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Name: Muhammad Rajendra Nur Faishal

Date: 13 September 2022

NIM: 22311109

SQ3R Exercise

1. What is topic of the text
practice of marketing communications, advertising and public
relations in a digital world
2. What is title of the text
Social Media Strategy: Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations
in the Consumer Revolution
3. Notice any subtitles, heading, or chapter how the text is organized
I. Subtitles: No
II. Heading: yes,
III. Chapter: yes, it’s has 5 parts and 15 chapter that explain
social media influence and strategy that we can use to
IV. The text is well organized and
4. Describe a picture or graphic included in the text

1. What is social media?
2. What is Web 2.0?
3. What is social mobile media?

1. Social media is computer mediated technologies that allow
creation and sharing of information, ideas, and other forms Of
expression via virtual communities and networks
2. Web 2.0 is the common term used to designate the Collective
technology changes in the way web pages were made and used
that took them Beyond the static pages of earlier websites.18
Web 2.0 takes on many forms such as social networking sites,
blogs, wikis, forums, Photo- and video-sharing sites, collaborative
tagging, social bookmarking, ratings, and Reviews. Today Web 2.0
has even grown to include live streaming video on channels like
Periscope, Facebook, and Instagram plus augmented reality
experiences with Pokémon GO And 3D lenses developed for
3. Mobile media is a personal, interactive, internetenAbled, and
user-controlled portable platform for the exchange of
information.21 As technology Continues to change, scholars will
most likely debate what constitutes mobile media. However, All
agree that mobile has helped contribute to the end of traditional
mass communication.

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