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Time: 03 hours Full Marks: 100

(Answer All Questions) Pass Marks: 50

1. a. Success in NBCD depends mainly on ---- what? 3

b. Who is ANBCDO? What is his duty at harbor? 2
c. Why portable pump is so important? 2
d. What is the use of RAM fan? How it works? 2
e. Who are DCO and NBCPO? 1

2. a. What are the information’s you may get from a “Q series” report? 2
b. Draw and describe Door marking. Why MBLO disc is used? 4
c. Define different NBCD states of readiness. 4

3. a. Who will be NBCDI? Why generally it is not following in BN? 3

b. What are the responsibilities of NBCDO? 3
c. Who is responsible for ordering the NBCD state of readiness? 2
d. Why ventilation is required in ship? 2

4. Give a short note on following-

a. FRP of frigate 3

b. 2BA3-00 2
c. Crash stop ventilation 2
d. General rules of shoring 2
e. LAFB 1

5. a. You are on board a frigate while patrolling. At 0230 fire occurred. Who will close up? If
fire increase then who will join next up to abandon ship? 4
b. When Blanket search is carried out? 2
c. Draw as per Incident board marking – Smoke boundary, Distorted bulkhead, Splinter
hole in deck, Splinter hole in hull. 2

d. When Safe Guard is announced? 1

e. What is ITP? 1

6. a. What is the relation between Red risk zone and watertight control marking? 4
b. Is Fire discoverer a part of duty watch? Who is First aid fire fighter?
c. What are the main equipments to be kept with Fire Sentry? 2
d. Write down the composition of Support team. 2

7. a. How many persons are there in a standard HFEP organization in frigate? How HFEP
organization may be reduced in Frigate if crew is less? 4
b. What is the information that Jettison bill should contain? When it may be required? 3
c. Define- Citadel, Cleansing Station, Full fire fighting rig

8. a. You are on board a frigate. Preparing for gun firing at Delta area. Suddenly at 1245 fire
occurred in galley. Who will close up first? Fire was not extinguished and increased .Life raft
station is going to be announced soon. What will be the action of HQ 1 and FRP during Life raft
station and Abandon ship. 4
b. Write down the name of important Leak stopping device. 2
c. Give short note on- (i) SSEP for Frigate
(ii) Cooling and Smothering 4


9. a. What are the damage zones that a ship may be divided? 3

b. What is the difference between the markings Slow flood, Free flood and
Free surface? 3
c. Is fire fighting suit fire proof ? Minimum how many fire fighting suits do you need on
board to fight with fire and why? 2
d. What is Guide line and Life line? 2

10. Give short note on: 5x2= 10


b. EEBD and EDBA

c. Kill card

d. Control marking



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