc vanoui. for111ul.1, ll(.>1i.:. and p.1n11.:ulJrly th-: clll)rl' to J>Ut already produced suffices lO dc:strO)' an)' r<.·n1a1n1ng Ollt11n1~111.
\Vhercvcr their propon~nts ha\tt' begun to put thc'c filr111tal.l' into
thcn1 u1to pr.tcacc-, u1c-vit.lbly fi.1rthc r int:rc~std the dJvu.ion
amt1n~ O)t•n and \\•lrhin h u111:a1lil')·, \'f./C' y.t1ll 11clt d\\'<"11 0 11 (he: \\\l\'
pr.a.crice on the sociaJ Je,•e1, '"'C find che-111 clautt1n~ fot 1he1r rt•-
(hese forn1ullS drove 111e1• 111to d1IT<rc111, v1ulc11tJ)· l1l1J'lot>'eJ c;a111p~.
10pcct1\'C f'u11cb.n1cnW 1dc~~ J pnni:acy of r:a11k Jll<I v;alue••l Jln111ary
lltl lllllhllli I " " ' " ' . Ir Al Uf r1l!~ '\I

.-11J .:i~1lt.H( n.,;hr w r"·cry donuin ot life:, 1n t•rdcr to (lure m<"O tt> .ickno\\ lfitgto tliat a .,oliJ :and c:t) 'iOCl~I or~n11.t·
10 .lccord "'th thnr .aJm\. E\.-cl)-'"'h('r('. 1hC') seen at "'·o rl.
.tr'C' 11011 lu\ °' propt.."f' and 1un1ral JUnc:tlt\11 111 the ~tablisltmt-111 uJ

04.l['illlC 1t1"·1r propt·r t~mcory . .and "1hu' 1n the R"'I ot th(' v.-ortd, un1n·. anJ thu\ the nght tel ct,n1n~utc.- to 11_ ~ch (\'Stem J-"O'l-ll~
c:lc,·cri}' unJC"mi1n1ng, "·hen nor .1n.acl1n)t <l1riectly. the sense of JC the out1.C't .a 1tlt""..a ~:un\1Jt·rcJ ~ J.bsolucc:. Jnd ~cl~

till' grcJt hu111..1..n c·on1n1llnity. tt~ goJJ\ .inJ 1l\ u1,tttl1t1ons chat .ue to 111JkC' C'Yery tOnn of ltfc :anti e\·c.-r» n~t ffo''' from 1c. Even
111ct1 .. ri:n,.1hlc tbr 'iQc12J hf(!. At mc)\r rhC'y IC".avc 111 pt'J.C'c?' certl.u1 lt'J\ 1ng ~\Ide tOr the 1no111c11t tht• h1~hly debatable que<it1011 llf
rypl'i (1r 1.t1lh:tO\ 1L1e:i reb,rardcd <l\ J('\l'f\'lllB tdvor b~cause they 1l1c: lt·~tui1.:u:y of this conct"J>t1<1n. \Vt• Coln .1ffirn1 this. n1uch: ~rhc
alrr.ldy rerrc\t'l1t ~0111~ i;i111ilar rc11clcnc)'• whtther 11.1ti<)n;1hst, prcl- untl)' S<>ugl11 1n thi.s \Vay '" L"qu1val1.·nt [<> the purely 1ncc:ha111cal
ler.a1 1.tu. 1;1t1'it, ur wn1e odlet. llllll)' of .l lll;JC:IJine. Or .lt lll(l\I ltl ch<.• tllllt)' of 01 V~CtJble or

38. I <".t\'ln~ .t\1de t.he fuc;t thilt th1\ '''"Y of proceeding i!> tn- 1111111.,,1 organu.111: it is nor .i i.,'l"nu1111: un1r•• .i11<l doo not de"'.en·c
i.:011, '"·ill> the pnnoplc 011 "·J11"l1 tilt''< lon11u.lh .ue bihed, to be ('Jlled °' hunu11 ~1J.l unit). 10 the tull '-<nsc: of chc ,,·ord .
.and .ti~ th.w 1nt~trd .and opporrun1qx- «'lmicl~con\ ~~ 1n- 111 trot" hu11un SOl.-1.i.I u111n· rc:qu1m. I'('~\· ro ro111e 1ntu
\rt>l,cJ. 11Im10 be tle.ul)· ~led the 'lutpl)' ddi11~J \\JI ro C'Xl\(C'l1c.:('. unity \\1thln \~OC't)'. thlt I\. I( require\ tlut lh(' UOlt\'

be onnclf fiN .and tOremosc. \'\ithou1 f<'R-lrd tor othC"rs. itselfC"lic- uf the ''·hole. the Jgt-nr J.nd ._-u.1nn1c.~ of the J.nJ n1ar.a1
1t, 111 lhc lo1r~i:r wc1.1.I group '\tc:t:p~d 111 it .1. d)·U.&11lJ\t11 tl1at Jti'! .a Good of thl' "·hole. be con~t~ntl)· J\"tent·tl .i~ J force of u11ion and
divuivc: ctrccc on the resc of hu111aJllC)' R>r tlus dy11.i11tls111 seeks organ1L.iuon a111011g the d1Vt:l"\c." , ..,11~t1tut1vc ele111cnts. :i11d con
to ,1nnc\ 11u•r.1lly. by every 'iu1r;;1bli:'• tp'UUJ>'i bcl<Jnging t<J 'lt.111tly 111terpcnctratc thc1n 111 or<1l·r to thc111 to coll<1bor.1tl'
orlltr s1.1tc\ , but w bjch ic cons1dcN co l't 1t<1 'p1r1tual rehd\•ts: 111 tlu~ UIUOJI,

hcnrrtonh, tt I\ c:~y to lorcscc: the 11nn1rd1~tc .:011~<-"qucnccs thac II 111: thu' big)U)' i111proper to Ull' the cxpr"'~ion "'soci;il 11n1,y"'
\\-·1ll ffo,...· fro111 Lllb We chus find ou~lve' 1;01tfronrtd by fonn~ '' hc11 11 1s cbto1e-d t1'1:at 1n bo1h pn11,1ple a11d fat"t ~1.11
oJ Ullpt"nah,~11. The 'pccitic ~'PC dOC'\ ntit 111.,J,tlcr in c\·ery cas.c f.ic:to" c•nnot fu,·c their O\\'Jl role 111 the <"Ublish1ncnt of th1,
effom to C't~blWt thL\ k.ind of untl)' -icccler.ltc hunun1ry"s e-.·o- u111t\'• J1ld ,,·hen 1t 15 al~ cb11ncd. on the contrar\· that rhe J'On11
, "
lt1no11 to\\ .arJ J,i..)()(U.Ooo. c.i:th~r tlu11 pru111oung dl4t union of .inti cantc11t of the life of thC1< tic: ion .arc cxclu,.1,·cl)' dctcm11ncJ
men. by ')·"en1·s fund:ir11enrJl 1tlc.1, 'on~1Jcr(.-d ~a so,·crc1gn .1b-
\Olutc 111tbn111ng eve'}' •spc:ct of \Ck:i.11 l1tt.-.:

TI1rt"t ,., ir11crr1t1l 1t11iiy posed by $t.1tt:i' ./iJtt1ttlt•d

d11 ltllfllltflt'l(llli:itll

JV fn,111 th1' ro111c of vic,v, \\lhat nov• tt1t1.iii1s fron1 the in- .JO. A gr.ave d.a.nger thus .apJlc,11' 1n t.'oncrc:tc rc<tlity: Th1\ cx-
tc=-n1.1:I \.lrU.,;IUtC' of thc socW "}"Uetn~ We .ire ''l cxa1n111c? In re- tt'll~l\'t' touliry. '"'1th 1~ crroneou\ ..-011..-c~11 of "-<> unity. te11d1,
spon\C to tl1c cap1W que-stiot1 of u111r\. a qutse.aou tlut ~u1rei tO\\Md °' )e\-eling and <un<l.Jrd111n~ co1lccb\.'1S111.
~ mu... h t·1r, \111np«l100. all th~ ~)'\tt.·n1'- l('nJ to utf..:r a soluoon ~10rc0\'CI". economic .lC(l\1()' \\lth1n th~ roJ1ocaJ l'fi>nticr'\ of

thJ:t l\ .1:11 1t1e 010~ be(J:ll..C th<'\' ('JtCl{On<:.ill}· R1Usc the"C \Ul~ b dircc1ed exctu~1\'~I)' lO\\.Jr(t dc,·clop1ng md C'lttunn~
196 Tiii 1110111 'ol t Iii~ YI 11( Al Ot PltJ-) XI 197

the-1r rt"'pc<:Ovc co1un1uoities· nucmaJ life. ~' 1f thu '''ere its su- u1ut1~ of this kind. naratel)• \t<ltC\., J\ \()()11 J.\ th~· tend l0\\"1!d Jn
pre111c .lnJ ~uffic1c11t pnncrplc. ~ionhcy. b.i,1ng 11S<lf on the mt- unl1n11tcd C:\1c1ts:i,·c touJ•l)'. threatc-n tc;• \tnp the sate of 1r\ n ...
ur>l ord<r of thmgs and th~ luenrehy o( v•luc.. procbims ~' tentuJ .attnbut~ and SO\'Cn:1wi po\\'Cf. ff this happens. the c.u.te
ccono1n1' .icr1\'1ty 1n :1 gi,·cn sutc n1u1-t hJVt' ;u its pnrrury p l I\ tr.\n,fon11cd into ;a \\'holl} n1« .aJ11ufUStnn\.'e bureJtu,.·-
thc nl..ltcn.ll \vcU-be1ng of &nill1~ 1n ham1ony \Ylth the O\'C:r.ill"!'• ~ 11n1ple instrument of the r.1(1\t C:)r n.1t1onJlist coUectl\1tlt"\
prospcnty of ~tJt~. Jnd that thert•upo11 rtlL1" the dev<'lopment of 11,volved. Thcrt:by the·~ 0\\'11 11.att1re ;a~ J state 1s 111ut1Lltcd,
any civ1ll~1t1on. But chis teaching 1s scon1fl1lly rcJC<:tcd as tedious 111 viol.anon of natural fa,v; 1n add1t1Q11, 111 rcL1tionship co the
and vt1l~r "iOC1al cu<bc1nonis111. conttt)t of tJ1c co111n1011 g00<I. :i c1c:oar 1n11i·r contratl1cc1on .1ric.c,
41. Ir• :addiuon. 11 lS clear that jn ~ocict1c\ 1n '''l:uch unity has bc:t\\·cen thts co11cept and the ')lltc·, c.l\\'n ~ct1\•1ty. \Vlth regard for
uken the fon11 of th1~ abusive tOt.a.h~n.in1\n1. the ''anous indc- cxJ1nple to legssb.aon. lhe d('ttnn111Jt1on of nghts. and :.d1l11n1'-
pnidcntly ;adnunistcrcd OCCUJ>2DOrul COl11111UIUllC'S. md their as- tr.ic1011. In &ct. in chi5 o~. the \tltt''' O\,-n obbg.Jaon. ,,·tuch ,,.e
socutcd coll.ibor.tnon. att consldcrcd an thC'OI)' .a tOnn ofharmfuJ hl\'C .1lrc-~"' Q.ld coOSJscs an t.i.k11tg the ~tOOJ of the \\'hole body
plun1Ju11 \\th()\C exm:ence is undc1-1r.ablc; 10 pr.icuce. mer making of c111zen:i. l l the nomun\'e gtU) of ll'\ .t(Uon, l\ completely ;il>Jn-
man)· itttmpt"t to mO\'C 1n other d1r«aon,, they ttvcn to the doncd .and subordmaccd [0 the 1ntcr~l\ of the colJccn,·1[}·. A' a
st3te \Yhcn they h;ave co resolve labor conft1ctl or regulate che r~uh. tht ~rate's C$$ duty. ,,·h1(h den\'e( fron1 its very
condition' of l;-bor 111 the interest of wci;i.l order. Tlte sutc settles ri<iturc-na111ely. co enst1re cquJlity of nghts for alJ c1n2er1) \V1tl1-
matters directly. To be- sure, in ccrcain ta~cs ;ind under cemi.111 out cxccptio11-is henccfonlt absoluri·ly unrt•aliz:al>1e. C\'t:n 111 the
condtDOll\, J 11d \Yhcn che co1n.n1on good requires it. this djrcct n10,t reduced for11t.
state 1ntcn•cnuon 1n social matters 1.. 1«elf 111 confonnJry \Vith the 4J. 111 c.u111n1"1r)'• this is 'vh:ar cn1erttl"' ti-o111 thc$C obsi:rv;anon~
pnnC'iplt'\ Of n~tur.iJ la\V: indeed. SOl1'1C001e\ It 1\ the ortl)• \\"3Y of ukcn .ill together: on one hand. the tcnJc.·1K')' Ul pracacc tO\\·;ard
~ubl1\h111g or re-ciUbluhing order. Nonethtlt'(1-. .t f\•oofold doubt a lc\'tbng, c.tan<brdizing collccn,•1,111: on th(' other. l i the "'<'I)'
then ;an~. /\re \\"C not undul)· sac:nfic111g pn\'.Jl<' grou~ and or- core of sociaJ hfc. a profound arubaJ1ry co xhiC\·e unity
g;anas1tb ~ on mturc by dq>ri,1ng throt of thclf role? More- \\1th1n .Jn .iuthcnric and lcgannute J1\'t'.'f'1ty. All this c~.Jlt'\ .J
over, and tht' 1s \UIJ n1ore scnou\.o does ;t socW group of the ctn,1011 th.;1c. JOlned '"1'h tht- O\'crhc.atcd dynanUsm of OU[\\'.JrJ
tot~bt<iri.ln type JUs« described unde~t.111d tl1e tcm1 ..common\10n, 1n1pcrils the unity of tht• huru.111 race's social biC.
good" in the obJCC:t1vc sense assigned to 1t by 11.an1rnl la,v?

J\4111ila1ic>" of 1/1t state

44 Sub~~11tiMly the sa111e thing C\&ri be yjJ .,bout social un1t1ec.
42. Tl11' qucsc1011 regarding the co111111011 good entails cons1d- or \.tlt~ that b~ thc1r- e!\'ten~1vc XO\'lt)" on the .. unity
cnno1l of .another. still 010rc inlport..111c tJ.ccor 1n socW life: the of the \Ute" or the .. unJl)' of tht prolct.Jn.Jt." Ho"·c,·cr. \ \ t
sutc. The \Ute'\ r2t)On d'Cuc '"· 1n 1ecord \\1th 1u n.arural g<UJ. ~houkt note dut in the fif'\t c:i~ ( ''· coubunanism ba\t"d on
to ptoV1de for the co1lU1100 good on an onit')1nlt b.ls1s. NO\\' social che unlC')" of the state) the sate"\ 1nncr 111or-.&.I mlun: is completely
f Ht. JI• .. , • 'I HO
trust tO\\"Jrd 1t exprc~c;ii 10 both 'l>et•ch ai1d '' nt111g. Oh. Ve'"\!
IJZnorcd. In rl1C' s.ccond case. \VC .11'<' justiftC'ci Jn J.;.k_u1g \Vh;1t 1s J>eoplc the \ricv.· thJL if one ''r~'>S..-S tl\t' v.11\t\" of pc.•,..,t>ll-
111e.tnl by ilu~ · ·unit)· t)f l11e prt>lc~.ar1;rt"' t.11;,11 I' \LtpposeJ lO be lht)· .tnt..i 1K frcedon1. ont" 1S 01crel\· tOU0\\.'111~ 10 the \<' of
th<" origin ;and rOun~nc'ICI ot ux1 ronlit.otn 1n1•m. J, it '" ·fl)· .J I 1ber~l~Tll. l doctnnt" hc:lJ 10 br \"Old of l)) 'C:'O\(' of CQn,n\\JOlt)·
Jto.ycht>ltlg'lt.:JI ctnnple'.'li 4.lltt1p~eJ of .ill llle ;,1l-..;,111dt)l'l1Jlt!tlU Jud .ind pt1re1y 1nti1vidu2l1~L1t
uproorin~~. all the jnsccuririC"S o f cxl~t<'l1C<'~ In 1lll"lt c.;asc \V<' hnd 47· We \VIII not t111dcnakc hl·l't' .111 Joal~t'i .ind crit1c1ul· of
,,ursel\·e., \;\,t1froateJ ~ lth .it 1110\l .a dct'p ~p.i1r d1at le.a~ tl1e 1h~ idc~. which ha\·t' l1n-:1d). b..-en e\.lJlWl('d 111 the hght of thc
nllSSC'S to r1..•icr io ~ tm1t1l manner: a ckar J.nd tragic proot ol thC' tt•J,hu1g, of OUr fatth .ind l foOUOd rh1losophy; let U( leave till\ (0
1.11, 0 rder. t( u I\ Qn the: t:<)ntrary the fi11a11y .lLqu1red ooverc1~Ul)' ,peciaJisrs. ll ut insofar ,\\ the C l1r1\t1:in pos1r1011 <>n this s.ubJCCl 1s
of a cl1ss in nccord \Vatl1 rhc .<1i1n~ ,,f
Marxist 'i<,C'i:ilis111, tlu_ · r1 ir i~ l"Oncc:n1ctf. 11 15 clC'2.r ·,utd t:\•c:l)- (' .1thotic QuW1t to h;ivc: ll·.1med
no clc:.trcr ho,,_, thC" pnnL"lplC' of cl.1-u '"~C' .1:nd d.ict.1to~lt1p th1.. tio111 h1., cattthu111- thit atTin1ut1on of hu111J11 peno1u.11l)·
bl~ OJ) tOKC' \Vhich 1\ lt chc 10u11darion ('It this S'f5ll "I\ CJJ\ ;ind llS- pcct1h1r \•aluc ,., .i-. old .lS the crcauon of 1nln, .t\ uld JS.
lxc;onie J pnnc1ple of 1nlc:m al order, c>f b.1.nt1l)n1ous un1ry \V1th1n the august 1nystcry of tile rcden1pt1ve \.1cnficc on Golgoth.1. and
hun1a1l SOI.. IC{)'. In \\'h.11 w~ hJ\'\'. 1lrC'ady $..ll<l 01' \\Ti.ttcn C)n this thC'ttforc .i., old ~ the lupeman1n1 hnk uninnt:t huamn pe"·
q.1bject. noubl}· in our\ Qsudr~ ,,,., ..f11no .inJ ()I 'l'li \\"lth thC' One: Cod 111 l l1rtt Penon". through the sacrnl\cnt of
Rerktt1pron<, We ha\'e ri:pcacC'dJ) p1..'1ntcd out Chl· "'2Y u1 \\ htch Baprisn•.
Marxis111 l1Js dcpri\·~cl hun1.1nir)' of''~ hbcrl)', dc:,croyed ;ill dljelllt)' .t8. Wll)' then <ltould \Ve be ;l\t(lfll\htd ;\\ J result of \uch
uf th~ ltu111.1r. p....nou •.l11J sh.0\\.11 tt'4!1f ucterl~ 1nt.:ap:tblt' of C\ tC'ndenc1n, to fu~11C'null~· dcprcc:aJ.tC' the -.:.a.lut' of pcN>n.lhC}'.
l1sh1n~ .i11y tOnn of hu1tun urn~· the latter"\ fite \\'lth1n C'(te1ts1vely tou.hun:an ~1;al un1u~. \\·hC'n
45. Let \ I\ tl11.! rclo1': t.(>tu::lu<lc LllJI the." ftlr ;l<..hl~v1n~ ('on1pared vv1tl1 its fo rnu..•r fate. doe~ 1\ot sce111 to be inlproving?
lllllt\' tll.1 t ha\'C bcC'l l pro111oted i11 OLlr tin1c- J I C of tlO ;ivail in Thii is .all tl1c rnore the ca~c ~<'.lll\C in tht! con.:cprion \VC ob-
\l£~fibrthc.·nu~ tl1~ 111tcm1' f;ibnc t'f t1utr1;m1t) Th<-'}· .iin1 '"lircol~ \Cl'\'e a ~nltC'l and lott1'all)• co11,1\tent dcprc,1Jt1on of the \'Jluc
~r provok.u1g a t("rttblc- cat3Stropl1c-. or rather tl1t')' lw.te11 it;. .tr- of hun1:a11 l:ibor. c.on\ulcrcd in both 1t\ 1nd1\•1du:il a11d soc1:il a\-
rivJ.t Anuth<.·r quc"ti1u1 ,1rio;es: Whir protrrtliln is ~ffon:ll·d pcr- pccrs.. J11 the case of counrrie$ subjct tcd to chc 1nflucnct: of either
soiulit)o'. ~ \'.llLte \Yl11ch t'> 11\tt1iUttly<Xl.1.ttd \\'tth tlte untt\ o f coUccu\'l\t t'loctrinC\ c>r concept' ..,1 extensive 1oul1tan.an1.,111 tt-
hurmnit} •nd lh<"rct<'tt" bees th' ..in1c- pC'ril' ttlrding the: untl)' of «)(' life. 111.l1l "cons1dc:ttd first of .ill .a'i a
\\'orkcr. Jlld still n1orr. Jnd c.xclut1vcly. J$ .1 \(')M of gov\.•n1111cnt
e 111ployce \vorkii1g for the benefit <lf chc raca\t, nJaonal1'it, '
b) IJfftcts of the wtalitarian 'Y""" on personality or prolcun.1n coUcctl\11)·· And thc11 the question~ \\'hO\C'
.¢. 1-lt'n.- .tg:un. ,a, 1n the l'.'l~ tM"\' ,1nd its u1\tr\. \llc ..olution alrc~dy involv~ 4;0 many t!1fficulnc~. 1111t1cly the choice
can11o t t.1111 to be di~appointcd JU .id\•,tncc. M.>1 '''llJL do \VI.: 1;ee-. o f an occu1>arion, of .111 apprcnc1rc.,h11>. ()( 1ndc1>c-ndcnl C<>lltrol
\vitht>Ut h(·ing able tc~ dotibc it? P.1~lltting .111d 1n connccc1011 \vith over the profe1$iOn, t1( the freedo111 to t"Stilbl1\h oocself 1n .a pro---
the W4:.1.J ,~"ttl> ufe\ltll\t\·t' lll1.tl1t..naril\11· ~ c r:ather fn-tl'K"lltl~· fffilon. of opponun1t1ri co rue 111 "'°'1C-ty-thC'\C que'\.t1on' n1n
tind a ctni1n sv'StC'ounc dcprcc1~l101\ of 11wi"s p~rson.ilit)'. 1 11us-
I Il l 11111111 H I "114 YI I lf"l\I tll' r l t \ XI lOI

'he risk of bC'i1lg Wo""IY ~i1Tirliticd C'' rhc di:tri111c11c (1f u1ltr:ilicy cxrt·n1al policies. Aud ulcln1atcly \Ve :imve :tt th:it dis1t1:tl \tJtc of
a11d f1u111au d1gi\1ty, when !<iOlllC forn1 Of t.;;>tJ.llt~Jl.llU,.lll criect:s the >lffiiir< in \Vhir.h n1orc and n1orc n1c11. tinally IK'co1111up. tl1e nt~
n1onsrrou1; stn1C'r,1rt" of C"clllcC"tivr l.11.,()r, jonry. depe11d directly or 111d1rettly on the collcct1vit)· for thc.·1r
cx1stc11cc:. Th;it is a sin1.. aon \\•l1icl1. gi\•cn tile dy11a1t11\1n ()f rx
tCUS.l\'C totahun.anist1i. can bri11g along \\'1tl1 1t, and.;i.~. ha\ .ii~
ready brought 2bout a lin11ta[1on of freedo111 that 'itnkc.·i; .i t-.Joy,
4~. Anyone- v•ho v.1,hc."" t<) forc.·,C"r 1l1c- lull dt·\·cJc,~111enl ,,f t11C' .it the personaltl)' dt-ep \Vithtn it. ;ind n1orcovcr put< ;a tcmbly
cc.-,1~c-quenco of tJ1~c- sy,t~1,1s hli OJtly 10 co1is.1dcr the Ute of hc-a\l' burden on consciencts \truggl1ng Y.ith tilt' dut1C\
priv4itC proJ'C"rt)' in '\lCh ;a \ff\l.111Clll, C"\'C"n 111<,ul!h 11 ,, .. n 111"'1- of matrilbrt" and the family th.a1 their Chnu1;in (;a1cl1 <'llJOltlS
wuoo pos.ltl\·ely fou11dtd 111 tUNrU I.a\\ Through Ill d,·n.musan. upon them.
cxtcoQ\·C' toul1t.ari.111it;m trnd\ to 1.1kt· ;an '''c rrt,111~ nun1bt-r <Jt
mt"a$u.rn th.Jt \\.-i.U 1n U1.-i ltid 10 j broid soc&.Wu11011 oi tbt
Rl.~111 of ass«iatit>11 s11pp~d
nleans of prodlk:non. C\c.·n 1f ~1al1t.1r1n11 '' 11(')( Jund1c-.1fly
01Ckno\\1ed,.;«I. 51. Confronted b)· such b.<'b. a clnr JUdgenent n1u...t br n1.ide.
\\rlut 11 t.lh: r~ult~ The dlng\'r t~t pn,· property \\ iU bc: Exteni.1vcl}' toQ!icnan ~ea<'$ .ire 6.r &on1 lrrf."\t1ng 11\Jn·~ ~hJe
.iboh\hed. conrr-.1" to the stnc1 m}\.Ul'<l1lC'nti o( n1<)t~1f)· .uid n.a.t- tO\\'ltd this mass e:ostence m \\·hich hL" J)('l'\011.thl)· t\ d110\0lvcJ b\\. \\·ht>th.."f" It ,, lOJl\l<ll'r\'li It~ l(~·lt Qf '" OU\.' of th...· \()(' in this kind of ~ety. in &ct, nun no longer relu:1 on po\\'C'rful
1nsaruoons. ind co th< tUIJ C"'<:fcnt th<1t rnv:itc proprrtv ~hould 1n pn,•.ite org;•n17.3tioru to nuke lip for lhe \\'taknec.t of h11 1nd1v1d·
f.tct be tlie 1rt.1tcnJ.! t{)unJ.111011 tul \\·tu~h 1l1c\lt~ of11tdt\·1Ju.1l ual cxisc:cnce: he cinnot do ~. for \\'1th1n th<Sc: un1c \oc1,il un1-
~rsoru and fanuli" u ro b< <S<•bbsh<d •nd ~a<<iully •nd fr<dY ues. a r1arur.U I.a''' atuch1ng to hu11un pt~onal1ty. tht n1tht of
puf'l.uc:<l tlVt"T tltc \\·}1,,I"° fi"-IJ nf hun1J11 c. lV1li1.1t1<H1. associ:at1on-1mplied by chi: \'Cf)' c0Uecc:1viz.1ng 1n\Utut1on1 thJt so
vigorously oppose any fon11 of :iutono111y for 111c:liv1du;)I\ or
groups-is rendered po,verless. Th:tt 1s \Yhy ni.111 1\ forced co ~ck
Tite /.rre (>/ 1l1t 1r1iddle rl1r(,f the rt.'prc.-tcnt:1tion of l11s interest." 111 stro11g oqpn1Zlf10tl'i cn1.ln·
;o. That is not .111 Thcr.: 1~ n1oreovcr..1nd princ1p;.llly, a d.ln~ .1t1ng fron1 tOt3litaria1Usn1 itself an<t rc1n;:iining \!ncloi;cd \Vith 11.
gcr «> the c~i~t<ncc of hrc.1.1d 1tr.11;u111 uhlcpcud cnt 11tJddlc.· Org<lniianons that are hardly 1nore than the ann~ \V1th \Vh1ch to-
cJmes COrlSticured by .lCllVL' .lnd thnrry 1:u1ulie1,, (011,pO\C<l o( c.1htar1Jni.s111, \Vhich i11ten<ls to judge, rcgtdatc, and dirc('t atxo ..
peasants and ani>.1ni as well ,1\ 111<lu.;u·1.1h"1' and n1crcha11t,, His .. lutcly everything. holds the n1:ts<ie~ in ics grip.
tory te.1thcs u\ that tht"it' n11ddl<' cl:iss<s .1re the n,,tur.11 support
(or lhe illll'J!l,1) \LtbiliL)' t1flhc 'LUI.'~ thi..• 'IOllrt•l" c>fhc;1hl1y Jcvcl- i1\lanipula1io11 of p11blic 011i11iou
Oplll('Jlt, 11cal1hy\1:rl1 of spiritual and U\ ~trcngtJu. tl1e
fertile temt('ry Cln which c.·Jitt''i ,,f 1t1l kh1<f,, tl>~rin~uishC'd by ch"ir 52. In addition. there is so1neth1ng th:it \Vl\ :ilrc,1dy bc:~n111ng

pc-r:ortl1 gifts and c::.1p.1,1l1cs ft>r a1,;uo11 1 .1.n: lt<)rtl .111J 11.1.tur.1llv nsc . to reveal it$clf in e;irlier devclop111ent\ but i~ no\\I co11\pletcly
evident: t:lte regin1e11tarion of pubhc opinion. Th1\ '' carriC'd out
,,;chour chcre being Jny need for 3raficJ.1.l Jtlc.Uurt"S. or purely
201 Tiii' HllJPli:- l~l:V<;ll( .\I- 1>1' I'll,.) X1 >OJ

in all 'lnrt~ c>f v.lay": by lJu~ spuker1 :\Jid \Vr1rre1t \VOrd. by the
1:atlado11s use of tlie tt.-nu ''11111horitttritu1· 1
thcaccr, cinctn.l, (ltld r.idjo, l,y :an ;lfl<l C\'t·n by 11eicnre;:, l>y \<;lt<><>I\
and t1te trades, aod cve1i-a repufill.anc dt\•elopi11e11c-by prC'SR ).J. Todly it 1$ <:0111111011 to c.UI "aull1orit:iri:Jn" n1ctl1od$ of
sure put 011 (he poor ch rough the a"si,Wncc '(lflC:r~«~ to t.hen1. Anc:I sl1apu1g '"rill i11 social 111utics. Tl11s is a faJJacious use of the tcnn,
tltt: r..c:sulr o l all tl11s 1s t.l1e 1~1oder11 fl\:tss 111a11, v.1ho no longer has and the 111orc litcrnll}' it is t1ndcrstood. the n1ore fallacious it is.
a11)' opil:Uon<i of bi' O\Vll, ::iny 'viU o( his o\vn; he ii; n1ert.:ly a Por it gives the in1pn.·ssio11 that its "aurhoriutia11" (On:strucrions
pasS1\'t: 1nsuu1nent an t11t>: leade-c'$ h:t.ttd!i. Lt is pr.1.Ctically iotpossjble 3rc panicul01rly concerned '''ith tl1c.· principle of authority in social
for Ju111 co undcrrakc a.ny initiative at all. no 11Ulttcr ho'v Jinlitcd; life. In fac:t. \\•h~t is directl)' 111volvcd l1ere is a SJ>e<:ific technique
yet \vich()ut this sp1nt of uilti.tCJve. 1na11 1s mcapable of acqu1nJ1g for sl1aping '"ill in rhe i11tcccsc ofsocial life. a11d not at all auchonty
the personal c:u]turc 'hat is a vitaJ clcn1cnr iJ1 the huu,a11 1rsclf. i11 its authc11t.ic essence.
con1111unil);. $5· In the kinds of societies ten11cd ··aurl1orirarian. ·· \Vltat is
ar issue is not safeguardjng 3tttltorit)1 M such. bul ratltcr, i1t the
given c.ue. shaping a unified \vill for the benefit of social unities.
\\'ltlt a full gu:tr.'lrttec of success. and \Yitll nlin111tu111 friction ;,1nd
111a.xintun1 spei:d. These t\VO rcstdts. 3nd partict1larly chc firsc:
53. TI11,;, bnn~ u~ co ooe oflht> nt<>St 1n1p-01't.a11l poiocs 111 n1od- one-nan1ely, r11e shaping of tl1is tntificd ,y-jJI in a ittate--h:ive
cn1 social life: <1utl1oricy. ln rhc cot1rsc of ettrlicr conrc-111poriry encot1nccrtd \.1arious dar1gcn in chc course of chc contei11porary
Jl.'\'t:lt)p111e11t, Lhi\ 4ue~tic)rt \V:t.\ <>bviou~Jy 1g:n",rc<l, Lo tl1e poi11t devclop11h.~nt We have dL#rib<!d. llcvie''fing the social llistory of
chac chc ct1rrc11r consrn1c1ors of 11e\v social unities dare co atcribucc our tintc, \VC can aJ,va}"S poii1r to chc trials and perils so-called
tht:ir ::iupt:ric>rity to 1:hc;1r stre"s on the princlple of~udt<>rity. c·on- democratic i11st1rt1tJ011.S have fuced in tlteir atte111prs to shape -a
JOi.tted \\ the cocaljtaria11 pri11ciple. Bur '"·e 11ave no red char unified 'vill.
towhmriani~m is inC" of cstt1blii;hi11g tn.1e uoiC}· in 1ncn 's \o- 56. Tl1cre is no doubt that finding a '''ay of opt"raring
cia1 hie; sutulad)(, lltl()ng the Ile'.'\\' archltecc.s of ttltthonty, 3 purely \\'ith t11e 111i11in1u111 of friction and the 111axin1u1n of speed is
negative conception of a11rhorit)' leads 3\V3}' fron1 m~c uuiry gent1inely i1npQrt;ar1t; l>ut it rcn1ains to be discovered \VhctJ1er lt
r.:ither clla11 tO\\'ill'd iL And in fuct their conc~ption of authont)· lS \Vise to adopt tl1is 111ode of operation in every s.ittiarion.
is purel~· negJ.cive. le U1cludes chis tltesis tltat chc fon11atior1 of \Viii and \vhcthe.r. by trying to force success in chi.~ \vay. 011e has to
v.rithin these social u11ities excludes. \vithoot cxteption, an}' pcr- sacrifice other elenlcnts in 111c11's Life ctut arc 111ore ilupomnt-. or
~l)rla.I couper:1Lio11 ().f l tl)e }>:\rt of it.,, 111~n1bt:r'; indee<l~ Lhc very <it deserve $erious considcratio11. To JUStify this '"")' of pro-

for111aaou of tltis ,,.ilJ Jt1us.r be acco111plished 111 suel1 a '"':tY .i.s to ceeding_. appeals arc ntade to tht: ex:u11ple of t,hc: conduct of \var;
~1v<>iJ rr;:l~1ing on the: po:dtivcly :ind trct'J)' expressed \\.ill of its c111phasis is on a princi11le \Vhich, it is said, i$ absolutely
11\1!'111bt.'rS; hc>wt\•er. 11 rern.tins understood any mc:1:~urc taken inevit2blc: rltar it is i111porrant above all co act. preferable to
b}' u1cntbe:rs on cbeir O\\:n. a11y initiative oit thelr part, \Vill not run rhe risk of failure th'3n to do nothing at all. Bt1t tltere is cai1se
J,~ .111<>\\•cJ.. for wriou$ r't-servacions \Vltcn '''Csec Ute 111odc1 for governing a
1 111 lllfll ... IH+'t~ lf: .. I 01 l ' l t \ l(j

cl1e f0Uo,,·i11g false co11cept1on: ·rhe pnnc1plc of .1urh(>nry. 1.1ki-u

people or .:i ~Ute ~ougbt iu ,. situJtion :i.' abnonn.11 il'I t11at created 111 tcself and in isobrio11, is che principle of the unity of \CX.:1.11
b): \\<lr.
<1y~e111s. Thi-. 1-. an 1nadrni!i~1blc concept1on. For 11 I\ 11<-ll \\·hen
lJkcn in icsclf and in isolation the pn11ctplc of .auth<,r1ty ''
A\ru- 1.~ 1l1r 11111'11ti.1l to11d1t1J1r ()/.lift the pnnc1pl.: of unity. but rath~r '"hen 1t 1'1 clO\C'ly conne{teJ
\\1th the f;ict of the n:;arural wuon of ;al] the 111c111bcf\ .tnJ \\Ith
57 Yes. O\tr coC"S of p.iJn ntu't n\c \IP CO\\·~rd the Go..! of rh~ir oblig:anon to unite in th.: 1nt<"re-« of th(' .lll'tl .t_\\l~ll'J to the
pl.'.li.:e; tod.ty. it ~ltl3.. 1t b 110 lonb-..:r t \ ~r\" 11+.:r-: i..:01\\1J~(-.:d Jb.
\vholc. It foUO\"\'S du.r authont}•'s field of ;icoon .tnd ?O'"cr 're 111
nonw.l to h\·c We \1ndcr cond1t1on' rCicn1bhntt th01e ot
cxh O$C dc1cnn1ncd.. founded. .md lu111tcd b) thC' quJ.11t\ .inJ
Y..a.rttmc-. hK l1t'-ft" .a11li th~ li:.o .t.n"W·ll tl1c- oLje\.llonJbl\: prM.:t1c.~
C'isc-11cc peculiar to this .JJnl, It funhcr foUo,,1 the pn1k..:1rlt"
ot- ~'in~ ti\il life thC' .tpp(',JrJOC(' of \\"at. a! 1t pc'Xt ''-"Ctt 1n 1n<lt of authont)·. pttctSCly 1nsof.a.r .u 1t exerc1~ 1t\ 1utunl function ol
ru..,th111g but for ''u Ar•)'<lll< '' lu,, \ l1ulili
ettanng unity. logially pmupp<»<S m e'"°" ,..,., the obh1t-1<ol'}
wt p< " the nomul cond1t1on of _,.1 btc '"" thmk oth union of the members. as such, bttau~ of the co1nnK>n gu;a) they
c:-T\\1...c: l1e "'D u~ btx...i.uK ..uh1ht) '' 1•na"11)' fur 111.:. tl1c:- ;att to seek. No doubt the proper function of the pn11c1plc of
C'XC'rosc ot- .tuthont\· m &.t1run~ u,,·i.-mw>r1r .u this 1s a pJnmc J.urhonty. through \\"h1ch 1t ~'Uar.tnt~ urury. 1s 1n lc.adcr'\h1p
v.·e1gh1ng ,,f .;.1q,ru.r1lC11~ tl1r- .aoJ .....,..111\l, A.nJ the <<1nunu1I)' 2nJ
(unct1on: nonetheless 11 should also be observed tbJ.t there cl\:1'1'
lfl{('1'('0DDCCOOD of the b\\'to u: 11UllltiUltd-COll~ONlti rht nlost
5nll ;another function dut crcate1 untt)'. \vh1t:h I\ prm1J11cnc .a11J
2(:tiv(' cJc111cnt 1n "h~p1n~ 111<" u111l)• c.-.f '"111 1n th<' '""'tC'. funcb1nwtal and resu1t'! fro1n the conu11on EtNi thlt 1tJU\t ~ pt1r-
c;ucJ; namcl~·. co foster ;ind culhvatC', a1no11g n1cn1l">cl"\ of thC'
Au1/111n'1y. rak1-1t ;,, 1Jul1ru'1111 1 I.\ "''I tltr 11n11f1plr ,,( J1n11r cor11111uru~·. the sunulu11eously spmtu,a.l ;and \Cll\C of their
respon.,,1biht)• \\'Ith regard to 1t. I~)' neglec-t1og th1~. c;oc1al unity ''
5:1<.. Thi~ i1an1r.llly l<'a..-t~ u• co n•.ak~· .inolhtr o~cn.:auon, tr:insfon't1ed into a si111ple aggregate of th'-""C \tlnte 111cn1bl·l"\,
n;imC'~' th.-r the t-xa1nu1.lnon of LhcGc i,o-c;illcd ~uthont;ln;in
fom1ed by co1arraint and di~ciplint'.
01odes of fon11u1g Lill' coUt'\.ll\'t' \\>'Ill 11ol unly hJ\ ;1 < Crt;1111 tcc,;h-
nic;;il aspect. but al'So r.:11sC""S qucitiOn 'S rc~,1rd1111t the esscnrial b~s1s
and Lhu~ chc \'cry 11u>r-Jl1ty uf hu111:u1 hit.! 111 \()( 1cty. I h'-''C type' A111/1ori1y dcri1-e.< from Cod
of gov<:'auuc11ts, precisely by virtue of tl1c tl.:t thal they abhor 00. The close co11nc<:tion bct\\recn tlte function of rh1..· pr111 ..
Ji"-Ll'\1011 .lnJ rc.1ec.·t ;u1y c·cn1ll'ih11tunt ni;ulr li>' puhli(' <ll'inion, ciple of at1tltont}' and the dignity of t11e 111.:111bcn oi the.• ('Cllll·
det11011strate the LI s11ull regJ1 d fo1 ptJ':K>liJhty .111d 1l1 norn1al '-.1.- 1l1u11icy as peno1u is still 111orc evident if 'vc con~id,•r the f;icc thJt
l'..-citic~. This 111cntal .ltritudc lc~l<ls cht·n' to 'corn ~rlll ntore att)'' ht1nl.-n ~11tl1orit)• in itself is derived front God. ll}1 ·•~''lt'''r'IH 11

ac.."tuaJ;1p.tt1011 b)' 11 1~111bcr'\ llt" the \L,1tc:, ;ind t1..11..cJ(', toc.1lly cl11§ Jofcy ongin. one strongly c1nphas11c.; 1hc cl1ti;oity of the hu·
and \vithouc rcsc"'.tlio1u, tile t.l~k of fo r1111ntt the collt.>Ct1vt" "'Lil ntan person .. Hu1nan autl1oncy in itself cnc.aals rcla1101ash1p\ o( \Uh
to tbc pcl"-On who hold~ ;iutJ1ority. ;a111.I to h1111 ~lone ord1nar1on bcl'veen one Ol.1.D and ;another. \ llld 111c.,ral
59. rh1~ L-ornplcx of 1dc.l\ .an'I 1h1\ ;a,r1.1..&l con1.lurt rcc;c t1pon

rtl'1U<ln.,h1r\ .a.ft«t1ng mt>n as pe!Wn'; hut thf."'.( very ttlanonsh.1Jh. c.lrJcl'C'd 'c.lC1c~·· Hun1:a11 ~uthonl) t.Jken 111 1~1( dOC'i nol procl'"c.·J
b<e>u"' of 1hc digrmy of ih< p<T'l<>n. >nd "l'«'"llY b<ause ofh1> tro111 the socuJ bond. C"Ort!i.tdcrcJ '' 1lhout 1tfctt'ncc to God, ''ho
nlellf141J 11on.Jc.-~ndc.-nC)·. :arc.- so p;ait1ct1ll.r th41t th~· cannot ttSUlt h.1..' u1J1\'l,1bly united <OCIC't\ lJld Juthonty: .and the rC'~ll tOr
front che v. di of 111cn. v.·hechcr 1.1.kc.-n 'lcp.lrJtt"ly or coU«Uvcl)-, th1, 1' tlut hu11Wl d1gn1[}- dOC'\ noc .i.Uo'' us to seek ;an\ otht"r
41nd they cJn be gr"J$ped in tht111~lv<' 011ly Ji the e..xerc15e of tOunclJt1on tbr these rc1.-,aon,h1r' c.lf 't1bord1nat1011 of one 111.1n tc.l
Cod', O\,·n JUthont}'. con1n1unicat~d by (;od to 111.,Jn. .1nothcr th~t t"St:tb1i1hed 111 c:x~rc1-s111g: .11utl1onty.
Tlti\ 11111er co11nection bct\vten the or1g1n .and essence or au- c~i. ·rhcrcrore ;;u1y 01ction on the: p.1rt of hu111i11 .authority that
rhoriry Ill ltWJ(. Oil Olle hand, and t)l(' d 1g.i11ty o( tl1e hun1an per- '' tJkeu. or $aid to be ukc1•, \Vlth J vil''" to tl1c c:o1nn1011 ~ootl
;;on OU thl' OtJler. I). or the gft..1t~ U11p011.ll1Ce: It ~lS the li1n1t'J t"3111ltlt d«rivc It"•, lc.•1t11nnaaon fron1 t111" f.11rc
of thti prOJ'tCr .luthonry of social ~)-Stent~ .t' ~uch . .ind rcduc<.-s to Jl<u1C". A11d 1t foUo,vs lo~c:all) th1' lun1Li11011 of the :\uthor-
thc1r COtn't't rroporttom the recllC'\\ ('\;a(tl.?Cr.ttlO!tl; that :att cur- 1C)·'c. '<>'·crci~t)· 1n hu11Un iOCi.U '~"tc111' ., ..uch can bc ;ipJ-'hc-d
fffit todJ~· J.nJ uJnnu.tcJ)' damage legir1nutc Juthont)•. The fact co .alJ .act1011' d.trtttly itTect111!t the hunu.11 pe-r.on .and t~ ~~11l1ll
thlt mc.11rul'C\ Jtt or ~cm to be u'C'ful J.nd c\·cn n«C».lJ'Y t'Or n8ht' 1-he lcgitllmC)' or 1ll~1111Ut:\' of \UCh .actions mu<t 1n no
rnl1nn~ collcct1\·c \·alues 'vith1n a iek1J.l \}'\tcn1 does not suffice c1c.e be e"\t.tbl1shcd n1crcly by con\1Jcnng the '°""Wied comrnon
to JUsnt)• 11111t1cd1.itcly• .1nd for this rcd\Oll ;alone. gnnting to the ~ of che social S)-Sten1 1n quc,t1011, but be solidly b.11;c...,I
al1thonty u1volved Lhe po,ver ro take thc~c: 111c.1-\Urcs. For even 011 thc1r ti.111 accord \Vlth J)1\'llll' 1nor.1I I.\\\'.
thc11 \Ve have to consider tl1c inner nature of.1\1thoncy. the origin
and C'i~cncc of these rel:ttiOi1$hip~ of <ullord1nat1on a.u1011g 1ne11,
\\•l1ich .1tt so p.-imcular.
'•J. And 00\\ \Vh.1.t do \\'f" tind Ill rr.actJcc? That the lllt"f('
.i~"·n101i or .11,umpaon that -.0111cch1ntt 1s useful or 11cce<ian" for
Aird '" tl1t1t u\1y llt its propn lirt11ts
the ~uJ>P<>1'Cd co11m10n good of rhe 't.Jtc or collcct1\'il)·-nanonJJ,
61. TJkc11 1n themse.1,·~. th~ rel.it10n<hlJ>' of <ubonhnation r.ic1Jl, or prolcarian-'luffic:<" co pro\'lde hunun .iuthon[)' \\1th
c.innot te\ult ti"on1 the 'vill of 111d1,id\1.11 n1cn. 11or Crom chat of ln 1111r1lcdi; moral ju\afic.11t1on for 111(·.,1~uft"' clur '1tr.ick thr \'Cf)'
111en i-rrOupc(I tob~ther 1n a s0cia1 ,,·hole. If thJt ,,·ere not SQ, then core of the person'" n~ht\. ()11 tht\ basi\, the ht1111;;in pt·r·
the co11~1tlcr;at1on of \vhat is s.11d ro be the co111111on good in a ~011·, r1~h1 to e.'Cist 1s a~:iulte<I· 11 1\ dc'(,,tro>'ed in the n1othl'r'"
givtn \o<-"illl 'Y~tent \V()ufd 11or n1crcl)r <lchnut .1uthor1ty1s scope. \V0111ll, or 1t:s life considcrc:tl to l>c \V1tl1<1ut value; it is robbed ot
but al\o confer on 1t full arid tot.ti \Ovcrl'1g111y. 111 otht•r \VOrds: 11\ hotl1ly 1ntcgnt)•: on 1nsuftic:1c11l i.:rounJ) it as c.xposed to gr-.1vr
A11y lllt'Jc;ur(• t.1ken by thc authon[)' that \vas. or \Y.lS clauned to d.1n~t:r, to th<." health of the \OUI anJ the body~ the nght to pl•n-
be, conncc:trd \V1tl1 tl1e so-called co111111011 ~ood o( the socia.I 1\.h by de.1th 1s based 01\ dt"\truc,;U\'C' pre1nL\e<, on the sole, d1rt"<t
iy\tern 111 qu~t1on could dcnve 1tc; 111oral JU<-t1tiC".iuon 11nn1edU1cly 1ntcn.-'t of the supposed con1111011 )t<>od of th(' ~ute or of \0111c
front th.Jc co11u11on good itself.-.a cor11111on good. Ice us nott. othC"r collcrtJ,,t}.• .and 1h1 .. ntthc '' \::.&~'"'1ou.,J,· exern'iot'd. ''""c
tlut h.,1.\ ntxh1n~ co do \\Ith chc true '""""''" .~...._,J of ;i ,,·cU- undr:r the s.ame CU'C\lmsunc~ ~nJ for the ~ntt: ~~wn... 111 cl11c
11,,,... C~ l 'mce
Tlll ttlDDfS t~ 'fCltCJ.L Ot P1'1~ lCI'\C th(" pu111sh1nent ul :' 1nurri~rc:r ,.. heJd to bt: unJulit1li1:J .it\d ticiJJ fbr ~x1al life J~ \uch. chcn cvc11 in 1h1~ c.1\e tl1e cxtcmdl
u1 another the 11iurdcrc.•r is bonof'('d as such. J'iJ>CCt of :i rolle<ti\rity united by fir111 disciplioc, ;irting b)• fits and
64. ()n tht> Nm: of theor.e "'"le J..\,umpao11 ... ocher ngl1b of the \.QrtS, could n<'\'Cr lc.1d U~ to conclude that th<" nghtfid tt-quarc-

hum3n peMn are attJ<ked. ~1rn Jrc unh<"\lt..ltingl}' snirrcd of menu Wt '<< fonh ind defined hJ\'(' bttn ll1lti1Jcd. Beh1nJ chis
their (rc<"clont, and wich snll les'i hc'l1tation, the \• o( honle l~cadc 1!> couccalt.-d both ..1 111011.11 thrc;it to the 1111111311 pcN(>n aJtd
and heJnh .<1.rc \'IOIJtc.'J The frC't.~<ion1 ro 111Jm to cdl1C.aCC' chlJ- ,, '''ould ensue front its Jenu\.e: "n :authonty tl1at i! den;itured.
drco. ind C'\-"t"tl the pnchcc of COOJU~ nght\ ,., l1nuted, "1Ch no J..\ a and 111or.a.I J>0'"·cr. in .1u1honry 1h1t ~ b<cn tnns·

authon21l1on aud 111 c.l1rcct connt·c.tioo 'Aich the ince-n.."'\N ot thC' fom1ed u1co brute IOrc;c.
n;itional. r.lci;il, or prol('ttriw collcctivit)•, And \VONc yer., at-
tt!111pb Arc nude co d1.:pn\·e i1'.Kit\ iJw.b of 1111.: right to dt.""X t<k in
Risk ef a t<>tuplrte <Jt.11t1ophc trs11ft111gft,11H 1/1r
ilccord \'\1th cbrir conKtcncC'S, co m.:1kc their O\\"tl c:ho1<e ~tOrc ilb.tttdc)tl,,lt"tll ".f tflt' Sf>lnt
God: the dec1s1011 111 tc> bt! 1·11adc h)' soc:1eC)' t.<1n\'c1ved u~ ~ lutal-
iurian 11\anncr. 67. Our 111odc:n1 «><:1cty is thus disc.-.scd; and tl1e nc''' for111ulas
for ach1c\'111g uniry. th< 11~'' t)-pc-. of unit)·. far frorn cunng chc.-
JJ~. Cln on1)· .aggn\'.ltc it, For they d1~~lvc, .ilong \\'1th the
Ded111e ~f 11111/rority 11><•[(
concept Jnd ideal of hi"<:. \Vhu;h h.1ve the1n-.c1ves beco111c 11tc·
65. This bong cllt $Jtuauon, '"t ofteJt hca1 co111plat11u cha11icaJJy dissociating, the i11ten1al coherence of hunun \OC:la1
tTenlom h..t' pni,hcJ h>r Our r.1n \\'e rnc> t«>mpbin, .-.nJ Q)' hfc. and, 1n .l parallel \\.ly. the natur.ll componc11b of socul hfe's
tJ1:at true .u.1lhonty h.i~ pt'ttShed. A111.:-t We che11 urge all co rt111en1- C011SOCUl1011 JS \\'t'IJ JS Its O~CUt3) foundaOOll, the uni[}' of ChC
b<.·r \\'hat h:1~ ju...-( bct'I\ (')early cxrl.11ncd: In rh(' inunutablc: tn1th hu111tin Jl<.'l'Onali[)•. In tile fin~I ,Ul.&l)'$1S. rhcy thrcatc11 10 lt.·ad

tlut all hunu.i1 ~ut.h<>nt)• procccck fn>111 GoJ. chC" digwt)· of thC" hu11untt)' co cacascrophc throuft11 their n1ct'h.i1111soc. aton 11 \tlC'
human p<"non is affin11rd and en1phJsizcd. Al1chonl)"s cort"'tious- conccpt1on of the hu11u.n race, .l11d b\' their .abandon11ient
ness of its d1,•inc ori~n c.lnoot be n1aint:a1ned 1( tbc di~1111ty of of the sp1nt, .lnd ulnnl~tcl}' of the Hol)• Spine_
t11t> l1UJ1un 1~rsoll i~ \·1olJtc..i.d JJl ch"• 1nan.ner dctcnbrd. l'egarJin~ th('W fonns of extc11\ivc tocalitanan1\Ju'!i l11111v, le-t
66. Wo lu"e alrtady explained the <kplorable cons<queuces U~ r11cnt1un ont: ).a~t b11 of C\'idc11cc tWt point' 10 tht' sa111~ J1..
th1~ \\i:l}' of rroccc<l1n)t h.1~ pr<X-luc.·cJ 10 rhc Jrc.t of edll('atton, recoon. Dc.·cJt,1)(" it ,,.J~ c.Jc.,pinn1Jhzed .and c1r1rloycd purel)· r11c-
'vh~11 tl10\c holdiog auLhtificy p.1y 110 .1.tle11t1(ln ''' lhe Jl<1tttlve cl1a11ical procedure"S, thought cot1ld 110 longc.-r perceive tltc various
1'actor in son.i lifo con<arut<d by the =poruibwty of ch• n\Cm ll~tural fJtlO~ in\·O(\'Cd in the buslJ1ng of \O<:ltf)' and th(1r c~­
he,... of 'IOC. tety 1n the ptanuit c>f tht' t omm1>n t;t'-•I. or x-~11cl\\-f­ kntUI 1ntcrdq>nldC'1tcc, .u \\'tU .l~ the unit}· ''uh1n pluralit)•: ic
cdge 1rs rolt only ,-.,.•J1cn 1t slues r.he-na to do so. cotlld 110 lon~r n1ovc on to the tru~ \IOIC)' .11td tot~l1[)' of "1
lf today, n..·n1aiJ1i11g ljithfbl to thr11isclvcs, thO\c i11 a111horicy <'001pf~tc.· ~y5te!nl Of th4: \VOtld, UICJudiJtg :ti~ llllCllSiVt l<llttlity,
'-till rcfu'<' tu .1ccord ;an~ .am,·c mk to man"s rt' dii!f111)', to tltat i.s. a11 .authentic t1111l)• in -211 authentic plur.tbl)•. Of sr1nt 11
his spinn1J) .:ind moral rc5portSJbl11t), evert thou~h 1t it; \O bcne- rcu.ined 1ntcll1gcnce J.Jont:, which prcc-~ly no lonitcr dest-rv<d to
210 IHI ••IUl>l ht..\l.~ If " l Uf tll,;j Xl
no lon~tT c:ount~. for onl\ tht- collttt1\·c c:onct'lltnt1011 tlf .i
~ tc11111."d u11~Usgi:1>4.l u1 its deep "<ll~. dut is ro wy. 1n the '>etl~ 1n2tt-nal-~l\\.llC current of hti: lS lO co11\t1ttl1(' the final .iud dl"·
elf 'r1nt~ yet in rl·c't'nl yc:an lnteUi~i.:11.i·c: hJll ll> b-: :.11 thl" 1llOrc fi11itivc unit)· and reaJit)··
ptcpart-d tOr t11c attJ-,;k\ upoJ1 it ln acld1t1t>11. 111au 's nJtt1r.1l '°ciJbilicy lt\clf I\ nothing 111orc rh.111
6~ The «> f•,ml' c>f exkrl\I\'~' tl)t.lltt;t.n1!1131t1· tit(' csscnt1.l.l J11d th«etOn: ncc:~\J.ry r1u111fc'\tJt1ou of h1' pc1'011
tbcu luL of spmu1,Jllv lD < cbcy pbcc Sp<CW cmrlwi< OD • .l.'\ 1ntOn11cd ~ the sp1nt~ but 1t lu:s been trln,fon11cd into \0111t--

,iu.~lt' f:ac1l•T in cl1c '4)(.ial cdifit:e-t•(..C. tl1c n.atJ011. the 'W.l~, die ching cnorcly d1fTt-ttJtt: a \U11plt' 111~han1cJ), tlfh"1n1c pmcc-\1,, hl.e
pro1ctar1at-a11d accord 1t sucli dc('1~ivc prcpondcrdn('C' rhat ocher cho:;c.· '"c.· \l'l' 1n pla11ts a11cl ,1n11tl.1ls. in '''h1cl1 1nd1vidu;ll!. arc ton
IA\ rnl'\ h.l\t' ;ill n1c;u11ng .1nJ valu t: c)f thc;1r ll\Vll . ' lc1 th: \Ure, u.rul)' cenmtecl or 111JS:)·produc.:c<.t 111 ;1ccorJ \Vltl1 .a ccrt:tiu t)'PC' J11<.I
is thu, produced. bltl .l pur('f\• m<'ch.1rucJ1 urut)·. obr.11ncd onJ~· conu11on dc\'('lopmcnt \\'ht'n this occuf', tile i\n.iidonn1c11t of
•~)' th<' ('Xten..-ion ot 1111' ~tnglc tActc,r, lnll then tl11c ,.1~, li:i-. only tht <pint I\ Jctin1u,·t.
~ ~u11plt t).."teru.tve .lnd n1ecb.1.1llc<1l torilil)•. True, 1n(tmll. pro 70. llc('.lU~c t:ht'~' h.;i.,·c rumrd av.r;iy frflnt lit<' l\,
j(luocl u11it)• i ' d~'' rl•)'Cd ;ind ..Jcn1g \\ti th it the v1,1l>lc- litamp of .1 ult111t~tel)'. front tl1e Hol)• Spirit. the foundat1on and source of l ll
soc.:1.\I edifice full of 11ptrit j.tld utformcd by unity :u1d Jll order-the 111cn of our OC\\ tlllll!S have likt."\\'l~c
"'I This san)I.; J.:.. Jo. of spintu.,ht) h;a:\ brought 1bouc the de- \Ought tOr the p.J.St cenlUI'\ to build their O\\"O To,,·er of U;abel.
'\~ aun of thC" Wllf)' of th<- l1unwl p<r"\On .. nd of ptt- md. of ("()\lr.t", ,,,chout God'~ help. ''let U\ glon~· our n:in1t',"
ro11.-hl)· Thus 1t 1\ 11ardl>• ~urpr1~1ns 111at among t.on1c-mporal) th~e builder\ of ~OC'lcf)' hAvc '\.o11d in their tun1. And. a~ ht•Core,
111c:n, .ind e!1p<:t1.1lly 1he younger Ktncrac1on. rc<>i~t.1ncc ro :1 rca.licy their cntt,:rpr1sc l1:as ended 111 ;tflpalling d1v1;,ion and d(..'5truC'11ou.
stt1p1>1,:d of .ill 1c:-, obJt:«.:U\.e value~ h.L, snffe11cd Sut.11 :i reality Men no lonttcr undenta11d c.a.c.:h other. NO\V l\ beforc, tl1e l)1\'111e
could only pro<lucc "·caf)\ skc:pncil mm "ithout 11;h.:t.r('d con,,c- Sp1nt. the ~ dC\Cc1lded upon n1cn "' .tn .;a\·t-ngcr. uytn~
octn' ..., ho c.tu~,ly .il>.lndonnl e\ cf)thtn-b-e' e11 .1.ll pnt~rJ) ··1 iohill C'CUltt.>und tht-1( lOllt-.'\I("\...
hun1J11 ,·alues.
Tlt:1t being the l' '~" there ren1.1it1l'i' ,ind ...cttl rt""l.1in only hv<>
cho11,;tll. either .a rcturt\ to the spu1tu.iL or a 51ronp; .u1d ope11
co111mioncnt to "·t\;11 1c nol ~1rin1.1I, n.1mC'I}• thC' pK~<urc- of tC'm -1 Aticr the pTCCcdintt cx.Jn11nln<>n of tl1c crro~ into ''·h1,h
rcr.tnlC'Pl £nJ 111\..\JU\t. ilfC'Ctl\"C' '-Ctl'~h1hty, OT \"l~lmU\l)' ~­ the ~Ct)' of our on1c h.l\ \lr.ll)·ed. ,,.c
(~hn1;t1ans arc 'till 111orc
S.I\"\.' lcc1on .lS !IUch l)ocsJ1 1 the ~c...:u11d alceniauve J 111ount co J ll
finnly convinced that trut· t1111ty con1e only fro1n
a1110 11g 111r1\ ca11
,ltt,1,k on the very hcJrt of h11111.1n Ji(<", or ratJ1cr on chr heart of tl1c spint. 111sp1red b)' the t111crcatcd Spirit \\!hose Divine l'el"'IOtl
J.IJ \C)4'."l.aJ re.ihty> has bc<'n pourt'd "'inlo our hcJrt'\" 1n ••1tl)"tCnOU-'\ fullne,c," .J11d
01t: o:.ilil) of t.l1c hu11un ~N.\11, utli>m.100 ~,~ '~'Int. ~l11l.ll who •< th< b1nh of the ( hurch nude .II c:hn"11JlS "of one he•n
dcl111~ ;ind .lSS("rt$ 1N"li m chc mnnure uml)· of lhe v.lf1ous nun and 11u11d," lf'hu:\,Jtg the Jlllf.tc1c o( 11uk111~ tl on<:C' ilg.;llll r<)\'1blc
1!t.·.. 1,.11i11n' of 1L'( hfL· .1r1J 1t\ r~p<>l1\1h1c exerri-.c c,f fret'>n1, ;ind for :all tit<' rt•prt:w11tat1vc-, of rhe n1ost tiivcf\t- peop}('1; to ,·0111-
\'.·hu;h 111oreov~1 '" oppo)eJ l(> tJ1~ Vl\!\V (>r th~ 11uJ1v1Ju;J, quil 111unic:atc iu :a single and unh-1. ue langu.t~l' ·r111~ Spint i~ cht' \p1rit
nu.·n1b<"r of soclet')f .•1~ nothing a1orc thJn a n1C'n1bc:r-ch.ts'\·
... THI llllll I" i"'C \ t 11• 41 01 r11 \ lt l 11 J

ot Ulll~. since He H111'54.:h. lS m(' IO\C ot th(' uiUOC' Go..i 1n ~II It' 21\V.l)\ tind ditrcrent \\.l\'' of dunking. 1ntC'm1<'dute acrirudn and
tUllnt"'! Whef('\'C'f t lc- I'.\ poured (Qnh, there un1~· is pourcJ fi>rtlt; op1111oits. nc\'er :a~lutc, 1n«oncibblc opJ'l(n1t1ons. In pnm1ry
\\·hl'rl' His l~tttht)• 1....1llo"•cd frl"~ r..:1n. inn ...·r an.icy is c. rt'At\'d. 1n1prt'1..\1on,,. a11d affec,1ve \t<itcs there lS a crn01111 general norrn of
lllun1n1,1tcd by th1'1 unrrC";ated light that I~ "the sp1nt o( Cc_.d \VhO thout-tht, a certain sa111cncs~ o( fee ling. a ctrt.1111 c:on1n1onaliry 1n
d\\'...:Ueth "''1Ll1in u..... 1..:11n{hed by th" gift of H1s gnc<.' 10n1ri.·Lng the fun<U111cutil te11de11cu.·s .ind directio11 of the ,,riJJ. Wherever
our tA1th. nuking "'lc:idJ~t U.'C" of the." nltut~ f.K"Ulu~ of thl' ctt'· \\'t look. U1 Jll)' ~nod 1n \\·lt1ch \VC encounter ntcn, \vhcthcr 1n

ll\'.J 'PlOl Si''~n ro 111 Utl'll "'e recoi:t111.l\: th;al 10 autb hunu111ty our O\vn an1c or in ch<' 1110St rcn1otC' pa.u. '"hcrhtt v.·c att- co11..
cnn'ltitur~ J un1cy Thtfi t\ clearly not .:i unity m the- \\1.Jy .m cemcJ \\·1th mod~m c1;..1J1zed 1n"1n or $0-CJllcd pri1n1tivc nun, we
1111.hv1duaJ peoon '' a unit)•. and scdl lc"J 111 tlte \Vay a nt;u. huu: a)\\"l)'' tind the ~le l1u111;in 11ature. Even tl1osc \vho atten1pt co
or :i \'t"gerable or :1nu11,1I t>r!(:ini'lm ;, .- un1ry. It i'I ~>merh1ng else deny thl" bear \Vitnc."'" to lt-t trut11, for \vhat :Jrc they cryi11g to tlo
c11t1ri:lv. a wu~ ol t'lrdl'r. lllat is, 1)1~ LIJtll)' of a large Jtun1bc1 of by dcr1)'1ng it. if not to undcrsu11d tlte life of these souls. \Vhich
mrmi'tc-n, och one' JJ\f'ln<t and permn.1.lly ~n.Ubl~. \\1th h1\ the\· cb1rn 1s ~ different fi'ont our O\vn? This 01tte1npt i$ doon1C'd
0\\'11 dno.n), but .di oc tl•eru together i1lta1ull) orga.iuzt-d tO\\.UJ co faal unless 11 H ackno\\ lcdgro chac che <pmiu.U hfe of ch«c
rc1mmon go;1J, T<l hC' 'Ure. ;a ttnil)• ot thl\ kind is p<\'1<11hlC' tlnly pnnutl\'C\ 111, uJtimJ.tely 1Jcnt1al \Vlth ot1rs. We .ire Jed to con·
by Vlttue of tJ1e ~p1r1l tl1at produce$ l'l11s lUlll)'' Ul pluriility 1s
i t. rJud(' th~t ~ll 111en sh-arc a con1n1on nature: \Vhctl1cr \\IC srudy the
\Vh,11 hu1n<1nit}' i\. I <'r u .. <"onsid<.'r htll'11anity first in its unify, :ind varitl\l' c;11egorics or 111cn di1lrib11tcd at t11e present time all over
t)tC'll 1U lb. plur-J.lttv, Litt globe, or ftlO\IC bJCk,\vard along the lule orhu1nan develOf'I·
tnent tO rnn11t:J\·e llUll. \\'C' flnd thc-5amC Spt'ClficaJly hunun type".
1dennc.ll in boch Oli(' a11d ph)"Slcal char.a4.'.Ccn\.Ucs.

I. "f11e Unity ef I lmunuity

Rt11Cl4ltio11's 1cs1i111011)1: Or(qi11trl si,, '"''' '"''""'' unity
73 -rhu.s science ~ieen1' to confinn tht truth or
the Old and
..,: Tht.> unit) o( hu1tWlJl) t.i. iukJ 1n Utt 6rY plur <~n .a Ne"· Te<.tanlCnt·s tcachu1g ~rd1ng the unit)· of the human nee .
tOu~noo th.l' ciin ~ diKO\'tted throu1:th our narural po''"-"'' uf No one '"''ho pr-ofcun the Chnsw.n faith can doubt due the ac
untlt.•f\ Th1\ hlund:itt<>n. rh1$ \Ohd WQund thi't 1urr<'ru count of 111.;in's creaaon 1n Hol}• Scripttirc tc:ach~ the unity of
the \Vhole ofltl111ta1Ul)'· JS Ollt co11111101l hun1J1l uature. Ccrt..11111)'. tl1c hu111JJl nee. \Ve 11111~t ;iffirn1 this single. unifying Strc;in1 of
n-.rn :1nd groups of ntC'n ~re not in1cn::h111gcablc in a 111~chJ1'UC'~ bodily life-the blood «tt>m. as it is c.11led that God sci 111
f.1,hac)U. lale •t<>Jn!tl. ( )11 t11c c<>ntrary. \\C' 'CC'' c:ornp)e'( c>f dt\"n'\C' 1nove111cnt 1n the \\•orld. ind an \"\lhich .all n1cn are plungtd, iJ
ch>r><:t<mno and qu.Jines of <Oul •nd bodv. lndi.,du.ib ••kl such a po"•crfu.J age111 of un1ty--c,·cn though 1t .acu nor by 1Mlf
J(Tt1Uf1' •t.11)' ~tly 1n chl· v.<iy thC"~ ''°~·t to dC',·cJoping cvc11u. but b) \·1rcue of 3 fonn.JI decree of God-clut \\·ere I[ not for
111 chr:1r \\'a.y of th111k111K .ind d!!altng \\'1th things; ;a11d tllc-> ,ar(' thi~ ~lrt.111l of life the mcllncholy heritage of tin would
oflc.•11 Jll'rplcxcd a~ ho\v to choosC' bCC\V\.'l'tl excre1ucs. But ,,.e 00( l>l' r~~cl do,vn tl1rough 'he gener:it101•\. Tltu.s every O lllt.'
rut: lllt•OE~ £Nf'.'VC:-llC:t\1 (If' PIU\ ~I

P<lft"llt:s. even thO"c' \Vbo p<,~"C""

s:ir1ctif}ring: cxcrci'ic Lheir blood rel:;acionsl1ips i1J the forntario11 of social groups larg<.·r chan
11oly 1UnttJ()J) ()f a\...·aktning 11e-v..• hfe. SJ.Jtce rl1e-\.· chcniselvcs che fa1l1il}f· Artd th<'}' do so ro rhe poi11t that. ill opp0Sitio11 lO all
bearer; Qf thi~ strt-~111 <.lf Iii~·, thl~ir Vt!f)' :a«t inevitibly c:11<l<1\Yit th~ experience. a11d still 1norc in opposition ro the teacl1ing of our
..:hild \\ti.tit 111e111ber.1.hip ut a co1m11u1tll)' subjecr co supcnJ.an1ral Calholic faith, they absolutely reject rhe u11iry of the r:tce
d~ath. Fotrunatcl}'. bo,vc-vcr, chi" ¢1te of df::.ath can =i.nd 1nust be and seek to C(CCt i11$un110\Ult~ble barriers bdC\vec11 tlte different
pron1pcly replaced by a tle\\' srare of dtvit1e lLfc, through holy co111n1u11ities of blood and ~ce. Tl1ey even go so as to for-
bapti\tn. in v.•ho~c '"'<~ten \Ve ate b<-,n) :t11c\11, 1111date che proposition that hun1a11 ruccs. because of their nacural.
i1nn1urable cl1aracterisrics, are so different one &o1n :'lnotl\er that
the 111ost inferior race is 111ore re1note front the 111osr developed
( inl/}lr~ ur0rk •!/.rite R1,d£1tu1>tio1t
than fro11l the. l1jgl\est anin1aJ species.
74, ~tore.ovc,r, by virtue of the sa111c divine decree. deJ1\•cr.JnC1:
&on1 the bor'lds of orig]lla] sill could be ac::co1nplished otllj' alter
:\1eu t1rt ''uited by t/1eir life 011 tl1e eartl1
tl1c l\.cdccn1er. Jesus Christ, in the \\•0111.b of J1is blessed /\-10,hct:,
h.'.ld hirnself shart'd io thi~ blood stre.'.l.o\ Lhrougl1 \Yhich ..tll ll:)etl 76. The hu1nan race i~ united not only by a con1111on nature,
co111e it1to being. a11d bcco1ue .. liki: 011e of us, and in alJ th.i11gs but also by the necessary. t\\•ofold force tltat accou11ts for the
~tve $in." A:< the f.1thers of du.~ Cburc:h ,:ud, ... \'(lh:.t \vas not extension and cvolt1tion ofhun1.-11 life. chat is. by sp.-cc and ti111e.
assl1n1ed b)• H1111 \Vas noc J1e-.aled." Tltat 1s. llun1a1t.icy· has bee11 l)0ti11't uniry also rest1lt front our life side by side 011 the S3J11e
redeemed c>nly btt:nu.~e rhc <>CC<)nd Per"(.'ITI ilf th<! 1-lt,ly Trinity canh, O\'Cr \vh.ich all men of all rin1es go as pilgrinu tO\\r:ird their
cook t)t~, 1hrougb tlte J1yposcac1c u 11io1.1 J.tld rhcougl1 ~1al')1's rn1e eternal destiny, and over \Vhich passes the "carava11" of
hu111:i.n mothethood, <I g(.'nt1inc h\1luan n.1n1re. \Vhich Sain' Augtistinc speaks~ Man's joys and sorrO\VS, his suc-
ccssc:s and defeat$, arc aJ,vays bon1e by the .s.a.111e earth: it co11-
scandy offers n1atcrial e11crgies ro 'he nc'v generation and receives
.\fysrery ef 1he bfoo1l the dead; on it rest and \viii al,wys rest rr1en's houses and ho111es:
75. And this is the uue ''n1ysref')' of che blood." Tltat is v.1h)1 i11 its O\Vll 'vay, it .sc.a11lps the deepest recesses of1ncn·s so11ls \\•ith
and how blood and bloQd rclJtionihip underlie the rcali1')' of the its O\VD bcncflci~I sbbility, \Vhich, as people s:Ly, ··attaches the111
co1n1rtulliry of 1.nen, "the gre:it huntara E~r11t1y that e-xter1ds beyorld to the soil''; it binds 111e11 together through tlteir se11sc of bciog
the bordi:rs of all rJC('f and cou11tries.. ·•1 and \\•hich links aU n1cn neigltbon a11d throt1gh their con1nlo11 love of their 11ative llod,
by that 'vh1ch is deepest in the1n. n<i1nely by cheir rel.ttio1uhip (0 and makes theni lo11g for che place \Vhere they \Vere bom even
Cod. It L, sad to obser\"e that cod.:iy d l l:'re are t'lteu ""ho 'till \v:t.11t \Vhe11 dtey arc far a\vay. All 111cn evCf)'\\•here sho''' tl1e infl11cnce
(O be Chriscia11s. a' least i11 uai11c. \vJ10 do nor ad11tit this Jll)'Stel)' of having llvcd $ide by side in space. on the sa111e e.anl1. May \VC
<>f tht.! blt>e)<.I, \vhit:h j.., ru.,ncthele$"i t>r•c t>t' ch~ fo11nc:l.1ci<)t1~ of our nol fiJld tl\erei11 t11c basis of a genuine unity in \vhich all n1cn
Chnsna11 religion. Such 1t\~11 gT\Y.isly cht! rt-,le <:>f acci- can \111derstand each other?
dcrlto.ll :lnd in any case \'Cry superficial accidc11cs of blood at1d ~rh.:it is \Yhat all nten of all t:init.'"S feel \Vitl1 regard to the c.arth
THf HIJlf>fl'. l"lt''t( l l f*AL OF PlliS "<I

1hJ1 OcJf\ u' .aJI. T11.Jt t\ \vhy ev<!"r)'"'Ju:re c>n the c.uth. 1u .iccord of lu,cO')'. h.1< continued ~JO('<" 11111e, n1.J1nr.tining the con ..
mth • h<>l'I' cus<<>m tlu1 cann0< b.- ''?" h1¢tly n:comm<ndcd. 1hey \tn1ct1,·c "1CU\1t)' of rndinon .JuJ u111t)· Thus the Church, ''"
plant t.he 'r,n\. the '1gt1 of die 11K~ c.or1u11w1tt)·; for tJ~ c,·cr l1cr very $p«aal n;aturc nu\· Oto. tluds herself hcrt" 1n xcotd
sa.111t rt>.1"°n. the Church bas ~·.i)'"S ,;ind t\'trY\\·hcrt> blC''SSCd. '"irh '' 1tl1 .aJJ other C)'Pd of soc1e()-. \lllC(' b)· their \'C'')" nature thev Jl't'
3ncient. UJh h 1'1J.!l'<l fi>rmula.~. the c:anh <)n \ hunt.atUt)· I.iv~. Jll rlX>ted 1n history. in tr.id1c1on. 111 the ten1poral1ry of our
the earth th,1t the- first and second Adan1 btith trocl hfc; J1u:l che san1e ca11 be 5l1d of the (~hutt'h's accord, both 1n-
tcrn.1llr .111tl p0$iti, ely. \vlth naltons. lftl1c«· .art• state..svsten\s th.ll

(';\II thc111sclves Carholic l>e('lu~l' they Jl'l' based 011 :a dyn.t~ly or

,\ftJr unijirtl b)' ti"u~
;i cm\vn ~1101ntcd by tl1c ChurC'h, th1.. 1~ the result of a h1~tonc.;1J
77. V/c hJvr JU)f S('C'n ho"'' >pace-. irl \iittuc of a1cn li"ing side enCO\lnlcr \\'Ith tht: Cl1urch th<tt \\'J\ noc u1erel)• l J>Oiitlvc r.1ct,
b)• \1.;k, IC'Ml\ to union .imong them. Thc '-'Mlc ,.. true of ame. J..\ 1n tl1c- C.1.."C: of other 1uno1ls. but .ilso ~ rc:ligjous fact. If th1\
"h1._·h .ti"° ~t' to uni cc a>en and riurh c.·.ac h of thcrn v.;tb a seal enrouncer took place 1n h1"0~·. t~ b«ausr in the \"IC\\ ot
of un1tv. \.1C'n·, b'-es. wccccding <'Kh ochcr, IO'·c n""(" to mdinon; tht Church .ind of these sutfi h1\tory \\".ts J.nd is abo\•t .ill~ sancC'
Jn._I throu)!'h th~a11 hi~rory coolfi into brut~ people k't" che 1ncJm.110011 of the Son of (;od, thC' h1\t0f)' of God and of thC'
prcc1\cly 111 this relation through untc the very relSon for v.•bac \VOrk of His gr.ace. And \VhJt l 111.aw11t'1cc111. profo\1nd . .;ind fnnt·
i..; c.1llcd (hi: n.1t1011 or n~1tlun.:i.J Cc>hc-.ic1n. t\11 unity could spring &0111 chat! ()u the other h:ind. '''h;ic ;a
l.1n1cnt.1blc dccl.Jne ccsuhed tM111 the 1111.suse or \V<t.Stc of special
gr.l("l'~ glvcn to the (On1n1u111t)'• \Vhcn thi< consciousnc~ on 1hc
111e (~!Jttrrl1 '1 sc11se tJj llist<>f)'
~lltc's pan evaporated. and the stJtc'' C.llholicisn1 becan1e n1erclv
7' ThC' C"ht1rch ls p~tticulir1~1 .l,,,.arr 01 tllt: important rol<" • pohunl fom1ub used b)' 1hr nil<n
tu11e pl.1)"1. 111 u111UJ1g tlk'n • .J.11d of tl1c \()(.'.I.ii ctl1c..•cy <Jf md.uon For lb pm. thC' Church ,f;JVC"\ .t ~cn:d ch.tracta to thC' un11.\1ng
•nd hiuorr in !he hfc oi bunurury Tht Church u m flct roor<d \'J)uc hurrun lire possc<t<oes 111 ,·1nuc.- o( thr- 6ct tlut it i~ re.il1zcJ
111 tile ccn1rc.> prcc1'\ely beau\C of her J1\.,r1c-, 'PlntuJI clement. 10 urne. 1Bt:lf dn'ving .a J>C'l'PelUll renc,,·.&) of life from cha\ \'J.luc
G<x-t bt.·c.1111c n•.l.11, not ac a rando1t\ 1~1011•tnt 111 ha«OC)'. but :it J. .ill dunnH lb 1rurch through h1~tory. lt1 .tdd1t1on. 1n every age <lnd
VC'r)' ~rcciht. 111011\cnt: ''whcn i;:hc fu lln l·'l~ l)f c1111c- \vas realized." for C\'Cr")' generatton, the Church h.a\ ;acted .u a mae ntorher. She
When hu1n,111 ht\COI)' h:id rl!~thc.-d eh1t po1n1, then ( ;od, through 1\, t() use Saint A\1gt1stinc's cxprc,~1<lll, "fl cl11ld to chc children.

d1c ioca1n,ui,>11 uf His Son. e1ltcr~d t,1Ur 111:.lOf')'. t,'lltcred t.11..- fir111 \Vith che young, and good ;ind tender to d1e old. " 7
tcn1por.-il hfc: of n1c11 Hving togc-chcr, 11or AS ,l, str41ngcr. but as a
1ucn1lH.:r <,f tl1~ 1J11uly.

~. The development of thl\ hu1tUll 11.<llUtt COTl1mQ1l to JJI

c.akC'\ pl.a<"c not onl)• tn 1:p.ace .Jtld c1n1e. but <t.lso m conneruon
79- A" J rnuJt. Hts Jcaoo. a sourct of life .tnd gn,e, perpc- With 01U the external clement\ C.lf our ,,·orlJ. Considering the
t11:ac4"d b) .ind 1n the Church. an acoon rh.11 I\ 'llbJC(C co che la\\'S tcr, \\'C percttve :another uuport.ant tJttor of uni[)' an1ong n1e11_
An1ong chc.· rights of thl• hun1an J>C"On is the natural rigl1t tt) use ha\ alrc.1d}· begun through t"\pcndicurc:' tor .i.nn:a111ent... We
the extcn1oal good\ or the ea.rtl\. J( <?rder and are to reign \\•ill no1 :irgue here 1l1J1 \uth .1 \\'JI' '''ould no1 l:k! econo 1111c;i.lly
1n con1111un.1;J life. no doubt the e~cmse of rhi\ nght n1u-..t be lo ~n~r o( tho~ ,,·ho l'Jn1c1patC'tl 111 11. bec.1U\l' tfi~
co1utr.i1ncc.f b)· the 1n ..c1tuc1on of pnvate- propcn)·. but 1t do(') not purel} ut1lit.Jnan po111t of .,,,C\\ I\ no1 ;a couclu:si,·c J.J).'\Jntenc
follo\v thar It is rhcr<·IOrc. 1n it.~clf and ;as st1ch, rejected or Jbol- .lg;u1111t \\,lt. R.athcr, We. '''< (() JlNl~t 1111' 11np<.·i1dini.; \VJr. 111
U.hcd; 011 the contrary, 1t acqu1rf!'\ l broad function ~ an agc11t tJ1e 11311\C of U1jlliOI\\ c.')f (an11ht.''\. tJ1r()ughOUI the.• \VOrld :tnd in
of urut') 1111ong n1en fron1 dus nght p<>SSC\~d b)· ~ den\·~ the \Olicbn~· \\'1th lhe111; for b)• ft"\tncu11g soil ftlOrt' narrO\\ 1,. 1lu-
dury-evcn 1n a wc1;i.I '<)'1te1n or private property-to tJ,1licate t"tfecc1\'e CXCtt1$C of the n.itural nght o( J]f to 111.ikc tl~t· 0 f ,h1s
:as 1nucl1 J~ p<>Miblc the 111utual exchange a11d circul;i.cion of ~)rod­ \vorld·s ftt)<l<l~. \V.1r 1ncv11Jbly dt.'\troys che vc.•ry foundano11 of t];e

uctS and p<no1u. Ap.1;n fro1n hu11u11 naru~·\ profound tc11denC')' llOll)' of hu11unil)' i pl1y-:1cal life' <''wbli11hed I'>)' tl1c- Crc.Jtor \Ve

to sociabtl11y. tlus gcn<ru nght to th< use of llood> .iso <ni.ih 10 fi1nhcr rrotN thC' \\Jr 10 tht IUlllC of alJ 111('11, J.ttd ntUrt" pJ.r-
tl1eory that peoples h;ivc Jn obhg;iuoo co G.c1ht.ate the exch;ingc CIC\tlarly 111 tht" na111t of the: 111any tJ.thcrs Jnc.t 111others \\·ho .lre
of people .ind goods even .icross their fronuen, 111 boc11 d1rC"ct1ons: alrc:id)' ~o l'Jurdcned \Y1th heavy c;arc~. and \\'It() .111 over chc \Vorld
.i.nd in ;i.n)· C".)\.C to avoid \)""Stt:nunc.i.11~· hindenng ~uch exchJ.nlte. J.rt' Pr.IYllllt J.nd rt'"f>('J.t1ug 1n C'\' C'f")' 1.1nl-.'\J.agc. and ~bo,·c JU Jl the
Hol)· ~<:'ntice of 1h~ .\t.JM. Our F.lthcr"s n-quc..t. "Gi\•c u-.. coW.\•
our <la1ly ·· •
~Vastiug ,ec-.,ds J1ar1ns fdn1ilits

81 . The l(C'ncral Oftht to gooch \\'1th1n J. gl\'C'D S)"\(C'lll of


property 1i JJI the 111orc Justified bcc.•use che permanent pur-

pose of the goods of lhe ea.nit i\ co guatli11ce tlte lift-'-tct1riry 83. Mc:n 11e11hcr \Vant nor oui:cht co ''~gi.• ,,. Jr; they \VJ11t to
nctCSSU)' for .ill 1ndi,· md <nil n1ore. for a.IJ the f.a1111hC"\ of \\"Ork. aod '>hould do \.(). Thi~ VO{dllOH lO \\"Ork C'OU4il1tutc~ a
hurnanJty. lka.u.\e 1t Jon not scn·e this end.,i\.·e \\"J~tc o( furthtr clct11eont 10 their unit)". 1n \\ h1c h ~u mt'11 come t<>gc."thcr.
these good .. 1\ conrrary to lhe- 11aturJI order. evc11 1f 1c docs 11ot Bccaust" of their sa111enN of nac11re, che1r sp1ntu;al Jnd rltoral Je-
111 .lny \\r<ly 111fringe 11pon the right tO pri\''1tC f'ropcrcy. We \a\\' vclop1n\'111. a~ \Vt:ll ;i\ cJ1c1r ph)"'ilCal i111prov"•nlt·11t. :ire hukt.•d.
this kU><I of \\'.aste dunng <he d1qscrous four-~· World .ll11K>ng "'· \\'Ith \\•orL, 111 tlie pn"'.cnt order of tl11ngs. .lticr the
War. \\'hen 1n1measurablc 11u.ccri:aJ ,,·c.l.lth \\':to\ ~t1;andered. Wh)· lex.\ of ch.;ac happ}' order of thin~ tt1Jt pn:."'Ced<\I ongirul 4i111, the
then shotiltl \YC be 'iUrpri11cd ch:ic thl( terrible outr.-.gc con11111ttcd 11.itural V()4.;Jt1011 to \\'Ork \Yas. co11fim1ed b)' (;od's cou1n1.i.nd:
111 C01runo11 ;tgatO.Sl \\·hac \Uppons Ifie bfc of fa1n1b~ h.u, ~UJI 110l "You ~hall l' your brc.1d h)· 1hc ''vc.1t of Y'lur bro,,· .. (~011-
been rcpa1n-J' \.t"\'IUCnt}y. the obhgatio11 to \\'OtL. 1\ fil"Sl of .tll c\·ery nu11', per-
\Qn.;a) duty, .1 dt1t)' thll 1\ tmbod1e(I. 111 a nC\\ and speci.11 ,,.,1y,

in actu:il pa1t'n11ry ;111d 111 tl1e prcp.1rat1on for the honor of bt•iug
'/11c Hute •!f uur th< fach<r of• fam1I)'

82. We lit f:accd b)· the thre;;ic of .anocher \\'.It, \Yhich \vould "'"· A\ ;a rnult. the obhgat1011 t<> ,,·ork ....., We 110taJ JI the
bnng Ol'i :1 111ore 111:,~s1ve '''~Src of 1n;iteri;al goods-a \YJStc bcg11111111g <lf Our Letter, IS not Jlnn1anly rhc cxcrci\C of J
lkt ll ll)OEN l.l'C~C.LICAL U I J'lll •I

fWl(tlOfl IJllpo\C•.I b\. "1001< authOrit\'- a $btC, n•tlOll. r.a(1.J.I

'/11e .fi1tt1ily a11d lite stalt: 1111ij}'it~~ .fi-1,tc1N
group. or 111dlvu_tu.1l 1rwn: 1t 1~ 1110\pl)" a direct oblig;.it1011 Jtb.._h ..
mg to ptr'\On.1ht). and 'htrrfurc n1ik~ c:hc sum o( ;a.ll fncn an .ill S6. The nchncs.s of hunun life', \·.incl), \\·h1'h characctnz~
;inc.I n"t:lt)f1\ J \'.1\l ctHnu1un1~ of ~orlt:rs. The 11l't'.~ ot
b.Jllt.'S .1nd suppons hunwUt")- as .i \\'hole:. 1\ not l1111itcd 10 rhc un1_1),ng
soc1cn• rcqu1rt' ctu1 pt'"\'tn.~1ons be ddfercnu.ucd; c.bunbu1cJ clt1ncntl .iln:-.Jd)• sn- fonh. It 111,JuJ<" .._, \\:ell t\\'O other un1f)i.11g
n•1011b, U1\:t11. ''"-"" ..-.url to~t.·lhcr. clcb Oll('. in lib place. ~l a fJ(lOrs ''Tluch. as durable: .10d ~ubJt 11ltt1tut1011\. (unhcr contribute
comn100 ~(11,,f'\·: '°"'('-u.·ort ~"i le.tders or tcxhcNo othc-n l.abor to the unit}· of bunu.nt()· 111("\.(' \OCUI org.an1'm'· ''hi ch .att at
under tl1e1r c.ht1."'IHll the: ume time living soetet1e1o• .are the fJ111dy ;inJ thC' sutc. In ;lll)'
85. When J.\l\Or l\ C".-mcd OUt 10 this w~y, \\.-,thin JO ()('Cur~· penod. ,,·hcrc,·cr , ...c sec t11c .;inti ph)·,tcal hfe of n1a.i1
lJ(>u.J fr--.unc\\.Or ~. tt 1... t.:.1p;il>I~ t>f buld.iug \\'ork~h lOb'"\.'"lht:r Lii J. Aot1n\l1tng. \\1e al\\'a~ find tl1e f111111lv .1nd tilt' "t.-iu:; they proceed
gcntuoc co11m1t1111t)' o( hfC'. which c...10 extend beyond the lu1t1t'( fron1 hunt:tJl nature itself. \vh1ch \\'.J) crc.atc<I J\ bolh 1ip1r1lual and
u( \p,u.:C, lllll~, 3 11(! J1fTcr~l1t.t!~ or age. ()11Cf., \\'lletl t!\·Cr)·tl1111~ l.:Ol'J>Oteal. Dy internal, naturJI 11ct:l'~'+1ty l11t-•y are 1nd11ipCnS4:ble for
'''•1s not so nJrro,vly rejttll:ircd by the st<atc, there v.·c[c in hu111anity, \V]ticl1 n1t1s1. in order to fulfill 11.. *1piritu;'ll and religious
, ... hit h tl•t>~ \Vlit> \\'llrk(<l ;it thi.:: <1:1.111t tr.1Ji.:: t'..(.llJJ.IJ(>r.1.ted gre;.1tly t-;0.11. co1tst.1ntly :.dd nc\v 111c11tbcl"\ \Vc11 prepared to pla}' cl1c1r
to thcLr 111un1aJ .tdvanrJg:t". und<"tcrrcd by diftCtcncC's 1n livu"I~ role• .;uid .a stable order \Y1th111 ati con1111u1ul)' of lift>
Cf>nd1tH>ll\ t>( lltllC'll,hlf'l. rh~y the: gcnt:ral t>f>h._;.1ll(HI l')
Q\lo' ln and \VOrk.
\\'Ork .i call to c.&m· our rh~ ..1pus Ott, ro acco11iphsh .at1d p(rt~l"<t.
Ill the '\,;IJTtC' 'r1nt. 're 1t1on Ill all il' hnC't. tOr the glory .ind hi>11<1r
Rtl(~io1u draraarr of tlrr family a11J tlit '"'"
oflhe Crc'".&tor A11d \\ht'1\ all th~ com_p2.tlloru. in labor throu;;h
out the ,,ortJ g.1thcrcd. under dlc pronxtion ofdlC' WtlC' h<".1'• M-7. 13y th~1r ongJ•l. bcc.Ju\t' lht)' procttd from the JUNrc
e-nh' p.1uon\. on che CXcJuon of certatn ft."lib... at th~ foot of che con1n10n to .ill men .u 11 ,.,.~ cr('.itcd by God. l.nd b)' rhc1r in-
;llw to ''1t11t"\\ thC' Hnlv Sacrihcr, this v.•as not mcrt..·I'" J p1ot1\ htrc-nt goaJ of .1Ch1ci.-1ng the unit)' ofhu11u111t)• \\·h1ch the Cre.ttor
cc:tt-nlony C'.lmcd (lUl Oy ;a r2ndo1n group. but rather the un1(')n ilro uttended for His honor ai11d glory. tht•'(c: f\\'O ~1ccic:s. the
of aJJ p.tnu.:1~'it1ut; 111 till' S.:accu'ice of CJ1n,r. Tl11..")' k111.:\\ th4l f;:an11ly .ind the sutc. l1a\"c al\\•.ay-. ,,·on1 tJ1e h;ilo of a religious
Chn~t. tht" am*>i\11 of our rcdc111prion. had thercb~· supcro;1.n1r<llly con"ic:crarion. As for the f01n11ly. 111 1'.-r.ldl\.C \\'C already see ir irl
ele1,.;.1lt.'<l :i.11 fi1r111' \li luuu.u1 L1hor, l1:1<l ra1;,eJ ~t11<l t!"Whl1\hl'tt ,111 it~ 1nitial sr.itc of happinc$.'; fro111 tha1 t1111t· on, 1n; ,,·;ii; the
the parnal act1v1t1cs of 111cu 111 a si11tllc opu.s Dft. ·'ThrousJ1 111111, fou11d1rio11 of the f.a111ily. and had the cl1ar.1etcr t.)f :t religious pace.
\V1th I hut, ;111d 111 I lirn '" tlut• to Yclu, (~od. Aln1ighty F.1rhrr. in Even ;among p::i.ga1a, the n1cn1c)ry l)f thi~ h;i_~ bce11 prescn•ed in
Un1011 "·1th tltt.' I loly Sp1nt, all ho1!0r and glory." I h.1t l\ why vJnOLL~ fom1s: \Vhen our Lord c.1111c he r.i111ed tl\e 11t.1mige
011r h(;art\- Sil tlUt to chi: co11nclN Catholic occupatio1aal a\SOCI concr.tct bet\vecn nun 311d \V0111.1n cu the <lll(lllry of .1 s..1cr.a1ncnt.
;itlc>ll'.' th.1t .1rc 1n•:tC'""'lll~)' rc:;ah7tng, 1n funn,<'d 1\l t'>ur The nt.ltnmoni.Jl co1n1nun1ty $ loft)' on~1t1al'o1"olnct1ti~, the f.tnt-

u11tc\. the true \1f11(\ of tht> L11brrlom of v.-ork. U\ ordtr ro he-JI tl)· ~ocieq·. into which. n1orcovc:r. tl1c MJn·God hunsclf con-
the 'Chl\111 hc-1"'1\.'('Cn cW~ JOd rhl"' dim.rut")· :llllOOg prot\.~\IOll\ \CnrcJ to enter dunng hB ~JOUm hctt b<lo" ...le e\·cn 111ubnuttC'd
.::.:.: HI HID0l' I"" "• llC- ' ' •I Pll'\ :l 223

l(> the \Jt·red )10 kt· ,,f

.luthor1ty \\•1thn1 tit..: t:111uly, lit .tuthority If in sp1tt of C\•cryth111g chc fa1·111I)• ~tdl appean to ht! th.: c;(ll inost
procet."dJnH fro111 G0ci... the hu\bJn<J being thl· he;ad o( the: fJn1ily capable of tt~i$ting the social body. that i1 the proof th.Jt it a.s
.and the \\ 1te the • By h1... cu.111ple. Hc both ennobftJ .ind rooted to the \'(I")" h(.tn. of ht111u.n ruhJrc. ()f couN.", bu 11un
confin11c.~c.I 1hc d11cy ol olxd1cncc tQ parcncs, a clury in \\'h1th .an n.lturc ntu\t be undcl"'+tood htr<" .-s con1plt'tely 1nvolveJ 111 th(
original la\v of l1u11,an u.1ture i' cxprei.sed, 01 IJ\Y the Cre~tor has 111tern:il unU)' of 1~ 'p1ntuAl-corp<1re.'tl life: i<>r 1t 1$ only ,vhe11 it
uucrihl-d ''·1thln n1tn'' he.ans. t'i uodcl"'+tood in tht.S \\ .1)' chat tt i\ 1hc root of the f..wllly, and 11ot

~is. S1n1d.irly. the tthgJOU$ ctul".lctcr of the rt..")ult, fro1n '\\hen 11 I.) uncltrtrc>Od .a.s iimply J c~1n \Outte of ph~....,1co­
chc fact 1cs authon()• ;also procccru fro111 G0<I. and that pcrso11 organ1c c.·hJr.11c1crisnr'I, co1isidered 1n then1\clvcs and 1ntlcpen-
\ \ ho hoJJ1, that atathonry 1s act111~ .,, a ··\'.lUt of Cod." dendy. ()nly becau'e It as the intcru;il unif)• of a life ch.n ,, botl1
thcn110~. chis &ct .ll'IO 'ho,..'S tlut the organ1ZJt1on of n1c11 into "Plntual lnJ corport"ll 1; hunun nJ.tutt the root of the f.anu)y-
\t.ilte,;, con,1dert!d indcpcn<l~ndy of ,>ngaru) \tn, LS J ncce-o...ary con- ,,.h1ch 1hould hcnctt'Orth be con,C'1vcd is the "'p1ritull \\Oinb·'
sequence of h111nan n.1turc as 1t \V,t\ co1uatu1ed by the C rc<itor. 111 \vh1ch hun1an soc1ct)• takes fonn, The fanuly Ln fact pro\•ides
Bci11g .i c1n1en of a "l.1t<:: fundJ111cnuUr i111plae\ a rt:1ig:iou\ duty all the t'lcn1cnu ncct"\Qry for l1un1ln life in ~icf}'. all the for-
1.11d a ttl1~ous dzgn1r')· S.O...caJJni pnnua'e ~pl(') ftWn .i du11 1:nari\'t':. O('t..'C'Ss.ll')' tnflucncts. \\1th regard to both the soul .i11d the
C011$ClQU'il1C\\ o( th1-s; ,OJe111n CCrt'UIOrtl<.'$ n1.1rk. the IOltlJtlOO of body. All cons1derr:J, th1 ... .i1nou11t\ to S<a}'m.8 th.1t the mcmbc~ of
you11g p<."c)p)c 111co the tribt:. ,,.J1ich 1s like an e111bryonic OfJ.t.lnized .1 social co111111un1ty i:.rc \\•hac tltc1r f:i111ilie11 arc. The 11tlJ)(lrt.1nce

<Ute. Among 1hc m°'' highly dcvdopcd P•!?<'n pcopJ.,, we .USO of the cart' ,,.c ought to h.a"c for the fmtily 111 it-" full a11d true
find ,·;inou .. nu.n1fe\r.1t101u of chi~ rt>hgtous ch.1nctcr r«"b'Tlized scope folio\\') front C'\ Cl)'thmg '" c Ju,·C' Jlbt \,ljd. On the othtt
in cl1c co111111unjcy of the !ti-ate. It i~ rhcrefore neuhcr co tlte honor hoind. dc."Sp1tc the gnncl10~ \vord\ u~d. a fJl\c conception of this
nor to chc Jtlva11ra~e of the r11odcr11 ~L1te in ~ c:hri~tian countrv care for the fu11tily 1~ dr;i,,•o &0111 tl1e c:rro11eou\ proposnion that
"id ir as nl1u...U)• also not 1hc fauh of the Chun:h. if the nUJOn~: .. It is fro1n the blood. the SC'.lt of racial charJttcnstics .t11d therr
of p~11t""'-l.ty st3CC"> r.1rely or never ;tgttc to rccogniu overtl}· pnnapal source. procttd 111 11u..n 's 1ntellC" J11d
chc re1ig1ot1\ cl1ar.1ctt.~r of the \ tate') conscitut1on, or even t'Olll- qualities.*' 1-fcre, 1n contrndiction t() the teaching of the C.ttholic
plctdy deny n. f~1th. sound philosophy. a11d experic11ce as \velJ. hu111ao n.iture,
the fanuJy, ~nd of COUf'\.C mo nurrugc att C'OU\ldcrcd solely 1n
their corport':.11 .tspect Con~UC'tttly. this \\'.1)" of concc::1ving cJrc
'f r ue src>Jlt' c!{ t/r(.' uo1io11 t?f the.fa,,u'f)'
for the fanuly leads tO\V,trd a disastrous rt...-stilt :in,I dss;istrous n1ct1•U
He). Aficr cl1is expl.lnJt101't of the 1r11pora.ncc of the fa11ul\· .ind of achieving 1t that are \.01nerimC\ lnd ttt son1e \\'.l)'S \\iholl)•
the state tilr 1he unit\ of hunun1(). 11 \\'lll be c.ud,· ~en cUJow \\ich ttg;a.rd co r11or.&1![)·.
.1bsolutely cvcry,vhcrc llll'n arc :l\\'Jrc that \Vhl'n tl1e •fa111tly .u1d
the state <'cJ111c under .1ttJck. the very found.1t1on of their life 111 Sidmess of tilt srat1·
corr1n10n ,, thrc~tcnnf. In (xi. in our O\\"ll arne. th( fan11h·• .i~ .a
P"'Y(hologu;;if. 1und1cJI• .;ind ccono11uc unity. ,, ~(T)" gr.t\"(ly ,1(- 90. le 11 not only th11 <k\•clop111cnt of the f.anul)• lhat \\•omcs
ICcted. as c:.111 be cleatly .,ccn fro111 111any pl\" 111 O t1r Lt.•tter. 1nen lod.;ay: tl1c devclop111t•nt of tl1c st:itc is an grc:ai cJu\e
1111 llllllllf'O INCVI 111 Jll 01 PIU\ )(I

for co11ccm. In rh1s dc\1elop111cnt \Vt' .ltt' 111 f:tc.·1 Jt•~t1tlcd 111 ~ct•111g state. This dynan1isn1 consrant1y Jt~lcks rhc Jll'eady r.itlter \VC,1k
;a to the found.1t1011 of hu111o•n \OC1t•cy .incl 1t~ unity. In the hnks bet\,•ecn sbtc.."l>, and threatens to break d1c1ll alco~c1hcr. thu\
first p41n of Our Letter We h.01vc Cs1>l<l1ned the wurcc of the con1plctely descroying the uniry of the hun1a11 f.i1111ly thJt 1ntluc.t~.,
1l1oden1 \late' .. s1ck1lt."(\; the IJttcr c<>ll\1\t~ 111 the f.a{t the stJ.tC' 1JJ n1cn and all peoples. We. '''ho throt1gh Our GoJ·gi\.'c..•n oflicc
1s 111 so1nc ' ''.t)'S too ~n1all, .lnd 1n otltcr \VJ)'\ t<lO gr' the 1u- arc che father of aJJ 1nen. do 001 \\;~h a11d n1u\t nQt JIJo''' t111'
thonry of the \Ute 1\ pta\hed too 1n \Ontc rc~rd}, .lnd de- to l1.appe11. For all peoples are brothel"' 111 ju\t1cr and IO\'c, not
S:tro}'ed an others. In .ldd1no11. if C'nergtt1r 111eJ\urc\ 1re not ukcn. only by \'1.nue of their 11arure-th1s n1uch, to tl1c \hJr11c of t>ur
the sute f.aces a ttmb1c '"'''· a cn\I\ 1n the vcl')· 1deJ1 of the prcscnt-<by Cl,;11z.ation. ,,-as ackno,,·IC"dgcd t'\'rn b)• p.i~n\ 1+ul·h
~tc, Jnd 011c ,,·hich ,,,u rnd up bean~ tl1e true ro\t\ of hu1n.ln as the Sco1cs-but also. CSpt"ciall)., :and f.:ar n1orc: prot"oundly, 1n
.ocw hf<. th<ir broth<rhood through lhe Rcd«m<r of th< "orld .

EsSt"J1n,1l mntdy fllr rl1t s1.11r C"'" ofj1uritt

91. As ttglnh the donu1n of the \Ute'., Jct1\it). q;J\.'.tt1or1 ntu..t 93. Thls fratc:mal UDIC}' of JW'Oplc-s nlUSt be gJ\'m \'1<1ble CX•
flf"R be "SOught in rht~ d1ttc..r1011: 1hc Chtarch ntu\C retun1 to hrr prC"SS1on by dbblishing :a. Coun ofJu$nce- ,,,rh 1r.. 0\\11 J\1thont)'•
C$$CJlaJ.l fi1nct101is. Uy Jo1ng w, ~he \\1ll c11\t1rc the proper dc- in .11pproprUtc c.ises. O\'et all pcoplc."S. In thr c\'ent of confl1ct'
velopntent of the \OCIJI orpn1lJUOU\ tlut ;i.rc con,.11tutcd. ~n,·ttn people$, thtS Court ofJu<>ncc: \VOtalJ h.J\"C: the po\\.Cr 10

founded on rhc con1n1on .1ppuncnJ.ncc of 111cn to J plJce Jnd J sumn1on them before 1cs bar for a tri.21, or to 111Jlt krl()\\ n
pt0f$1Qn; Organiz;ihOn\ \vhu:h, J1 ll.ll\lr.11 thouith llOt ct$C'l1llJJ its op1n1on. Jnd if nec<s..~1)-. to rcn<IC'r a <.fcc1\1on b1nd111~ on Jll
socieacs of lift in co1n111on. h1ve an pnnc.:1plc ;i.n inherent right. p.2rt1cs to c.ues under its arbitr:at1on. E.n11nent Churl'.h J«ton
not dc:n,•cd fro1n the st.1tc, 10 govcnt thc1n~lvc'\, ;and 11onn.tll}' ~uch :as Saint Augtisrinc. S:iint Thonl.:.iS Aqu1n;i.,,, 01nd Saint Jl.obcn

n1ust be ttcogi11zed by public l.1\\'. When th.:it hJppc.•11s. the ~1.1tc BeUannine, a11d grc-ar cheologi.a1b ~uch a~ Fraoci\ of V11on.l and
is relieved of a burdt"n, ;inJ 1l1c <lcvclop111cnt of 111cn 111 their Fr.1J1cis Suarc-z. have set forth the princ1pl«:1 of ta\v:
natural cap;iciry for life 1\ tUnhcrc<I ;it 1ntcrn1cd1.atc <t..lKt'~; tl11s thC)' una.11u11ously :affirn1 1hat bec:.iuse the wc1al nart1rc of n1.1n 1'
pt>nnits 1hen1 10 shape J unified \QC1,1l \VIII \\'1tl1out .u1y1l1111g un- capable of constant in1proven1ent, it r<qtnrc.; fron1 \V\th1n <>ucl1 J
reasonable being required of inchvicluJI~. co111n1on i11stirution an1ong states. If S<>vcrc.."ig11ty '' properly un-
derstood, no infringen1ent of the wvcrcignty <>f 1nclividual \(,It<.''
\viii r<.'$ult fro111 sucl1 an institution.
Rrla1io11.s "'"01~~ states Undoubtedly, tl1is u1s111t1cion presupposes that all 111l'n ~h.1rc: the
92. R.elat1<>n~ a111ong ~1:.itt·~ .1rc currc111ly <ICtl·nor:i.c1n1t .1.. \Yell. s.;an1c spiritual ;ittitudr:. a11d chis i$ clc;)r fro111 the f;1ilurc of chc
We have expr~d Our '''t'\V 011 th1' \CVeral 1111\('1" c.•:arhtr ut thl'.' efTom tl1at have already been n1adc. TJ1i~ atcit11dc ('ltl takc rO(>t
011ly in Christian re.aching. '''h1ch inc:ludc.--; tn1c nattir.11 lJ\V, and
first part of this Lf.'tter. We..· ltavc cf1,tovercd .a very prcCJ\t' cJusc
for th1\ dctcnorar1on. 11a111tly a <lyn;i.n11<111 ~<uh:ir to t11c n1oden1 of '''hich tl1e ChuKh 1nust be recogi111ed a11 tl1e dc:1)()~1tory and
TUl H I DOk:-0 El'C:YC!lt:lll OJ t'IU1 JC ! 227

distributor. continutng in the role that sl1e .already so ofct-n ~re oblig"-'<1 to love everyone. :JJ1d irtjtuticc tO\\'<l.fd anyone is
fulfilled in J1cr nllis.ioo of peace. uuaccept:ible. '"}

II. 711c P/11mlily of H11111a11ity 111c faC1 af p/11ralitJ'

94. Thus huol:tnicy. because: or t110 st1pen1atwal ai1d naruraJ 95. If \Ve absrt:\ct &on1 per>on! :u\d fa111ilic$ a..~ constituting rhc
princjpJcs on \vhich it is f(lunded, co11stirut~ a ge-nuint' unir')• prin1:1ry. i11rangiblc, original. and stab It.· elc111enc of social life. pllt-
\1:J11ch is ui-..'e!lt~J v.ricb tbe Holy Spiril, t11e spiric of Order a11d ralit)• u1 J1u111an1ry ls n1a11ifcstcd tl1rougl1 tl>I.' fom1atlo11 of count-
LO\'C', Jn t-hc kingdo m or this- spirit on (,lUr c:irth. "<:itizen~ Jr~ less groups. W(; arc concerned here onl)' \vith groups that fom1
unitt'.d \\•ich clci2e11s, peoplt>s \V11J1 peoples. a11d u1 sw11. all n1cn 011e body \oJlth l1u111a11 11atlttt and the t111foldi11g of its lift. The
.ir<:' uo1ted i11 cbc: 111c11lory· of their fltst p;,1rents, not only b)• .;i fonnarion of Stich gro11ps is dcpendenr upon che co111111011 cl1ar-
b<>nd c.>f S4.>Crabihty, but also by a bood of fr.ite11)iC}r," as SatJlt acterist.ics of 111an's phY1-lcal or spiritual attribt1tct; it ta11 :ilso be
Augustiuc spkndidly put it.• dependent upon cenain general condirio11s char result fro111111an·s
life i11 ~pace and ri111c. 111 ;idditlo11. the for tht co11stitt1rio11
of grot1ps is pro,rided by being involved togetl1er for a long tin1e
in the sa1ne sort of \\!Ork. a11d also by h;ivi11g t11e san1e COn(litio1lS
Hence Christians n1usc not alJo\v che111Sclvcs co full into the- of life on the ccono1nic a11d socia1 level. Fun:.her, l1un1aJ1 narure,
kind of hu1nanit;1ri:.t11i~n1 fo tu1d in ~11 th~ p<.)'i'iibJc forms c..>f an by iu es.wntial, irresistible disposition to Jj,1e i11 $tarts, provides
iorernauotulisn1 d1ac uli><:es ai1d co11fuses all sorts of l11Uigs. and the occasion and inner in1pulses for fon1U11g various social u11ities.
peoples. Tbc ccason is that hon1anity assu.rcdly constirutcs <1. gcn- Finilly. by Oi\'ine decrc:..:, C hrist, '"the con1e~to1'le the builders
Ullle uni[}', but a tLntcy \V11]11n a \\.'ell-ordered plur.tliry. And tOr reJecccd," is Hu1uelf at chc origi11 of tl1e fon1tacio11 of a sociC.t)'.
the sa111c reason, it ~ppcars that hun1anjty tiJ1ds its origin and This n1ulciplicity of gt"Ot1ps, ,,,hich moreover interst:ct each other
mode of de\'elc.>prnent 1n rht' spiric, ;ind tirst of all, in rhe I Joi}' in various \\lays. conc<..-als 'vi chin it, by the diversiC)' of che interests
SpiriL, v.•hicll caJu1oc produce. approvt?-, and sanc1ify a social life i11vol,•cd. tl1c d!lngc..·r of fraccio11::. :i11d conBicu. But a11yone \vl10
111 \\•hic:h there is iteither order nor unit)' in pl\1talicy, And the coil.Siders the lllt1cy of all 111e:n, first of all in hu111an.ity, and rllen
sa111c (1cht:r <->f tl1t: Cl1urch. SaJnt Augu$tiuc, nses up in opp<>'i1ti1>n i11 the Holy Spirit. the Spirit or true order :l11d of love. n1usr be
(0 precise)}' this scat(!! of nllttd, "''hich lllLXts at1d confuses every- prepared to give. not cvel)rt.hing to C\'Cryonc. to be s11rc. bur to
ti1il>g ;11Jsolut.ely iruf~.;rrin1innt.ely, :lntl C'(ln~dr.;rs only the f.lbsol\l[C each his 0\\111, ;i.nd tl1ereby help avoid tJ1e ti:angc:r We 1ncnti01'1c.,-d.
ch.atac<er ofbe111g ~ 1na11. (.)11ce aga.10, Saint Augu\11ne <::i11" upon
(hr Holy Spirit (0 establish the fou1tdarion of rclatioi-1,sl1ips \Virh-
u1 hun1an1ty. {lr11c.>11g pc~ons and ;among groups. Speaking of
T1te forr11rt1io11 of St/Mtate gro11ps
the cerrescrial rettln1 of <lte spint, Jte exclaims: ''it 1!t ~err.i in ch-:it 96. ln the very fOn11ario11 of groups ~ proc<.."SS of parciculariz,"l-
\\IC arc not obliged to provide a.IJ things 10 evef}'Olle. but \Ve tion, separation, differe1ltiatio11 occtLrs. But \Ve tl1ust ;a)\V3)'S insist
THI HICfO'' t .. t!YCll(,\I Of .. ll'\: !ti 229

thJc th.ts is ne\'cr Jnyth1ng .l p.irncubrism l4'fth1t1 tire ovn12/I

l1111nt11t unity; un,11dl'd reason decl.1rc~ tt and Chr1\t1an revel.ar1on
1111tt ''''""" ef a j11S1iji.1blc tn111p
rtachc.-s it \'Cry lin11ly• .is We have alrc~dy repeated.I)• ~110,vn. Thi~ 98. I lere no''' JTC the po'i.1t1vc doct:n11al 11u111ts. These all derive
b<ttlg the case, it I\ .ipptopn.atc, 1n d1scmsi11g th1~ p.lrncularism 1n fro111 tile proposition tl1al CV~r')' group. every particular wc1ct)'. 1(
connccoon \\1th 1t' 1nun:aate anJ nCCC'S.SV}' rcbnonJuP" to hu- at•~ m.aly .a hu11un un1l)·. \\JU bear fruit for hunurul)· con\1dcttd
m~n1ry .t$ :a \vholc. to (1,ttbJ15h 1n vcr)" general ttn1u .1 fe,,· doc· as a \\·hole This propo...1uc>n cl.11 also b< .1n.Jl\Lnl 1nto thrtt cn-
rnn.--1 points. both negative and pos1t1vc. ccn.a or value 1udgn1c11K. 1·hc .firr1 LS: The tCct1nd1ry of a woup 1s
~h0\\'11 l>y a ccrt;lin c11ar.1rter1~r1c vigor. \vh1rh 11> :t source of l'On-
~istency .ind \Ohd1l)'. l.nd \vh1ch the gi-ou11 11ro,;des for the fi11i-
TI1ru mteria of tlrr .fd/si1y of a l111ma11 -~"'"Pi•~e
1h~ 11 bnnl-'\ togt"lher 1 ht uvoud: The "pc<"UI k-no\\·-ho'-' with
97. Let us r:ake fint the neg;it1Yt" po1na:. Tht"Se .lll denvc from v.·hich the lri.'TOUp gr.asps .111d ~.ahzes che littncral. objectl\'e go.Jls
ch~ propositioo th;it nc> group. no p;irt1cul:ir social organi$rn. can of hun1.in1ty t:nhance' hun1.ln1ty's pul"u1t .111d :1chicvc111ent of
COll\tltuce a genuine hu111an u111ry unJcs.s it is co11nected \vtth the these vahu.•\ .and goals. l'hl· tliird: Every A.roup. sinlply l>y li\•1ng
general unity of hunun1t)•. Within th1$ funda111ent;il propo$irion 1n accorJ \\·1th 1t.-. O\v11 C'-Sence and all 1r~ de11u11ds., and by b<-1ng
.lf"(' included. 1f \\C .11'W)"ZC it. thtte cnteria or \·.atuc JUdgm~nB. 10 ''.lY "111 rntf'tl\I\'(' rouhc:y. ,uppom .md gi\'n hf(' to
The fint as this; A ltfO''P \\•hich. b)· rhc \V:I)' it 1s estJb11~hcd and the edifice of hu1n.1.n1t}·. nln1cl)· 1u genuine unit)' 111 ab
tt:s 111cn1bcrs bonde<l. 1upprmes <&r1<l dc.~rroy5 the 111v1ol;ible source gcn111ne plurality.
of l111111aniry itself. 11.t111cly. the llltern;al unit)' and liberty of the
hum:an ptrson a11J che 1ntema1 unity of the}'• ti. 1~lf 1mrk~ 0.1~ lat4'.fi.'r all
\\rtlh the sign of 1nherenc &ls1C)' 01nJ non.-\.-i!Ue The J«<»id: A
group \vhich, bc<;au1c of IC$ O\VO SOClJI t)"PC· pUl"\UC\ goals and 99. It na.1y hap~n, 111 the case of .1 p.;inicubr group, a
proc:lainlS values rhat concradict objective goals :.'Ind val11es con- given goal 1~ SQ1nc.:times clc,1r.ablc a1Jd \Vith111 re.1(11; it can happen
st1n1r1ng the inner t1111cy ofhun1an1ry. 1s also rnarked '''1th the sign tl1at :t given 111eans is u~erul for achicv1n~ 1t: hue 10 c:i).C, the
or UlhCttll[ fa.Wt)• ;anJ non-\-alue. 1he1JurJ: A group tlut c-lainu. goal d~ 11ot constitute ) Good i( at c.111 br :atau1cd only b)•
tOr lb O\\'D adv.anuge, .m cxrens1\·e tot.iliC)'. 1\, 011e \\·bich, sacritic1n~ the on:kT ofJU\t1c:e .ind lo\·t rh~t ought to ~•git 10 this
bcc:auJe of iu O\Vll go.11 and the vJluc 1t attributes to 1t:ielf. s.«ks \\."Otld. The ~1c pnnc1plc: .lnd the three cnrcria set fonh lbove
to dctcn1tine tl1e content of all other goals. all otl1cr v'11ues of 1n the.: 11ct-t:at1ve propo~1t1on' rernain rhe 1>n111ary rule, 21,,·;a~ Jnd life. niak('s a 111ockery of the funda111ental stn1ct11rc of hu- 1n all Citt'UlllSt)nCCS, just J\ CJ\crc i~ no ~pec:1:&J n1oraJ Ja\V for ~l'l'lt
nun1cy. \\·1th 1cs ;anc1e11t unil)• 1n 1t\ .1uthcnuc pJ11nb~·; such 01 gcnill$C\, ~ the-rt' i~ 110 'J"C' ruJe of pnvJtf' n1or.als fOr All)'
group once agai11 nurks itself \Vlth the sign of inherent fili1t)' and peoplt. \\ h.1tevcr Its dcgrtt of dcvelopmtnt. re~ OT tnugant.J. Or
11on-v;aluc. for any other group. I fence 1t L\ c1c:ar thac the negative pr<>posi-
tions for111ulated above uh1111.1tcly include ~ positive tntth that
repels .lny \ubterfi1gc. na11H:ly. that evt:I")' rt\ult proceeding frortl
2]0 lHI llllHlll'I l"tl'<C:llC.-.1 Of I'll:~ XI :11

llllrl. \\-'hi.tllrr ~ conuubsion nr om1,,1~u1, 111t1 ..1, 10 order to C\- by 111C'lt1bcrs, or .. single r.acc-.l C.l'\C.' IS h.trdl)· 1maf.:11l1bl(', It
ur11 ..h 11\ fi1u) \·.alue, be ma.~_rcJ ~)' lhl\ Nie lJt>b It put GoJ'\ the "l.ll(' 1s co tt-rn2.111 J genuine 'lJtc • ..111d fuU' n:~zc its("lf in '''
'\Umr '!ol1ll n1orc J"·c-pJ.) on thC' \\ortJ. ch"·~ unp of the God ol 11..ltunJ funcuo11. that u.. Jc\'clor J11 1ncc11sa,·c cotab[). then the
JU'in~c ~nJ ,.,\,,.c? I~ lt nuk~ u1ll t.:kJ.rcr. to the rtlc!'tl \\·ho tOU0\\1ng proposition n1u" Ix Jln.olutcly rejected as &~· ··The."
1t.cu1~, chc1r f\.:~c111bL1nc(' co God? pn111Jr)" \OllrtC and supn-n1e n1lc ol J.11 leg.U ord~r 1) r.1c1.1I u1 ~
WhC"n th11, l'I not the ca.~e'. 1t fl() d1tTcri:oce ho\\- U'>t'fu) o,11ncc." le gOd '"'1thout 'IJ.Ylll~ thlt the \o1111c \vouJd be crue \Y11h
111d 'llt\l.!\.'lul thl' r~suJcs arl.': cht.•tr 1c,1l1JJl1011 nYkcs no direct rcK.1rd to any given rtat1oual 111-;1111.:t.
:iddiri<>n co th<·tr actu.ll v;iluc.-, .lnd 11 I" 1hcrtiOre blaspht!1n1.>u1
v.·hcu 111 'lu.h l.L\~~ peoples and t11c11 lc.1.dl.'J\ lL1u11 tl1ac tbC'U' sue
C~'.iC"~ ;tr(' rroof <it J)1v1ne benedic:nnn, ,1\ j( \ut'"C'e'>\ \\.ert: :t '>l!-,'11
"'( t'.. n1c.ul.u f.t\or. 10: In ..lit~· case. the ge11enl re ·~''"~kcnu1g of the ~cc'\ l,,·irc-
100. Thnc" then ;itt the ~!ocmnU J'O'I"''· bf,th neg.iri,·c .;ind n<"'' of 1t' uue roit'., Ill the (.('11~ o( .a li1111t on 1~ dircct 1nten:cn·
ptn1U .. C'. c..ata ui "'&<e:n~ral \\.&) bi;- c.01n.1Ji:1ni u1 rebooo co t1on. ''"ouJd 1t to m1n~1te the J\11.i11u,1n of the nK><lem \t..ttc-.
(oc1al rtrt1<"\1!.:in•u1l.S oaod p;1rti.n1l;ar ~ll~ \\'C' hJ\'(.' been ron- .1p1no;t \\h1ch people .ire n-b<Jhn~ .1.nd ,,·h1ch ic. nun1tC-..ceJ

c~rncJ to Jclcr11ur1e tbe 1t1utu..d rel.ic1011,J11p,, .ut1otlg tl\ese group,, \v1th111 the su.ce .u \\·elJ J'i ut 1ntcn1Jt1onal rclaoo11:s. Th1'l ,\·oultf
a.Jld cc.1 "ICU,lt(' th('111 v.rithin the gt'TIC-r.:il hi( nfhu111an1t)·. HO\\.'C"vcr, t:1l1htlte the oqpniiation of <htli:rcnt \t.1tcs into a rcl.aovcly tt'
bt"<.:aU-\C: ,>f 1;;urre1tt c1n::u1n~wncei., i.;erl.1111 )>J>ct.1.11 p()lllt\ dt:-n1anJ ft-tt1vc. unified syste111 ba'ied on 1111"·n1Jt1011;1J la''' · and th1f; \V<>uld
S<'paratl' <'"(.1n1i11,1tion 1n tul'n n1;1kc 1t po~siblc for 1nc.hv1tlu;1) ,1.1tc'i \(> '''ork rogcfhcr to
\Ct ll!' IJ.rger tcooo1111c u1t1t1c,, In .1dtht1011, by reduclng lhe d)·
11l1111\lll ur the i.ute 10 this \\';ly. the.' (011\111011, peoaceful, oa11d pro--
1. T71r irate: 11S proper f1111<1io11
JllCU\'(' bfc of \'ari.ous group,. '' hethc-r 11.at1on.a.I or nC'lal. \\'lth1n

101 F1no1 of .tll. rcg;a.rdulg th"• '>t.tlc Ar1cr lhe UnuJ:v. rh~ ~1~ J <1nglc.' c.Ute cntlt'\' \\'Ould be t:,c1htJtC'd In &et. c~cntcd dir«t

ts ch<' nlO\t 1n1portml of thC" p<1n1cu!1r ~)(1C't1.,... of oarural rocial J(C:1v1f\ of the state. ~1.lll"t· Ill the .lttJ of sp1ntual bfe. h..J.\ no

lite. 111 .at(orJ \\1th 1~ onb'l.f1 .1r1<l nJtltn:, 1t tnu\t be .an organt- tloubt nude ntorc acute chc J(p)orJ.hlc ci1rrcnt problc1n of '°""
zanon chJt trc.-.1tcs order to s.afegu~trd l.l\\ in"I huJnJ.n \Vt>U-be1ns l'.lllclt 1111nonn~ 1nd different 11.a11c1n.iJ grou~• .and chis h1otfcn;
in 1,oc·i1:ry It fo llO\\"I rhat it i-s the vcr,• t'~<"llCC' of the to the pUl'\llll or S.CtltC Un1ry, tO the C'Xll'llt th.It l)tc )41tter is lt:gtlllll:ltc.•,
rt?'l:t)gn1tt' Lh;,il A.JI ILS Ult-111),(!r:-,, Wlllh>UL i.:x<.~pl1t.1U. Jia\'t: a nght Wl1cn thi: st-att=, conductinf; If'\ life 111 accord \vich its proper
co t'qual ~'r'tltc-ttion of the- Ja"" And rl1C' l<I\\' ic 1s called i1po11 fu11ct1on. has fi11ally succeeded an ~r.' bringi11g b~ck 10 hfe
10 ,.a1(~u.1nl c.'.111 Jcnve fTon1 nt1 \C>un t.' 4>1hl·r Ih.111 tht• <.">nr tron1 .111 3\\:.l~ne\s of n1or.1J an<I ~p1n1u:al Jlnnc1plC"s a111ong mtrltbt'~ of
"'luch d'lt >t.lte den,·es. chat t.S~ froJll tlt.... 01der is u1or.U. 11~ co111n1un1l)'. then 1t ,,,11 dt"'tn·c tn be chc object o( 'he dUt)'
t111i\('f\..ll, lntl ,-.11id tc.1r aU mm. inclt1din~ rt,.lur.11 (a,,. du.l is {he .lnd v1rtur \Ve all p;amons1n. :a11J "·h1ch ·~ ttqu1ttd by the n1on.J
~uprcriu:· Nie lc.tding the sr:.ite- to Qf~JrJ I.a"". ThJ'i do...""lrint: ~ orJcr >nd b)· God.
valiLi in a!l c1rLu11lSUDccs.. e,·e.n "h~11 chc ,uic l'> l'01t1posed ~lt!-l~
lJl JHI llllltllN l"'f'rtlfAI flt l'lti\ XI I lu,•1<J11, GrNrns ( ·,

co11u11un1f)· ~wpect throt1~hout the ,,·orld, and gJ\'t other \l.111~

2. ..ftrritc>ric1/ 11c1tio11ality
lt·glt111ut(' rc~n to dC"f('11J tltt·\·C"\ ..;i.ga1f1S( them ,,,th Jll 1hC"
103 It l't'nu1ns co U) somethu1g ;i'bouc '' I\ ten11Cd the un1~' 111.,·.1n~ Jr their dispos;at ThJt '" '"hY tt •~ J.11 the mort cle:arl\ the
of the people or •UOCiJ.oon in ) \Ingle cou1111t1n1f)· It 1s c1nr th:1c Jut)· of .11 temtori..11\ h..i~ 111c1111x-rs dispc~ bt-yonJ
JU'< ..., 111 the c.l~ of narure or race, \\:hen cvcryd.iy lJJ1guage crie~ It\ n..;it1\·e \Otl. or \vhich \(nf.b thc11110 tJkc lap n::ssdencc 1n (or('awt
co detinl' 1h1\ kind of grouping. 1t doe" not .11,,·J}"\ t1~e the s.1mc: I.ind,, to J1nut 1tsel( to not IOqtetc111g thc111. to helping the111 1n
ten11,,, lly the tcnn "temtonal 11at1011.1l1ty" (tH'ttpft, (/c>lk, f/olk· u111c of need. and as for th<' l'f.'\t. hc111g prouJ to p.an1c1p.1ti: 1n .1
stllflt} \Ve.• 111,1y refer to an association cJf 111c11 111orc or less co11- niaJor '''.1)' 111 the life of hu111.1111t)' lly providi11g \'aluab1e n1cn
sc:1ou\ <>f ''·l1J1 they lta\'e 111 co11ln1on. 111\of.1r Jnd 111as1nucl1 as '''h<> h.1ve been shapccl l>y their t'tl1i11t•C"ti<>11 , ....;111 the ho11·1cland.
they were bon1 on the sainc soil Jnd ;ire CC;>ll\("(jUtnt:I)' pcn1u- It I\ n.:itur.illy u1evitablt the llC\\ l.11nd '''here the c1111grJllt\
ncntly 111.1rkcd b,· the .same perS0111) ch.1rJctcnst10. hJ\C ukcn up resjden((' \hould hc~n co exercise on thcr11 the
ton1ua,·c- ~ial po,,."11 e'er(l\C\ 011 ~ thosr \Vho bvc- tht'rc
t~cther. ~d 1t \\'Ould not c\·c11 b<- lew1111utc to seek to prt',·cnt
thl\ But the- ntott' the n101hcr (OUOtl)"S gJft of its children 1\
10-1 Suell J <emtori;al naaon:ahty. t.1ke11 1n Jnd of 1t:K"lf. has no lh\111tc.•rt"\tC'd. the 1norc it '" 111 rt'l'<'IV<' 111 return &om thcn1 111 t1n1c
direct relJt1on to che esse11c1ally poh11rJI .u:h1l'\'C111cnt constituted of llt'cd.. Man)' people:\ of the <>Id ''·orld l1ave had this expcneu(c
b)1 the stJte. It \vould therefore be f.1l4'c to t'011s1dcr 1n adva11cc .-.~ 111 r<.·ccnt years.

un11.;icural the fact that l1u11l.a11 grou1)\ belonwng to differe11t ler-

ntonal 11Jt1011.1lit.1t-s 11uy be brought togt"thrr 1n one st01tt:, or that
.l· 711e 11111io11
11'e111bt" of the \;ttt1e tcrriton.;r.I 111t1011al1t)' 111..;iv live in difl'Crent
\Ute:"\ It \\'Ould be equ.all)• falst' to cl..;i1111 thJ.t such .i group ha4i 106. Our teJ.c:h1ng on tl1c ttl..;iunn J111ong men in the body of
any J~lutt nJtur.l nght or ducy to "C'ek pol1cic~ union the rl.lt1011 1s s1m1br to Our ccJchJntt on ttmtorial 1Ut101ul1ry
''1th .l 't.att: 1n \\·h1ch 11 15 r~pr'C".\Cntcd by .l \lLlhle minonl) of U1d1kc the btter. tht n.at1on t'11ll"TSC'\ &on1 the ctKUIJlS(.<inccs of
c1t1zt11s. AnJ 1t '"'ouJd be cqu....U>· fJ]~ tOr ~..;ite to cb.i111 an~ l'Orll111on life. not so n1uch 111 che ~111c plJ.Ct" is 1rt the u111c:- tul,t'.
l111d of \OVC'l't'li-,'ll PQ\Vt''r, no n1.1rtcr hO\\ ..;ind und<r '''h:&tC\'Cr rhc nJt1on as a luge Js.soc1.1t1on of nu:n '''ho ha\'c cor11111on
pretext, over .i g:rol1p of it$ Q\Y11 ccmtor1JI 11;a11on<l.hry belongin~ n1c111or1<.-s a11d \vhoJ11 ,1 conunon tr.1tltt1011. pan:icularly \Y1th rc-
10 another ~t.1tc. Kllrd to sp1ntuaJ cu]curc, ha\ 4>hJJ)cd .and contii1ucs to sh,1pe. L1kt'
tc:rntonaJ naoonahty. th1~ bone.I 111 tile body of the 11at1011 l1a\ J
pc)\Verful fon11:iti\•e influc1h.:c Clll the thought. \vill. and st·nsibihry
1trritorit1I 11at1C11111li1y i11 j'1reig11 lauds
ot llldJ\,dU.lls J:Dd (~1111IJ('S., .lnd thl\ C011\0hd.ltt'S thC body <>f the
ros The tJ.h.ary of $UCh a cb1n1 .tho dcM\C'\ tro111 the &ct th~t n.a11on rt'\Clf. 1t sttn1ubt~ J.nd ttl''e\ hfc to hu1uan1ty's ovtrall c-tTon
It \\'OulJ be ,)Jl lllC'.X:hJ.ustiblt- SOllfCC' of (011CC01 1n thr \\'Orld. .md to ..chtc-\·e general goals, to rcJJ11c the \' ~1gncd to 11u.n.
fron1 J pol1t1c.1J point of "it"\\. ''oultl 11uke Jll('1t1bc."N of thJt it. "''·h~· c\·cry c1uzcn, cxen-1 ..111tt the- \m\Jr of pacey, lu<s the

dt1t)' to be grateful co )us 11auo11. to be anachcd co it, (or it is lariai1. For in that \Ve \vould have 11atio11alisn1. We arc a\varc
;:ih<>ve nll chi;: Q~1tic>n th:1t 1n,1int:tJHS t.l1c- <'<>rn111tu1 Lradiuo1t$, alld of the dis.agreeable overt.Ont.~ \\'Ord h:is >llready acquired i11
1r is the 11ac1011 6·0111 \V]1ich h<.' proceeds and on \vhich hjs litC i-. 11t..1.ny langt_1ages. 111 it. a gc11\1inc pervenion of tl1c spirit is ex·

ch•p(,' :ir :all riJTil'... pres~ed. It is n gr.'lvC crimi11:tl <>ffc11sc to urge n1en, and especi!!.lly
adole-sccnts, to 111ove in this direction, using every 111ea.11s at hand;
:;111d it is all the.:. n1ore c;rin1inal ir pervert.~ the noble in1-
pulses of the soo] that tl1e 11atioo and territorial 11acio11ality a\vake11
107. But ju-.t ;1-. in fhc.:. c~~ of territorial n;ition:ility, and for the in every 111an of sou11d 111ind an<i body. These in1pul$CS arc pro-
srulte reJso1u. tl1is boJtd \\'ithtu a national body dot•s not in itscJf f.t11cd by being u1tjustly pur 10 the service of politics and i~ goal
giv<-' U'> the direct right co CQlttludc th,1t lxlonginK" to ;i 11at1on o( g<.tining po\\'Cr.
itllphes belooE,"lllS 10 J give11 state. Belo11ging co a gi'' L'll srJtc is
in and of iGclf distinct t'Con1 belo1Jg:i11g to a. n:at1011. The opposite
D111ies 10 1/1e ua1i<>11
vl!!\V. \\•l11ch L-t \\11despre.:1.d. denves tl-01n .1. n1ore or Jess artificial
idea of the i1arion that relics far too mtich on a sl1arc<l laJtg\t-age. 109. \Vhcn 011the other hand 1ncn. <'n<l cspec;it1Uy yo11ng peo-
and Llke~ too little :lCCOUJ'lt of Ll-e boncl-\Ybit}l i_;,, tll..111ethel™ ple, seek assiduou:sly a11d faichf\1lly to fulfill tl1eir e11tirc duty '''ith
of capital u11portan,e-bct\veen a nario11aJ group -4ll.d its collcc r(.•gard to their nation. chcy ~re acting in the rig.11t \V:&y. and ful-
tl\'I.'.' hi~t•~ri,·a! tT.1<lJri<.ln, :and ultin1:1tely indic.1reoi: l~s .1 n;1ti<.>n tb;in filling their oblibrario11s to d1e di\•i11e 111oral order. and ii1 pan:icular
a SClte 'hat lS fot111ded or to be fotu1ded 011 the basis of a Sh.aced to nan1ral la\''· Our Lord JcsllS Chri~t hi111$clf did thi$ 'vhe1t 11e
l.a11gi1agli'.'. \Ve h:i\'<' pt"rs0n:tlly f'Xp<·rienc<"d thi~. For the S<)h1ric)n taught the people or dte 01d Tesran1cnt~ it ca1sscd cite Mcssias to
~)r tllf 'ttc,111a.i1 qucst101, .. v..a.~ n1a<l~ l>Os:,1ble only by ab.i.11Jtn1111g \ \1Cep over Jcrusa!en1: jt is in pcifett 3c;cord \V'ith the feelin&$ of

this f~lsc icic;.l of chc L-i.1tion. \\-·hi<:h 'voulci nc.·c(,·ssariJ}' have cnrJilcd the Cl1urch \vhiclt. :as a visible, 11isrorical socicl)'. cannot avoid
Llit.' 1na111tt.>11ant:c c>fthc:-iutc:gnty <>fthe ~t:ttl.'.', :.11d rc-turn1ng tu tht: encountenng nations i11 a positive 111anner Oil the tt•rrni11 of
t:ntc ide:a of the sracc. \Vhich is l'ascd 011 h.tscon·. hLStory.

Po.<Sibility ef a seco11d fatlterlami

108. Co11sC>que11tly, <tll tht' conclusions at \v}1ich '\I.le h:Lvc ar- 11o. Let us ndd 1his: Men can really give the111selves anotl1cr
nvcd \vitl1 reg.ard to tht' relatlons \\•Ith the Stal<' a11d \\ltLll otl1er fatherl,a11d, they an really incorpor.itc thcrnselves into a second
st:.1tcs ~pply equally '''ell to territorial t1atio11ality .1.nd to rl1e uarion. tcrritoriCll n<1tionaJity; si111.ilarly, through n1ajor events. it is possjb)c
"I he nattou hJ .. t11.: righl Lt) fuJly Jc-vclc>r it'I <>\\•n 11.atu~e. th:1t i-.. for che1n to be grad\1ally incorpor.tted. \Vithout being forced ro
to Ix iutensi,•ely 1otalitaria11. bur Jt does 1\oc by 1r,;eJf h.i\'e Ll1e do so. into another complex of tl'3ditio1ts, into a11od1er 1i:trio11al
cx<·lu,.ive en <"oncrol th<' legal order or the state. and still less soticry. To de11y tl1is \VOUld be to $¢C n13n'$ life in (;0111111011 3~
tile <:hLLrch: IL Joes JhJt h.tvc Ll1e right t<'> b~ t:xtc-nsi,,.et)' tot:lli- having a rigidity \vhich, bi:c:.'luse of its dcvclopn1ent ht ci111e and
THE KIDD£!< E.NCYCltCAl Of" P"l 1:'J Jtl 237

space. it ab~oJutcly cannot h;tvc. Morl.!<.l\'cr, 1( 1t wcr~ ngid 1n tlus or gen11inely h111nan lines <.>f separation C<lnnot be ad11Utced 11nless
way, 11one of rhe eXistu1g J1atio1l." ":,.ould C\1Ct have bc-c-n ablc.- to tl1ey thc1115clv<.>$ parcicipaie in \\' h3t fon11s tlte co111111on bond of
~t;ibli\h th~n1<>elvc$. hu111:\nity. For the theory :i11d pr3crice of rncisn1. \\•ith tlteir dis--
tincrio11 bet\vee11 superior and i11ferior races. igltore rlte \utifying
bond ,,·l1osc exii>tencc is de11101umtcd by the three kinds of res..
4. Race a11d racism tin1011y 111enrioned above. or ac le:isc chey depri,1e it of a11y pr3c-
J 1L, W11cn \VC arnve at the issue of rncc. \Ye find :i -itrik1ng tical $COpe. One has a right to be Sltrprised chat, confronted by
exa1nplt> of c.he hann c:i.L1sed by d1e ful~e. senci111c11taJ. ai1d almosc cl1ese facts, chcre are still people \Vito clai111 chat the doctri11e and
a1ystical \Vay of speaking ctuic hilS been applied to che ideas of practice of r.J:Cisrn l1ave nothing to do \Vith C:itholic teaching on
11aLior1. people, a11d staL...-. There 1s so lict1c agrct111euL, wherl1er faith and rnorals, 11orhing co do \\rith philosophy, and chac chey
in scicutif'ic tcr11ili1ology or U1 coo1n1on us.age. ''rith rc~rcl to che rc111ai11 a purely politic.·al iss11e.
rt1e:1.nU-1g- of t11~ L<'nltS "'race" t)r .. r.aciaJ link" tlwt ,.,...e find rl1e111
\tsed today-a11d still r11or(: in the past-solely to designate a na-
1''cga1,.01t of l111rua11 /X!rso1utli1y
tiot1 o r .J pt:-<->ple. In a<lditi<>n, tilt cxprt!i.\il1n ••raci.i.Llink" usually
sigiufics. in i11odern scic-nrif1c vocabulary, ccnaio definite phy·sical 1 13. Our $urprise 3t thi$ incon1prchcnsion increases \vhe11 the
ch:ir:u;teristic.':'i. \vhidt are p~n11;1nt:nt ~nd c:t>n1nH>T1 tc, a grc)up c>f three- criteria proposed to reinforce c11ese negative conclusions are
J1iwWl be111gs. 1J1 relarior1 \Vitl1 rl1e phy" cotlit1rur1011. wluch applied to racis111. The fint e-rit¢rion sho,vcd that (he i11ncr unity
1., ir:)elf marked by tht:Sc h«>dily t1<1ir~. \\'C: cc.>n~t:lntly ol-,~el"\'C: cer- and free \vill of tile hu111an person \Vere oecessary co11ditio1l.S for
tain 111enral cllaracrerisucs. lf cite Ler111 "race.. is used ro refer 01l1y fot1ndi11g any genuine l1u111an. soci¢ty. Bur if the racial comn1unity
to these obvious fucts, and it~ the irtdi,•idl1al r.lcial charact<'risti<.~s is co be rite source of all otlter fonns of society. rhe hu11u.n per- not assu111ed to re111alt'l const.ao1 t)ver too lo11g :i tune, then son'$ inner unity and free \Vil.I h<1vc to be gi1ar.inteed. ll..acj~n1
chc usC" of this ccn11 K1nai1lS \\ithh1 lb<" linties of \•crifiablc ob- does 11or accord rhe hu111a11 person ilS rigltts a11d its i111pol'Clnce
serv.arion. ht the fom1ari.on of society. It dain1s th-at the fact chat individuals
have cite .sa111e blood iTrC"sistibly i11volves cl1en1 in a si11gle current
of physical and psychological characteristics. Any other cxp1a-
nati<.>n n1akes it i111possible ro u11del'$tand the l1opeless posicion
J 12.Due th<." ter1n .. rJ.(lS111" is used co refer to a greaLdeal 111ore racis111 assiwu to the races it co11sidcrs inferior. A11y other inter-
th;1n rh.1t. Then r.he 'vord c-0ntr.1dic..1'S the oeg3civc conclusions pretation fuils co account co1npletely for che 111ecl1ani,snl of racist
already es;rablished i11 LJ1i!. Lt!tlt:'r, ,.vhich arc b:i.\l!d tln the tc-.t<:hinbH> legislation that judges aU individ11aJs of ;a given r.lCC by ntean.s of
of the Faich, on the.· rc.-sri1nony of philosophy a11d ocher brancl1es the san1e eth11ic fonnula.
t1fk110V\•letlg1;:, ;ind <>n experience a~ '\'Cll. It conr:radice<. thcnt \\•ith 114. Ho'" can \Ve reconcile cl1ese ''iC\VS: \vit-h the basic person-

regard to the .aucheut1c dtvis101is \\'lthi11 l1w1l.1.0 St>etal htC.. It con- ality. \vitl1 the physic.ii. special, psycltological unity rc:-presenccd
rradicts in both theory and practice chr prii1cipl~ that -caccgones by each individual? HO\V ca11 t11cy be reconciled 'vith the n1ultiplc
111ff ut:ncC\ (lr the 1~1tcn:il aud \p1r1tuo1l cnv1ro1uncnt? 1"'01 ouly order vaJid fot all n1en and alt nines? J)o.:~n't n ;ih;indon
rc1\de1)c1es and norl'l1nG n1or<" ca1\ he 1nhC'nt<.·d throu~ll th<.• hlood. ordt•r to the ;irbicrat)' \\ii.U and 11\Scu1cl of 1>:in1cul:ir rac~....?
n o l defin1t1ve, 2lrt"ldy forn1cJ quJl1t~t"\. AnJ tl1c dcvclop111cnt o f 1 18 . Nevt·rtl1eless. cvc11 tl1c p;ag;i11s .ack110\\·l~dgt>d tllc.' c.'Xl\tf'llf('

c)u.racccr--lc1\·ing asjdc the P<''~il,lc.• c.· rfc('t\ of n'l~r1', fn-r \viii of Wis u1uversa1 111or.a1 order \\·hen the)' ~'" 1r' on~n 1n a c,h\'1nc
1~ iff'ectcd b)• tbe r:n,•1ronnlr:n,. ;i11d t"Jl«141l)' .t.\ t'C'tt.&rJs upbru1g- and $.lltlple principle. Anstolle obscl"\·~; 1 ' "I-le \vho .atk' lol\\'
ing. at lcasr 111S0far a~ rllt l'~<-hologtc:~I rc.·1l<l4..·n,,t.... th:.t <lcprnd l,'O\'Cnl is askii1g clut God at1d rt"a:son alo11e ~\"c.-n1." (:1('eru \.t)''
on the rh}-s,i.,;:011 org;i11~1n are concr:nlc-d . the u111<.". 11 Ainong the Chri.~uan-t. S;11n1Jcro111C' Qy-.: 'J "()nt l.l\\,
115. Thoe tt1t1lTl~ suffice.~ 10 \he.'" th.11 nu11\ of the pn111ord1al \\ntten in our beam. CXt<'n<h to all 11ano1l\, a11d no 11u11 I\ \Ill ..
doctnn~ o( C;athohc (;a1~h 2nd nlOnl\ h.ivr: bcc-11 11'tJ'K>~ b\· r•c- a\\·.tn: of this la\\·:· Ftn.ill)•. Siant Augu«111e: "There 1\ no \Oul
1.illl; fur u\i.Unce. thr\:~ co1l~cr1111tt: tile hunu11 pt:f'\On, of rcason.tb!e thought 10 \\h1ch C<'kl dOt"'\ 111.alc h1\
&cc ,,.._u, rhc unit\' of wul ;ind bod,·, .ind 611.lll\' ds\.,nc' ll"";acr. b'' he.t.rd... ,,
"'1ch rt· 0()( onJ, 10 it'\ hu1 .al\O 111 ''' n~ o( op· 119. In a..D) case. chC' rxi'>ttnce of a tUtunl 111onl IJ\\, "l11("h
cnoon R tetm\ .atso conmd1cn m:.ny cruth~ .lffinnc-d b'" rh1ICK- ~ n1cn C<llT)" in lhetr h~~m• .md \\'h1ch L< \\'l1ttcn b) thr CrtJtor,

opliy ll1d tltoc.krtt '\ol'.lt:llt.t.", \o\ tile (:l1urc;l1 c;Jllt>Ut .ar1J l'llJ rlOl •~ u.ui;:ht b~ Holy Scnptu:rc-. "' Hence the:'\t rule ct 111onht} ''

ignore. once- .tpin tn conftict '\\ith C.tthohc tr.ich1n{t 111 nutll!'N of fJtth
.a1td 1nor.als. It con"tltut~ 1n ;add1no11 J pcm1~11cn1 thrc;at co cl1c
\CCUO()' of public and pri\"Jtc life • .ind co C\'Cty Lind of pr.i.,·<' .tnd
J''tgJtiou of 1lrt lntt i·.rl11n o_f ,,,,,,.,,,,y 1111J r«I(~'~'" ord<'r in th~ \\·orld. Th1.s \\·orld hi\ bccon1c J\\ an: of the ("n'l' 11
116. The s.a.t11r clost rel;at1onsh1p \\·1th cht" doctnncs of f.uth. lS suffering. In the p;tSt, thtS crisis \\'<I> .llrcad) not pn111Jnly \O("
TTl<.lr:al-.., lnd 'IC"i~nre .1pp< "'hen rat ''"' '' ~uhJt"t tt'tl ttl thr ~'-·c­ ;and cconon11c 1n n:arurr:, and under the u1flucn''-' of 1ll1i''\tOJc·
ond cr1cenou Wt! est:ibhshed e:irl1er 111 d1~u~s111~ thtt uodt111Jblc O\'e doccnne 1t has developed obJt"(ll\'t'l~ 111to a11 1111n1cl'l'\e ,r,,1 ..
unity of thr hunto.n rare. Wt..• ~.1id 111 p;1rri\.·ul.1r il•JI '' h<.·11 <~ group"s of .UI monlny.
social consntutso n :iffin tt..\ gt_)Jl1 .aud v;1)Uc\ 1n oppl>\1t1t)l1 tt> tht>'e
that objrcUVl'I) ~c;'t'\'(' thr l' Olld ~ll hUlll:llllt)1• I( bl'l l'J)''i by this Religic>11 is uo1 s11bordi'1accd ro ra(t
Vc:'I). t3ct JtS inner n1c."nda.;1ty .ind povr:rt)'. ll u1 1'4lt!ln1 dc1Ul'1, pr;ae-
tically lf oor theorertc:~lly, ch.l e 111\'tt.• .lro ~)l'IJ~l.:livt• }-tll:il" .1t1d v.alu~~ 120. Ou t rac1sn1 is not sat1sficd ' ''Ith <ll·nying the v.1luc of ,\
con1111on to hn11i.1n1l)' as a ,,·J1olc. t1111vCl""\:'ll moral order as a l')lcl>'>i11g th~t uo1tc\ hu111,1nkintl; 11 fi1r-
J 17. L('!t t L'\ c.x:u11i11t• r.u,:i\l1l
tc.1rh11>g. \Vhf>\(' «<.\c·nti.1)
\ 1ll tlr;l1 tl\cr denies th.11 cs~ncial values have an equal :ind gc111:rJI roll· to
t hesis We llave recenll~r bec11 obli"cJ t'> \:t>n<l..:11111 ." I ht! ,trcugll1 pla)' in chc. donuins of ccono111y, l rt, K:1c11cL". .ind Jl>(>vc .lll. re
<>f tht" r.1cc :in<l rhc puriry nf it'I blood 111u\t l"IC' pr.:sc:n-·cd .ind l1b'IOll. It n1ainc.1JJlS. fo r instance. t11at c<icl1 ract' ~houl<I h.lvc.· 1t"
J'~\cn·e<l: .1ny n1c.a11\ th;i~ ....:r\>C\ Liu\ l'lltl l'i, l(>r tl1.-i rc-;a\<)11 ;11011<'. O\.Vll SCICllCC. \Vhic.h is to h;,ive notlung 111 ('0111111011 \\'Ith the
good and lt-gin111art." That I\ chc rule- of;1~t 111or.1.IJt\'. We llll : \C"1ence of anotller race, especially jf that r.lcc lllppt~111i co be in·
l>o<."'ln·, 'iuch J princ-ipl(· d~nv lhl"' C""\i\tc.~ 11< l" o t 211ci l~1 t·ct1\·(.•111oral fcnor. Although the u1Ut)1 of the \\')lolc orhun1:in culttlrt' I\
IJllJ tiJUl.>1:.i.. l."I 'r( ll(,AI UI 11 1L\ >.I I l11!fl.vt1 Cmrn"t L~ut.i1

u11po1 uoL LO C.ltbolic U..1th .aind to 111onlJ.l)·, let U\ li1t11t our1,elv('1, opn1cnts of peoples and group~. Jc put' no J>eopll' or group ur1der
here 1c• C'(l0,1ttcn11K c.-11ly the rel•t101~\ bt-t\\.ttll r.tlc .aud rLlt~·u•n. Olli)' C'Or"rr.tint in ordtT to 1111po~ 011 11 .1nvth1ng rontr.11)' co its

Co1lCt'nU1•g th1s cowiccuo11. \VC ha\'C ceccntl~· dr.l'''" .anc-nn<'n 1ruc 1u.turc. But no one C'.tn tttct\'t' the Chn~J.n rc-11gion m .any
10 th..- i:.I\(" ~,,, U.c..1' .u~ru thu ··R.t:l1gso11 f\ ,ul~rJu1.,1.\cd \\"~y other tlun as ;a pure gncc .ind Jinti, J.\ .Jn obh~t1on bid upon
to rht Lt" o£ the .md U1l1Sl be- adapccd [0 b,,. •· In thnr h11t1 by God. Conseque-ntl). he c3nnm ch.Jll~'C' it 1n ar\y ~'2)'.
tt'\\ h, l'ttltcJ \( ICUtl'b llJ.'-l" C:Olllp:.l~ \mow. people'." .!llil ~ othen,·~ it ce~ to be: th<" Chn\n.ln tth~'lOt\ Indeed. the loss
cht dtffenn~ if.l~C'S of dc,·elopmcnt of peoples tll.('n 1nd1\1du.1Uy of I~ ObJCCO\·e .tnd obliptOI)" chlr.1<ter '-\OUld C'1U~ ttLgion to
Tht:~ h.a"'<' I 1rc<l t.l1t'Tt' '' nc> <l1rc:ct t.:l1n1k'Lt1011 ~t~ec:n lmt> (Omplerely 1u, <:hanctcn of un1vcn.ality
rac~ and religion· the result of rl>cir sn1dit'S is, on the ronrr.:iry,
co ch:nun 1 ~tr.atc tJ1~ rcllgiuu~ unity c)r hu1n.an1ty.
Rdc;.s111 tfes1rays 1J1e s1rJtr111rc• ,~,. .ftJt'i(·ty
121. A~ ~on a~ .1 plul~phy succeeds clarifying the r~•<:nrinl
cl¢rr1('nt~ c1i reh~u111, cl1c .tbliurd tt..lntradict.it1n tl1.1t unplilt' 1h.11 123. Sir11ple r<.-spcct for reality.,,~ 111.1n1f,•<11ccl in ir$ con~1.sten<.-y,
religso11 co1tld ~vcr be L11e re~ttlc of a pttrel}' l1ui11an ac.p1t:'ition in tl1e light of di\•tne tcvcl:tt1on. 111~11}' 11c:1c11cc?i, Ju<l experience.
cxpl0<tt"s. 1 hi1, 1\, h'''''cver. the tl1C"S1s th~l racism j'\ IORed lt., d01:'i not :allo'-'' the Catl101ic to rc.•n\Ju1 \llt.·ut \Vl1c11 confronted by
deft'nd. On tht t:OntrJrv, tt'bgion is based 011 c1te rebc1011 bel\\.cen r;ac11;n1. For as a Catttolic. re..pect for ''' 1~ 1•1tt\t aJ\,•ay' be bis
che l1un1ln P<"N'>ll aJ1d a J-'Cf\Oru.I .Ocing disnnct tfo1n nu11, :i.nd C..'"'1tc11t1a.l tr2.1r. Th<"refore ll n1u1;1 be rcpt·,ated th~l r.ac1"111 can1lot
on wh1th 1nJn «(>t1lly dt:'pC'nds. 1,und up to the tat of rhe rh1rJ nc~ll\'t cn1cno11 altt'ady ~ub­
122. Abov< .111. our C.ttbohc Uith te-achcs us~ a tU1ld.l1nc1•u.I fa,hcd. According to thti mrmo11, .111)' itfOup tha.1 c:b1nu ;a.n c.x-
m.ith :h.J.' there l\ onC' Ciod fOT .d men ~nd t(>!- 30 f.JC("(, ''the tCJ\\1\"t' touli[)-. tlut I!., '' h1ch Jtic.tlt~ the content of all ocha
l"-a1hcr of our LorJ )l')tn Chtbt" fEphe1ans 1.3). The <~l1r1 ..l1.ar1 plt~ and \·.aluts from the .,1andpo1nc of tt:\ O\\ n purpose .ind
religion. chr only cnt<" R"li~on. JS thett"b}·<nulh· Jd.:tptrd tUnd..tmcntal sale of' ,·J]ue1;, d~tf())' ch<" bJ,t(' \lructurt' on \\·h1ch
to ~I .111J ,,rJ.1u1c.:J ft>r .all t.l<t:'\. Anyunt: \\·lttl c.kntc\ lh1 .. cn11l1 hu1lun1ty depends m order to .1t"h1e\"c tn1c unit)· 111 authentic
contr.1d1cts Jn tsir11tL~ 1u.uut(s101non of thl' Church's hr't, '"ilh:h pl11n1lir)'· Thereby 1t rt\"cJI:\ ''"'inner tJl\lt)' ;ind lb po\ierty. No,,·.
''• 111\lf(•\)\.\:t, c:ii;rrt''\Ctl 1n the un1\·t:f' mi..'ilt)n \\"ltt1 , .. hi,·h ,tu• thl\ is prec"isel}' \\•hac racisn1 doc\, tither 111 11:\ theory or in ics
\"\'l! e11tru~ted by hc:r l"'Ounder:. ''All po''-'er o\•er hea,~eu :ind e.1nJi prJcticc. It n1akc.s t.hc f.1ct of ~>up111~ «> to its
'-~·:i~ givt·n to 111(•. (~t•. cht•rtt•1rc, ;and n1<1kc disciple~ of 1111 n:l1h1n\, ;;y:c.ten1,;11S it such a11 exclu'\1vc \11,'lllfic.:ancc .111d efficacy. that
blpt1i.111K 111cu1 111 cht' 11.uue t )f the Fatl1~•. and of the Son, 1'11\l 1n co1npanson all other :>ocial bone!~ .u1tt grc:l11pings nc> longl.'r
of rht Hol>' Gho..t. lt.';lchins chcn1 ro obstrve 1U rh:tc I h.:ive l'c,;11u- a d1~t111ct. relanvely 1ndepende111 1nd1viduality or foundatio1l in
111ikndcd )'OU" {."1;a1thc-v.• :8:J9-10). IJi\\'. l'hrough an abu~ivc cxtcn'i"1on of r1c..·1.1I V;tluc1;, the entire Jifc
Ill~ ccn1duc:·t elf il1e Church. 1n!t.Ofur 35 ir 1\ rhe C'(lnt1nu:ino11 of \OCltty is reduced t<> a tot.alit)1 '"''h<.l\t' unit)' ic. '''l1olly 111eclw1-
of che hfe of<. 'hi''' ,,·ho. ~ tlli: f\..tai1-\JOJ. ,, '111~ulu11t•c,u,J}' tn1t• 1cal. It as deprived of precisely 1J11t font1 ch.11 tl1c \pint l::?\'C it:
God and mic .\.i>n. " prccisdy .md occcss.uily adlpt.-d to lll crue untt)' 111 rca.J plur.ihry.
autl1<!11t1,- hur11Jr1 1"l>nJ1tKln' a11J .111 ht~lrk~I. ll"ginm.lte' \t("""\C"I• 124. Whe11 ncial '~U<" •~ O\'Cf'1n11~hhC'J Jind 111~c ccnrnl md
Tiil 1111\01 N I°'' 'tt I If ~I Cll I'll.\ <t<I

ext lu ..1\'t.', ll Ltll.lfi.b.._~

.i.nd obl1lr:r4:lc'I .111 ')thcr IJ(.lUOOS. Througlt .ind 111J1t_..'t"nou~ r.ace5 . .and .t\\u111c' 111,· Jiffe-ttncc:<; 111 t"l<X>d!
llS IO< C~t(115l()O, It ltliil.CS .l rfr< of ~let)· cxxtly (·t'nlu1ly tht'rc cxiu loda:y ntorc or IC\.' perfect. mort or I('<;\ de·
rt:"~111!>L:, 1.l1c Ullt.:nuuo1ulc.t MXl.:l). 1.IJ..1t """'"11 cl~11ts to OPJ>OK" vclop<d r.acts. 1f they an! ntt".:a\urcJ by che OUC\.\"Ud 1ru.111fnt:lC1c.-.n'
.ln..i rh.1r \\"e Q\1('5('1,·cs .i.rc comb..1nn~ IR cnncc:pt c>f the world tlf their cultur.iJ life. Out th~ ddTC"rencn Jrc detimnincd by the
1:-.. ((Kl \llUJllt.', pr-unJl1vl!'f~ )1Juplt:. cnv1ro11111e-nc. 1n 1ht ~11~ lhlt. \t.'lt1nt:: .u1de the cff<.'Cb o( che
Yot1n~ rcopl(' exposed ro rhe'ie t<lc I\ .lhout the \\'Orld be-come t''.<t'T(lll' of free \vill. onlr 1hrou~h 1l1c 111tlt1cnc.:c of the cnv1ro11
f.trl.1t11,;,1I \\'hc:11 Lhey a1..c~pl theni, 3ucl 11111111,lh. \V)1en tl1ey re1ecl n1cnt coul<_t fuod:i1t1t>1ttal r.1ciJ) ch.1r.1etcn\t1~ develop ii1 one or
chrr>1 Iloch oitnnadc.s <lT1.' possible if ht"am .ind n1ind~ h.:ivc bc<"on1c <lnc>thcr nl:11111cr. :ind concinuc to ctc..·vclop. E\•e11 if \VC' gr.1111 1h.1t
111t.:;ipJbJl! c.>f .1ppte<.1J.ll11g Lht 11L1.111folJ 11chc1 of Lite 'I i-ue aJld tl1e tJ1c..-..c l-"rin1.1ry rtndtnc1c~. (tr tho,c.• chat l.atct tJ"11erge on J('('(>unt
Good, nrhc~ '"·h1<"h. in their brOJd ("\i<"llf and u11ity. can only be tlf t.ll"c. \Ct the direction J11d cv<.·n the hn11ts of chis dcvclop111c11t
the hcnu~c llf .tu .1uth~ntac "ptntu.d l1fe:. .i11J th<' 111ftutncc of tilt' c:11\·1ron111cut. th~· do nor proV1de the
b.t-..1, for ~'iCnml dJfTcrcnc~ 1111g.l1c m-iong pamrullr
.....,.C\ \\1lh rqµrd to ~liJ.tlnUl, 1110r.ll • .and cultunl life. 1h1\ 1ruch
c111cqtC\ fron1 chc 1~ch1ng '' c dcn,·c from rcvel.;a.aon .o '"ell J~
1!S \'(y'rct4..lic:J youth, \\.Tt:tcheJ p;i.rcnt'• ''retched ceachen, to ti-0111 ph1Jcxoph)· and other hran,hc."'\ of kno,vlcdge.

v. ho1t1 tltc tl1nJ.i1nt'11tal la\v of racist ('<-fUL.,1t1on offers no \iC\\'-

po1111 orhcr tJtiln t3naticis111 or 111h1h$1U~ Le~ U" Jay bcfOre the
v.•l1c.,lc.• \Vtlrl<l th1! illJrll1.-'-ful edu(\1Lio1t1I 11nnc.,1rle. \V}\1cJ1 V./e r e-
CC'ntl~ sr1p.iu.1uzcd as talse: "The goal of eJULJllon 1s co dev(."lop 1:.7. ·r11 .~
. (t:acl11n~"\ tend t<> dc1uon'tr.1lt"' d1e origa111J and C)·
the r.ic:c"\ rl)Jr.Lt"tcn\tlC'\ ;inJ to inA.11Tk" tile 111u1d \lo·1th .in .trdcnt 'C.'llt1.1J t1n1C)' ofche hun1a11 r.a<c. ,'\Ion~ '''1th lhc f:aict thac it~ fl111-
lo\.c fi.>r I(\ U"'11 f.A(~t cons.ldcrn-1 b the \U}'lcll)c b-uod." Foi- th..: d.Jme11t:1J tendencies not due to pn1tUll\'t d1ffC'renc~ o( blood
)'OU?lg J'C'Or)C" "·hon1 tuCb a doctrine thtt:t.t('n~ to k;id into spt.r t'-t1t 1.0lcly to che influence of tht' t11v1ronn1cn1. mcludu1g chc
ttu.J JC"t1tutu,11.1.1kl <lii:t:.i.). \\~ w11n,•t pr.l) 1,i.c, tl:nt'Tltly tu Him ' e11,,r<>nmt'nt. So111e liq.'{', l)()Utcd human grouJK h)vt
,.,.ho lS the 4.-l1vm(' Teacher. the one "''ho i11 Hu O\\.--U Person of b<-c:n \UbJ«tcd to such .ln 1nf1ul·n.,·t' o,·cr fong pcnods of 11111c.
t~rt"tl =i fl'-·rtt·r1 111.,xlel c.l1:a.t u11ir.,,.,J, \V1th int (1n1p.1r=ibl~· brt"adth an<l In th.1t rC""ipec-t cl1e ~1c1ve Jcv.,-lop111cnt of \'.tnous r.ac1al tcnc.lc11-
r'lllft1\1tudt. tl1e n.icuraJ a11d the supen1a1ur.1l 111 l11e1r tota11C)•. Wr; c1c,, rhrough the· of r.art1cul.1r r.aces. occurs in e~.lctl)·
'ih.lll Jlr.t)' rn l-fin1 "'·ho "I can1e rh.11 thL•y 11tay ba,1e life and ch<." ,,101t.' \V:1y M chc dcvelop111cn1 of otlicr t'lc111e11rs sl1:tp111.,; hu-
hav1: II lllt)I C' ;i\')und;,intly" (John 10:10). 111.111 co1nutt111ities. These 1end ..·11c-ic-.. 11ut 011 the \VhoJc chc cl~ar
\ta1np of~ v1ul indt\•iduJlil)1, ,111<.t cnnl"ll the bfe of hu111:1111ry "'
.l \\')lole. Tlte onl)• influence 1n 1h1' fcn1lc and posiU\'(' dr\'f'I·

opn1cnt of d.Ul'ercnt r.icC1 111 chr \\"C>rid tochy-Jg2.1n, :ainn fmnl

1 ::6. \t,~J t11.u tile' \.l.orkl \\·err tn:'c tlf 1h1.. 1r1i\Ukt'n .;an..I lh<' 1nflurntt of hunun f«'t'.'lo111-1s 1n dte &\·or.tblt or u11fJ. ..
h.mtttul rJc1~n1 ('re-cts ogid bam~n btC\\"CC'tt 'u.ptnor. tnft'nor, \ On.ble dJ\p<)<ICOn of the p.l\C Of rrC'\C."nt rnVlrunmcnt~
T ii i 11101 ~ ' ' " ' 'r( 11( .\I 1)1 I'll;'. !Ct

l~y tl1c surrounding c1rcun1\1.111rc\ ~ .. by tl1e nunun11t; ot

prt"JUdtcn. And the ;applic.ioo11 of 1h1\ adc.a u <:arricd out by un·
111\ Luga(all)·. tht·n. me cxisct.'Tk:t~ or r11or«.' tlf jt_"'-S dn·cJopcd le.1,h1ng the bases< hunun 111\tllllU 1n the so-called i)"ll<h b" .
r.ict'1- 1mrhC"I rtQ JXll" qunuon. \\•het:hcr \\'it" 1.:orl!JJit"r at tiom the AnJ 1t u \tall C\11cknf 1n tho\.C' \\ho .1rc .md '"-uh to be br.ant:he\
llLltl.'"lpu1u1 of l'llll"b~ or of cheolo~ i11 th1.· ~..-11-...- of divine clcc- ofChn,,t. n1en1b<ors ofH1, u1,,t1.:o&I UoJ.,-• .a_r1d yet \\ho ,i., 2 ntJtlcr
non '1r l't'JeCt1on h1 pnnaple and 1n rr.1,c.1ce. the 1nJ.tter corttes of pr1nc1plc or prac:ncc arc not '" 1lhng to ac;kno,vlcdgc the
dov.. 11 ti-, t11..: 111flue11cc of the <'llv1runn1cut. Ii Lhc c0Jo1uz1ng I lou,c of God is open to all nee,. :111(1 is tl1e visible ex-pre-s~1011 ()f
n<ir1011~. Ufltc:d <>n by pohtic3J a1nhiri<tn\ :incl 1he thine fi)r n1:1teri:.J tl1cir l'rt>thcrhood in Christ.
boa1n, neB)c"t their duty ro raise the cuJ1u1J.l Jc1,·l·I of ccn.iin bunta11
gro11P" b)• 111eJnit of heneficent pc1hnc.:il~ \()('i.t.I• .&.nd c:-conomic
lllt."4loUJ\.°\, .1~1J Ul \\,3}' fat.I lO Ull!t;ll(' tl1e COllil.JJll exawpJe
of' rhc Churrh 10 ha nutSiomry ,,·orl, lnd rf 10 ccn.ain a..qoos J JO.11u1 is ,,·hy 1ncn of good \\111 J:touki do c\·crytb1ng thc1,·
d"tt\· ~\en lc.:p tl1e c:o1otu.2:td ptopl~ at thn 1ntCr1or le1,·el. the11 to put a.n end to alt unnu,,uhbl\· dc&nu.tOI)' and dtiCn1111-
th<}· art' Y1<>L1nng thC' elcmcnr.-.1)• prinnpln of Chmn~n monliry nJtOr)' J1mnct1ons 1n public 111~. \0 th.1t rebuons among soc1.a.J
:.u1d tlJtur.tJ la'"· l'ht>Se pru1c1pl~ cotic.crnJrlb the: ttspttts\e tu'QUP\ nlJ)' be regul.:.ted 'IOlel)- by antc:mnal JUStlCr :and chant}'

right'i or tht' rolon1zcrs ~nd th<" indig<"JlOU\ r<-orlc" '''ere. morc- Btat no one \vill reasonably con,tdcr ,l\ discn11t1nacory such d1f
<>vc:-r, 'l(t l'Ortl1 b)' tilt'. C:hurcl1 \hOrtly J(tt'f tJ1e J1<;1.:l)Vt'.I). of th< fcrcncc\ an<-1 ~oc-ial ~pant10111, ,,., brotlterly love and prudence lll-'Y
N<'w World In sp1tt• of the frc<JU<"nr. d1.•rlor:iblc offenses 111c11 C0\11\\CI to the advan~ge of all tltc <Ii fl\: rent races i11 vic\v of tl1e1r
<lnven h)' JV;tt'lct J.nd p<>lit1cal a111b1t1<>t1 Lhe11 Clnnn1itt<d ag.ain\t .tltU.11 c1rcu1taSta1tcC'$. ju~t .:a< there .ire Ull\\ rittcn 1n.1tnn1on1:al 1111-

t1t('SC pri111.:11,J~. latter ncvcrthc](',\ lrti' thci.r in1print. Thus pedu11cnts .10\Utg from d1ffercnc~ of .age. education. social co11-
codly \Ve- ~ thit th~· ha,·c;: been ~opted .l1no11g the proud. d1t1ons .and ong:m. and C\'tn rron1 bodd'" co11dttio1u. ,vh1ch the
P"" <rful p«>pl<> of Sourh Am<-n<~. "ho hJ,., • bn,;bt future. pnrdencc o( ~rencs. thC' "1sdo1n of ch~ 1mn1edUtcl}· concerned.
~ '';} hv111~ proof. lC( us noct". of thl" l"\fi\llJOtl of d1\anc plans .and .ln cxpenm(ed ~1tb11'e luvc a..l"''a)"'S bttn "·ont to
1n thc:- J1\.ct'\Jty J.rad nu.xture of r-Jcn. 011 tht" mhtr fund. tA· con,1Jcr, '° there are abo 4<UCh Jc.tu.ii. c\·cn tf n<>t uncNngc;ablc
\\'Ottld h;t\C been the rcsuJc lud rac1,111 ('\1.:r"-'"""d tl( Je--crucuv~ ;and n~1dl)• nomu.n\·~. on:u111\t.1n'c-. 1n the ttlanons of the rnccs
p(l\\'CT' \\1rho11t eon<1tr:t1nr in the colon11ilt1()11 of these regions? fhc ract.'l \VilJ obser"c thcnt 111 their O\Yn 1ntcrcst, U1 accord.anc:e
Nl) <l<tl1bt 't>tltc.:thu1g au .Jogou!I l t> wh,1t \\t1ul<l hJvc.: liar>pt:1tt"<1
1th the oft-quoted \YOrd~ <>f 5.l111t At1gttSti11e: "\ve :ire not
to the IC'11d111F rolt' of £uropca11 ~'eoples-rhc11uclvc:s a uu.~tLt.l'e obliged to provide aU thin~ to everyone, but \VC are obliged ro
c1f <livt"l' rJrc-' l1a<l tl1ey heen ;.purihrd" hy r.:iri\111. love C\'tryone, and i1tiu\t.1Cc to,,·ard a1l)'Ooe is unaccept:ablc." 1 ~
1!9 Altl1ou~1 llOl based on 1ts 1nore recent ~SW11pttOJlS. racL1,in Thc\C 011\vntten matnnlon1;al u11pcd1111cnts bct\veen itt
J'l~(Cr..lbJc (0 \\·ritten 0111."\,}\• If \Vnlttr'I llllpedilll('tll\
Ion~ C"\t"Tc:ll.t"J I" pcmicioU'\ infflll'»Ct" 01\ certain pam of the
Amcnc;:.1n c;:()f\bnent. lbc~. the tde.;a ot ~ lixeJ J.i,11nrnon bc:'- \\.OU)d atuck the persorul nght' of inJ1vadlWs .md the 1nq1runo11
ru·C'Cn 1ntcn<lr .111<1 .superior Dl:ts tus bt.·(n lcpc: .&Ii\ e nor so much o( 11utnmony u ~ Sxnn1cnt 1n\.f.1tuted by Chn:st 2nd cxclu,1vtl)
1fll !llfllll"' 11'<1 V! ''''I t 01 "IP• 'fl

~ubje-t., tel th< ( hurch_ Al1d nghtly \0, rOr 1.\l\.11 a ll:.arful ubulc co .l.\ tr.;alto". a11d rhe children of th\he \\·ho Lt1d dO\\'TI their hvt·'
41.rJcc a1>d ''lilt a &.·gradauon of hu1n2111n· 1\ ctm11nittcd \_\·hro lit tht'lf C'OUlltT)..S tx:tu.lf lTC br.1nc.irJ .... outb\\."S by the \'Cf) llt.'l" hct\\ «n che n~bc:-n o.i J1tft>n:-nt rM..'1.11 grou~ IS S)').- 01 thc:1r'. The \•JluC\ of pltnot1\nt. ~ loudly 1nvokc:d
cc:nut1t.alJy prvh1b1tcd )-ct DOD<' uk:c otlcmc- .it unla,,ful ~~I tOr thl" benefit of ont cbss of c1n1C'n ... .ire nd1culed ,,tftc:n 1n\'okrJ
inrc-rctlU1't' ht-t\\ l"<'O n1en~n of Jiff~rt.:nt tu'>•IP'' tOr otJ1crs \\·ho co1t1e under the r.1,1.1l b.1.1t
In lite ca.,c of the Jc,,·s. tl11" of hu111..-in nght\
...<·nd~ 111any cltousands of ht'lp1c. ptN>n~ out over tht. f.1c:e of the

5. }<'lllS .rud 1mri-St111irism (religio11s s1·1u1r<1tit>11)


c;irch \v1thout a11y resourcc."S. \Vr.11<.lcr111g fron1 fro11t1er to fro11t1t'r.

IJ' T hi1\t• \Vht• h:1ve plated f.J~t" illt:~ I it11.1lCI)• OU ... thC)' .ire .t burden to l1t1111an1ty and 1<> thc111~el\'e\.
havt> rc-n«.1tttd 11wlktnd a dissC'rv1CC'. ror thC)' h.lvC' dol\C' nothing
••• .td\.'.J11,1· ch,· u1111) Le> \\h1..:}1 hun1.Jn11~ lt·nJ., .. ,,J.._,r1ro. One
o.uurilly wondcn af dus end JS tmhiuU" pur<u<d bv of che
rrinr-ip.11 il\l"c"' -•t'-"" cK- .a '4">-nlleJ nt· runty ,,r 1f tl1ar a1n1 i'
r JJ. Out ho,vcvcr unjust and p1t1Jr,"\, th1., cm1paign ~n\r the
oot nthcr to IO!l:t .i cle\·ier slogan to n10\:c the lll.lS.SCS to '-·m·
Jc\\.\. hl\ .it le.ut thu ad\·anu.,_oe, if C'lfl<' c.i11 put 1t $0. o ...-cr r.>.t:1.1I
ditfcrrnt <•n.,_I,. itu .. \tl<i(lit;on t;,.'Ttl\\.'i \\.hen <Hit" env1\3g"" ho·\v
\l"r1ti:-, thJt it recalls rhe true n.in11"C, the .iuthe11ric tnsis of the
111111y ~ttlx1Jv1$10ns of <t s111gle- cice are 1ud,i;ted _.Ji,i trt.lted dttTe-r-
«'ICt.11 "-Cpar.1r1on of che Jc\v\ fro111 chc rt"\t of11un1anity. Th1!i b.1\j,
cntl)' by fl u· '·"""' n 1t·n taf the ~alTil' lin1c·. le '' funh,·r incrc.11>cd
1\ <tirectly rcligioos in character. p,,c-1111.111)•. rhc so-called Jt'\\'1~11
\Vl1e-n i t bcco111ts clear th.:ic tl1e struggle- f'or r.ic1al pur1ry eJ1ds by
quc,uon 1~ not one of race, or n;iuon, or ttmtonal nat1on:ihty,
bciitg uniqt.1l·ly thl' ' trllf,rg)C' again~t che )l'\\-''i. S~1\·(' for ii:' S\~tc111-
.i.o r c.n11:lry, th1\ ,l1llg~t- tS no ditl~rc>nt 1n true nlQO\"d ind meth-
or C'ltliCltlh1p In chc state-. It IS l qtte-\ll On or
religion a11d. sinrc
the- con11nH of Chriu-, 2 quc,t1011 of c-hnlta.aru~·.
00.. fro11t pt;.·r"-'" ut1011' \.'\-C'l)'''hl"rl~ cJm-.-d ,,ut .i~in'l th..: je"\\s
fiO\\' Utterly 11usguid("() i\ <u'-·h .1 poJ1cy tO\V<lJd rhc jt'\"\"'-, hO\\'
sine~ ann•tl11n·. Th~ pc~cunon, ha\'(' hittr1 cr1uured O~- the
h.tn111UJ .ind 1ndf«nve tOr che ,.cl)· pu~ 1t \tt"ks to .1-Ccon1-
Hol) ~..: u11 111or\'. dw1 Olk:' occ~url. l>ut t."""-f"ll.JI) \\ lk"l.1 the\'
ph ..h. only ~ seen ,,·hen \\(' contp.m: 1t \\"Ith \\' the
h.;a\•e- \vom th<' n1.1ntle of Chrisn;arnf)'.
(:hurch Ju\ C\·cr C4lught :and p~ctl(t<l Ill thl\ Connection. <ind \\•tth
the lc\so11s of history.

lJ.1. 1\~ _. J«.'sull of such perSecut1ou. 1u11l1011\ tJf :ire

A>siric>11 <!f rite C/111rc/1 with R~~ard 10 j11dais111
dl"privc·cl 4'f' thl" lllOSt clcn1cntJJ')' ri~ltr~ 2nd llnvdcgcs of citizeo.s
111 U1c \·~r\I l.anJ tlf 1l1e1r h1nh. l >cn1t'~I 1,·c."-I rrntect1011 ~no.;c
\ioJcnc.·'- .&1\J roNlC-n. ('Xpostd ro e\C" f~lnt\ of 1u,uJt and public
J(d1l11,~~s of Rnitla1io11
d~n. 1n110C,·11t pem>m ll<" lTl'2tt.·,t .., cr111111uJ, though lhe~ 1) .. If ,,.c
k>ok. upon the outtcr fi-.;>111 the hi'>tOric:al q,.uJdpo1nt.
h.t"\'e -.cn1rut.lU\f, ,>bc:-ycJ the Lt\\-" ofthc1r n.-nvt· l1nd. E'·cn chose: '' c find 1n the hwory of the hur1u11 nee onl}· one people
\\ho 111 t1111i: t>f \\J.r tOugltt br.avtl)' lt>r thl·tr t'\kanrry .1~ tr~te-d h" h;J ; c:alhng. properly <o nll<J llm " chc J"'"'h !'<'Opie,
I 111;. illlihl '-I I/\( VI I JI A (J! rtl\ ' ' I''"""''., Ct11rn1 ( '111t.u
\Vho \VCrc choc:("n hv Alnllj!.hrv (~od to rrt"p:irt' the v.•.1y 1n h1 ..tOI")' .ac:t b)' \Vhich tl1c- Jct\ti')h people put to dC";11)1 th1.:1r S.1v1\1r .111tl
fur c}1i.: l11i..1n1:1r1on <>f H1~ <>ul>-li~~<,.ttl'n ~,111 "\l;lho ;tJC cJ1c King \\'as. 111 the srro11g la.t1guage of S.1101 Paul. 1hc ,,,1\'.tt1<u1 c1i
T<r;i("htes, \vho h:i\'C' rht ;ld<lrnon l\ '1011.,, .·11.,d tht' ~t)ry and cht'.' the ,,·orld.
1..-U\ l'll.ltll" ~u)<l Liie lt:e,rJ ..IJllOJI JUJ tl11; \\'01-..h1~i Jud tJ')(' prol1U'f\; 1J6. On the other hand. bli11ded b)' a \'1'>1011 t1f 111:itt•n.1I 1.l<l111..
"·ho h~\·(" the' f;irhtf'\, :i11d tron1 \\ ho1t1 1' thC" Chn.. 1 1r(·ord1nl' t<>
0 1n;i.t1011 and g<lin. the 1..,r:iclites lo"l ,,·J1a1 thC',. chcn\\(•lve\

cl1t- tlc"h .• ?", .a •.a-~). soughL A ft''' chose-11 souls• .tt11ong \\hoi11 \\Ctt the J1\C1111,... .1n«.t
135 The' \'<X;tOOn Of fh(" jc-\\1-.h rrof')t" n1hn1nlf<"d in :a \\hf>Jl\i foUo,,·cn of Our Lord. the early Jt\\1\h Chn,.t1;Jn\, .a11d, tl1rouW.
un1-.iuc and u11rrnnk11tt."J ll1,tur1c;J '~"-ur1.:11(.l'.' 111tc11U.J-'ltd the ce-orunes. a fc\V 1nc111berS of the: jc:\\:1\h pc'<>plc. \\Cf(' .1n C'' •
~nd rr.instOn1K'd rhe h1<to')· oi rhC' "orlc.t Af o1 cktintl<" n"W>n1cn1 cq>ao11 to this gcncnl rule. 6)· thc-1r Jl('Ct'pQrlC<' c>fChn\t "i 1c.·.1ch-

1n llllll'.', 111 .a .kfi111te !0i..~1l"\, 111 one uf t11C' tnlln of tJ1c jc\\Uh 1ng and their u1rorporat1011 111to lia\ Chun:h. clu:' \lllr('J 111 the

people. through rh< opcr.irion ol rh< I loly ~r1n1 , th<!'<"""""" 1nhent<tncc of Hu glo~·. but th~· rtnu1nf:d .aitd \tlll ttnu1n .111
hul bttn 3ltnour1ccJ .inJ ~\\J.JtcJ try tl1C" pr,>pl1cb of l'-r.\el fiJr cxctpnon. ··\ lsr.itl ,,.~ ~ling .1ftcr. tlut 11 h .., not ()b.
(t'nruriN \\'lS bom tion1 J Jc.·\, t<h n1och<·r J~u~ C"hn'r H1' ml'• u1ncd: but the chosen tu,·c obuinni 11 • .tnd chc rt"'t h.i\t' been
<10n •nd h1\ tcJ.ch1ng \\ere lh<' ~c,n1ple11,111 (\f tllC' lu,lt)nc.: 1111~'1011 bli11<kd" (Ro1nans- 11:'7). Sl1n[ P.Jul .Jc.lck: "Uuc h\ their ofTt"n\('."
and ce-J.ching oi l<ra-.-1. H1') blnh. latt-'. 'l&ifi:nn..,". d-.-Jth. and rc.'l th;Jt 15. through the jf\"""°S. f'CJCCUOO of the i\-10..l.a~. "\'JllOll h.1\
urrcct1on from the dc-~d '"crc 1h<" f\1lt1llJnc11t ,,t 1.. r.1C"r., t')·pc:"\ .1nd co11te co the Gentiles·· ( flonun~ 11:t 1).
prophe<.1~- £.,tr-lonl1J1~1n. .\., '' l\ th1' °''-
urn.:r1c.:<', it \\6 Jinked ~torrot·cr. b}' a mys1enous Pro,1de1tce of God. tll1\ tnthJpp)

\\;th .morh..:-r no IC\"i cxrr;iordin.11') .tnJ .i.l'\O unprc\C:'\.l~ntcd lJI tu\· people. desuoyen of their 0\\11 n.Jt1on, ,,·J1(h(' 1111.,,._,u...tcJ l'"•Jdt."n
tOI)'· The S.1v1c.1r. \\'hOlll (;,..,J 11.a<I ~Cllt t() 111 .. ch,~c.:n rcorte Jftcr h.1d called do'"'' upon their Ot\11 heJds .-. D1v1ne 111Jlec.l1c.:t1011.
th-e>• hJd pta)'ed and long~d H111\ t\:>r thou\.~nJ, ol )"'-'<Ir,, ''-'.b doo1ned. ;as 1t \Vere. to pcrpctu.:ill~· \\'ln(icr O\'t.'r 1l1c tj,c <lf tht
re:Jet·red h)· pec.>plc, \'1nlcnrly rcr11t.l1.1tc'-I• :inti c.·t1n<lemnc'-l a\ eanh. tvere nonetheless ne,•er allo,,·ed to pcn')h, but h.1\·e bec11
1 ..:nnuo~-tl b>· thi.: h 1g-l\c"1l cr1bu11.tls t>f the Jt:\\l'ih u.1lU)t1, u1 i.:c.>l· preserved through the ages i11to ot1r O\'-'n 11111c. No 11Jt\1r-.1I Tl'.l\<lll
lusion ,.,,;ch th(' pJµan .luthorinc~ \\'ho htld rhc .JC\\'i<h people m appears [O be fo~hco11u11g ro c.>.'<pl3in d11') Jge~long Jlt'~i\tt'll<:t".
b cn1<l:igc. Ult1111.11cl)'. the ~.i\'IC>T \\,I\ j)Ul l() J\'.llh. th1" 1ndcstrucc1blc coherence of tl1c jc\Vl'lll people.

Through tJ1<.> stUfe-rings .111d dcat11 of tl1e S.1v1or. tJ1t \VOrk of

th<" ll('<lt·n1ptic)n \V.•~ ,,.r,•ut~l1r fl1r .111 htu11.u111)': lh« ~in' c)I th(•
\Vorld '''er~ t1keu l\\lly; the doon oi 11(,\vtu \\ot.'re (>peued~ 1t1.a11
\Y<l"' rl'...torl.'d b}' thr Second 1\d llll f {'I thi." pr1\'i1CW-'' fi·o111 ,yJ1ich 137. Addressing the Gcncalc'>, S.1int J'>;1ul <."l\.'Jrly 1n<tirJtC\ thl'
h\! h.1d been excluded lly the \Jn of h1i. lir,1 l"J' <.·nts, .-n...{ th<.· apparent contr:'ldiction behveen the.~ unbelief of th<-· ]C\V'i .an<t the:
,p1n1ual k111~'-lll1n u ( Chri\l \\:J\ c.•,t:t1)h,hc.·...l fi1r erL•n111y. Thc- providential pan that God's f>rov1dcnce has r1en111ttcd thc111 to
pl~y 1n the \\'Orld·s u l,·:ation. But J1e got'\ fi.1rlht•r \Lill, .and pc)ull,
Redt'ntpriou «.1penrd thl~ dot>~ of SJlvJl 1011 t(l ch'"· 1t11t1r...· hun1.u1
r.lcc~ ir cst<thli')hC'd <i unJ\'C'"J) Ku1p,doi11, 1n \\.·hiC'l1 there '''ot1ld
out thac tlt('re is no reason co dc-spair of J,.r.ic1'" ...1lvac1011 • .,1nrc
I>.: no d1sti11c.;t1<nl ,,(Jt'\\ <)f { :cnt1I~. ( :n«:l cir ll.irll.1ri.111. rl\t· , t•f)· the llcde111ption acco1nplishcd throug.)1 cl1~ n:JC(t•<>n <lf the
1 Ill fflOPIN I >.:j ~ 11 c \I •>• P i t 1' XI

fi..lv1t.1r .11)J I It" JcJt.11 extends 1~ fru11, 11t11 to th..: Gc11Lilcs alone. t1r11'-lnn. If at1d \\·hen th1, IU11l' ,,f tl1e1r rt'fun1 occur\. '''hrcl1rr
bul al..o to lht' ,.c~ people ,,.ho R']~t~ I 11111, on the ~le con- tn lht' c;i\.C' of mdJ,idtuls-<k' h.a~ .tl\\'.l~") luppc:r1cd lhroujth the
J11101l th.11 thl\ reupk ft'pt"rit ai1J Jtt.'Cl"l Hut•~ lh1:1r Redecn1cr. (C'fltunn .u1d cont1nu~ to h-'pp<11 111 our O\\ n umcc;-or 111 1l1t
··So tlw,· l<l\> h.J\'C: not DO'\\" bchcved b)· lt.l\Qn of the mcrq• 1.:.t1.c- of the Je,,"ish pcoplC' ,., .t \\·hole. thUSC' '''ho con1e bJt.·k to

.,},,,""" )'<)U. tl1.1t the}' too niay obtJul nlL'ri.:>·'" ( £lonuns 11:311. ("hn\t tind thcntS<."lvd \\•holly .11 h<'1t1c Ill their O\vn hotisc. 111t1re
13X Altho\1~1 the: Gentile ,,,orfd, 1n '\O t:1r a\ 1r 1'1 con,rcned ch.111 "">' other pl"<>plc 111 the \Vt1rld
lt) chc: tc.11.-·li111~ c>f <:hrntt no\\. :-h.1r'"' iu 1li.: lru1L' of d pron1- C\·en 111 S:t1nt P:t11t•._ O\v11 dJy, ,t( .at .ill ri1ncs. rherc \VJ~ a
1scs \Vl11clt '''etc rcJcctcd b)• rl1c IC'\\'S. fhc Cc:1lti1~ are not ro "rcn111:a111 s..1vcd." Rrliqui111• .f11l1'tli' .f.rtt1U' s11111 (l-l..011t.1.l1\ 11 :)). So.
bc1,1\t 111 .t 'tnk111g 1111twplu>r, S:tutt 1•.1ul t<lfllj\<l.fc' Lhc people of '''uh prurhc.•t1c \"oicc. th~ Apol1le 1'c>1n1 .. tu the fi1n1rc. to thL'
lsraC'l ro a11 ohvc tree. onto ,,·hach hJ\'C' bec11 jU.litC"d bru1cht'S (Oll\'Cr.1on of d1e Gencil~ -'' chc lorcru111ler of the cor1ve~101\ ot
frtt111 A \\iJJ oll\'e (l{o11un' J J:J(t-14) f'h.: nW.)t ctf tftl\ lT~, thl" the Jc''' .t11d thar return to thr1r f.a:tl1cr'~ hou\t: all lu--Jcl, 011uus
p•much• of the Old t.w. is ho!).~ •nd IO, ., k.,t through tbcu 1,,.,<1, noc .as 111t"an1ng each 1nd1\"1tlt1.l1. buc thC' je\\'is.h peoplto .a;, ,;a
<)n.,rgl \'tlC".ar11>n. ln:' •b hr.anrhn. <·nuJn tw.ar1t·l1a. hc1\\.C'\·a \\·holi:.
chr u11b<ht,·1ng jC":-s-ha\·t- &lle11 &0111 the tttr. lu contrJ;SC co 140, Ji,r.itt lus u1<'.urrcd the ''r.ith of (;OO. b«aw(' 1t h1-. re-
thi'i, br.1nt hl"' ()I y.-ill1 tJlive ·the p.l~1n, h tVC' hce11 c11grirtcd JC<:tcJ the Gospel. Yc:t e\·en chc:rc:by 11 h.t\ h;i_i;tcncd the C\.'Jn~l-
ltpo1\ tltt JtlC\ OIJ\•e. T116e, ]\oWe\·er. tvt'n t1\e-1r conver- 12~1c1on .ind, ;is a r~sult. tl1e {'()11vcr.1on of the Genules. J~rael
i;jon t<' tht• ltuc t 1ith and th<.·ir JncoriwmcJt)n it1to chc Church of rc111,111t\ chc chosen people, for ''' t.•lec:t1<>n has never bct.:n re ..
Chra'it, ,1rt;: to tt1t1~1ubc.'r thre..- thin&\- fi~l, lh.11 th..-y possess tl11\ vokcd. Tltrough the inefT3bJe 111<.·rcy oi God. Israel also n1ay .;hare
su1)e-n1a1t11.1J hi\· \01.:ly thanks to chc ro11c ind ~JP of t])e 1urur.ll 111 tht• rcdc111pcion \\•hich lsra<·I'( O\\'ll r('jernon his made <J\•:t1l.1blc
olive; '\cL·ond. thoi.t they. the non-jc,\11.h Chn.,ttiJ1.,, do not cam' to t11r Gc>null"S, ,,·ho had Lhe111'i.Cl\'C'\ been unbelaevtrs. ''for Cod
the f\)O(, t-.ut tl1c rool um~ dte-n\. chJ.t ,, t4' ~~. JuJea Joe,, not hJ., .,hut up ..all 1n unbehrt: ht' 111.av h.a;vc 1ncr0• upon .a;IJ"
r«C'l\.'c: s.a.l\·;inon trom the Gc:nalts. bul nthrr the oppog.te rs uue; (l\" 11 :32)...Oh 1hc dccpth of the nchcs of the \\'1sdo111 .a;nc.i
tf~arJ. lh.-t tile (;enllle. thcrn.<..ef\ ~. 1f che\ .1r'\o\l.lh7C fTo:n the of the lnowlcdgc of God1" (' 11.JJ).
faith of Chra~t • .lnd lave w presu111pllOU .111d b1111J ~lf-cotlfiden<.'...-.
c.1n p<"ri(·c·rly \\-1·11 ,h;irc: the tinhapp)' lot of the t:illcn branchC"S
f/1.<1,irit.1/ res11/1s of 1/rc ji11/ of ''""''
'"I lit:}' w~rc hr,1ke11 <>IT bccatL\C (•f unheh,·1. \\' h crc.t\ thou b)• f;u1}1
st.1ndc~c ll<.· not hig11 111i11dcd. bur t'i?:u"' (Ron1:ins 11:20). 141 . Out 'his profol1nd paradox, cx1\t1ng 111 111c invisible, purl•ly
l '9· ~;1111t J>,1ul. hov.·~''C't, is nor rontt."ll( \\'ith \Van1ing d1c 'iUpcn1.itur.1l ord~r. h:a-t \VOrkcd 11,elf out 111 the 111cvitable occ."t1r·
Gentsle!i Ji,tJ.lla\1 ui~due liitlf~onfid..-nce. I le~<)<"\ further. :ind holds rcnt:e\ o( lultory. As a rt•i;u}1 o( th<" 1r;cct1on of the Messia' by
out s11ll tht.• l""°'\1l11hty of ~·aaon co tl'lc Jc\\'\, 01Kc they ~re I It\ O\\n people. lnd of H1\ ,-<.,rrc.,,i>ondt11g J.ccepunce by the
('onvcncd ri-on1 thr1r sins. ind f'C't\lrn to th<' ' tn-dJtio11 of (;cnule \\·orld. \\'hich had not \h~red 1n 1hc i;pcciJJ pro1nbC"\ dC'-
f\l"~J. \.\hl(h I\ rmpn-iy thc."in b~· rhcar h110ronC' r~r .lod aJhng. 11\·C"rcd to the Jc:'""· ,,.c
find .1 h1,tonc cn1•11~· of thc Je-,,.,.4 people
bttt 1n v.·h1..:h the Gec1ules. throug-11 gr.11.<. Ii.a"< bceta p;ar- to <:hn,tun1t)·. creaung .i. perpett1.1l tcn,1011 bef\,•een Jc\\ Joe.I
1111 HIDOIN •NCV(llCAl Of' J'f\lS XI

Gc1111lc.- \\ l\1ch the ~s~g.: of an1c 111\ nc:vcr d11111n1shcd.. even 1n~ contnl)• to the su1ld:&rd1; of Cl1n~tloa11 bfr:. The- un\'1cltf1ni:.
thou~ fro11\ l1me lo umc its nun1f~1::a11011s hi\·c been nuaga1ro. CllC''}..~·. :at ont time, •nd thc 1l11IJn~'• .at .l11ot.hcr. of such \\'.lnl
111~ .and ntC'.lSUttS of self-proCC'•:t1on ..:om:'l.ponJ not to .trt\ 111tc-
nor 1n the Church'\ pohc, tO\v.lrd the je'\\s, ,,·h1ch
rc111.l.1ns un~tered. hl1C to .i.ltcrcJ {lr\.·u1ll"t.l.nces and co v.1n.1t1<lll\
I .fl. rhe lofty concept the Church hJ\ rorevcr held relative 10 of Jtt1tudc upon lheir p01n The polu.:}' of the Church hcriclf u1
rhe vocJ11on (>r 1he Jc,vish people .as ~en fro111 their p.i.'>t history, tlus nl~ttcr is 1101 co be conftJ1111(f\•d \V1th the policy of 1nt'r\.!
:ind her Olrdi:111 hopes for their c.•ven1ual \alv.llion jn the fun1tt, i11d1vidu~ls. It is to bt: dctcn1111tc<t by lhl· cond\1ct of her bi~l1op~
do 1101 bhod her to the sp1riru2l dangcN to \Vh1ch contac;t ,,rith tJkcn .u .l \\•hole, hC't couocils,, C"Pl'tl.tlly the ccu111c11ical co11n1,;1!1o,
Je,,-., can expose souls. or nuke her un.l\\'<l.rc of thC' need 10 saft- .lnd 111ost p.articulir1y by tltJ.t of hc:r Suprc111c Ponnffi.
gu.irJ ht'r children .igairut spinrua] conugaon. Nor lS this need 143 While. hO\\'C\'er, the 1c.ach1n~ of the Church co11crmu1lt
d11111111,hcJ 1n our O\\'ll nmc. As Ion~ .i~ the unbelief of the jC'\\"ls.h che rt'l.ltlon of the Jc,,-ash ,·0111n1un1f\· \\lth tfK- co111~
people prr.1\l'\• .l'> long .u there as .tCO\'C' hO\tthty to the Chrisnan 111un1n,'. .n ''·ell .as thC' Chun;-h'\ pr.tcoc..ll attitude in the l~c of
rchgic>n. JU't ..o long must the Church U\C every effort to sec that the proble1115 encountered clC'lrl) drn1oru.cnce the need tOr ..-n
the efTC'<:t\ of chu unbelief and hostility .ire 1101 to redound to the er~ct1c 1ne:asurC'S co prC'~t'f'.'C both che f:t1th and moral) of her

ru111 of the ll1tlt Jud rnorals of l1er O\\'n n1e111ben. Where. 1norr:- n1t.•111bers and soct<.:ty itself agJ111,t the corrupt111g i11Hue11cc of er·
ovc.>r, ~hi: lin<I~ chat hatred of the: Christ1a11 religion has driv~n ror. thc1e sa1ne doctrine" hkt\\'J>:e ~hO\V the uttt:r uufitne-.s ,1ntl
111isgtndcd «>ul<c, \vhethl'r of thc Je\\~'1.h ilc..'Ople or of other orig1n, h1cOic;1cy of ;anti...Se11Uris1n a~ a 111c.111\ of.acl1itv111g tl1at en(t, 1"hc.·y
10 :tll)' tl1t.•111\clvcs \Vlth, or actlvely to pron\otc rcvolucio11:ary \ho..v .1J'lt1-Se1nitisn1 not only J\ p1r1fully 1n:.1dequ:icc, biit ~l\O ,).,
1110,·c111c:11t.. a1n1 to destroy socitcy :.nd to obhtc-ratc &om che Jc:(c-;at1ng Its O\\.'D purpose, 1nJ rrcxlul'111p; Ill the end on))' grcatt"r
n11nc.h ot 111c11 thl" kno"·IC'dge. rc-\'crcncc • .ind IO\'C' of God. she o~uc1~ 10 cope: \\'1th.

n\U.{I \\'Jnt hC'r childttn apinst such n\O\'C'lt1C'llll. expose the rusn
;and fl.lbc.:1C"\ of thtar lc-.ulers.. and find Jg;lln,.t thc111 ;approprUtc c,,,,Jm111a1ior1 of "'''i. St'Jnitisttf
We tind th,1t tn her history the Chur4.:h h;1.s never failed to • t4 Th:at such pcnccutOI)' rnctli~b arc tot.tll}' 11 \"an:ince \v1th
\VJnt hrr c.:h1ldtt11 against tht: teaching of the jc\\'S. \Vhen such the true spine of the C<ltholic Chur\·h 1....1io,v-11 b)' the dt>crcc llf
teaching l1••~ been (lirccted again~c the F.uth. ~fhi: Churcl1 h:ts the S<lcr<:<I Co1tgrcgation of 1hi: I ltll)• ()llit:c tOr March 15, 192t':
ncver sou~llt tu 1111111nuzc the terrific for<'c of the reproaches ad- "l'he Catholic Church habitually 11r>ly.. for the Jc,vish pc:oplc ,vJ10
dte'>wd by thc- pro10111:artyr S:a1nt Stc1>he11 .;tga1nst thOSt or che \Vtrc tl1c bc~ren of thr: l)1vinc rt•vclJtlon up to tlle t1111e c>f (:hn,t;
Jc\Vl~h people \vl10 knov.ringly ttS1,1tJ the c~ of gr;acC': "Snff- tha,, d~p1tt', indeed. on account ol. their \p1nrual blindnm. Ac
11cckcJ .inJ u11c1rt'u111('ised in hean .ind C'.lr ..... {Acts 7:51). The lulled br llm love. the Apo<10lll !>cc lu' pro1«:1cd 1h" pcoplr
Church h.a\ \\.ln1ed. like\\bC ~111~ 4111 O\'Cr-f.a.nula;anC)· \\"Ith the .&g.a1n~ Ur\JUst opp~on .ind. JU"I "" C\'t:t}· kmd of crt\')' Jnd JCll·
Je\\1,h COllllllUIUC)" mighc l~d to CUUOlll) .i.nd \\'.li~"S of rh11ik- OU\)' .a.111ong the- n.aaon) n1u\C be J1\olrpnl\'td of. $0 1n ;111 C1:p«1oaJ
Ifft. llltllllN 1._I VI ll1..Al OF PllS J.:I

1112nncr n'ltl't be th;i~ hatrl""d "'htch I\ 1tnned mti- Their bittc.'r resennncnt aga1n'l their U\\·n pitaoiblc condnio11 lc.tJ'li
S..•11ull,111"" (;l.,6' .-Ip. Sc.JU, .!O~ 1918!. thC'nt co \\Teak or attC'ntpt to \\' 1h('1r ,·tngeanc~ upon th<l"<
,,·ho .appc;ir to enjoy J more tOn\111.itc pc.l'\ltlon. So ,,.e find ch.11
b./,•)tJ•" tJti1Pt ( :11tli~.J"-i1 pt.> P"J!f'lo _/MJ.w, '/"; d11;r.11t11tff 11squc ad chc p<n«utcd ;and oppre-.~ of C'\'cl')· n.at1on or d2» r~<hl)· IC"nJ
./~UfH C.:l:n;11u11 JWVllJJSSl•)ffUltl de'p<titt.:nuf f,11t, Utlrl nli<toJnlr <Uh«•Jtlf'Ht" cJr to those \vbo \\'Ould prof1c b)- th1! rcscnm1cn1. and ''·oulc.l
tju; (1l1tdl' Jli11nt',
inr1n.v l111ju;, ip:.iul- ubt.1t'tdfi(tt1is (dtiSIJ, seruptt or,rrt• \tlr up ~oc1al or 1ntern;ir1on.1I hath.·d~ u1 the-1r hcam. A nat\lr".11
(lllJ~lltJ 1ir Qu11 ( •fff/dl(' /'f'fllt1JIJ ,4,,\)Jtn/1r.1 'ief/t, ('Uuulru; p1•pu/u11J .-011- rc,cntn1cnc against pohf1cal, ~oc; or ccono1111c opprciSOl'i lx·
rr.1 111U1111,1.1 ''1 ,\11ti1>,,t·;, 11rutc.\tl, er qu,·111(u/1u.>tl11111 l'Ulllt'.) 1'111-ftltal <ll t'C)tncc.. Ull<lt.•r the f.1c:ilc n11rt11r<.· of 111odt.·r11 in!trun1ent~ for thl·
s111111lr.1tr$ nurr l'"l'u/,15 rrprol1.11, 11.1 l'fl 111+t\11nt• dJ'""•Jt odiutn nr1ur" '-ptcJd o( idtas atl-d the TlL1111J)Ul.1t1(>l1 ()(public opinion, ;t fen Ill'
j//ucl, qut.J 1'11(1.~· "'a•1ti.>c:mitihuj" 11n111rttl' uuiu 111.,~tt!fi'-"'" l-t\lrr. \c.•t'd·b'found for the 1110~1 c:ll'\lTUc11vc 1de.i', '''hose .Jdvo<:Jte'•
lh<.)U~h professing the 1110\t \1olen•'()n1<n1 to one .1notl1cr•
.ttt un1ted 1n thea.r con1mon h..itttJ for th~ 6i1th.
Such .1. sp1nt. ho,vn·cr. c:Jnnot be:}· DlCl b\· l ~1n11l~r
l ll~l()n:', li.>ng: expcner1cc h.i.' rc-P"'.ltcJI, ~h<J\"'' tl1at peT- dc111011\tr.Jtlon of hatted. \\·h1'h \\·ould onl}· pour 011 on chc
scc:urio11, 1U\tc:JJ of obliteraang or 1~,1.·ni11g cht.• hamui..JI or tt.1111t'). Nor c.1.n it be protiubly 111.:t by .1 reck.les.s d1.sse11unJt1on
antl-\~i.11 Cf.lit\ tJ( .1 penec;utcd woup. n1crc:ly ttltc:n.\itie<; the tcn- of t1l~ho<Xh .tnd c.alt1111n1e\, Though Chnsr our Lord <.utTcrc<l
dl'nC1c11 g.1v1.• rise ro c.hent. \Vl\Jf 11rcviou,ly \\'J.S bur a lllod- l<>nncnts .1nd death at tlte h;utd\ or tJ1c.· \\'ICked Pl1:arisees. I-I<." c.lid
c-ratcl)' c11·c(11vc Jnd in<:hoate tcndcni..:y o( 1nd1\•1du01ls or sn1all JlOC bid f-lis (ollo\\'Cl'l to borro\v tht• \\lc,1po11~ of olu1n11y, hafrcd,

~"TOUf)\ 111 '(>hd1.fied by perserucion uttti J ~~n.:rJJ1zed. vehe-11tendv .lllc.l pride fro1n the pe~cutol'. 111 order to deal ,,'1r.J1 those- un·
acc<-11ruarcd 'nd pcnistcnt co111plrx or rra1l'\ thn,·r upon op- ff>rtun.1tc people \Vhon1 the l)h.ln\.Cc\ n11\IM.
rO\lat.>n ·rhc \'k.'"tlJm. of pt:nt'<'Ub<>n hcllC\C they fi11J t"~rnJ.I

JUSllh\'.JUotl tOr llla.lufestt1~ such U.1111 1n th(' \'1,.'1' IUe-asuf~ of
rcp~'ll<ln lntl pcr.cru::ion dur \\'\"TC" \'1~t ro rurc them.
. AttLlc'ks 011 rrligio11

'-'"· Zc<ll ;,igainst the un tt.Jdd)' bcco1t1t"\ ze:al against the 'Inner~
but lc.1.I .against the <.inner \Q<ln thro'""~ off its mask 2nd iho''"'
1t'4:1f for \VhJt it really ii;:, a11 Jii~Jult, unclcr the prctcnSI."' <)f JlfO·
146. Th<.• t(.•rribh.· conscque11c<'S ch.1c ha\'C bcLillen societ)• si11ct tCC'l111g SQC1cty fTo111 3 Single )()(i,11 l\fOUp, Upon t)te \'Cry b,\ljlS Of

tho,t· '''t1rd~ v.•i.·r,~ 'r<>kc:n. c::nniiC:"qutnrl~ r('\Ult111g fron1 th<.' un· \(>c:1cty• .an c\tocatio11 of l111111lc<' hatred. :& lic:c11se (or CVCI')' for111

w1UinJ.,'1lt'"\\ of tl1e \\'Orld'!. rulc"rs to 11\tt'n c<> t.l1C" \'1c.1.r <1f Chnst·s of v1olcncc, rapacit)•, a11d di\.Ordcr. ;and J.n engan" against reh~1on
pit•' tc1r a11d peace. ha\.<' a:tllJ\I\ Jl n1011"1lt.1trd the eJ.:ie
t·11.1r\1\' mdf
\\1th ''•h1ch JC"\truc:-uve ideologic-\ lrc 1n1rbntcd 1n the- minds of 1"hu) ,,.c find llut .inu-~1n111,111 bc-con1es an ncu~ (or .it·
pt:oplc' ..1r1,U"l.-J 10 f~ b~ pt""l'k..:ut1011 I h''W \\ho '1.lifer tnju.uice cJckantt t.he sacttd P~non of tht." \.,v1or H11nscl( '''ho .as~u1ned
chcnuC"l\.'t'i not wficqueotl}- bi.:-c:-011lC" chc J(vot«s of 1tlJlbl.1ct. hu1nJin tlc:sh ~s the Son of~ Jc\\1\h n1.udcn: at beconle\ l \\"lr
1 HI II 11111 N I II.I 'o't_ I 11 '\l (II fll. \ JI.I

lg-.J1n"'t (.hr1ru4111l\'. Jt:s tcttl11ngs. pr1.CU(C~• .IJ)d 1n~uruoons.. .."1!t1 .,_-i,·c, n~to Ver)• d1fTcre111 J>roltlt"lll' ut the pr.acnc~I order, 1hc
Xm1n,111 ~ftt·111p1' lo t'T11Nrn" the: ('hurt h h\• ~ri\·1ng h~r the: ('hun:-h le.aves to the po"c-" .;onccn1cd the soJuao11 o( tht'I<
i.J1m1.:.t1,·< C"athf-r to JOlll '''Uh tht> ~n S<-11ut~ Ul :.heir 1ou.I tt'

problcnu. Sht ms15b ont)- n<, \(')lutaon " the true soh.1c-101l 1f
p11t111n111l 1~1 .lll). N<."('m or r~nl h1r Jlt\lh1ng jn\·1...h, .and 11 (Ofltr.ad1c~ the \'Cr) dc11und111t: I.a\\\ o(Jusuce a11d rlunl) Her
rht'rt'b\· to .a)YX.1.ate bt>rself \\1th the .1nr1 !><nutc:s in their c.m1 wle l'Jtt' t~ tlut th~ cu~t<>dy ,,ftn11h con11111t1cd to her c;arc ~
rr11f!1'' ill v1htir.111n n ;and hatrc-ti; ctr cl'<" l<> l"111b.1rr;1~\ tl1t! ( :hurLl1 pr~·rvcd 1nl<l.ct and thJt her 1.:h1ltlrcn be prl~rved :ag.:1111,1 errc.1r

by 111vol\·111g her in the 1uacl1ii1ac101l\ Jud ~trugWes of profa11C' .111d '111; che principlci of htl- 1.111~ht by her S;a\"le>r be c;iml•tl
polic1c'• ,111 11hu1 111~ c::1nhly and political nhldVt.'' tc> hc·r fegJ t:irr1ate ou1 111 their 1n1cgricy: anJ tl13l through her l>cncfice111 acr1on upon
def?rl\.C of lhc Christian pn11cipl~ or ju~ucr and ht1u1a11icy. c.:irth :a' 111any so11I~ ii. p(~\1l>ll' 111.l)' be brought to rhc1r ctcrn.11
L1kc- cht' ,-,.,Jlrul t"l11ldrc-o ~ken ot b\ (:hn,1 tlur ~v1or. these ht)1nc 111 l-lca,·c11. As has l~ei1 ,,.l'll ~id. "Men a111b1t-.on " tl1ou-
\O\\c:n ol dJ,\c:tlllon (0111pbin of the Spou4.' ol Chrut: .. To \\'hlt und tl1111g".; the Church dft\1rc' hut ont", the sil\"4:Uon of ~ul'"
thc-n 'lt1ll I bk~n thC' n1ro ot dtt\ feC'?lcr.10011? And ,,·fwt .arc they (I: Rodoc>rudu. 11ir H.>ly Su •11J tlrr Jn•>).
L.Le; 'T ll<'\ .1.-.: bk(' cbJdttt1 s::rtnn~ 1n the." 11t.1rlcc. plac~. allu~ to
01w .:11u.>ch":r .illJ qywg. We ha\.·e p1pl·J tQ )OU . .i11d )'OU h.i\'('
nu1 J.1n4'C4.J: \\.e h.1.\-e \ung cb~e~. anti )'t.)U h 1ve not \vept"
(Luk< 7. 1:-n). i49 Tbe pos..irio11 of the Jc'' 1.. ll pcoi>ll' 1!> u111qut'.". a1\(l occtlJllC\
.1 .;111i;ul.1r and p.1jnful pl:ac,• 1n th\• v,1\t \cncs of these J1istot1c.1I
dcvclop111cnrt . It offers the p;imthlx t>fl~1ng rhc object of a 'J>Cci;il
1>rc.)v1dc11cc rescn'ed co 1r.•ll)()vr Jll J>eoples 1n the \\•orld: or
l .C8. 14.) Ih1' <11..Jlenge tl•e .an\\\'c;r 1>f the ( hurt 11 '' unequ ivocal
h.a\•uig rej('Cted tltat Prov1ckncc, tlt<.'1tby 1r~('ct1ng a «u111bhng-
Jnd unch.a1l~g Her .UlS\Vet is dtftn1u11cd b\· no t.ln:hl~· poh~· bl0<:l. of conmdiction into tltr h1,to"· of ~I ocher ,J-\('OplC"\: )'Ct
bt•l r.a1ll,·r b)- lwT hdc:h~· fO th<" mith .. llt",Jllt".1llll"\I to her cu'?:od,• bc1n~ '\llll the object of ~ 111y..tC'n<.lll\ r~·,)tJQn b)· the qn1e

b't her l)1\1r1(' tvunJer• .lr'ld ptrs<"n·nl 1n th('ar onganal punty 1n f>ro\·1dcncr of God.
h1..·r bo"'->111 ll)· thf' personal a.'\Sb(JflCl'. of chc Holy Gh(N. truth'.'> rh(' bitterness '\\oith \\'h1ch (:hn\tl.lO C011\CIOUSl11:'.\~ h.i" pcn-
th;lt rcv<'.ll \\ h.1t rea.son of itself (i\ll ne,·c:r .1tutn, \vb1le oJl(J.IJ)' reproached the je\\ t'ih Jl(Oplc.· tOr their rt.'Jttrion of the
lh<-'\ rc.dllr1u ,u1d pcrf~ct c11t kt10\\•Je,l1-t"'' of those lruchs \\·l1ich ceach1ngo. J11d 1>\.·rson of Chr1\t, a\ \Vt•ll .'I~ fo r their attin1dc to\v,1rtl
n1a11'5 rc;ison. devoid of passion and ~ch 111tcrcst ca11 bope 10 Chn~t1.1nity. and the like b11tcr11c.~<. \\'1lh \Vh1ch rhc Je,-..·i~h 11eoplc

rc~1c:h nt' it\ 4,t\.\'n JcC<>r<l. 1-lcr t<lru·cm 1~ "'" \\'irh 11oliti("..1l ,;ctorics ha" rc\J>ondcd to these rcpro;irhc,, \hO\V by their very acutl'n<.•<.\
aud ts 1u11 1J'h ... oot "'1111 tbt! .1.hg1u11.:11to; t>f 't"t1..'\ .u1J Liu! <lt:vice-. th.11 the co11Aict 2nd the l'i'>U\.'\ ((lUt:cnied :are ideolowr:tl, .ind
o( pohnr1.ln~; hrtlC<' she is in no '"1.S(' conccn1rd '''lch the prob- cu11ccn1 goods 1~, 1h2n 'P1ntu.1I \•.Uucs. TJ1e vcl)' '\]1.arr·
Ill"(' of ~uch repro,)chC'( t<'C1llC"' CC) the l1tO\\ lrdgt- s1u:ttd by 111
le111 .. l '•Ile c-n1111l! cht" JC""-,-..h JXOpli: 1h1l Ji,· '' 11h111 thor,,c: ptrrcly
protJ.11!!' t-phc.-IT". I lt0n.luglily .t\\·.ar~ ch:at ill<' iuc:.1t di\-C'Nt)" of ~r- 111,·ol\·cd that 1nan·s supttrn.r ,·.a.luC'\ he 111 1J1e fie-Id ofhbt'tt)·. \\11h, l°' ln '"h1,h Jc:..,--s ot ditfcTl'llt t.'t)\lrltnl~ ti.1id thl'1ns~J\cs 11, concl~nvc of rnonl n.""\J-l()ll\1b1hty tOr good or for evil. thereby
flt( UtUl>E:-:' l!NCV'Ct l CAL OF PIU.!i XI 259

offering a clear. if pain.f\11, tcstin1ony to the suprcn1acy of supre1)1c :ispirntio11~ of her O\v11 sublin1c ''*nticle; "He l1as gi''e11
over 111aterial ideals as the nJeasurin~ rod of hl11t1an 'vonh. The h~lp to Israel. his kl'\':lllt, 111i11dfiJI of his 1oercy-cvt·n :tS he

lc::s.<ons dr;t\vn fron1 chi$ tcsti1nony de111on:i.trnt~ likc'.!\vis(! ltO\V ut- spoke to our £1thel"$-tO Abr.1ha111 aild to his postcnty forever"
terly i11capab!C' any pltilosophy th;it ra11ges n1erely \Vitltin a bodily (Luke 1:54-55).
or 1111tc:rial sphc:rc is of rcacl1in.g n solution to such .1 <:011flict.
Doth sotutd reaoon a11d CJ1riscia11 fajth bid us look co spiritlLal
111cans. not co violence, fo rce, or bnitaUy coercive n1easures.
152. It is clearly ottr dut)·. likt\\•isc, so to live as to f.:ic-llirate
Co111ttrsio11 of tlit Jews tl1at retun1 JS f:1r :ts i1, h\1n1;inJy possible. This \VC sl1-aU do by the
pr.1ctice of r11c rruth i11 pn1dencc jnd ii1 suicc justice. as \Vell as
150. The hour and lll.1.11ncr of tlte rett\nl of Lhc Je,vish people: in .1bund.1nt chztril)'. In the c3usc of m1«h. let us cncQur.ige such
a$ a \\1ho1e ro their F:ttl1er's house io the Cl1urch of Christ te111ains
\vorks :is spread ki10,vledge :i11d do a\vay '''icl1 calum111C$, lies, :i11d
coo•s sccrec. \Vhcre s11ch a ren1rn occurs U1 rhe case of individ- baseless rcccinu11:irio11s. In the of jt1stirc and cti.'lrit)•. the
ual~. it ~hould Corne a'\ the re.~ult nor of indiscreet proselyrisn1,
present t1111e pre-se11ts such oppomutittcs as \Vould have sect1\ed
and noc front 111otivt"s chat inc11r eve11 a shadO\V of \vorldJy ex- 11npan1llclcd in the \vorid's history. Defense of the natural right;;
pt."'<1i<,\11c;y or 111atcaal gain. b-.1t fron1 a con,•iction arising out of of individuals and of fantilics; tare of rhc 111iserable \Yho appe:al
refteccivc study and freely fon11ed jn a spirit of hu11iility and self- for chant)• and n1ercy; a ,·igoro11<:; condc111nation of a11ri-Scnlicis111
sacrificc. AD)' other strpposit:ion on the part ofCllristians is con· atld racls111 \Vher~vcr these doctrines lift their J1t-:tds: and coop-
trlry ro the express precept..; of the CJ1urc)1; any other 1netl1od eration for the sake of public order '''ith 111e11 of good \viii \vho
on the pan of tl1ose \vho etnbrace the Cach.olic Faic]1 leads 011ly fro1t1 their hearts reject tl'lc gross errors of 111ateriaJis111-fot tht:se
to e\•ils gr.1ver th;1n those that arise .;vcn front a11 opc11 pcl'\ista1ce e11ds le' us n1ake t1sc of our opponunirics.
i11 refu.si11g to 3ccept Catholic teachings. since it \VOuld give rise-
only to hypocrisy.
PAI\. T T l-lll\.I) : ·rHE CHU ll\.H'S AC:TION ON 13Efl1\LF


151. Ottr fuich. 110\vever. bids us ever look fonvard to tlte 153. As We co11clude this long retrospect .111d survey of the
day \vhc11 Jgain Je\v :u1d Gentile \vill be u1Urcd U1 their f:ac11cr's good and evil devclopn1ent:s of 111an's so~i-11 11atl1re i11 011r day.
hou~e. and to pray c::ln1cstly for the h:istc11iag of its co111ing. We car1 only repeat 011cc 1nore: "The sp1ric giveth life." Tl1e spirit
Pan:ict1larly do \\1e seek tl1e all·po,verful intercession of tl1e Holy alone can sh;ipe utan's 111anifold c-:ip:tcitit'S into a loving 11nit} in1

Mother of God. l1crsclf a dat1ghtcr of Israel. that thereb)'. in tl1e ~Jiving diversity. Thu! \\'ilJ rhe social llfc ofn1a11 reHe<.'.t ics Divine

\VOrds of t.lte petition prest:ntcd ro the f.'lthcrs of the Varica11 protorype: •·That all 111~~y be one. even a<:; thou, r"athcr. in n1c and
Cotutcil and sigi1ed by 570 of rheir 111ut1bcr, 1t1:t)' b~ fi.11t111ed tl1e I in tl1ce'' (John 17:21).
1 Mt 1tJIJIJI ~ \"C 'l'I 111 • l l)I l'lt:I II.I >61

good 011 hun:wtl[)', .1nJ fulfilling J.n .ipoccohc ~n-1((' for the
Church .
. I $6. C~tl1olic UIUVCNlty CdUClltOll I\ Ull1quc a1ul th~llllCtive
154. f(oin v.•hJl We have altL"J,_dy v.rattc11. JC'' clear that che
hfC' nf andi\it~ll.11' .1\ ,,·c-11 ;i\ the 1itC" c,f rht! v.1nc)U\ b'TUUJ" bee.tll\C' of its fulln~~: It cn1br.ices T rutl1 .t\ a '\vholt" Jrt<l c.ini101
"Je<pl) w•oheJ ua the cowl~ 1<1.ioonslups of10CLll !if< Y<t b<- sa.11,hcd ,,;m h;a.lf hc.incd parttetp.Jc1on or ,,"lth ;any J1,.1,1on
rh<"'<' rcl1rion,hiJ" 1·.1nnot b<" tntl) undt:T\tO.kf 11 \\'e;- ltN: ..,,bi1t c)f of th'1t \\'hole. C'1thobc· cduarion I), O<lt .1 111erc mlh1lU\.\IOn of
tl1e !-1gtuficai1c!! of .uJ }1u111a11 acc1\ icy u1 tts relac1onsh1p \\ith God, 1nfon11.1t1011: it 1s a '' J)· ol ht'C. It 1<> a 111J1ufc..t.ltion of th(' C~hurch
1ll.u1·11 (~r~tor .111cl llc..·clct·n1rr. a 'iw1ifi.,.<1nrc rhaf dc:riv("':i frc11n flit: of Chrio;t, ;1nd thuli Jl'1tt1C1)')3tCS Ul 11<> Ulllt)' .ind UJllVtl'\,1hty. It
U11(11.2tlg1Jlft pl1u or the Redt-nlJ.'tton. the w1chanp;111g n1oral or pan1c1p.itt.."4i lit tht' Chur<'l1'o;. uni~· l>t't:.ausc C:itltolic cdue3t10n
1lrr. 1nci their :tprh• arion ro ~ch 1ncfi,id~I"< cor -<·1<'11rc. It t< ch<" (01u.1dC'n .tll p:utUI cruth1. an char tt1111on to Him ,,·110 ts the
"'~ .wd dury o( the Chun:h. rhe <ilgnuy •nd "''P"""brht)· of the hYlng Truth. ;and thu.. r1u.k~ :i livu1~ \\hole- o( e'·el') objttt it
(~hic..·f Shcpbcrd a111.1 of His bro1hC"r ch1.·phcr<l11 \Vl10111 chc Hol>· sn1d1c1: life. rchg1ous oncnt.:inon, 1ntclligcncc. \CU\lll\'lt)'.

(Jhost l'las plact'd co rule t}1e ( "hurclt of God, to \)1ow oianku1d ai1d 111i..1wn;icio11. evcu phy,1cal streni:;tch .u1d abiliry. Catholic ed-
ch\' troc "T;ay co he follo"·cd tll(' ck"mal divine ord('r in ch(' uc;aoon ll\Q p~ciplll"S 111 tl1c un.i\·c:-rsJlir)• of the Chur\'.h, bcc.iuse
clu.npng orcunl\.t.tnc:n of the t1nlC'\. JikC' the (:hurch It JJdfl:'\~ hWtU.111[\' ~\ .& \\·hole. IQ tllllC Jnd 10
Sp<1Ce. fn l() Q\\>'TJ \\'.l). It I\ .t g¢nUIOl" 'p1nr\W CIC)- Of 'Ollb
111 tl1c sp1ntual '"'hole th.1r lS C1thollc t11l1vers1ty e<tucat1o11. ,vi:
find :a l1ar111011ious t1111011 bct\veen l\VO deep trench. 111 hu111an
1 SS·In fullillml( tlu, ..,;k. rh< i..chm~ offi« of rh< Chult"h develop111cnt. On one h111d. cuJrural <lt\'c)op1nent: the unfolding
t:t)uuc_.. on the \UJ'f"O" of the 11n11"Cnila> l1tttt.m1rn. of tl1t- at... of int~lhl('C'r1cc .anJ 1nu~ll.luon ''1ch1n thl" hunwt pen.on, p.utic-
KiC'nC'cs. <ind IC'CtC'rs bou1td co~ethcr bv .an innC't u1uc·i· in order 1p;ir1on 1n the hC"nt.1~c- of thC' past. cnnt'h1t1C'nt of th1, t1cnugc
Lil trcaL 'I<> i::tu uplir.1lt:J .l ,\ uhj\'<_.t .I\ i'i de:tlt \Villi 1t1 this Letlt'f through nc'v <ind origin.ti research; on rhc olher han<I. the de-
111 tl1c con1prel1e1U1\'C 3Jld cons.t~tcnt 1na:.111er it dtsef\'es. It is velc>p111e111 of Chr1st1an <.:h.1r.acter. Thi..><c t\Vt> trends noun~h. e.1ch
,,·1t.l1 det"p mml\.lo . th('rcfurc. th.1t thr (.~hi1r(h '<"<'\ th(' diQ<.tC'r in 11'\ O\Vfl ''';ay. the hfr of the Chri(;n111 c1~·· Thus thl" <~.Jthohc
tlut 1n 1tu.oy countnes ov!!rt.:al.:-n that 11lSt1tur1un1 " :tl'O\< sc-hobr \\ho <k\.-otC\nun,- ye:ars o( h1\ J1tC to ~hol;arl\· \\c)rl in
frn111 the- very hc.lrt of' die- t1nity (')f Wc-srcrn ci\•ih:z.ition. Ho" libr:anC1 or l.ibor.atonc4', cxpecnng ne11}1cr c.·mhl)' tt\""'.lnls nor
CVt'I', 1n th<Ke countnd v.•hcrt' It ·~ ia1ll PO\\ible, :anti \vhcre 110 earthly h<1non. rs 111:1k1ng .an tS*11t1-'I and 1nv.1lu.:ible C<lncr1huhon
'l'~li.iJ circUlll\flllt\') hu1der Jr,. dl'\il'Jopmellt 11l the krvice o( to the overall life of tile Church, and cono.cqucntly, 10 ll1c lllllry
( :tlholirum. Wt" rr.1y that Cacholic\ ,,11J 11ukC" .,.('I)" ctTon .tlld of hun1.an1C)·
\r~r~ themiC'}\'~ fl() Y.Cnfic~ 10 'll"lkr to pn>\'lc-lc JJc:,1wtC $Up- 1 S7 With respect to th LS uruty of the hu11:wl ract \\.·h1ch is

J10rt J11d ach1c\;~ tull <lcvt".lorn1~t1l Jor the rea11.1JtH.1111.1ftl1c (-~11 1 - dc-s1ttd by God :ind '<> b.:attered b}• n1(n. he''"' ''''tee It 1~ re> \Olvor
olic 1111;1,yrsi'ras brtf'f(1no11. l11 do111g so. thC)' \\'tll be laywg rile tl1c bc.1uty of tlte Chi1rrh 111 its ad1111ral)ll' un1ry and v.1r1ccy-a
f(1u11e.Lt1<,r1 fi>r true C:l1nMJ211 lt".ulcrd11p. contl•rTin~ .:i \uprc-ntC' pnnc1ple of unity C\'Cll l0r the te:n1poraJ life of 11atio11s illU.l r.2c;es.
!6! T !lr fllf!DI N j "'' ' r I• .\1 f' r l' l l:'I 11)

\V<" \V0\1l1i like to con"der here clne ~\rt'.'c.1 t)f tht'. Cl1un:l1 to \\t>rl of Drholic Act1011. of \tt1d1t"~ th.;at enable the- youn~ cltr
'' h1...h \\.'t• .ilt..k:h gree1t unpoiu.ncc C;11hobc Acbou. .is .l.11 ex· t--"'llWl lO .adapt rhe te~c:hnt}!'S of th(' (;~pcJ to the p.amc."ul.a.r c:on4" ''"' l'"'"1plr ~ utti1y 111 th; nthl) Jr.t'l'\.t.'. hf~ of u,t'. J1uon.. 1n ,,·ft.ich be rs cJ.lled to \\'Ork
<:hur1.l1. ;u1J Ibo .u .t pnnc1pk- of unit)' 1n the ccmporal life of l'hw .a ,·oung pncu \\"hCKt' \c.')uch ,,.'" in .a: cnnqud .tnJ
pcop1C'\, t'.l\"t°", .ind ott.:tCC">. p1ou ... e11..-1.ron.ment Oil)" have to b<._,'11t h14i pncstly 11unl5tl)' 111 J
(0111J11tx 111J.ustnahzcd con1111u1111y J\ deeply troubled by cl.~\\
\tnlC and hosalc co Chn,t1.1111tv. Au(,tlter, bro\1gJ1t up 1n :. c1cy,
Catholic Aaimt: E>.7Jre>sfo11 mul l'ri11ri1>le of llttit.)' h.1ve to '''Ork in J n1rJI p.ar1<;h, \Vlth a population \V)u-,,.c

1 ~R '> 11.,tun-, c:~thc-,lir Ac:tic)n t\lld\ l(l\V,1rd uniry. he(,":tU\t: 111terc.,..ts JJld occup3t1011~ .1~ '01nrlttcly unf.11nili;ir 10 h1111. ()r
11 l$ I n1tli .111d l..tfe. Its counrleu CJsU, ~nJ 1ts .1cov1ues. v..' h1' u111u~try ~y be camcc.i ou1 .1111<.lnt-t peoplt of a different 11a-
•lTC d1\'<"N"' ~1rl1 bc-c.-..u"<' of the- circun'l\t.lll( ".' 1n which the)· :are or racW ong;a11. '"·11h ,,·J10\(" P'"<lwlogial problenu ht' h.1\
cJ.mcJ out .11.J b«.a.u~ of th~ chJ.r.)<.tcr of the ~pie \\'ho J:tt 110 l"~pcnence. Confronted by \U( h '1twoo1ts. the \'Ou11i;t pnN
in,·ol\\·ci 111 lh<.-nt• .a.ll conuibt1tc lO th<" hu1lding of the- \.1)·,:rical \\ill rc<.·.1.IJ that souls att noc 'l.l\eJ 1n thl'.' .:abstract~ but an \rJc..C"

Bod\ of (~hn\l in tlus ....·orld. JU~ '" th~ 1nJ1\·1Ju.d>n of .i1W time-. in the pto\'1c.knt1JI c:ondlt1on-; 1n \\·hich God h.i.\ pf..,cd
the- hun1.,n lx>t.J}· aU \\"Ork together. CJ(h Ill ll\ OWTI \V<ly, tO\\'<'lf\i thC'lll. l\ccordingl)". he '"·111 ;ippJ\" huu\Clf to ;a S)'Stenu.ct' \nld)
the n'l.1rvc-lot1.. unity of the \vhole. uf chc concrete li\'lng contlit1on' of f.anuli<.~ entrusted ro h1~ c;,1rc.
tltc..• vJr1ol1\ !.!COnon1ic an(l ''><'tJI .1nJ Jc~I 1nsr1turions 1l1ac alTctt
their 'Pintual .tnd teniporaJ \\'elf.ire. tltc ntentalit)• of tho\c \vho
71re pcno11 ~f 1/1< priest
;1ti1tuni\tcr tlt~e insntutiOn\, the l">~t oppom1niucs for cJ1e )'Ot1ng
I S9 ( >\tl\Cll1c Actio11 finds its first .l1td nl()o;t C'"iSC'nt1<ll ~nifC's co find congenial and u'4:'.'ful «c.:up.1t1on . .lnd othC'r ~uclt n1.1tcen
UlltJon u• lhc 4.0ll.1bor.ilJOll bt.-t\\ee11 t 1crb') <111J Lut~. for b) 1t' \\·h1ch, though 1n thc;1r n.aturt'. ;arc 1nnmacel)• connt'Ct<"d
....C'f\. ruruK C.tthohc Action is th< ~'''" ~'' dtc bi()· ro the \\Ith the qj\·aoon of <OU}\. r,nJIJ)". the chsordtted state of \OCICt)·
.1pc._,..1,,l.11C' 1•I tl1e t It'~. A\ a ~t1l1. il1c t lct).'\. f1.1~ 'ay rn:n\C r~-qu1rn on the ~rt of the pnl°'t ~ tln11 in the ro-calleJ
obl!~non~. i111cC' 1r lS from the b1sho~ .ind pncsts tlur the laity \C.X:l.ll ~1cnc~. so th.:at he ~nctr.1tc the ~urikc of the
nltl'iC \<."<.'k c11h~~ht('nn1enr ~ntl b"n~Lan<.·<.· in c->1'\lc·r t<, C-lrty O\I[ lts 111ult1tud1nou" \0Cl;1I phc;non1cn.1 he encountcf"i in hu \vork. un•
ap<>~t01Jtt llu,cesstl 1lly. Persollally, .:a pr1c:~t doing p.t.,tt)t:il \VQrk <.ICf\L\nd tltetr cau~.... anJ, \() t.1r J'i J1<>\,1blc, devise efTcC't1vc rc..'111-
ntll'if b(.' ,, n\nn '''ho~c- inner life d<.·cply \Ullftto hint \vlrh C l1rist c..•d1c~ tOr the disease.
l)ur 1-orJ, f,,,. ll 1~ through his ex:1n11'lt< ;ind the- intlucncc of ;i 1<-0. In truth. the exte111 ;nu.I tl10it·ulty of the i;;tn1ggle J~un~c
pric-scly liCl· he tdn J1ope to co1111'11u111c;lt1: CJ1n.i.c's hfe to his \UCh evils dcrnands no s11ull f()Ut.11tt• If C'..a.tholic Acrio11 require~
pcopl(' A rnN'> p<XltlOO as-copiritu.U ~ldl" ~nd (0W1'Clor r\."qu1res .,uch courage 1n the l.11ty, ho\\' 111uch 111ore i~ at to be expcctcJ
h111l tc) ~ .a nu1t of lem1ing. \"CT\.("J 1n chc ~ 'l'it'nccs. dc-- 111 the pn('(t. to "'·hom the I-fol\ ~pint tu.... cntnl."tcd the Ct"al h1n~
\OCt.'<i to a lltt: of 'tu~. and a.p.abll." oi culJ~ r'-".WlJ11t) tl1~ ul~nt' .Jnd c~rc of souls! Jn rq.,'IOO' ,,.ht'tt the: F.l1th C'OJO~"S,·e
God h.1( Jtl"'<"O him. 1-lcl'Kc thC' tund.:ao1(' 1n1pon..mcC". for tbt> trttdom JJld Catholic~ Jtt nu111crol1~ .ind lend gcfll'.'"rous \l1pport
lilt HIUUl'S • i . t \ l l l C \ l or rte:~ 'Cl

to th<' \\l\tcn.\ncc ind ~cti,-ioes of tht1r n-hgic:,n. pa\lOf"I nuy ~ b4.· JX'MtUJtendy de-pn\'ec:l <lf thl' u11n1,tnf101lS of priC'StS belon~'10J.:
..tronJ.:f\ ccnlptcd 10 folio'' the lu1e of le.1...1 fC"l\UJlCC. in ). sp1nt l<' their O\\.-n people. \\'c hJ.,.C' rcJ'C'J.U:JJ\· cxpf'CS;kJ Otar op1n1on
ot opponun1.. 111• .ind clO\< thcar ('}'.; 10 the 11yu..ucei. :ind un- cl11 th1\ nutrtt. not 0111\' 1n ()ur d1\t'"ot11"\CS. but~ 10 ;an t"Ve11
ch.ant.ahlc: of people ,,.hO\e fjvor 111.1.lC" their b\•es easier. ttt<'lrc.- etTcco,·~ 01.1.nner. b\· <"llt·our.i~ng c\'C'l)'\\·here U1c t:r.i1n1n~
JU'nt)·u1i::: their t111ud1ty b)' .lppcal1ng tc:> t:1J,c pn1Je11uJI lll3;Xl111s. c1f .an 1nd1gcnou.' cleq..-.y. an1o.l by elc. \'.1t1ng co the lofi)· d1gn1l)· ut

M1r1h..:n11orc. (~Jthohc Actio11 rtqu1rc' th.1t <i pncsc be t.l.CttUI the cp1~c:opJtc pn~ts dt.l\\'n frcu11 thl' t.111ks of people.' ,,.h<1 h.ivc
:1nc:t 1no<ll't.1te. H1\ \<:n~ of 1T1odcrac1on kl'l"P' h1111 fron1 c1nb<tlrk- <>nly rere11tly bee11 \von tt'> 1hc r.11th. g_lving t:hcn1 fuJJ ep1\c.·
1ng upc.,11 futill' .'Ind uureaJizJble «:ht'l11l'\; c.acc put\ h1111 ou b'Ualtl J11ri\(hct1011 a11d <'luchority. S<l 111.11 .111 h'TI)ups antons.t 011r <:hn~tian
:ag;i111\t the n.act1r.ll hu111;,a11 tcndcnC)' to \V;1111 tu co11trol ¢\'Cl)·~ l't'Ople 1111y b~ tllu~ pr<>\'·c.I. 111c. lu(h11g grot1ps of different r.:ac1j)
tb111~ R;icher th.tu furthen11g the j(<X>d. Jon1111.it1011 01tly snfl~ or nJt1onal origin li,,1ng \\·11h1n .a l.;ir~cr 1t.a11<.>r1. 1t 1s 111J1,pcn~blt'
tffon\ to n.-Jihzc 1t. 1t subsatutcs an 111d1\·1tiu.11'' p<'f\On.21 '''lU for c.1nd1JJ1cs for the pn<"'lht\<xl. 110 nuttc."r '''hat etltn1r brroup
th<." gencrou' ;and 'po11UnC"OUS coll:ibor.111011 thJ.t J.Jone promotn th("'y bclo11g lO. llU)' frC't."I\' CllJC:l\' chc.- .td\" of .a (:.1thohc
the K1n~Jo111 of God. A prieu \\·ho rx(r~ che hn1its of ch< eJt11o.'.2.t1011 throughout 1hc-1r ITJ1111n.,::. tTo111 ch-eJT earlieit \'eJ.f"\ to
.1.uthonty tu, tU11c;-aorl$ confer on h1n1. \\'ho repr~~ his their <heological <rudi"'.
pcNlnJf op1111011~ as cl1e Church's ccachu1~ Jnd offic1.U dtsc1phne.
\Vho COll\l(IC.'N tile latt)' .is docile: 1n~tTUUll'U(\ tOr ac111cvi11g his
·17,,. slrdpi"..~ of co11sflt•1tt•~s
O\\fU l'n<I'-. 11141y be very zcaJou< :iud \vell ..111tt•11r1011ed. bur hi~
attintdt' produrt~. ;1111ong uia11y dcplor.1l>lc..• n.·,ult\, .1 false co11ccp· 111~. We have .alre:'ldy l'n1pha,11t•d lhe net~\ity of cft•arly .1nd
t1011 of the: Churt:h .1s 210 1nore th;in .i V.l\t or~1117.Jt1on in , .. J11ch co1111,,t'tc.'ntl\' teaching rht- pc<lplt .il.,out the Church's soc1JI doc
the 1nd1\'1du~ l~y111m councs for littl<". 111\tC'.:id of~ living body u1 cnnt, the pn11ople o( true \01,:i.1l u1l1ty In order that tile clrl).'Y
\\·h1ch C' C'hn,tl.1n is a li,;n~ ccU. 1114y• out ,,,th tht' dt"'\1n:d co111pctt"ncc its role of te:ic:h1n~
The IJ.\k of the 'Ptntw.1 dttpht-rd of wuJ., '' n<>t to produ,:f' the pnnoplcs of Chn..o;an t.l1th Jnd 111orah. 1t is grcatl)' to be
JOCJft- \C'.'r.·.ant,, but nthcr to couraJ$OU\ 111c11 of miwn\'f" JC\1f'CJ the proble111 of r~l.1uo113' ;an1ong \'.tnou,, hu11un
deep!\· .l\\.J~ of their ~p1nnul r~pons1b1ht1c,. The n1orc obsuclcs WOUp\ be ;iidcqmtely dc;a_Jt \\'Ith In (Ollnes md tCXtbook\ 00
sr.a11d 1n the '""'Y of .tl"h1eving his 1n1t- tJ\k, tlu: 1uore his zeal .a11d 1n(>r.aJ theology. Thi .. 1n cun1 111c.111~ thJt Catholic theolot-.'1,.U\
his JlOVll)' 111crc.1itc. ~l1ould <;tt1dy chis problc111 very Jttcnuvcly. an the hght of
C:hr1'll1:lll truth, re:'l~C.)11. an(I i.'Xpcr1cnrc. [( COnSc.ienccS are lO be
tn•I>· c11lighccned. it i.$ 1nlperJt1\'c tJ1.11 ~11 ra11ks a11d degree.~ of'
L'11i11t·nal 111111i>I')' c?f tlrc rlcrgy
1n1t.-lhgcncc among tht f.111hful be.· Jn11c.-1o.I \v1th idea' rc:g.1rtl
161 Wl1de tit<' pnN must be able 10 undct't.ind the n1c111bc:rs 111~ ntcn 'i; n1urual r~poni.1l~1l1tu:' Jt1d proper ''"')~ of tUltill1n~
ofh1\ Rock '''ho belong ro anothu nJnon or rJlC, 1t t\ 11onetheJC'\, thc111. The CXJ\tc11cc .;tnd on..,1'111 c.>f ngl1t), the qul"'aon., c.)f
d~1r.ahlc. 111 order to CllSUtt lhc \'C'r')' c\1\tt'n(c of lhe Church JU'\11cc.- .a1td chanC)· ttur enter into rcl.attotl!. .among r.tc1al .Jnd 1u-
and It'\ t"'\Clll1.aJ c.k\'clopment. th~t no f,Jl'}!.t.' KJOUp of the b..ithful c1or1.U groupi;. the v~ue of che hu111_.n pcr.on.;tl1t)· .j\J)d th<" 'p1n1uJI
1111 lllOUIN t"'( •i'lll":lt.l Of- ~ll'\ XI

un1l'\ of 1ltC' l\u11un race .arc nor nun(.·l'\ 1hAr c .tn bf;" }('It to ;3 ~elect
(cw; the)· n1u ..t l:'C kno\\TI tO -!1J Chn\U.&.IU_
16~. Thm ;a grc;it \"JOC() of o~n1uuons ha\'"e bttn rnrullcJ
under the Nnner of Ca1holu. Act1on. c.ach of ,,·h1ch devot~ 1t-

1l1r ('t'>iJU ,, tire /Jy111Jn

\l•lf td a p:imculu ph;asc or the .tpllStolate of the la1ry. Hovvtvt'r,
16J. I( \\'C" (Ono;1der the mult:in1de ;an,i vanct)· of hu11un oc- 1t \hotLld be noted that 1t '' l''-Wnr1.1I to the concept of c:a1hohc
cupaluu1 ... '""-' LIUi1.,ldy see tJ1ac each of 1h~1t\ ollCI"). ia one way Ae11on tl1at in CVCf)' case thL· OrgJnizJt1011 is only -a11 11lstn1n1ent
or a11orher. 11111ncr<.lUS oppom1nic1cl\ fi1r fi1rthcnng unity art10tlft for Jid111g and co111plctin~ the 1ndi,•1duJI .u;rion of 1tS n1c111bL·~.
111cn, w... h.t\-c ob~erved \\'tlh Lit<.> gr1..·.ac1,:~t ~.tt1!ifacuon. o\rcr tltc Tht.• '-trcngtl1 of an 1ndividu.11') .1t:t1on n1us1 be 111 d1e valtte of In\
p<1st t~''' \-'C"iil'C the c.-re:ition of ;1 ~IU)• of i.rtt1..al1Te<i ,uoup~ thJt .tc:t1on 1boelf. the r<1dianon of 111\ O\Vn pt'rw11al cxm1pJe a11d 1nRu·
bn11g 111c1, lt1g...-tl1r:r .md nuke 11 P'°''1l)lc tOr Chnscw1 hfe co C"Jtcc. 11ot 111 che screngt:h i:up~JI\' ett.actJ b)· the 'iln1plc JU\..
ftO\lndi 1ft thC' most dJvcrsc c:1l\iTOnmtnR Ot Jt,:'C", '-CX. rrofcW(lO, Upc.l\ltlOll of a b~ nun1bcr of 1nd1\·1du,Us.
<>r tnJr:. \\.'.: lt.a..·c fullu"·ed \v1t11 tltc grt:J(\."\l uitctt"Sl the d~\>el­ The"\C' nt0\'ements nu~· h«o111c \".Ht. organ1ut10n\
opm<'nt of the«" .Jssoci;inons aa1on~ the \'Outh "t both sexes, .lnJ \\Ith hund~ of thotLS.ltl~ of n1e1t1bcl"\. ~nd their splendid de111 •
We hJvc;: llOtt..J tl1e1r prt)f(>und 1nfluc:ni..(' L>rl th(' !tptntwl regt-n- on~r.Jt101\S 11tay arolll(' che grcJCC."\t cnthus1:asn14 It re11131n~ nc\·
ttrarion of the Chnstian con"nuniry crcheJe,~ true that the .r;ecret of 1J1c .1po$tohc .ichievc111en1 tO\\'.trd
\vli1cl1 these "arious orbra11ii.1t1on' art.• \vorkins ren1aini: th~· ,u ..
pcn1atur:il ch:iracttr of the 111d1,1idual actiou of c."ach of their
Spen'ali:t'd nJCll'('UICrt/.$
164. le 1\ rht'rt' are 1lunun h'TOUps for \\'h1ch the
pr.KTK< ol Chn-uan religion poses pam,ul;ar problem; dut =·
no< be odcqu.idy molvcd <hrough <he <!Tom <'f mru"du>I
Chn"-l.111.. H-.:11(~ the nec~l) of co11'-t:rtl-J -.:lfofb to ma.le the 166. But. 11may be a.i:leJ. donn't the Chnm:an boJ, xq,ur('
"·.;il\1t" of Chn\rt"'n hfc '1s1ble to thcs(' v~nou~ jtl'Oups. In ctus \\.~}· .l i:pcc1.1I bc-'1Ul)' and po\\'Cr fro11- rhc vcr;- n1ulrirude of th()\('
aJI tlht\l' \!llBJ~·LI ltl tht! SJ111t: Ott:up.tlU)TI {Jn pt1..1tit fnut) their \vho co1npose it? No doubt 11 d<>e\, but at 1$ not by puttan~ va~t
.:0111111011 C'.ll:pcr1c11cc, each 01l1cr, 1mkc l\'.ulable che 11tult1tudes llllO the fnlllC\\'Ork of honl(Jgcnous groups tllat tht•
(:UOlllU)U nu·.111' •>f :u·l1ievinj!; c-on11nc111 ~~l.1l,, .uul enjtly rhr bt-11- <:hr1~t1.1n bo(ly sho,vs it.~ sp1n1uJI vn:iht)'. The vie'v that the I;()..
etic~ of rhe ~pec1.tltzed direcuo11 of \p1r1tu~I g:Ludt~ c..ap.lble vf r;1llcd po,vcr of tl1e n1a~~c."~ .1nd rollcctive pressure ;are ~igt1~ of
rlcarlv .lll~I fCllll)..("t('ntJy appl)''i11g {0 l11eir rarriculJr Sl[\latioJl chc iip1ntu~I v1ul1ty is ahe11 to Chr1\t1a1ury. No le.~ (orc1~ri1 to
pn11'" ch;1.t '-ht-,uld 1n,.r1re their ..rt1v1ry. \hnst1;in thought is the Vtt'\V, ''·hich reflects n1C'chanl\t1c:
~ron11<-t1c that the anda,idu~J <knv~ his sp1ntwJ dyn.lnu~n
ti'o111 the sample fact of be1n(t 1ntqtntcd 111co li collecnvrl)· nude
up of nun1crous ind.i\'ldwl'\ '"ho th1nl .ind ~ct -1$ he dOC$. On ch<
co11trJC)'. thl' Cl1n..tu1l collcco\.)£)'. as \~"c h1\·c.· .aJr('ady said. d:ra\\.-S dr.t\\ 11 their eXISce11ce fro111 the hfC' of tlte- Church. the n1othtr
tu. beaut\' lkX from the nui_nbcr 01 111d1\'1d.u.lls or tTom of .ill c1v1l1urion, a.s nun1t~c<I 1n 1l1C' 1ndJ\•1dual li\'t'S of her
their \unple j\IXtapo-.1tto1i. bu£ fro1n 1hc 'li!f''"' chanctcr of i£S 'h1ldrcn.
con1pcx1r1on. 111 \\.tuch dJ:d'crenl 1ndi,' .ind v.1nou\ group:'> 169. ~1.1Lu1g hrs sp1n1u.;1.I anffucn..:c tClt on the- fomu.r1011 or
t:J.c.h fin,f lht."lr rfi)~t pf:.CC-: "·of llJ 11.l[H.UI' ,utJ trll)l,'.\ and pcopl1.'S rn:,c.·n.·.i.0011 of thcsc 1n'1:1tut1on' \t"Vcttly tnu evef)'"\
•nd ton~u«" (ApoulYP"' 7:9). 111orJ) cour.tge :ind peno11al 1n1u.1t1vc. Sclf... u1tcrest, personal a111
1fl?. 'I.le thcrcf(1rc coo,i<lt>r 11 of priul11rJ1.1I 11uporlJnt;c LO prc- b11101u, Jnd hopes for 11taten.1I f.!:·•111 lllll\l be n·lentlessly ~:.acriftrctl
scl'\.-·<' the j)\IChcnnc st01111p of Catholic Acc-1011 on .all tl1csc ''.lriOtlS to the contn16n good. Ill order tt> lilx-:ratc ;is fttUy as possible 1n
tlr~1nl'.at1<u1,: I( 111u~1 be clear U1:1.l the uri:t:'lllt.lllOJt, UI its. con- C;lt:h 1nd1v1du.aJ the entrg1~ thJI c.111 be devoted to building the
snrunon ~nd tn the dchnu!<ltio11 of its field of aC'"t&\'lt'\'. 111 its rules 1op1ntu.-il city. Thus ,,·hdc lht' 1n<hv1du.1l's pan:icipaao11 throuizh
.inJ 1n.:tl1<,J, t>f "c•rl. 111 1b ~n·tc.c:-. .inJ puliht.tl1011\. tn 1b le!J- ha\ inner life and sacran1enul t1111on \1,•1th Chri$t comuu1cc the
C'nlup usd •dnwwtr.lnon. is onl}· .ln 1mm11ncnt md o( ~unul(i:. point and source of C',.,ltholrc Acuon, 'be rcalwcion of
.;aiding lhc 1nJ.i"1Jwl, .Jic,~,ng h11n ''' tu.JI~ rc.al1J'C' lu" ~tobtc the Chrut1m spirit an the!' \ .and economic u1~ulu­
•• • ~n-0n •nd • m<mber of the Chur<h of Chrut Thus• .ii (1011\ o( ~et}· IS 1lS cu)n11nlt1011: 1ruaruuons lh3l r'C'\lC)rc
th•>utth the ilr~!.1111/'cJ rnt>\•c:n1cnt "•,II r~(.t'IVe, •>bi:Jn:ndy. JOY- co hun1~n sociCt)' 1rs oqpnu.: ch~r.•c:tcr.
ousl}', a11d (11thfully. ;ill che dJrecaves of the l11tnrcl1y, \vhose
d~irci and d1tc.•c1ivC'\ it \viii 1<.ck to h1ltill, .11111 .1lth\u.1gll in ad-
lilo11c1,,,;, ius1i1u1io11s
d1rjo11 Ir.. \'Cl) nature as orga1U2t-d 111ove111e11t 111ake-s 11 sub3e-ct
ir in a 'P<"fi.11 \\JY tc..l the appro,ral ot ccch:,1;1\ \UJ)C'OOI"\. none· 170. 111 Our Letrers Quadr.1;\VJ.11110 ,1,,,,11 and Di11i11; R,J,,,1111,1n·r.
th~l~ thO\t 'vho bt:long to the- org;in1z.tt1011 .tnJ the ~upenof'\ Wt .ilrC".1dy n1cntioned tl1e 1n1pott~ncc of providing soc1ecy \Vlth
\Vbo -.1n1.0llll ll '''''\l: llC'\"Cr Jose sigJ1t of''' 1,:),.,:1lUM role.
ord1,:t 1t1 '°u1ld C'Co1101ruc 1nst1rut1on~ tOIT'C"po11dJng to tht' ,·anou-. \\l)'~
ro prnc-"·c '" '\.ront.t0C1r.· .lnd thC' wpcr.tbund.ant ,,t.1btr of 1r:s n:ononuc Jilc in1p1nges 011 hunun actt\·1ncs.. Only m a soc-1c1)·
1t1t'."nlbc:h. :111J to 11u.l1'" of theo1 .1 ~p11..J.I 1ll~tr.tl10«l of C.:.tJ'l-Olr~ \\·h~ ttononuc uructurc tnil) corrnponds to ttaJ hunun n<c~
A coon chc f.a111tly n1ore r~dd)· be ticc.-d tfo1T1 h'mg condir1oru 1h.:at
\\.'OUttd the dlb'lllC)' Of 1he hunlJll pcnor1: Ori)}• 1n $UCh a SOCICC)'
t:i11 the Christian achieve 111~ ult11natc 80.11 Jt the $a111e cu11e tl101t
S1n'r1t1111l ro1tlr1'l1u1tl)t1.) to tl1e~ft•r11111tio11 0..1· t11:ilit1ltiou~
he .1cJ11e\lc~ J1is earthly d~t-1ny. '"rhi' econor11ic regeneration 111ay
168 I he- \\Ol'l of llC>C1a1 rege11er.tl10n unJ~n.alen by c:~tholil­ lt"Jd to the Creation of ne\Y ~oc1al bodies or corporacio11~ 1l1a1
Arrion 111u11r n<lt bl' Luuitcd to cph<'Jll<-'t.ll 1111111fc,oc101l.'. Its cask \\'Ould group toge-ther all tho'e \\·)10. 1n \Yh:ttevcr \v~y. ~\ pro~
K tn bu1IJ .1 'Jl1n1u..I C'lt)', :.i.nd 1J1erc~ tfl 1n.:1l1.· ;1 'Ol1d lnd lifC'· \1dcn of c.ap1tal, as 1tuJ1.age~. or .1~ \\·orkcrs. depend 011 tht> UJll('
gt\·uig 'r1ncw.I co11cnbuoon to cht- fomuh\ltl or r1w11ten.mcc of anJu,rry. 1t may also hn11t 11\Clf I<> cft"~t1ng ne\\· boncb o( «<>-
~,.-u 1tt•t1t11ft•>tl'J b-.i'Cd on <llld Cbn,tt.u1 t"l1.tnl'} H»to!) no1111c coo~oo11 arnong the'.' \' orgaruz.aoons that alr<'.aJy
1~.:ac~ th.It (he ,.ublnt md mOSt riu1rli1I h\11n.1n lD'Oronons ha,.... ttpr<"cnc '' nu..n..igcn1enc, .11h:I con~umcn. Bt1t the ~o;il
1111 !l l l•l•I .., fNt l f ' I .. I U• ' l l ' t 1(1

;ilv."Jy'> r('ITIJ11lS rhc \..l lllC" I() l'lllt UU1f)' .lnt.i f"'C3<. l.'.(\ll <..'OllJlXlrJllOll n1:.itt:rial gailt thC)' 11tlght denve fm111 doing so, llut llt'CJtl\C of
u1 th..: ~"" lCl' of the {0111111011 gO-Od, vvhtlc .1l tJ1c \.lJ11e tune ..,.,_ tl1e.1r oblig:ataon to retliz.c Chrisnar1 pnnc1ples 1n l1u111111 \OC1ct)r.
1!\f)'lng 1r1di\'ldu.1I 1ntere\t:". :t \ n1ut·h ;;11 1'°'"'1011.' ("1,IJJlx>r.1t1011 tif

Lh:J) kind t:lcarl)'. crul'· ..en.·t's 'IOCIC't\i .tnd 1nd1\'1d1,.1;i.J~ only to the Political i1tsti1111io11s
extent rhar ir 1~ h;i\ed on rhc 1uthcnnc· rt..,1hty <,f tn.Je liu11w11
1leeds, tltOl.l' of dte f11111Jv. 17.!. Catholic Acuo111s110( concemc-d \\'Ith pohtirs. HO\\'C\"c:r,
a; lc:gaunute and Vet)' natural concern le;id-. 1t to .l\k '' hetht•r the
polianl, JUridlc.l. ~nd a;dnunisma\"c 1nst1rut1on.. 111,.an1.ttc po"'·t'r an ~nti:! \\'.ay respect the nght" of the hunun ptJ'\.On

171. f\.10Jt'O\'t'f. lh~ pu1el\' CCOOOllUC OrftWJZ.lhOru lllUS( (and ihc pnnciplc:s chat should go"<m hunun r<lluo1n). E.Kh
~ C"<~n'1d~1:I in th<" lif!ht ot lhC" rnn,,rk \'\'l• 111\"ttl:cJ e.arl1cr bt'bC\·er n1mt thettfOn! consrckr h1nl'"t'lfrnpon~blc, to the t"Xtent
Ul spelhtlg of C3:thohc Acc1on. l:.\t11 "'h~n on.I\' an.a.ten.ti ~d dut be puriap.t(es. in their CTt"aoon .and func11on111~ tOr the co11~
<eonomic int("~t'\ .l\Y iO\'O'\'('\I. II fllU'I be n•Jtl('ftlhr-rni tlut fomury of these inuirutions \\'1th the n:qulrcmc1ll\ of nJtur.a.l u,, .
the Or£il"'"''on b onl~ .i nlt";UlS. art 1nWUJ.11tn1 put .1.t ch~ da These 1nstiruoons include- the \'2nous Until~· :.i ..iL-.tlncc otlicn ;1nJ
_poq.I ot if\ ml"mbc.·n The" o~ni1111t'>n tl(l("Oo 11oc l"'"\:1'1 111 onlrr organi~non\ of 3.U It.ands: bbor union\. n'utu1I .aid

to rtplxe, through thr 11~( of .a ti~tl\ (' 'oll«tl\'(' pet10n4kltl'\'. soocues. joint cotnnussions, ch.an1bt'n of co111n1crce, n\
the iniriarivc. \\ill, ;;ind 1nteUigcnr<" ot l".l\ h or 1c~ n1\'.'n1bcr;. 1t 1n$atunons.. school bouds artd educ.laorul comn11\\ton ... lc1\urc
rxi..,ts tQr ach of i ts n1i:1T1~"• 1n ur,kr 10 .a.!Jo,, to con- org;a.n1zat1ons. he-afth bol.rds. 1ntcm1t1on;al co111n11~\1on,, colon1JI
tribute as n1uch :as he ran to th\' ,·on11tlt)fl b"\)()J, th.111k"' to Lh\'.' adn11nutr.1rions-in short. all the public and prt\'.lte u1~t1tl1t10nJ
.ld\.'<tnr.i~cs of 111\ltu.;ll aid, con~u]tJnon, C"0111pt'tcnt twicl:incr, affect the mor.a.I life of 1nd1\'ldual) Jnd (J11uhcs. Chn~a;in\
a.-id I.he co111111011 \L\C' of 11L1tcn.ll 1111:.111' \>r 111tcll\'lluaJ Jl)il1tit..". \\•ho participate in <111}' o( the-sc 1nst1rut101U have l \CnO\l\ obh
Olli}· the 111ost l1n1C'nt<'lblc d1iappou1t1tlClltl, cvc11 fro111 thC' g.'\t1011 to always and evc'Y'vhcre testify, by 1l1e \\·ords .utd by
staru.lpo1nt of purt>ly 111:ateri 11 \Vt.•lf.1~, i\ln ht• 11r(>(.IUt'e...I b>· ,1 their lives. to tlte ceac)11ng of cite Master of 1ndef.1t1glblt• \vorlen
contrary phiJosoph)' ot <."cono11uc org.in1i11c1011 l'lu' l1oas bcc1t for the unity of hu11un society.
'>hn\\'Tl hy t}u: n·pe:itt."d h1il11ft6\, in r<'rt'nt yra~. of \•.;i~r ('lltrrpn'-4.·~
of LOLlecl1v1l..lt10t1 by \Vl11t:l1 .t ~)VCl'lllllClll gu1JeJ b)' 1111ltlJlil
'/11< totality of Christia11 life
afhcis111 ha.s rrit·d ro rc1'1.1cc.· chc 01c>r.1I anti ~piriru .tl dcticicncic.•s of
it'> 111i:n1bc:n \\•ith th~ i.upp(>,t"d elli< lt'tll')' 1,1 the 1>n)lc.·1.1r1,11J 173. After surveying at such lengtl1 the 1noun1fi.1I f.1ctof'( hanlt·
nusses. ing conte1npor:ary M>tiety and tc:'lring 1t ~part, let u~ look for a
lt i\ 1lot for thr: Church I<) dttc.•rn)IUl"' ch1.· lt,r1n .1lit.1n ,111J type 1110111ent on the be2.uty of thi' uniry 1t~elf.
o( ~u ch ~conon\1C ur~ni~nts, I ler rolt' here J11 to I.av dO\\'n the Tlus unity 1s not ntcrcly the su111 of tJ1c 1n<h\'1dltJI ~J">l<n­
prJJlClJ.llt"!. thlC )ht>uld tll rl't.l lltt:lll, 1-iC)\Vl'VlT. 'ht.• \lrt.lll}o.~Y tl~t'... dors of each of Jts 1ne1nben. The K1rtgdon> of Cod dr:i'"" ~ plr·
cbc f,ljthful co sn1dy th('s.c c-oncrC't<" prob1ctll.$, 11ot bccaui,.c 01 the cicular beau[)• fion1 lhc very union of ;a]J th1.--W 1nd1\•1dua1~ 111 .1
! I l l !llUl•J" f l \ ( Y• I l l .. >ii t l l l \ XI l7J

h.1nrt•HllOUi bod~. W'bcn rl~J.\.ll)t! tr.tits Jr(' 00( bo1111.t rot,·thC'r , ...,•. It ,, noc ~ ~11fl1ng or n1uubong the J)("J"'l(}ft.Jl1t1es of the
1n a tt~rn1on1otn "'·ho1c, cllnr 'u11rlc coexi,tC'nc:c Joe., ttot ..ufficc- Ctl·\\·orkcn dut tht\ '\1hbn1e h.ln11on..· ,,..lS xh1cvt"d, nor b)· sub.
[o pn> J be-.1.uuful lOU11l(11.u1,c • n1crsing then1 1.n th~ Jno11v111ow colJtctlVlt)' or 1n che ide.u and
\\'111 of \Orne brilli.111t ~rchuc.:t \\'hon1 the ~ni~t\ ouly h.avc crhocd
111 .1 1o;c,•n•1le n1anner . ·r11,.,e '''.IY\ of procccd111g "'·'>'.1t ti"t :;ecn1
11rc.,clur11vc; in f.ict. tht•y lt'.1d to dt•:ath. This ls not hO\\' tht• 111ir0tclc
174 l"hl' \JJUt" un bl> ..... 1d ,,ftJ1, Jr1.bicc,ru1al ~ph:11J,lr ofthC' \\'J\ ac1.:on1pl.ul1ed, but r.11her through e:ich .int~•·, f'{"l'\Onal re-
jtTC'.at ll\00\UlK'tlts the r;a~ Ju\ h.anJc.d dQ'\'\"ll 10 U~ I.' f(".tllnon1~ 'J\00'4" to 1he call of thc.- \r1nt of God. \••h1ch 111\'1tcd hin1 to
to ll' t:..1tf1 .lttJ p1~l): \:klllt'.lll t.OJ1lnbutt."'> IL'i ~~Ul)l lO J 'olUbonte an the plerutt1Je o( h1i 1nd!\l"ldu:1J11eJ act1\1ty. Not
'-''h<'l(' thou tt11.nsccnds the t-i<";aun· .:ind pert.Cc-non of thc'c- <"lcmcnt'\. ~·111g I~ 1n an 1nd1\c.·nnuu.1tc coll«0\11)'. t'.'Jc:h 11un could
c·~)U\tJt:t c.n1c t>f our; t:.tth lint" rt'e' 111tQ \pJl< .1~ 1f tl (lr.1\\ fron1 rhe depth\ ot h1' pcnonaliry the 1110'\t pertC.Ct and
had It~ o'"" Jjf<". thanks to th<" conJu11crio11 ot \fnnr;: C'<lfh ("I( 'IJl<lnt,1nco\1s e~-prc~~1on of the that tCLI to lun' through has
\\hit h h 1' iL, <>\\rn JlCrfr< 1u•t1 A ll1tJ\.1u· <>r sl:11ne~.l·~.1s-. \v111Jc.>\V p;u·lll' \'OC:ttiOll. fhul, thn>ugh the n1ed1:ition of l11t•1r C<)ln-
c.-xprc~se~ ;in un.agr ''·ho~r bcJul"\· j\Up.lsses the n1dJ,· l'<".1Ut'\" Ul()U flCU\•icy. che)' could ufT'cr God a \vonhy te\t111ton}' of their
ot rl, h Clt ii.--. r<lm. And Ill lll(" ( re.1!1\"e 1m:1g1n.:11tclu clt ht" .t11.l\t. C.lll<°J1e11ce and Jo,·c b\" crcl ting .t tm1ple to ht- i J\\·elhng .in1ong
.ilrhoud> C";a(h elemenl tt"l.tul~ It) O'-'D \-alUC". the .u<hC'1. .llkt col- U\ tor the Euclun,oc: Chn\t. the etC"mal Obbt101l .iJ,,.1~"' present

un1n... th<' ' ult\ and n1\·l...,, rh'° '' in\lo''""· mCKJi'"-... ..... t1lrtC\.I por- on our .ilu:rs. .inc.I c.apit.1.1:). tlie tO\Vt:r'> JnJ th~ steeples. J.ll .:0111(' tllgt"th~r Thu, each m:in co11ltl \.dY of his partic1plr1011 1n this great
h:1r111•l111ou\ly in the rr.1nsc:~nd1..•1tcJ.f "Pl~ndor oi tht: \\.lu1h.· Ul.ln1tl'it.1t1on of collc<:l1Vc \Vor;l1ip: '"In ;all thing\ Wt' h:ivC'
I 7~. An..l yet this btnld111~ 1\ <)nlv .1 111;,tcrial tc\nt1101ly, \vntren µr<>ll'n," fo llo\vlng 1n \V,\)' Saint Paul's i1ijunct1011 "to pr:icticc
111 \\.C.)(iJ i11Kl 111"-'ul and ,cc.nit'. tl) .a. "tlll 111ort• 111;.1n·c.·)c1u' 'l'lntuaJ lite truth Jn lo''e. ;ind ~o gi'<)\\' up 1n all things 111 h1111 ''ho is the
rrJ.11l'\·· tl1c 1ncrcdJbk coJbN>rlt1on ol cound.:ss n11nd~ ..nd ,ot1Ju- 11e.-.J. Chn\t" (' 4: 15).
lt"\\ ,,,11, Ill tt.a.11LU~ th1\ a.,"li,:.tllllt:
. .
\\t'Ji... ThC\·
. hi\C t."CUllC l<1 lht.\ rhrough diC"ir 1nnc.·r dc.•\'OtlOn to Troth. a n:-ftc.-ttlOll of the
sp1t1tu.ll c1ry. \\·htch tile' 111.;arcrul tdlficC" mere), >\lll~hz.~j.. li0111 l:t« Truth tht')' \O\lght to nukC" 11u.n1fl!'t 111 ct1c1r \\'Ork.
the.· t.-r C"l,rnt'r. ,>f tht.· c;irth'. .1r~·hit<"l'"t\, d~iwit·f'\. trulr<or; 1nd throu~h th~r oblarion ''' the 'P•nt of ch.irit)'. p<-MC:-c.·r1on. and rocil
J>lllltt'.'I\, 111.1..Un.\, cab111et 1n.1~cN. ,.,,,J cJrpentt.'f'\, \\'ltl1 ttlt'IT .ip- <"<lllJ\lor.iuon co the \vork unc:lcrtaken for H1, '-1lt.". roulc.l tltt:SC
)ll'('Jlfll:''<. ,111d d iS<iplcs Oft(.·n. th1.·y CJlll<." fro111 r:.,r .l\\1,1v: thC'y lt'ft (~hn\U.Ul\ 11oc s.ay tltcy h.1d found the111selvcs 111 fi11<l1ng Chnsc?
thl"1r h<>111t;l.111d:. :and trJV('"!C'd 1 lun~ 1in1(' 111 or(!~·r ll• cc>utnbut<" ln 111111 ;and through I lint, 1hcy di~covcrcd '''hat die n1odem
rbC'1r 1'11 oflwJUt)' to Litt''lt' 4Jorat1on of (;oJ c~prt:"'~eJ h, \\'Ortd I'- ~ feveri.,.hly \c,1rch1ng for: the full c.lcvclop111cnt of
a 11\" 1("11l~lk' .'\II d:b4'<'"~ \lt ~'k.t\"t'\ \\·ere rt.-pt'\."'-l°ll(c.-..t rr\."l.ll.1."' .t1Ki lht' (1'("1"\0n~il)· 'hat c.ich penon h.tS received J..\ ;a iZ11C from th~
rn~1 ... monl\ •nd ~hot.if'\, Ltlllt\ 111<1 "it.Jt~mC'O, lflnu111cr;1blc- <:r.:-JtOr. and the un11y 11l .tttt\'Jt)· \\:h~ttsn thC' l\1llnC"\.' of1nd&"1.d.
t:lulJrt:n ~lflh<." rropft", ~TJ.ti\n\Cn, ,l-i~'k.°'l.ltlOO\.
lllCll. \'t.(11Jll'll, .Uld uJI life 111.i.y be xh1e...ed
Jud p1ou\ co11fr;atc-aur1~. all \\.·01 ~1ug t,)gether co -.:t\"1..t .1 ht1u:.e l\-!fl'l1' atote ... eJt. "llf.' thotr perfect.·· W11h th1\ cJ.11 'o both
of C~od '"'"'"hy of 1-11111. l.l1ty .lllll clergy \Vt It i.s the cxhort.•11<>11 by '''h1th
ftll ll lf• ll l 'rt • fl, VI I II "'I 11! , ! ll\ lt l

O or I r,l rd scir; n~
rn h.rc·cln1c <'n l•r•t<'t1r, <t •lll':&~<•u~. l't1rop ll'll'l) ~/1J( " "'' )' ef l11u11t111l1y ,·,, shr Hol)' ,\/n.<S
\i:lf- b11v111g. u1t1:g:tatcJ <.:h1lst1.lll!i. S1 >Jl l rlllf 1•11•1nu1s, Sf'll'flU r t 1u11•
hulruu1': " It "'e 11\'f' liy the ~pint h~ ·, h<· \('inl lcl U\ Jl\li \\ .alJ.." 179. And n 1.s hig_l1 cin1e ch;il We recogi11ze. n1ore li1Uy .in\l
( ( j.:Jall.lU!i ):)). 111ore tfficac-iously than before. the unuy ofhunlillltl)' 1n the I l<>ly
S.icrlfic< oflht Mass. It is 1n the Mass tltat. \1ncc the huly (:<>lllll'll
of Trent. the gt'C~t .lnd profound tradition h01s h«o1nC' th< Jctu;il
rcabC)' due urutC"S us .all. unites all 111e11: the t1111e ht•forc (~hn\t
co-.;c1 L'<;JO'l U'-:ITY A'-:ll Pr.<cr
,,·1th the <by of Golgoclu. chc nn1(' .ifi<r Chri~c \Vllh the.- rc.·r·
fRUJl~ (JI TJJL RLJ>l\tf.tltt>'-
speca,·e opmtd for all of us on the t-nd of t1111e :a11d tile con·
f'he pn1111.'1pln th.Ji prn.tJt ()\:C'f tllC' trut u111l\ oa1ad tfU(' di\'(DltV \CIOU~11Ci,S of the pretence ofChn\l ;Jt the hC".in ot thC' n10..c U'lt'-"llt

ot~ human litc.' nlJ\' D•IC b..· '' t·ll T\'t t"l\C'll c·,·cn '' t1cn·. ttu1 lh<" .and ht-an-fc-lt aspiraoo1\S of all 1t1c.-11. 1l.l111ely the rcden1pc1011 o(
unity. ordtor, and J>CAc.:C o! hu1JU,nJt\' 1n1~ .a ittt~t bwdtn on our <bily ~ns by the Ho1)• ~1~s~ through thC' SJcnfl,e 011 tht"
us_ Its \\-cight COfTc.-..po1td~ to chl·' 1luc t)I rh~ Dtt~•n1 th<- v.orlc.t·~ Cro~•\. That lS ,,·h~· \\'C' ha\'c- 1n tht~ hol)' ucnfic.:c.- .an O\·crflu,v1ng

Ro.1.xn1er \\'lth h1'\ b!,,.,,J on chc- ('l"O\\, cunlf"'C'tl\;lllrt)t ;a1 che \Ourcc of for unJt}" .uid suc11gth for pc.ace. In chc.- protOunJ
~li' cn1c onc-c ..tnJ h.M:' all for rlk: ''11~ ul pt1hc1C\ 111d th..~ culp-Jbk ,,·onh of Leo. ,,·tuc-h tht- Church rtt.tlk on 1hc fc;iiu o( the
'",obt:iom or' the pnnc-1pln 01 m•l" unit)·. \\:C' ht-l1~·c- Ex.ilt;non of th< Holy Cr.,.s: '"No". coo, •U kmch of ~nhl'
tl1a!i pt'!".K:.~. \•ol11th 1~ '4.> J..:~r to ()ur f1c.1n. h~' ,1 1irn' guar.J1llt't.' 111 :!J,mfiCes a~ at an c!'nd. Thtrt' renta1ns but th(' one oblJtl\)11 ur
th<" lo\"<" of the:- Cntrlfi<"d. ,,·ho 1:.1th('rt'd cogC'th<'r UI n1cn Y•1thout your bod)· >nd blood. h fulfills >ll fomwr t)'p« of •icnficc. for
c:xcc•poc>n ••1n<l rnt>Tc:C>\·t.'r, th.:it thl.. pt'.1rc t"'l'C' •'111)" 1u th1 .. 1,,\:~. )'OU are chc tnte Ln11b ef C.od ui1d tukts auuy tlir s1u tf 1l1t 11\1r/J

1n .auy C3Se, 1t 1$ not t0-1.111d \\ htre 111.111·s tr\u: ,.J11,.1t ts noc: re\'. (John I :29). Thus you perfect ;a]J Ol)"Stcnc\. ;and JU\t ;a< one 4iJ('
o~i1ed Jn<f '' 'here, r11n'ic-q11<"ridy, no \t·ri11u' .1ccrntlfln 111 p.aicl tt1 nfice 110\\' replaces}' \•1ctanl4j, all na1101u are rc.'pl:11,:e<.l by ,..
lh~ tcmble ~ltlT~rin~ \\ Jr 4:.tU\<'' 111 lhc: ltt."Jrt' of l tl(Jtltt'r\. single k1ngdon1. •• .'\ru1te rtiatt1, ca1uall1ot1 ~'cn_fi<ic>n11n 1\1tlrt1itc' tt"J·

\'\i v<.'s. a11d cl1ildr('n, o r co rh<-" ,.1crifit:1.:'\ 1t ~11t.1Us fo r thC' SdUlt', 0111nt$ d[/frrer111iu ltos1ian 1,,1 uua t<Jrp>ris ti Sllll.flllllliS 1111 111111't•t

<;;(unhat:tllt'i. obl111io: q110111a,,t tu es t't'rus .""1g1111s D<1, q•o tofl1£ 11('«11111 1111111d1: ft 1111
i11 tr u11i11trsa pt!fitiJ 111ysttria, til sin11 ,,,,.,,,, est 11r1l ..,,,,,,; 11irt111111 S1J(·
rljici111n, fltl u1111111 dt: 011111i gt'fltt: sit
T herefore let o ur lledecn1cr's blood ex1inituish the 1>.1~\1011~ <>(
i'- ce1l .fo r re1.'·''''1io11
hatred and an1bilion a111ong peoples. thos<.· fi rebrand~ <.lf c·n111icy,
17&. Abo,•c all ir 1s l1igh 11111e lO olfcr rcp.i.r~uon to oui so th<lt ln )13m1on y \vith the goal We Ourtt!lve~ propO\c<l .11 the:
l{ e.,leemt•r'i,; S:icr~·J I le:1n fclr tht• '1ll'i in r11hhC' lit(' ('()OllTIJfCC"d in beginning of Our pontificate. Christ's peace n1ay rt•1i;tn 11- Chr1'it'oi
relal1011~ :Uttl>11g \tat.:\, pcl1pl._:,, u.UUU)S, J lh 1 r.11.c·s. 'll tl1;it 1111: K111gdon1.
Divine '-'Tath docs 11ot s:tnk<" u1; \\ 1th J\l!;C ind lcrrsl,lt pu1\1\h
•Jinn \.t llTW' MlttW. Cbtn ~. Andrt- \~•...._., ao.I \.I.ire \fturJ. '11' , • ot ,,, ••,,...,.to~ Pr" Ill " " "..... ' ~ 11~ f'""l"r' ..,.. ho "1J;. II;.,. Toc..1,•.,..
\1.n , h.te. ;. rl 4). fJ-.w. •to.· ' l~f tc llk itunt..uc1 ,,f d ... ~ "tlu nun..'n th..1 ii'\'. 10.-'l!(fl to ID" cu.o
.? lnuk op ctt., 6~ b.J ,1n.J 1t1 rt~N ' l !Or thl!' -O~rt\i.nnm of the- En..-..·~11,Jl.. due th~ c..xJ.11~ l"'-vhl
I " I h~ IO\'C' fo r t)llt:'' C()\ll'tf)' ,•nd (Inc's r.l<C '"'~'.In lit1ol. wh1ch l,. ro...... Mfl,l\k outl <\I e 'tten•)on 1« nn1 .u ,11! ntu~d to rnd.iy', «M;,ifJc-d tot.11t.1run M.-1('\,
l"rfi.11 ''"*It
r of Ollll)' \.,l"lll r ~rlii .I\ U Of heroiltln \ \ 'h l"U 11 '" f;t)vemtd b )· ( • hr1.,tlll ' but b. t(l1111d lll~)rC Ot le"" i:~'''\'Whrrc. l()r (''(J,11\l'I(' ' " ruh'i,· ('ohu:aonn The-' ' '"
i..,\ flU•IC't.l:ic~ ~l~)~. ~JUI~('.,;.· IJW)>C"fvtrt 11\i1t>ttt,('• •UJ iintqu.itiC"i 1r. h 11 .... ;,non 01 tti' -...ord gi\·C-S thC" ("ho1lL Ul'"' \\1:..pu1t i1 lht' b.iu.k im C.n•Jo11 1 11(

.C LI.I(' ruin o(JUKkC" •nd I•·~ ' ~~ WttO 1~ n.ir11,....1,~ '

glf'\''· •nn , " r .1ncl dlC' fu."'lc'"' ut {. 1ni.ti.11 e4~~°'-"'
Pllh ''· (,ts ..f ...-:- !Jn. ..j (>ttl:n btr ly11, <JUC*d k \t_.,~ui-. op. ~t, 2.: •·11 Ii'"" JdT..:U:. tu 6c,J m \-...ct ''fn."f'M"W1, ""'~ uf <•t'TUUSI. :0~ iht- •'111".t•
_. ThK h..I altt:..d,. bc-M PM.~·, m.xto. -1m1.Mr.J1tt '"'''""" ,,. Oi.uM .. i\L\c1.u. I ~ •id I~ In Ft-~'.:h. -.J .. 1n"C"r.d uthn: nt<-.Jcm ....._-w,..--u. me: •cwJ
or \II :: ;~ J'C'llrl,. if'«•rit- f'~•i ~ l'IN t('("TTt lQ C"'Cr~ elk hf.- Wirf- qilnon'lt rrC"l I
.S Vun1.1.I ~ d1r <;' irgtunM'lt• lnn<rrrrnng 1hr u ttil)· •11,I d 1vl"mty n fhuu11n t\· Th: 1f1.,.1 Kbt•n betwec-n l l"tl'l tUt\dl 11.:1u1wul1tv ( I ,..Jl-1n..") ,,.,,I 11.1.uon prn£1'"Kf'•l l14'rr
art• fi1,1 Htl 1n L.iFJttst"·· Jr•tt-rr.i,1,11J 11)Ji11• h \ot'f)' \ll11!Uluttl)· al'-t'Jllc1I h) 11JoJt111 l•t!.thuii. .ilthuu~h 1114• t11p1l"">ikiu ·1~u1t.1 1i._I

6 . .:>e~ the lcu..-r from FJthN KillNn to Llht?~. :7 Oi.cob•:r 1113!!:: lbap. l. n ¥. n~ 11~\11,1 l11y' i ~ ptopt-r ro tht' I n1.}.,lit;1J

1 \\'t ~·r ~ m ch,p:-t s rfi.11 the- 05..Cfl"..a1.~•· '· •...i1111 ror 14- ·s J\;o\Tn1to.rr "JI I h..• tn.11J11~nt o f !11~ '!lK•ll011 of 1n~t"nn;1m;1~ ~t\\-.:l n 1ht"" fJt'<'\ ftoll't'I 11
IC,JI', In 11' ~ Pn •tfw. """' flN"MIC"t" d(' 'Wlll0 C1•:1CnTII~ nun14'No' tnl.llf.d J'Olln1 of ~. -.1thc>ut laenruJ)!:' t})(" ~'~ •N-n"'°'
ol the huttun 1\-1....,,
~· k• &Al~ u.r
tac wn.r ~-.....1•111 ui1 w "1.rbc >f!M" .-r. dN- ~*""OT tN- ('t.,,... •n 1h1< ·tt'"..t. t_.o1 >'~ •1cJ,.-...·c aic~l"l@' llllC'"""'
'<: Juln 1..,~ L 'E11>~· ·1: J.- ""1"1" P;in:s F-.1\k&W-, 1~J .....~ ..,...ful ("flk"""U.-r\. ff'!'"""' kW' u( df'cnnct.,_"" tfut '"" k.cmd MU. Ii t~\l>I
Y ( ..1nlot1 Zahn " I h\: Unri.til1,h((f f:.n\l' An \ )Pf'Orturury ~trtk:d, olil"'lll' >f~~c.a.l bl'ot.11.lJ-"' "-ho lu\t Ji.:.,uc.:J )p~u.l .allto.UVll hJ ti.I.ft ;.ubint "
J\1111.•1t..if C.J.1'1111.11 RC'f"'rttr, IS l .h:1.-c111~r 107i., ~· '1 An am.lym o( lh(' \Vntcnts .anJ' iol)'Jt,, h.i.nd.,~·nu'--n annot.1.uun1
10, 1 h.)t l~.,)f1lph~ ?! Y1 0 1 llu"•;J#J. °'""'"
l ' ~t- Pim XII, .. , r llrt .ind <klct1u1u. npi:iit. cu;., and :in c:xtc m .11 .in.1 h'·"~ 0 1 t~"\tunuriy by \q)C('1 .il1~u ,ind
b-,· (oundl.u:h'' coUJbor-.ll()1"i f~tllll•~n ( l!C.\ th~ tortC"f"°ClJcoce of the J ~:.1 11 l.1·
r"f}()'~J.1]114' ~1"Hfi f""'11!Ji,·it11., ~Ult r• 1 narcli~. rn11ut1, .ln;hfot~ll~ ('1 <1UllC"\
(ftJ:.n.i1tn rt1 P-ll t't 'omenu••Mm •Vft k S.~ "fk-.t>l.'fU"";· lO Octubn ,.., 41. rhN" l\ 1111.t>.11r ~hnadM d'().11"'<'· ""r°"" Ra\t".Ch('r ~'~lot~ C'...-.ihlMl) \co"
lb i. ~\Ii mLM.Jw .II:) {_C ..:0 Di.~-r 19J I •pp. iljl-..j. Thr- p.a..,. A-'·-1.r Tl'D '""~
~ t.JalWf to~ m llw....,., {of"lmJ l-vot.l:f f;O lf(Jf!l J!.'fC" li~9 co~ f.:!1'1.:! ) \laf"' ll. <ip. ~rt... ·~ ')J
6 Sc<' the di!<..OIS$IOO of Cu~h·, )."tt\io~ "-"l'lOf.!.,">, (h;.p J
~ I ('ft1·r trt>n: I I fu1·h1, d.1trd 'l\1 1rc-h l<Ji'J, "' \<hw,1flt , who cite\ ii 1n l'u•
ih..c-n,111011. 7l't-79_
l'()llt!WClM{l rct Jt t'M-\HI t.1tNtPI'5 UNITl\.'l
II l\!IU"l.:ht"r. citni by liLllV.JI\(', ·11• Cit, 79,
t 111'tlt-,tt-J,.
ilv> l ra'1U.1 rr.t'""'l.thcm 11"1tO l.mll, ~ l-i\ I 1thn- I J('Jl'ft'M'h ll1<'1• 9 ll11u1lr", up n1 JJf1- 11
\..J Cb ""I .,. h "'"" ~ '1t..d .c1 II.a.." ~ 1-""'C1muny .Ml rn~ ("ft' ... \u.I 'C. up. at.. 1 lly .,,.,

'.._..,. eu '""" mml.111.l!c 4 ued. •• p~

l \h..:roc. o:.
J ' '" <1dd1t1on:1; no« ,,.,.~n In l CC'n<h .:tnd <YJ)('li ntt o 'C' she« ts 1,.,,_.;cd llt'.'rl/lf\I CC."iCRIS UNI TAS
.11 tht' \'tt)' r nd o f thi, "loog" l·u~l\h t'<""i()n ·
''1 I \''l 11.1\<\' <;.ro:au.~l. ttf 111\'•'ntcJ. ror the putp•N'. r ••,, rtrl!' r.\fff~WlfS T(fl ~· II\' I ·"'r111., dl( 1112r.·elous rov.·.,-1 uf dtt' Ch,1r4·h to Pl\•ll'• ' .un i 111.anu;un 1ht• 1 1~·tl
Qt (Xll ..)iPN. :.nd n:w1u•t,\I :0.11.rJ<l)llJ.IT'V. ~nd f' J1hutv oi pcnplt•ll h.11 .tl'"-~r' i,ha,,.u 1i1n.h Th ... b.J;<.bt<' .,lf n)(l1a., l1L...
...H\ 1ot~f\f ot ~ (IA C""ntnw -.':th :nftth.l..'P). •·e a\Ott o. I~ mic- tnr4tt1Jf'\r an:ioot,: r.v~. •.u tlN proda1.n)('d ~· j('~ c.:.hnsi; but hts ~·OtCC' "'~•

wkt1 1h.- f HY hfhc.r l<iM Jolff"j,,h· tndic-JIR'.'d 1n <fl""'t'"S of ot.~ T~1rcn n. horJ t-,. h~t f"t !'6 qMdn ""ho .Jtthr('d m. fhcTC" 1' • fW'I~~.- jna;- 'W'!f" (.>C"ffk,

:111 ''"'"·',. "'icil ~~1n... ~ T1w T.....Ji1r ef ~ ... ,.. ()Qf~ ,,... .ft.0 l"'Xr'""~ '
nor 11..rtMrun, nr., lMu .al rl'r9 ~"' Nu.hrn 111 C t..... · lftJ XIJI. 1-.
.!lti~ •··~•/. Tb..: MJ.k. for .!'JU111rl.:-, Y.1l14.h u .t toul1t'1' vi tr1~t1t1on fh<1. rc-rt~"\th .1. "°trtlttr \orwkuua-J pn·ptflt,IO•IC. XXXIX iii Lt:u XIII. Qi.1ruuw: ~Th.: , IJlr
:tnJ con1plC't<lv tuitUb 10. duty .i.-. J \Ute, ul .:actwl1()' 1t tc 11.1Uy 1\ 1111u1 ht 01 ~ d~ Ofl~ ll mJ SOUN'(' Of JO 1114'1:1;, ~njO~') " ni:;hr " 110( (1[\"",lttb("tlht-d tt\·
.lll\' 111\11 ..
;icrol\i \\'1th I~ n~rure The 1nc.1llt)' o l C'lt:tC'ns.on, o-n thr 01hc1 b.)nd. n d~c l'Klt'U'\1011

l LC'O XIII. <Jo•·"' lpwM!••l, I Jl; "Tht Chutch COnsutltl·. lC-.Khc:t ( I ) * mu&-
nfl>\'k 1h1~ ..f"l'ltl.,..j,, rnrlil; 1rl~ '""""'I 11<•,.,.,,,., (
,(ur Im -.v ·~,,..'ff ._,J, Jel I~
tMt unt ,_. tsftlhij.1W ~ <•J
.a j!ISC • umc u IJct l.t..-r.dnn•. 1oJ..~ Ow Pc~-..~·, ... ucd. ..._,t J't'°'d
U\k' ..And m. rnbt,. J! 1111i1~ R"MOG Mooe~ ~c-<n pod .,J
c•;..t, tt.:..,d" ~ Jlontc .... ('Y'tf In pu:>lsc J:lhin.. .authoot\ ti di\
from the OV< .11L1d 1U111.11.ll ma< 1•le trom whh:.h d. &n,~ 1a. J"O"« to ~l\ lck fur
i:hr '~""' .;JOd I ('O XIII
'\no '"' ,._, 1'4\lllJ (; ,j •nrtt1gn bnm111p". dM- Clu:n:h i a '¥''"' th~1 II h
&wu H.Un dat ..ud1<111'J .1.uJ •~ u~1h .kn"''"' ..
_\ Cmtotc C.."iin!d,
6. Ik <.u;1,1rt l>n, I 13. XIX,~. 17.
7. Dt ,,.,,.,.;,.,,,. 1.. 1. 111" I, I' lO (f'Jl•·~'J.'•" l•.ellJl.1, \•t)) Jl. c. fJJ(>},
S. l)" ,,.,,n'/•11· f .,J. l 1h I, c \Q
9 IK "'""'i•u• f .,; , I !h I, ,. tQ
10, f\t/rflu )'1'1, IJ.I'. "
II , lJcl..Qr. 1;,l,(,4
1J. 'r- ll, \I I' / \ XII, 1o::y
' -•· Ot '-'""'""' f)r•..,111.l "'"''*if, I. ,1,
J ,1f,1~. John ff,;M.Jnf Crfflon1 1 ·,.,,., i>n,I J""'"1~ic,I ,lni.11n1rntl. ,1 mJCrolllm rc-
' "" Ro11wn 11 I~ <=C'1\ed 1n Dcttmbc:t ,~.. from Prvl~ot fl'4.M1\.M u~hn. \ 1n..M.k" Ill 196-J
lj Qo "'"'l'~' I f.(.I. l.1b I.~ 1 v.h1k hr ""JS tmnltory'llltt 1hc Llf,lf}:lr j(~ht\'<'\ •t t O\nll \.rmitl.U'\ Ul Nev.
16 '°t.J.n.,;"b lfl>tlh ....J')C' _...,,... • ltlu. Ui-.... Yod. Clt'f
Gu:nJbch. CU'\t.n- .s.--t.a l - . '9 t\-prJ p.tttn. c~.., <".un.b-h ~hn"" x dx
K.xholbdtc ~~hr Ze111r~. ''~


P1u~ XI QwaJt~ .i"1ht. 1931, \r11 IJlrwtWM ·""'-""· •• f\4.11\"h 1937; °"'"'
RrJMpf•W, 19 \Urch 1937
Pntt XII s.,,...t 1Wi111i.rho, :o Oc1obct 19 JY I tC'lllh tnrhbuoe1, v.11h .1n~'t1dl
~bk- of t'OcHrnl$ .and con1nK'n~nn. l'.1•1' "il'I \, ••>)'I (on the ('O\"tr. ArtiL'Yf
('(Y*l~rr; on the A)·le.11(: \'1Jt1I ~,,.,,, (j llr--huq1.101,, \J, llttcn1b<-t 1939)

\4:hv..1"<'· Jafunnct. C111l.n• C.n1JA1<.J1. '\) (18~1-1¢11. R"l"•"tflf.llll MJ'lJ ln.ttrprrl

Jn••.>1™1.rn S,;:~Jlld1R Pf ikY ;~t.t l\111' \II 11111.•n ,h,• /:1••rJ11MftR M14J Jyik'm.I·
h.Mfv !»fft"1111fl. Doccottl m.n... 1n thnl&oltCY, fkUlt) 1'4 ('.>100b\ Thcok>gy.
\tr~h('l1 W1lhdrm-Un1,·m1ut. ~\umtrt. t•r·•· i.....W-11111\"'" :NJ ~n.:D,.
'"'"· N \lidhdm Wdltt mi.I Antoo R.&l.l'M.hc-r, "'" •1 \1uni..h. P.1~. J.nd
Vll"NU Fmhn.and Schi>naftfdl. 1y;<
"'"'°" SJ }<M ~1- I ..... - . , , If d. I ..,,,.... \fw.o <f d.

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