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2d10 Under – 2021

Space, Starships and Sailing

- space, speed and travel times
- communication
- actions and combat in space
- Starships


- speeds: manouevering, system, jump, gate

- engines: system (hypolight) 1-5, jump (hyperlight) 1-5, gate


Actions and Combat


- Ship Systems
---- automated systems: can take an additional action with a dice pool of 3 d6. Can only take
piloting, navigation, attack (gunnery) and drone control actions. Higher tiered systems either
increase the dice pool, increase the number of actions that can be taken, or both.

---- shields

---- engines: system (hypolight) 1-5, jump (hyperlight) 1-5, gate

---- medical quarters / triage room

---- cargo bay / hold

---- weapons storage / armoury

---- mess hall / kitchen

---- exercise and training rooms

---- hanger bay

---- ships armour

---- weapons systems

---- boarding tubes

---- sensor array

---- navigation systems

---- bridge / secondary bridge

---- smugglers hold

---- cabins

---- guest cabins

---- computer systems / advanced systems

---- probe / drone bay

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