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if you have business travel in my place, I have a lot of advice for you. you should
travel by plane to save time because there is an airport here, besides you can also
avoid traffic jams and smog. On business trips, you may need to stay overnight.
It's important to book accommodation that is suitable for your trip and has
everything you need, so you can keep working during your stay. you can stay in
hotels because it's very comfortable, near shopping centers although a bit
expensive. if you want to travel around my town, you can travel by bike because it
makes you not only keep you healthy but also decrease stress and enjoy the view.
If you have free time, you should not miss to visit Sa Dec flower village, it's so
beautiful. There, you should also try Quang noodles, their taste will make you
unforgettable. that's all the advice i give you.

2 university
I am a freshman at the University of Information Technology-National University
of Ho Chi Minh City aka UIT. Today I will introduce my school. University of
Information Technology is a public school, a member of Vietnam National
University, Ho Chi Minh City. UIT uses a land campus of 12.3 hectares in the
planning area in Thu Duc, Ho Chi Minh City. there are a lot of advantages of
location. first, the cost of living is very cheap because it is located on the edge of
the city. Second the learning environment is nice because it is close to many other
universities. Beside that, there are still many disadvantages such as traffic jams,
far from city center, … I really like my school because of its good training quality,
good and loving teachers, and friendly friends. It creates a healthy learning
environment and helps me develop in the future.

3 save money
Saving money has a lot of advantages for everybody such as: first, it helps you reduce stress
because life always has unexpected situations and events during illness, disease, social
relationships. Besides that, it not only helps you practice self-discipline but also helps you feel
more secure. You will sleep better every night when you don't have to toss and turn, weigh the
costs of living, travel, shopping with money for future plans and personal interests. There are
several ways to save money such as dinner and breakfast at home, setting clear goals, don't
"despise" low-value money...You can also work part-time at restaurants, coffee shops, or as a
shipper to earn extra income.

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