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Principle of Marketing- III


B.B.A. LL.B. – SEMESTER-III [2020-25]


TOPIC- Online Shopping Dynamics influencing customer:

Amazon vs Alibaba

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Dr. Kiran Gehani Hasija Saniya Mishra

(SAP ID-81022019128)

Vipra Vashishtha
(Sap ID- 81022019575)

Kirit P. Mehta School of Law Page 1

Principle of Marketing- III

Table of Contents
Abstract-........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Conceptual Framework ................................................................................................................................. 4
Customer Loyalty ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Customer Satisfaction ............................................................................................................................... 5
Customer Relationship .............................................................................................................................. 5
Impact of online shopping on customer buying behavior ........................................................................ 6
Amazon ................................................................................................................................................. 6
Alibaba .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Research Objective ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Literature Review.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Research Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 11
Research Hypothesis ................................................................................................................................... 11
Data Analysis and Findings ........................................................................................................................ 12
1.1. To study whether there is significant effect of age on buying behavior of customers. .................. 12
1.2. Factors that influence customer buying behavior ........................................................................... 13
1.3. To compare Amazon and Alibaba on the basis of online shopping dynamics ................................. 14
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Implications................................................................................................................................................. 15
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 16

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With the rapid growth of the internet and smart devices, the use of online shopping websites has
exploded. People are shifting their preference form local shopping to online. The online
shopping has come up with many new strategies to attract the customers to become loyal and
satisfy their need and wants. The discounts, coupon-codes and many other beneficiaries provided
in online shopping makes the customers loyal and satisfy. People are gravitating toward the e-
commerce platform because of the ease, convenience, and other advantages of online shopping.
This study focuses on online shopping Dynamics influencing customer by analyzing 2
companies i.e. Amazon and Alibaba by using Quantitative Method to gather information to
identify the factors affecting their buying behavior. The data for this research has been collected
by circulating google form on different platforms and the responses were analyzed using anova
and percentage analysis test. The research concluded that Amazon aspires to become so strongly
tooted in people’s lives that they can’t imagine life without it. The customer loyalty and
satisfaction is high that’s why majority of the customers are willing to come back again due to
good services provided by Amazon.

Keywords- Online shopping, e-commerce, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, Amazon,

Alibaba, discounts, coupon-codes, convenience

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Conceptual Framework

Many businesses and industries have turned to the internet as a platform for survival in a
competitive business world. It is now used for a variety of purposes in daily life, such as
purchasing tickets, groceries, clothing, and paying household bills. As the technology is
advancing, the online shopping seems to over-ride local business, which has impacted both the
retailers as well as the preference of the customers. Now-a-days, people are shifting their
preference form local shopping to online. The online shopping has come up with many new
strategies to attract the customers to become loyal and satisfy their need and wants. The
discounts, coupon-codes and many other beneficiaries provided in online shopping makes the
customers loyal and satisfy. The growth of online shopping web-based businesses has created
new opportunities for retailers to gain a competitive advantage. E-commerce has also been used
by many businesses to improve their services and expand their product lines. (S.Sudheer, 2019)
In the past several years, the percentage of online shoppers has been risen in India.

Despite the country’s shopping centre culture, increasing numbers of Indians are migrating to
internet shopping. Most clients, in particular young people, go to online business sites from brick
and store companies. As competition grows rapidly, most companies look forward to boost
customer satisfaction and an exchange of information, which will boost consumer confidence in
the firm. Although the Indian consumer market is so huge and important, influence of internet
shopping has not yet been experienced yet at the same time. The greatest routes in the worldwide
market have been the online purchasing. In the market, however, there is a very great potential.
In the study of the online consumer behavior the continual development of online marketing
stimulates significant interest and excitement. Given the considerable development in online
buying, improved customer awareness makes it possible to devise better marketing methods.

The internet buying environment has changed a lot and is continuing evolving in a very varied
way today. In the fields of clothes, crafts, books, vehicle rental companies, computers and
electronics, cosmetic, financial service, gifts and innovation, etc. it has become quite popular.
Some of the key advantages of e-ecommerce which makes it popular among the merchants are:-
minima investment cost, direct access to target customers, quick return on investment. The retail
structure of this type supports merchants in providing them with a comprehensive portfolio of

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products and services swiftly and efficiently. Instead, merchants are helped to evaluate and
comprehend their target customers with the availability of transaction data. The current period is
dominated by technological advances and constant marketing innovation. In the field of online
marketing online shopping websites is greatest innovation.

Customer Loyalty-

Customers are said to be loyal when they choose to purchase at a specific store or buy a specific
item rather than shopping at other stores or buy items manufactured by other company. Customer
loyalty is demonstrated when a customer purchase a product or brand repeatedly over a
prolonged period of time. Customer loyalty is a crucial goal of customer relationship
management, and it refers to the bond that exists between a customer and a company, an
individual, a product, or a brand. In order to establish client loyalty, individual market categories
should be addressed. (Saini, 2018)

Customer Satisfaction-

“Amongst the most critical issues facing all sorts of commercial organizations is customer
happiness, which is substantiated by the customer-oriented mindset and the principles of
continuous advancements in modern enterprise.” A delighted customer is more likely to
repurchase or order from you again than a unsatisfied customer, according to market orientation.
Customer satisfaction and retention are expected to be the most important long-term objectives.
When a substantial percentage of satisfied consumers pledge to buyback in the near future, the
company can reduce marketing costs and stabilize sales. (Saini S. , 2018)

Customer Relationship-

CRM is a set of technology, software, processes, technologies and management commitets that
work together to increase customer service, customer retention, and advances analytics. The
dynamics process of managing a customer-company relationship in such a way that customers
choose to maintain mutually advantageous economic exchanges while being discouraged from
engaging in costly exchanges.

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Impact of online shopping on customer buying behavior

In the digital age, the tendency of internet buying has become increasingly popular. Online
buying has led to the possible expansion of notion of carrying out research on online buying. The
lifestyle and living standards of customers have altered completely from electronic commerce.
People are gravitating toward the e commerce platform because of the ease, convenience, and
other advantages of online shopping. Customer satisfaction has increased as a result of the
supply of accurate information and product comparisons via e-commerce platforms. Access
convenience, search convenience, assessment convenience, transaction convenience, possession
convenience, and post possession convenience are all factors that influence customer happiness
when purchasing online.

Amazon and Alibaba are the two prominent companies chosen for this comparison analysis.
The reason for choosing these firms is that the both have different business structure i.e Alibaba
is B2B (Business-to-Business) business and Amazon is B2C (Business-to-Consumer) business.


Amazon is the fastest growing company. It came in India in the year 2013 and began as a book-
selling website but has since grown to include electronics, software, video games, clothing,
furniture, food, toys and Jewellery. Now, it is a worldwide network of sellers and includes all the
products that effectively carter to the demand of customer. Amazon is known for disrupting well-
established industries with technological advances and large-scale operations. It is the fastest
growing marketing. In the e-commerce world, Amazon is the most viable industry. It is 2nd
biggest company based in the United States and one of the most successful companies in the
world. It conducts all its business operations with suppliers and consumers exclusively via

Amazon’s success is quite visible from the book selling platform to the worldwide network.
Today it has almost everything available on its platform with various features like different types
of languages, voice search 24*7 customer support, wide network sellers, variety of products with
easy return and replacement, safe and convenient mode of payments, etc. these are some of the

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advantages that makes Amazon successful and trustworthy platform with customer centric


Alibaba is a B2B Chinese company that allows anyone to purchase or sell anything online from
anywhere in the globe. It works both domestically and internationally. It's marketing strategy is
critical to attaining the company's overall strategic goals. How did Alibaba become so
successful? The answer is market segmentation or target market, as well as a marketing mix that
includes aspects such as product, pricing, location, and promotion. Alibaba has conducted
marketing research and planning to determine the ideal marketing mix for the company. It has
gained long-term relationships with its suppliers and buyers as a result of these operations, which
benefit the company.

Research Objective

✓ To analyze the factors influencing customers buying behavior

✓ To compare Amazon and Alibaba on the basis of online shopping dynamics
✓ To study whether there is significant effect of age on buying behavior of customers

Literature Review

Dr. Philipp Klaus (2013) - The study determined that performance and behavioral elements are
the two key elements of online customer care experience, according to the study. Functionality
includes the sub-dimension of usefulness, product engagement, interaction, social presence and
engagement, as well as the technical attributes of the online vendor. The study found that the
relative relevance of the online customer service experience aspects varies based on the stage of
the encounter. (Klaus, 2013)

Goswami (2013)- According to the findings of the research “Customer Satisfaction with Online
Shopping with Special Reference to Teenage Group of Jorhat Town”, online shoppers are happy.
The study concluded that, internet marketers should place a greater emphasis on the pricing and
after-sales factors. In the competitive period, all internet marketers must focus on customer

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satisfaction to keep existing consumer and give fresh promotion on a daily basis to attract new
clients. (Goswami, 2013)

Zhang (2013)- Popularity may be defined as the notion that many individuals are benefiting
from the services of a certain group purchasing site. The view is most likely a result of the large
number of comments about the service. In addition, promotions such as coupon may faithfully
recommend that sometimes customers purchase before consumption days. (Zhang, 2013)

Fatima and Lodhi’s (2015) – The research revealed that advertisement is or the company to
promote and create awareness about their product to customers and can change the perception of
the customers either in positive way or negative way. People can be perceived about the quality
of the product. This study concluded by saying that the quality of product, awareness of the
product and consumer’s opinions matters a lot in marketing. (Lodhi, 2015)

T. Shenbhagavadiu (2015)- Her study was about “Customer satisfaction with Online Shopping”
aimed at an understanding of consumer attitude towards online shopping which will help
marketers to obtain a competitive edge over others by improving the elements that impact
consumers to shop online and by focusing on variable affecting consumers to shop online.
(Shenbhagavadiu, 2015)

Customer loyalty has evolved into a critical factor in determining an intermediate and long
profitability of the company. Customer loyalty is more relevant as a metric of market dominance
than customer measured share of the market. As a result, business leaders prefer to focus their
efforts on developing customer loyalty in order to achieve a vital competitive edge in face of
tough competition. (Zhouni, 2015)

Sathya and Indirajith (2016) – The study researched about the buying preferences of
consumers are changing rapidly. The products which are considered as luxury has now become
a necessity as lifestyle of people are changing and so is their preference. The demand of
television, air conditioner, washing machine and refrigerator are increasing. There is a fall in the
price of market as more importance is given to value for money. (Indirajith, 2016)

R. Sunderaraj (2018) – the study observed that the present era has been witnessed to have
changed the trends of marketing. The online marketing has been found as source which saves

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time and cost, and also provides variety of products. The study concluded that the companies
should use attractive and informative content to create awareness in between consumers about
their product. (Sunderaraj, 2018)

Swati Saini (2018) – The study focused on consumer purchase patterns in order to assess
customer satisfaction with Amazon’s services as well as customer loyalty to Amazon. The
descriptive study design was utilized to achieve these goals. The majority of participants are
pleased with all the trails, including loyalty, contentment and spending patterns. There isn’t a
single person in the survey who is extremely disappointed with Amazon. However, a small
number of participants said that they don’t but from Amazon because of some of the company’s
shortcoming. (Saini, 2018)

U. Ashika Nancy (2018) – The study majorly focused on customer’s satisfaction with Amazon
online purchase in the Tirunelveli area. The study had several goals, including determining
customer’s attitudes regarding Amazon in Tirunelveli region, determining the benefits of internet
shopping through Amazon, and analyzing the problems that Amazon consumers encounter. The
study discovered “Today, the internet is a user-friendly form of communication, and its
knowledge and usage levels are steadily expanding across all segments of society”. (Nancy,

The brand association is a non-formal conclusion pertaining to the recall of the brand’s meaning.
(Ansary, 2018) Marketplace brand equity is defined as “building a brand by naming a product”
and it is multi-dimensional and closely connected to the marketing concept. (Foroudi, 2018)

According to (Yaoyueyong, 2018), valuable information about customer influences consumer

confidence and buy intent while shopping for clothes. Also (Wang, 2017) discovered that,
despite the fact that many tourist firms share a lot of material on social media platforms, the
marketing effects is highly reliant on the value of the content perceived by customers.

Syed Irfan Shafi - The research studies the demographic factors which attracts people to
purchase that cloth and also researched on the attributes of consumer buying preferences. This
study concluded that there are some main dimension of customers who appeals them the most to
buy specific apparel. The main dimensions are reference group, store and product attributes,
promotions, income of individual and celebrity engrossment. (Shafi, 2019)

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Mansour demonstrated various online trust determinant typologies. The research was done on
online trust and to study various aspects which were rarely integrated to address antecedents and
consequences of online trust on perceived risk and online purchase intention. According to the
findings, personality-based trust, which includes integrity, credibility and benevolence, has a
significant impact. Other than this, cognitive-based trust and institutional-based trust have also
been found significantly impacting online trust. (Mansour, Kooli, & Utama, 2020)

Mr. Rambabu Cherukur (2020)- The paper researched that Amazon rapidly became into a
global marketing ecosystem via the internet. In comparison to other online purchasing, it is now
primarily used in Amazon products. The most powerful modern market gradually displaced the
marketplace. Retailers are putting together stages to accommodate the growing demand for
Amazon buying. The research aimed at determining consumer views toward Amazon and came
to the conclusion that customer are happy with the purchase made on Amazon. (Cherukur, 2020)

Anil Kumar Yadav, emphasized on the current scenario which is clearly known that Customers
are very smart and have a variety of options from various sellers with a variety of options for
whatever products or services they require. After analyzing the data, it was discovered that most
customers are influenced by the quality of the product or service, which provides them with more
satisfaction than other factors, and that the majority of respondents are of the opinion that they
never switch to other brands in times of price increases. (Kumar, 2021)

Dr. A. Scarlet (2021)- the study was conducted on “customer satisfaction towards online
shopping in theni district”. The data was analyzed by using simple percentage analysis and
ranking test. The survey revealed that the majority of online customers are educated individuals
and students who have a good attitude toward online buying. However, risk perceptions,
particularly concerns about online security, restrict many people from shopping online. The
study also found that, despite providing branded and high-quality products, customers are
attracted to the finest online shopping services. (Scarlet, 2021)

Sahney (2021)- The study investigated the various aspects of online shopping in today’s world
and the factors that influence the development of attitudes toward online-shopping. The study
concluded that online retailers should develop a better understanding with the customers, to

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ensure a better management and communication between buyer, seller and the company.
(Sahney, 2021)

Research Methodology

This academic piece of paper intends to study on Online shopping Dynamics influencing
customer by analyzing 2 companies i.e. Amazon and Alibaba by using Quantitative Method to
gather information to identify the factors affecting their buying behavior. This paper includes
questionnaire that was distributed to around 200 people out of which 161 responded. This study
tries to cover all the factors influencing the consumer’s buying behavior and also tried to identify
whether the impact of advertisement and other such factors.

Source of data- This research paper includes primary data to reach to accurate result and

Primary data has been collected directly from individuals by communicating with them and
circulating questionnaire on various platforms.

Test Applied- the test applied in this research was Anova single factor and percentage analysis.

Research Hypothesis

✓ H0- There is no significant effect of age on buying behavior of customers

H1- There is significant effect of age on buying behavior of customers
✓ H0- There is no significant impact on the preference of customer shopping from Amazon
than Alibaba.
H1- There is significant impact on the preference of customer shopping from Amazon
than Alibaba.

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Data Analysis and Findings

1.1. To study whether there is significant effect of age on buying behavior of

Null hypothesis- (H0) There is no significant effect of age on buying behavior of
Alternate hypothesis- (H1) There is significant effect on buying behavior of customers

Interpretation- The above table indicates mean square value in between the groups to be
816.20658. F value is 13.11 with degree of freedom as 2. The p value is 5.38at 5% level of
significance which denotes age has no significant effect on buying behavior of customers. Thus,
null hypothesis that is H1: “There is no significant effect of age on buying behavior of
customers”, gets accepted.

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1.2. Factors that influence customer buying behavior

There are many factors which influence consumer buying behavior. When this question was
asked to the respondents, 39.8% selected attractiveness and brand ambassadors, 13% selected
multimedia presentation and 7.5% selected others. (The option were multiple selection)

We can see that majority of the people think that attractiveness of the advertisement i.e. connect
and connect to reality influence people to tend towards that brand. most of the people have keen
interest in watching the way the product is advertised, so it is the responsibility of the advertisers
of showcase all the features of the product in their advertisement. People tend to watch
advertisement for their uniqueness and creativity. There is another factor which is mostly
observed in the field of business is brand ambassador. Many of the people follow their favorite
actor or actress and if that particular actor advertises that product, people just buy it to see what
is unique about that product that he/she is using. multimedia presentation is one of the factor
which influence their buying decision, this is because if people watch the advertisement of same
platform on different sources, most of the people develop interest for that and this may influence
their buying decision.

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1.3. To compare Amazon and Alibaba on the basis of online shopping

Null Hypothesis-(H0) There is no significant impact on the preference of customer
shopping from Amazon than Alibaba.
Alternate Hypothesis-(H1) There is significant impact on the preference of customer
shopping from Amazon than Alibaba

Interpretation- The above table indicates mean square value in between the groups to be
48.52484472. F value is 2.97 with degree of freedom as 1. The p value is 0.085 at 5%
level of significance which denotes that customers prefer to shop from Amazon over
Alibaba i.e. there is no change in the preferences of the customer as Amazon is a trusted
website according to them. Thus, null hypothesis that is H1: “There is no significant
impact on the preference of customer shopping from Amazon than Alibaba”, gets

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As the competition is increasing, the marketing strategies are also changing. Marketing process
has been changed in today’s business world. With the change in technology the marketing
strategies has also been changes. In this competitive era, a businessman must be aware of the
needs and wants of the consumer, which they expect while purchasing clothes. Now-a-days
majority of the people prefer e-commerce rather than traditional market, due to COVID-19
situation. The buying behavior is strongly influenced by image of the product which is built by
the advertisers. The thorough study based on Online shopping Dynamics influencing customer:
Amazon vs Alibaba, majority of the people prefer to purchase products from Amazon over
Alibaba as Amazon successfully implements its “know the customer” strategy, its customer
centric approach helps it to improve and grow tremendously. The reason behind this tremendous
growth of Amazon is increasing users of internet, service provider, government initiatives of
promoting digital India, and the advantages of e-commerce made it possible for Amazon to grow
even more. Amazon’s marketing plan is built on a common goal: to seamlessly link the digital
and physical shopping experiences in order to be a part of every single transaction. The same
thing Alibaba also tries to do, but lacks in customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, which is a
huge drawback because if customers have trust issue, the website will not grow. On the other
hand Amazon aspires to become so strongly tooted in people’s lives that they can’t imagine life
without it. Amazon loyalty and satisfaction is high among customers, majority of the customers
are willing to come back again due to good services provided by Amazon, retained customers
help Amazon in the future growth.

The report is based on the characteristics of online shopping and incorporates e-commerce and
customer loyalty study literature. The study contributes to the e-commerce industry by
demonstrating how to develop long-term consumer relationships with customer by analyzing the
customer loyalty and satisfaction towards Amazon, but Alibaba lacks this customer loyalty and
satisfaction, which results in decline in growth of the company.

Hence, the study recommends maintaining their trust and loyalty between the customers by
offering post- sale services on the product purchase. Alibaba should work on their core

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Ansary, A. H. (2018). Brand image and equity: the mediating role of brand equity drivers and moderating
effects of prodcut type and word of mouth. Review of Managerial Science , 969-1002.

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Foroudi, P. (2018). Perceptional components of brand quity: Configuring the symmetrical and
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Goswami. (2013). Customer Satisfaction Towards Online Shopping with Special Reference to Teenage
group of Jorhat Town Paripex. India Journal of Research , 239-241.

Indirajith, P. S. (2016). “A Study on Purchase Behavior of Consumer Durable Goods with Special
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Klaus, D. (2013). The case of towards a conceptaul farmework of online customer service
experience (OCSE) using the Emerging Consensus Technique (ECT) . Journal of Service Marketing .

Kumar, A. (2021). Customer satisfaction and brand loyalty towards online purchase store Amazon and
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Lodhi, S. F. (2015). “Impact of Advertisement on Buying Behaviors of the consumers: Study of Cosmetic
Industry in Karachi City. Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research , 19, 22-30.

Mansour, K. B., Kooli, K., & Utama, R. (2020). Customer Behaviour of Flipkart customers. Journal of
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Nancy, U. (2018). A study based on customers satisfaction towards Amazon . Journal of Emerging
Technologies and Innovation Research (JETIR) , 6 (2).

S.Sudheer. (2019). A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards Flipkart. International Journal of Innovative
Studies in Sociology and Humanities , 2-7.

Sahney. (2021). Understanding the Effect of Customer Relationship Management Efforts on Customer
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International Journal of Hospitatlity MAnagement , 237-245.

Zhouni. (2015). Customer Loyalty of Amazon- How to build a long lasting relationsip? Department of
Business and Economic Studies .

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Document Information

Analyzed Marketing III RPSaniya Mishra and Vipra VashishthaSaniya _ Vipra Marketing (Amazon and
document Alibaba).docx (D120103613)

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Submitted by Dr.Kiran gehani

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Narsee Monjee Institute Of Management Studies / Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA
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Document MUSRIF REPORT.docx (D103096355)

Narsee Monjee Institute Of Management Studies / Management III RPAryan Shah _ Sanidhiya
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Entire Document
Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA SHIVA ...


Online Shopping Dynamics influencing customer: Amazon vs Alibaba

Management III RPAryan Shah _ Sanidhiya Vijayv ...


Submitted to: Submitted by: Dr. Kiran Gehani Hasija Saniya Mishra (SAP ID-81022019128) Vipra Vashishtha (Sap ID-
81022019575) Table of Contents Abstract- 3

Conceptual Framework 4 Customer Loyalty 5 Customer Satisfaction 5 Customer Relationship 5 Impact of online
shopping on customer buying behavior 6 Amazon 6 Alibaba 7 Research Objective 7 Literature Review 7 Research
Methodology 11 Research Hypothesis 11

Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA SHIVA ...


Data Analysis and Findings 12 1.1. To study whether there is significant effect of age on buying behavior of customers. 12

Factors that influence customer buying behavior 13 1.3. To compare Amazon and Alibaba on the basis of online shopping
dynamics 14 Conclusion 15 Implications 15 Bibliography 16


With the rapid growth of the internet and smart devices, the use of online shopping websites has exploded. People are
shifting their preference form local shopping to online. The online shopping has come up with many new strategies to
attract the customers to become loyal and satisfy their need and wants. The discounts, coupon-codes and many other
beneficiaries provided in online shopping makes the customers loyal and satisfy. People are gravitating toward the e-
commerce platform because of the ease, convenience, and other advantages of online shopping. This study focuses on
online shopping Dynamics influencing customer by analyzing 2 companies i.e. Amazon and Alibaba by using Quantitative
Method to gather information to identify the factors affecting their buying behavior. The data for this research has been
collected by circulating google form on different platforms and the responses were analyzed using anova and percentage
analysis test. The research concluded that Amazon aspires to become so strongly tooted in people’s lives that they can’t
imagine life without it. The customer loyalty and satisfaction is high that’s why majority of the customers are willing to
come back again due to good services provided by Amazon. Keywords- Online shopping, e-commerce, customer loyalty,
customer satisfaction, Amazon, Alibaba, discounts, coupon-codes, convenience

Conceptual Framework

Many businesses and industries have turned to the internet as a platform for survival in a competitive business world. It is
now used for a variety of purposes in daily life, such as purchasing tickets, groceries, clothing, and paying household bills.
As the technology is advancing, the online shopping seems to over-ride local business, which has impacted both the
retailers as well as the preference of the customers. Now-a-days, people are shifting their preference form local shopping
to online. The online shopping has come up with many new strategies to attract the customers to become loyal and
satisfy their need and wants. The discounts, coupon-codes and many other beneficiaries provided in online shopping
makes the customers loyal and satisfy. The growth of online shopping web-based businesses has created new
opportunities for retailers to gain a competitive advantage. E-commerce has also been used by many businesses to
improve their services and expand their product lines. CITATION SSu19 \l 1033 (S.Sudheer, 2019) In the past several years,
the percentage of online shoppers has been risen in India. Despite the country’s shopping centre culture, increasing
numbers of Indians are migrating to internet shopping. Most clients, in particular young people, go to online business sites
from brick and store companies. As competition grows rapidly, most companies look forward to boost customer

satisfaction and an exchange of information, which will boost consumer confidence in the firm. Although the Indian
consumer market is so huge and important, influence of internet shopping has not yet been experienced yet at the same
time. The greatest routes in the worldwide market have been the online purchasing. In the market, however, there is a
very great potential. In the study of the online consumer behavior the continual development of online marketing
stimulates significant interest and excitement. Given the considerable development in online buying, improved customer
awareness makes it possible to devise better marketing methods. The internet buying environment has changed a lot and
is continuing evolving in a very varied way today. In the fields of clothes, crafts, books, vehicle rental companies,
computers and electronics, cosmetic, financial service, gifts and innovation, etc. it has become quite popular. Some of the
key advantages of e-ecommerce which makes it popular among the merchants are:- minima investment cost, direct
access to target customers, quick return on investment. The retail structure of this type supports merchants in providing
them with a comprehensive portfolio of products and services swiftly and efficiently. Instead, merchants are helped to
evaluate and comprehend their target customers with the availability of transaction data. The current period is dominated
by technological advances and constant marketing innovation. In the field of online marketing online shopping websites is
greatest innovation. Customer Loyalty- Customers are said to be loyal when they choose to purchase at a specific store
or buy a specific item rather than shopping at other stores or buy items manufactured by other company. Customer
loyalty is demonstrated when a customer purchase a product or brand repeatedly over a prolonged period of time.
Customer loyalty is a crucial goal of customer relationship management, and it refers to the bond that exists between a
customer and a company, an individual, a product, or a brand. In order to establish client loyalty, individual market
categories should be addressed. CITATION Sai18 \l 1033 (Saini, 2018) Customer Satisfaction- “Amongst the most critical
issues facing all sorts of commercial organizations is customer happiness, which is substantiated by the customer-
oriented mindset and the principles of continuous advancements in modern enterprise.” A delighted customer is more
likely to repurchase or order from you again than a unsatisfied customer, according to market orientation. Customer
satisfaction and retention are expected to be the most important long-term objectives. When a substantial percentage of
satisfied consumers pledge to buyback in the near future, the company can reduce marketing costs and stabilize sales.
CITATION SSa18 \l 1033 (Saini S. , 2018) Customer Relationship- CRM is a set of technology, software, processes,
technologies and management commitets that work together to increase customer service, customer retention, and
advances analytics. The dynamics process of managing a customer-company relationship in such a way that customers
choose to maintain mutually advantageous economic exchanges while being discouraged from engaging in costly

Impact of online shopping on customer buying behavior

In the digital age, the tendency of internet buying has become increasingly popular. Online buying has led to the possible
expansion of notion of carrying out research on online buying. The lifestyle and living standards of customers have altered
completely from electronic commerce. People are gravitating toward the e commerce platform because of the ease,
convenience, and other advantages of online shopping. Customer satisfaction has increased as a result of the supply of
accurate information and product comparisons via e-commerce platforms. Access convenience, search convenience,
assessment convenience, transaction convenience, possession convenience, and post possession convenience are all
factors that influence customer happiness when purchasing online. Amazon and Alibaba are the two prominent
companies chosen for this comparison analysis. The reason for choosing these firms is that the both have different
business structure i.e Alibaba is B2B (Business-to-Business) business and Amazon is B2C (Business-to-Consumer)
business. Amazon- Amazon is the fastest growing company. It came in India in the year 2013 and began as a book-selling
website but has since grown to include electronics, software, video games, clothing, furniture, food, toys and Jewellery.
Now, it is a worldwide network of sellers and includes all the products that effectively carter to the demand of customer.
Amazon is known for disrupting well-established industries with technological advances and large-scale operations. It is
the fastest growing marketing. In the e-commerce world, Amazon is the most viable industry. It is 2nd biggest company
based in the United States and one of the most successful companies in the world. It conducts all its business operations
with suppliers and consumers exclusively via internet. Amazon’s success is quite visible from the book selling platform to
the worldwide network. Today it has almost everything available on its platform with various features like different types of
languages, voice search 24*7 customer support, wide network sellers, variety of products with easy return and
replacement, safe and convenient mode of payments, etc. these are some of the advantages that makes Amazon
successful and trustworthy platform with customer centric motive. Alibaba- Alibaba is a B2B Chinese company that allows
anyone to purchase or sell anything online from anywhere in the globe. It works both domestically and internationally. It's
marketing strategy is critical to attaining the company's overall strategic goals. How did Alibaba become so successful?
The answer is market segmentation or target market, as well as a marketing mix that includes aspects such as product,
pricing, location, and promotion. Alibaba has conducted marketing research and planning to determine the ideal

marketing mix for the company. It has gained long-term relationships with its suppliers and buyers as a result of these
operations, which benefit the company. Research Objective • To analyze the factors influencing customers buying
behavior • To compare Amazon and Alibaba on the basis of online shopping dynamics •

Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA SHIVA ...


To study whether there is significant effect of age on buying behavior of customers

Literature Review

Dr. Philipp Klaus (2013) - The study determined that performance and behavioral elements are the two key elements of
online customer care experience, according to the study. Functionality includes the sub-dimension of usefulness, product
engagement, interaction, social presence and engagement, as well as the technical attributes of the online vendor. The
study found that the relative relevance of the online customer service experience aspects varies based on the stage of the
encounter. CITATION DPK13 \l 1033 (Klaus, 2013) Goswami (2013)- According to the findings of the research “

89% MATCHING BLOCK 4/14 MUSRIF REPORT.docx (D103096355)

Customer Satisfaction with Online Shopping with Special Reference to Teenage Group of Jorhat Town”,

online shoppers are happy. The study concluded that, internet marketers should place a greater emphasis on the pricing
and after-sales factors. In the competitive period, all internet marketers must focus on customer satisfaction to keep
existing consumer and give fresh promotion on a daily basis to attract new clients. CITATION Gos13 \l 1033 (Goswami,
2013) Zhang (2013)- Popularity may be defined as the notion that many individuals are benefiting from the services of a
certain group purchasing site. The view is most likely a result of the large number of comments about the service. In
addition, promotions such as coupon may faithfully recommend that sometimes customers purchase before
consumption days. CITATION Zha13 \l 1033 (Zhang, 2013) Fatima and Lodhi’s (2015) – The research revealed that
advertisement is or the company to promote and create awareness about their product to customers and can change the
perception of the customers either in positive way or negative way. People can be perceived about the quality of the
product. This study concluded by saying that the quality of product, awareness of the product and consumer’s opinions
matters a lot in marketing. CITATION Lod15 \l 1033 (Lodhi, 2015) T. Shenbhagavadiu (2015)- Her study was about
“Customer satisfaction with Online Shopping” aimed at an understanding of consumer attitude towards online shopping
which will help marketers to obtain a competitive edge over others by improving the elements that impact consumers to
shop online and by focusing on variable affecting consumers to shop online. CITATION TSh15 \l 1033 (Shenbhagavadiu,
2015) Customer loyalty has evolved into a critical factor in determining an intermediate and long profitability of the
company. Customer loyalty is more relevant as a metric of market dominance than customer measured share of the
market. As a result, business leaders prefer to focus their efforts on developing customer loyalty in order to achieve a vital
competitive edge in face of tough competition. CITATION Zho \l 1033 (Zhouni, 2015) Sathya and Indirajith (2016) – The
study researched about the buying preferences of consumers are changing rapidly. The products which are considered as
luxury has now become a necessity as lifestyle of people are changing and so is their preference. The demand of
television, air conditioner, washing machine and refrigerator are increasing. There is a fall in the price of market as more
importance is given to value for money. CITATION Ind161 \l 1033 (Indirajith, 2016) R. Sunderaraj (2018) – the study
observed that the present era has been witnessed to have changed the trends of marketing. The online marketing has
been found as source which saves time and cost, and also provides variety of products. The study concluded that the
companies should use attractive and informative content to create awareness in between consumers about their product.
CITATION RSu18 \l 1033 (Sunderaraj, 2018) Swati Saini (2018) – The study focused on consumer purchase patterns in
order to assess customer satisfaction with Amazon’s services as well as customer loyalty to Amazon. The descriptive study
design was utilized to achieve these goals. The majority of participants are pleased with all the trails, including loyalty,
contentment and spending patterns. There isn’t a single person in the survey who is extremely disappointed with Amazon.
However, a small number of participants said that they don’t but from Amazon because of some of the company’s
shortcoming. CITATION SSa18 \l 1033 (Saini, 2018) U. Ashika Nancy (2018) – The study majorly focused on customer’s
satisfaction with Amazon online purchase in the Tirunelveli area. The study had several goals, including determining
customer’s attitudes regarding Amazon in Tirunelveli region, determining the benefits of internet shopping through
Amazon, and analyzing the problems that Amazon consumers encounter. The study discovered “Today, the internet is a
user-friendly form of communication, and its knowledge and usage levels are steadily expanding across all segments of

society”. CITATION UAN18 \l 1033 (Nancy, 2018) The brand association is a non-formal conclusion pertaining to the recall
of the brand’s meaning. CITATION Ans18 \l 1033 (Ansary, 2018) Marketplace brand equity is defined as “building a brand by
naming a product” and it is multi-dimensional and closely connected to the marketing concept. CITATION For18 \l 1033
(Foroudi, 2018) According to CITATION Yao18 \l 1033 (Yaoyueyong, 2018), valuable information about customer
influences consumer confidence and buy intent while shopping for clothes. Also CITATION Wan17 \l 1033 (Wang, 2017)
discovered that, despite the fact that many tourist firms share a lot of material on social media platforms, the marketing
effects is highly reliant on the value of the content perceived by customers. Syed Irfan Shafi - The research studies the
demographic factors which attracts people to purchase that cloth and also researched on the attributes of consumer
buying preferences. This study concluded that there are some main dimension of customers who appeals them the most
to buy specific apparel. The main dimensions are reference group, store and product attributes, promotions, income of
individual and celebrity engrossment. CITATION Sha19 \l 1033 (Shafi, 2019) Mansour demonstrated various online trust
determinant typologies. The research was done on online trust and to study various aspects which were rarely integrated
to address antecedents and consequences of online trust on perceived risk and online purchase intention. According to
the findings, personality-based trust, which includes integrity, credibility and benevolence, has a significant impact. Other
than this, cognitive-based trust and institutional-based trust have also been found significantly impacting online trust.
CITATION Man201 \l 1033 (Mansour, Kooli, & Utama, 2020) Mr. Rambabu Cherukur (2020)- The paper researched that
Amazon rapidly became into a global marketing ecosystem via the internet. In comparison to other online purchasing, it is
now primarily used in Amazon products. The most powerful modern market gradually displaced the marketplace.
Retailers are putting together stages to accommodate the growing demand for Amazon buying. The research aimed at
determining consumer views toward Amazon and came to the conclusion that customer are happy with the purchase
made on Amazon. CITATION MrC20 \l 1033 (Cherukur, 2020) Anil Kumar Yadav, emphasized on the current scenario
which is clearly known that Customers are very smart and have a variety of options from various sellers with a variety of
options for whatever products or services they require. After analyzing the data, it was discovered that most customers
are influenced by the quality of the product or service, which provides them with more satisfaction than other factors, and
that the majority of respondents are of the opinion that they never switch to other brands in times of price increases.
CITATION Ani211 \l 1033 (Kumar, 2021) Dr. A. Scarlet (2021)- the study was conducted on “customer satisfaction towards
online shopping in theni district”. The data was analyzed by using simple percentage analysis and ranking test. The survey
revealed that the majority of online customers are educated individuals and students who have a good attitude toward
online buying. However, risk perceptions, particularly concerns about online security, restrict many people from shopping
online. The study also found that, despite providing branded and high-quality products, customers are attracted to the
finest online shopping services. CITATION DrA21 \l 1033 (Scarlet, 2021) Sahney (2021)- The study investigated the various
aspects of online shopping in today’s world and the factors that influence the development of attitudes toward online-
shopping. The study concluded that online retailers should develop a better understanding with the customers, to ensure
a better management and communication between buyer, seller and the company. CITATION Sah21 \l 1033 (Sahney,
2021) Research Methodology This academic piece of paper intends to study on Online shopping Dynamics influencing
customer by analyzing 2 companies i.e. Amazon and Alibaba by using Quantitative Method to gather information to
identify the factors affecting their buying behavior. This paper includes questionnaire that was distributed to around 200
people out of which 161 responded. This study tries to cover all the factors influencing the consumer’s buying behavior
and also tried to identify whether the impact of advertisement and other such factors. Source of data- This research paper
includes primary data to reach to accurate result and conclusion. Primary data has been collected directly from individuals
by communicating with them and circulating questionnaire on various platforms. Test Applied- the test applied in this
research was Anova single factor and percentage analysis.


Management III RPAryan Shah _ Sanidhiya Vijayv ...


Hypothesis • H0- There is no significant effect of age on buying behavior of customers H1- There is significant effect of
age on buying behavior

of customers •

H0- There is no significant

impact on the preference of customer shopping from Amazon than Alibaba. H1- There is significant impact on the
preference of customer shopping from Amazon than Alibaba.

Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA SHIVA ...

Data Analysis and Findings 1.1. To study whether there is significant effect of age on buying behavior of customers. Null
hypothesis- (H0) There is no significant effect of age on buying behavior of customers Alternate hypothesis- (H1) There
is significant effect on buying behavior of customers Interpretation- The above table indicates mean square value in
between the groups to be 816.20658. F value is 13.11 with degree of freedom as 2. The p value is 5.38at 5% level of
significance which denotes age has no

significant effect on buying behavior of customers.

Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA SHIVA ...


Thus, null hypothesis that is H1: “There is no significant effect of age on buying behavior of customers”,

gets accepted.

1.2. Factors that influence customer buying behavior

There are many factors which influence consumer buying behavior. When this question was asked to the respondents,
39.8% selected attractiveness and brand ambassadors, 13% selected multimedia presentation and 7.5% selected others.
(The option were multiple selection) We can see that majority of the people think that attractiveness of the advertisement
i.e. connect and connect to reality influence people to tend towards that brand. most of the people have keen interest in
watching the way the product is advertised, so it is the responsibility of the advertisers of showcase all the features of the
product in their advertisement. People tend to watch advertisement for their uniqueness and creativity. There is another
factor which is mostly observed in the field of business is brand ambassador. Many of the people follow their favorite
actor or actress and if that particular actor advertises that product, people just buy it to see what is unique about that
product that he/she is using. multimedia presentation is one of the factor which influence their buying decision, this is
because if people watch the advertisement of same platform on different sources, most of the people develop interest for
that and this may influence their buying decision.

1.3. To compare Amazon and Alibaba on the basis of online shopping dynamics Null Hypothesis-(H0) There is no
significant impact on the preference of customer shopping from Amazon than Alibaba. Alternate Hypothesis-(H1) There is
significant impact on the preference of customer shopping from Amazon than Alibaba

Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA SHIVA ...


Interpretation- The above table indicates mean square value in between the groups to be 48.52484472. F value is 2.97
with degree of freedom as 1. The p value is 0.085 at 5% level of significance which denotes that

customers prefer to shop from Amazon over Alibaba i.e. there is no change in the preferences of the customer as Amazon
is a trusted website according to them.

Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA SHIVA ...


Thus, null hypothesis that is H1: “There is no significant

impact on the preference of customer shopping from Amazon than Alibaba”, gets accepted.

Conclusion As the competition is increasing, the marketing strategies are also changing. Marketing process has been
changed in today’s business world. With the change in technology the marketing strategies has also been changes. In this
competitive era, a businessman must be aware of the needs and wants of the consumer, which they expect while
purchasing clothes. Now-a-days majority of the people prefer e-commerce rather than traditional market, due to COVID-
19 situation. The buying behavior is strongly influenced by image of the product which is built by the advertisers. The
thorough study based on Online shopping Dynamics influencing customer: Amazon vs Alibaba, majority of the people
prefer to purchase products from Amazon over Alibaba as Amazon successfully implements its “know the customer”
strategy, its customer centric approach helps it to improve and grow tremendously. The reason behind this tremendous

growth of Amazon is increasing users of internet, service provider, government initiatives of promoting digital India, and
the advantages of e-commerce made it possible for Amazon to grow even more. Amazon’s marketing plan is built on a
common goal: to seamlessly link the digital and physical shopping experiences in order to be a part of every single
transaction. The same thing Alibaba also tries to do, but lacks in customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, which is a
huge drawback because if customers have trust issue, the website will not grow. On the other hand Amazon aspires to
become so strongly tooted in people’s lives that they can’t imagine life without it. Amazon loyalty and satisfaction is high
among customers, majority of the customers are willing to come back again due to good services provided by Amazon,
retained customers help Amazon in the future growth.

Implications The report is based on the characteristics of online shopping and incorporates e-commerce and customer
loyalty study literature. The study contributes to the e-commerce industry by demonstrating how to develop long-term
consumer relationships with customer by analyzing the customer loyalty and satisfaction towards Amazon, but Alibaba
lacks this customer loyalty and satisfaction, which results in decline in growth of the company. Hence, the study
recommends maintaining their trust and loyalty between the customers by offering post- sale services on the product
purchase. Alibaba should work on their core competence.


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Kirit P. Mehta School of Law Page 3

Hit and source - focused comparison, Side by Side
Submitted text As student entered the text in the submitted document.
Matching text As the text appears in the source.



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Submitted to: Submitted by: Dr. Kiran Gehani Hasija Saniya Submitted to: Submitted by: Dr. Kiran Gehani Aryan
Mishra (SAP ID-81022019128) Vipra Vashishtha (Sap ID- Shah SAP ID – 81022019535 Sanidhiya SAP ID -
81022019575) Table of Contents Abstract- 3 81022019576 Table of Contents ABSTRACT: 3

Management III RPAryan Shah _ Sanidhiya VijayvargiyaAryan - Sanidhiya.docx (D119567781)


Data Analysis and Findings 12 1.1. To study whether there DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 1.1 To study whether
is significant effect of age on buying behavior of there is significant effect of age on buying behaviour of
customers. 12 1.2. customers

Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA SHIVANI.docx (D120103626)


To study whether there is significant effect of age on To study whether there is significant effect of age on
buying behavior of customers buying behaviour of customers

Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA SHIVANI.docx (D120103626)


Customer Satisfaction with Online Shopping with Special

Reference to Teenage Group of Jorhat Town”,

MUSRIF REPORT.docx (D103096355)


Hypothesis • H0- There is no significant effect of age on hypothesis- (H0) There is no significant effect of Age on
buying behavior of customers H1- There is significant buying behaviour of customers. Alternate hypothesis- (H1)
effect of age on buying behavior There is significant effect of Age on buying behavior.

Management III RPAryan Shah _ Sanidhiya VijayvargiyaAryan - Sanidhiya.docx (D119567781)


Data Analysis and Findings 1.1. To study whether there is DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS To study whether there is
significant effect of age on buying behavior of customers. significant effect of age on buying behaviour of customers
Null hypothesis- (H0) There is no significant effect of age towards reliance Jio Null hypothesis – there is no
on buying behavior of customers Alternate hypothesis- significant effect of age on buying behaviour of customers
(H1) There is significant effect on buying behavior of towards reliance Jio Alternate hypothesis – there is
customers Interpretation- The above table indicates mean significant effect of age on buying behaviour of customers
square value in between the groups to be 816.20658. F reliance Jio Interpretation: The above table indicate mean
value is 13.11 with degree of freedom as 2. The p value is square value in between the groups to the 816.20658. F
5.38at 5% level of significance which denotes age has no value is 10.37156 with degree of freedom as 3. The p value
is 5.64 at level of significance which denotes that ag has

Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA SHIVANI.docx (D120103626)


Thus, null hypothesis that is H1: “There is no significant thus null hypothesis that is H1: there is no significant
effect of age on buying behavior of customers”, effect of age on buying behaviour of customers

Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA SHIVANI.docx (D120103626)


Interpretation- The above table indicates mean square Interpretation: The above table indicate mean square
value in between the groups to be 48.52484472. F value is value in between the groups to the 816.20658. F value is
2.97 with degree of freedom as 1. The p value is 0.085 at 10.37156 with degree of freedom as 3. The p value is 5.64
5% level of significance which denotes that at level of significance which denotes that

Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA SHIVANI.docx (D120103626)


Thus, null hypothesis that is H1: “There is no significant thus null hypothesis that is H1: there is no significant

Marketing III RPHarshita shivaniHARSHITA SHIVANI.docx (D120103626)


Customer Satisfaction Towards Online Shopping with

Special Reference to Teenage group of Jorhat Town
Paripex. India Journal of Research , 239-241.



A Study on Purchase Behavior of Consumer Durable

Goods with Special Reference to Tiruvarur District.
International Journal of Scientific , 6, 100-107.

CP Report - Anmol & Rakhi (Revised).docx (D103738894)


Impact of Advertisement on Buying Behaviors of the

consumers: Study of Cosmetic Industry in Karachi City.
Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research , 19, 22-30.

CP Report - Anmol & Rakhi (Revised).docx (D103738894)




17.Shivani Sharma_MM2022113.pdf (D111258973)


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