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Clasa a V a
 Se acorda 10 p din oficiu.

1. Complete the sentences with the correct subject pronoun. (10p)

1. Maria’s from Rome. ________’s Italian.

2. This is Henry. ________’s my best friend.
3. Here’s my bike. _______’s new.
4. John and Mick are here. _________’re my frinds.
5. Hi. I’m Lisa. _________’m 12.
6. Elena and I are classmates. ______’re in class 1D.
7. Here are my friends. ______’re cool!
8. This is Sara. ______’s my sister.
9. My name’s Luc. ______’m French.
10. Maria and Paolo are from Rio de Janeiro. _______’re Brazilian.

2. Choose the correct answers. (5p)

1. Ricky’s from Italy. Your/ His dad’s American.
2. The boys are here. Our/ Their bikes are in the garden.
3. I’m Pauline. Your/ My mum’s Australian.
4. We’re from China.Our/ Your names are Chinese.
5. Here’s Maria. His/ Her brother is Luca.

3. Write negative sentences using the short form of the werb to be and the promts.(20p)

Edinburgh/ in England
Edinburgh isn’t in England.

1. Johnny Depp/ British.

2. My pizza/ hot.
3. You / Greek.
4. Sophie and Paul/ at my school.
5. Rome/ a modern city.
6. Ferraris/ American cars.
7. Big Ben/ in new York.
8. I/ Australian.
9. Cristiano Ronaldo/ Brazilian.
10. My sister and I/ American
4. Write questions for the answers below. (10p)
1. __________________________________________a big city?
Yes, it is. London is enormous.
2. __________________________________________your sister?
No, she isn’t. Sophie’s my cousin.
3. ___________________________________________Italian?
No, they aren’t. My cousins are from Albania.
4. ____________________________________________year 8?
No, I’m not. I’n in year 7.
5. ____________________________________________good students?
Yes, we are. We’re excellent students!

5. Complete the email with the words below: (15p)

Where granddad’s isn’t aren’t how old Sam’s what mum’s how

granny’s isn’t dad’s are when a

Hi Tessa

Here is a photo of my family. My brother John 1.__________ a student now-he's 18 and he's
2._________plumber.My other brother's name is Sam.He's 16 and he's a school student but
we 3. _____________ at the same school. My school's near my house but 4.
_____________ school is in the city centre. 5. ____________are your sisters? My 6.
_________name is Alan and he's a journalist. My mum's name is Lee. She 7.
_____________English. She's from China and she's an office worker.8______________are
your parent's jobs? My grandparents (my 9.____________parents) are in China.My 10.
_______________name is Jin (she's a nurse) and my 11. _____________name is Liu (he's a
scientist). Who 12. __________the people in your family? 13.
____________are your parents from?Send me a photo in your next email!


PS:My birthday's on 13th October-I'm 12. 14. ____________'s your birthday?

15. _____________________are you?

6. Write an email to your friend Matt about you and your family and answer his questions.

Write 25 – 35 words. (30p)

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